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English to Maltese - Rates: 0.07 - 0.08 EUR per word / 15 - 15 EUR per hour Maltese to English - Rates: 0.07 - 0.08 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Italian to English - Rates: 0.07 - 0.08 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Italian to Maltese - Rates: 0.07 - 0.08 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour
English to Maltese: Translation of EU document EN-MT
Source text - English Constructive cooperation with the EU and fellow financing institutions:
Dialogue with the European institutions that discuss and decide the Union's policies is important for setting the framework for the EIB's activities inside the European Union as well as outside. The European Commission, together with the EIB, prepared Council discussions and decisions in 2006 that will focus Bank activity for years to come. The EIB participates in the Council of Ministers (ECOFIN) and interacts with the European Parliament regularly.
Instruments and initiatives in the Union:
Intensive cooperation between the Commission and the EIB led to the introduction of new joint financial instruments and facilities in 2006 for the period 2007-2013. To support its policies, the Union has more budgetary and EIB resources available than ever, given the combined leverage effect of the EU budget and the EUR 48bn in capital market funds raised by the EIB annually.
The EIB Group has strengthened its procedures for cooperation with the European Commission by launching three new joint initiatives to enable the Member States to make wider use of the European Structural Funds - the amount of which has been significantly increased to EUR 308bn for the period 2007-2013. It will now be possible to allocate part of the Structural Funds for financial engineering purposes in areas providing support for SMEs and micro-enterprises (JEREMIE) or for urban social development (JESSICA). The third initiative (JASPERS) - financed by the Commission, the EIB Group and the EBRD - offers free technical assistance for identifying and implementing infrastructure projects in the new Member States that are eligible for financing from the Structural Funds. Several projects have already been pinpointed under these facilities. This technical assistance does not entail any obligation to seek financing from the EIB or EBRD.
Translation - Maltese Kooperazzjoni kostruttiva mal-UE u istituzzjonijiet finanzjarji oħra:
Djalogu mal-istituzzjonijiet Ewropej biex jiddiskutu u jiddeċiedu il-politiki tal-Unjoni huma importanti biex jiġi stabbilit il-qafas għall-attivitajiet tal-BEI fl-Unjoni Ewropea, kemm internament kif ukoll esternament. Il-Kummissjoni Ewropea, flimkien mal-BEI, ħejjew id-diskussjonijiet u d-deċiżjonijiet tal-Kunsill fl-2006 li jikkonċentraw fuq l-attivitajiet tal-Bank għas-snin li ġejjin. Il-BEI jipparteċipa fil-Kunsill tal-Ministri (ECOFIN) u jinteraġġixxa mal-Parlament Ewropew b’mod regolari.
Strumenti u inizjattivi fl-Unjoni:
Il-kooperazzjoni intensiva bejn il-Kummissjoni u l-BEI wasslet sabiex fl-2006 ġew introdotti strumenti u faċilitajiet finanzjarji konġunti ġodda għall-perjodu bejn 2007-2013. B’appoġġ għall-politiki tagħha, l-Unjoni għandha għad-dispożizzjoni tagħha aktar buġit u riżorsi tal-BEI minn qatt qabel, u dan meta jitqies l-effett ta’ lieva li għandhom flimkien il-buġit tal-UE u l-EUR 48 biljun f’fondi ta’ suq kapitali miġbura mill-BEI kull sena.
Il-Grupp BEI saħħaħ il-proċeduri tiegħu għall-kooperazzjoni mal-Kummissjoni Ewropea billi nieda tlett inizjattivi konġunti ġodda li jippermettu l-użu aktar wiesa’ tal-Fondi Strutturali Ewropej mill-iStati Membri – liema ammont ġie miżjud b’mod sinifikanti għall-EUR 308 biljun bejn il-perjodu 2007-2013. Issa se jibda jkun possibbli li parti mill-Fondi Strutturali tiġi allokata għall-skopijiet ta’ inġinerija finanzjarja f’żoni li jipprovdu appoġġ għall-IŻM (Intrapriżi Żgħar jew Medji) u l-mikro-intrapriżi (JEREMIE) jew għall-iżviluppi urbani u soċjali (JESSICA). It-tielet inizjattiva (JASPERS) – iffinanzjata mill-Kummissjoni, mill-Grupp BEI u l-BERŻ (Bank Ewropew għar-Rikostruzzjoni u l-iŻvilupp) – toffri assistanza teknika b’xejn għall-identifikazzjoni u l-implimentazzjoni ta’ proġetti futuri fl-iStati Membri ġodda li huma eleġibbli għall-finanzjament mill-Fondi Strutturali. Diġá ġew identifikati bosta proġetti taħt dawn il-faċilitajiet. Din l-assistenza teknika ma tinvolvi l-ebda obbligazzjoni li tfittex finanzjament mill-BEI jew BERŻ.
Italian to English: Facilitated diffusion General field: Medical Detailed field: Livestock / Animal Husbandry
Source text - Italian La diffusione facilitata, al pari della diffusione semplice, è sostenuta dalla esistenza di un gradiente di concentrazione, ma garantisce, a differenza di questa, una regolazione più fine (elevata velocità a basse concentrazioni, graduale riduzione verso concentrazioni più alte) e soprattutto una selettività dovuta alla specificità per il substrato che ciascun carrier possiede (ogni carrier riconosce e lega una data molecola ed è capace di trasportarla). Gli eritrociti umani, ad esempio, sono permeabili al D-glucoso e al D-galattoso, ma non al L-glucoso ed al L-galattoso.
Translation - English Facilitated diffusion, like simple diffusion, is supported by the existence of a gradient of concentration, but unlike the latter, guarantees more specific regulation (higher velocity at low concentrations, gradual reductions towards higher concentrations), and above all else, selectivity due to the specificity of the substrate that each carrier has (each carrier recognizes and binds to a given molecule and has the ability to transport it). Human erythrocytes, for example, are permeable to D-glucose and D-galactose, but not to L-glucose and L-galactose.
Translation education
Graduate diploma - University of Malta
Years of experience: 11. Registered at Apr 2014. Became a member: Apr 2014.
English to Maltese (Post Graduate Diploma in Translation, Terminology ) Maltese to English (Post Graduate Diploma in Translation, Terminology ) Italian to English (Post Graduate Diploma in Translation, Terminology ) Italian to Maltese (Post Graduate Diploma in Translation, Terminology )
Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
I am a B.Sc (Hons) graduate from Perugia University of Italy jointly with the University of Malta, and have recently completed with success my P.G Dip in Translation from the University of Malta and currently reading to complete my MA in Translation by next year. My work experience spans over a period of 23 years. The last 8 years were very enriching thanks to my involvement in a number of EU funded scientific research projects that brought me close to the EU administrative system and also to a multicultural and multilingual setting as a result of the various project partners with whom I collaborated. Prior to that, I have had the opportunity to work in a number of jobs including public administration (6 years), legal (6 years), telecommunication and marketing (3 years) during which time I gained considerable knowledge, both generic and specific, in the various subjects I worked in. I have the ability to adapt and to perform under many different circumstances, situations and duress. As a translator I am multi-skilled, diligent, reliable and talented. I can effectively communicate clearly with people from all social and professional backgrounds. I treat all my work with strict confidentiality and respect towards deadlines. Finally, I always strive to give customer satisfaction top priority in the most efficient and effective ways possible.