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Sample translations submitted: 1
Slovenian to English: The Christian Community on the Path through Time: History of Parish in Slovenia General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: History
Source text - Slovenian Krščanska skupnost na poti skozi čas: zgodovina župnije na Slovenskem.
Pastoralna teologinja Brigita Perše in stipe Nimac OFM v knjigi Krščanska skupnost na poti skozi čas prikažeta pod pastoralno-zodovinskim vidikom spreminjanje oblike župnije skozi čas, in to s težiščem na Slovenskem ozemlju, kar pojasni tudi podnaslov knjge Zgodovina župnije na Slovenskem. Avtorja sta knjigo razdelila na dva dela.
V prvem delu osvetlita pojav župnije kot osnovne celice cerkvene upravne ureditve in sledita njenemu razvoju vse od začetkov župnije v poapostolski dobi do II. vatikanskega koncila.
V drugem delu predstavita poskuse oživljenja župnij na Slovenskem od II. vatikanskega koncila do leta 2012, in sicer s pomočjo domačih uradnih dokumentov, ki zadevajo vlogo župnije.
Translation - English The Christian Community on the Path through Time: History of Parish in Slovenia.
Theologians Brigita Perše and Stipe nimac OFM, in their book, The Christian Community on the Path through Time, present both pastoral and historical attributes of the changing shape of the parish through time. As implied by the subtitle of the book History of Parish in Slovenia, their subject is the teritory of slovenia. The books is divided into two parts.
The firs part illuminates the phenomenon of the parish church as a basic administrative cell, and follows its development, from the inception of the parish system in post-apostolic times, through the Second Vatican Council. The second part presents attempts to revive parishes in Slovenia from the Second Vatican Council until 2012. The authors refers throughout to official archival documents relating to the role of parishes.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
English to Slovenian (Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia (C)
Across, Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, STAR Transit, Trados Studio
CV available upon request
My native language is Slovene and I have a BA in English (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia). Also, I have a MSc in Agriculture (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Biotechnical Faculty). I am experienced in translating research journal articles.
I live in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and I occasionally stay in Vienna (Austria).
Translator from Slovenian into English
1. Church management in the Light of Secular Management
2. The Christian Community on the Path Through Time: History of Parish in Slovenia
PERŠE, Brigita, NIMAC, Stipe. Krščanska skupnost na poti skozi čas : zgodovina župnije na Slovenskem, (Raziskave Religioznost in modernost, zv. 2). 1. izd. Ljubljana: Angla, 2014. 160 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-281-344-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 77657345]
3.Parishes in the Deanery of Ljubljana - Moste: Parish Communions Guided by a document Come and See
PERŠE, Brigita (author, photographer). Župnije v dekaniji Ljubljana - Moste : občestva na poti načrtovanja Pridite in poglejte, (Raziskave Religioznost in modernost, zv. 1). Ljubljana: Angla, 2014. 92 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-276-926-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 77048577]