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Translation - English During my hectic weeklong interviews in Taiwan in mid June, there were two things that impressed me:
Upon my request for a technical assistance of a mal-functioning remote control at my hotel room, the hotel staff promptly promised to send a staff member for an examination. While waiting for the staff, I received a phone from one of my interviewees discussing the agenda of our impending interview. Yet at the same time, the door bell rang, evidently indicating the arrival of the staff. I had no choice but to ignore the doorbell since the matter on the phone was very important, and it was our first talk, no less. Five minutes later when I opened the door, what I saw was a smiling staff member waiting outside patiently.
The other episode occurred on a bus. The bus driver didn’t stop at the exact spot, leaving the passengers having to walk for a while before getting on the bus. I didn’t see any problem with it since this kind of thing happens from time to time. But when the driver opened the door, he promptly apologized to the passengers for the inconvenience. One of the female passengers was angry at the driver, yet the driver stayed respectful and apologetic all the same.
Chinese to English: an author's personal thoughts on his/her own work General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Chinese 這些年來逐漸體識到萬物自然界一草一木、一枯一榮都有恆久不變的定論,窗裡窗外,皆為如此。從窗內看窗外的過往雲煙,窗外園中的樹木,在春天萌芽,秋天落葉,看四季更迭、生與死、成長與凋謝,不正是一葉可以知秋的世界!因此,我以正方形來象徵心靈之窗,窗後面的老樹幹,寓意著萬物自然界中,生命短暫的一種表徵。延伸所及「牆」的連作時,回想起自己與七弟生前共度的一個台北盛夏,意外聽到蟬聲。當時七弟說起:蟬要蟄伏地下七年,從幼蟲長大成蟲,但是牠在地面上的歲月,只有那短短的一夏。難怪牠是那麼奮力,竭其所能地把最好的蟬鳴唱出,短暫的生命,因為那嘹亮的唱鳴而永恆不朽,那人類的生命,要表達的是什麼呢?
Translation - English I've come to realize that in nature, there are ebbs and flows, blossoms and withering, just like they have already been. It is also so inside and outside of the window. Outside the window, there are passing moments, trees and flowers in the garden that blossom when spring comes, falling leaves during fall, the four seasons that come and go, the deceased and the newborn, growing and dying, all of which echo exactly the Chinese proverb that “a fallen leave heralds the coming fall”. Therefore, I used a square to symbolize a mental window, and behind the window lies an old tree which underlies the short-lived journeys of all the living in nature. When I was working on the series of "Wall", I recalled a scorching summer I spent with my late younger brother (who was the 7th child in the family) in Taipei when, all of a sudden, we heard the sound of cicadas. Upon hearing that unique hissing, my late brother told me that cicadas would spend 7 years living underground as nymphs before emerging as adults to enjoy their very last summer. Little wonder they strive to make the unique sound as loud as they can. It is that high-pitched sound that makes their short-lived journeys seem everlasting. In this respect, what, then, do our lives try to bring to this world?
In the series of "Wall", the old tree is likened to the space of our lives. Rocks, on the other hand, remain to be an unchanged symbol deep in my heart. But the wall that stands diagonally, however, keeps the bonding of the family and friends to the other side; it is where love, hatred, grudge, and amicability are all at once forgotten.
Chinese to English: A product's introductioary passage General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Marketing
Explanation: The tea of the Yi Pao Tea series comes from a cool mountain area at an altitude of 800-plus meters where there are abundant rainfall and heavy mist. The plantation is irrigated with mountain spring, surrounded by the woods and covered with dense mist. The whole processes of growing, nurturing, and harvesting the tea is done manually, while monks gathered to chant songs to repel bugs in the garden. Being organic is what we strive for. With a rigorous selection, every single tea leave we pick is the best of the best, with blessings from the Buddhists.
Story of the Brand:
How “Yi Pao” came about:
In a haphazard fashion, while picking tea in the garden on a scorching day, Fofashan monks had a craving for tea to quench their thirst. For the sake of convenience, they put the tea leaves they just picked into boiling water. To their surprise, a unique pleasant smell came from the pot that eventually wafted across the mountain. Upon catching the fresh smell, those who were working in the garden stopped their work to taste the tea. The color of the tea was scarlet and the taste pleasantly sweet. It was when everybody was enjoying the tea that a white crane suddenly appeared in the sky that immediately dived towards the garden, as if it were going to have its share of the tea as well. At that time during sunset, the flying of home-bound wild geese in the red sky left a beautiful trail that stunned the viewers, with audible exclamations of wonder that followed. When they raised their heads towards the skies afar shortly after, what came to their view was a scene as bright and colorful as a firework show!
