English to Chinese: World's Food General field: Other Detailed field: Agriculture | |
Source text - English
Generally, people in less developed countries consume less than those in more developed nations. We see this in the energy consumption in different countries.
The very poorest people like these women queuing for bread in Afghanistan, lack even the basic necessities for a health life. “We are living in a house in the mountains, without any doors or windows. There is no running water, there is nothing. Living condition is very bad.”
At the moment, one in every three people in the world do not have regular access to their minimum food requirements. And one in six people don’t have a reliable source of clean drinking water.
This is not necessarily because there are too many people living in areas that don’t have enough water or productive land; in many cases, it is part of a cycle of poverty. Poverty makes it harder for people to care for the land that sustains them. Mozambique in southern Africa, has as much arable land per person as the United Kingdom, and only about one third of the UK’s population. However, farming in Mozambique is not only dangerous due to landmines leftover from civil war, it is also difficult. The poorest farmers have the poorest quality land, and the pressure to produce food leads to over farming and exhaustion of the soil. These problems are worsened by cycles of drought and flood. Against which there is little warning or protection.
Many people also rely on solid fuels such as wood and charcoal, because they are accessible and cheap. But gathering wood is difficult time consuming work. Plus deforestation causes erosion and further degradation of the land. With better access to information, materials and technology, many less developed countries could produce more food, in a more sustainable way. | Translation - Chinese
处在底层的贫苦大众,如这位在阿富汗山区排队等待分发面包的妇女,甚至没有维持健康生活的基本保障。“ 我们的房子在山区,没有门窗。我们没有自来水,什么都没有。生活条件十分恶劣。”
很多第三世界国家居民仍依赖如木材和木炭等固体燃料,因为这些东西容易获取且价格便宜。但是收集木材是一项费时费力的工作,而且森林退化会导致土壤侵蚀和土地质量下降。如果第三世界国家的居民能接触更多信息,获取更多生产资料和科技,很多欠发达国家可以以更可持续的方式产出更多的食物。 |