Chinese to English: A thesis abstract General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - Chinese 我國 藝術品交易稅制與藝文產業之關係比較研究,實應綜合社會各界對於藝術文化產業政策制定方針之建議,提出具體政策方案,以供政府相關部門進行決策思維時參酌: 1. 建構完整之視覺藝術產業之資料庫,2. 簡化賦稅制度,健全視覺藝術產業市場發展,3. 利用租稅優惠培植並建立足以使畫廊產業健全發展的市場機制,4. 利用合理的租稅規範強化我國視覺藝術產業於國際市場的競爭力。
Translation - English A Comparative Study of the Relationship of the Taiwanese Artwork Trading System and Its Cultural Industries was conducted in response to the suggestions from all walks of live regarding policies on the art and cultural industries. The study proposes explicit policies for the decision makers in the concerned governmental divisions: (1) set up a complete database of the visual art industry, (2) simplify tax policies to foster the development of the visual art market, (3) implement tax incentives and a sound mechanism to facilitate and spur the development of the gallery industry, and (4) introduce reasonable tax regulations to strengthen the competitiveness of Taiwan’s visual art industry.
From a tax law perspective, the study delves into the regulations of the current taxation and the art and cultural industries, in the hope of promoting artistic and cultural events by the simplification of tax regulations and tax deductions. Furthermore, the study suggests the government strike to achieve the following goals: (1) synchronize tax policies with cultural policies, (2) promote policies to simplify tax regulations and provide tax deductions, and (3) drive the market demand and increase tax incentive packages. In so doing, the study hopes that the Taiwanese government will create a transparent platform for trading artwork, attract overseas funds to the island, and create more local talented practitioners in the art and cultural industries.
Chinese to English: User's manual General field: Marketing Detailed field: Computers (general)
Source text - Chinese Overview:
Thank you for purchasing the OOOO 10.1SP. This Quick Start Guide will help you install the driver and the LCD Sketch-Pad. If you need more information, please refer to the electronic User’s Manual (English) on the installation CD.
Product and Accessories:
Note: Your OOOO and package contents are shown above. If anything is missing, contact your dealer immediately.
Hardware Installation:
Connect the 2-in-1 USB and HDMI cable into your computer and OOOO 10.1SP.
Software Driver Installation:
1. Install the Penates driver from the CD. If you do not have a CD/DVD driver, you can download the driver from “Supports” page.
2. When installing the driver, just follow the installation instructions on screen.
Note: You have to remove any existing tablet driver before installing the driver (including a pen tablet driver from another brand.)
Translation - English 總攬:
English to Chinese: Introductionary text General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - English After Qing China's defeat in the Sino-Japanese War (1894-95), she signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki (1895) with Japan and transferred Taiwan and “its appertaining islands” to Japan. Since then, whether these “appertaining islands” included the uninhabited Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands has remained highly controversial and unresolved. After Japan's defeat in WWII in 1945, without any objection from the Chinese authorities, the Cairo Declaration (1943), the San Francisco Peace Treaty (1951), and the Bilateral Treaty of Peace between Japan and China (1952) were all taken as the ultimate settlement of WWII, and they stipulated that Japan had to cede “all territories stolen”. During the SCAP period (1945-52), the U.S. occupied some of the islets of the Diaoyu/Senkaku group for military purposes. In 1972, the U.S. returned the Okinawa Prefecture, together with the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands, to Japan. Since then, both Chinese and Japanese governments and peoples have insisted on sovereignty over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands, leading to numerous civilian clashes, military provocations and diplomatic turbulences between the two nations. Meanwhile, no diplomats, politicians, government heads, legal and diplomatic experts or historians can offer an absolute solution to this controversy.
Translation - Chinese 清朝政府於中日戰爭(1894-95期間)戰敗,隨後與日本簽訂馬關條約,將台灣及「其附屬群島」割讓給日本。自此,究竟這些台灣的「附屬群島」有沒有包含釣魚台列島/尖閣諸島,爭議非常大,至今仍未解決。1945年日本在二戰戰敗後,在中國當局沒有任何反對下,開羅宣言(1943年)、舊金山和平條約(1951年)及中日和平條約(1952年)成了二戰最終的解決方案,要求日本必須把其「所有搶奪過來的領土」歸還原主。美國擔任盟軍最高統帥(1948-52)期間,占領部份釣魚台列島/尖閣諸島作為軍事用途。美國於1972年連同釣魚台列島/尖閣諸島,將沖繩縣一併歸還給日本。自此,中日雙方政府及人民堅持擁有釣魚台列島/尖閣諸島主權,引起雙方之間的民間衝突、軍事挑釁以及外交爭端。然而,至今不管是外交官、政客、政府領袖、法學及外交專家、或歷史學者,都未能提出可徹底處理此爭議的解決之道。
English to Chinese: Financial news article General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English Our markets: Growth was weak in emerging markets as economic pressures impacted consumer demand. Developed markets were flat, with a modest pick-up in North America partly offsetting market contraction in Europe. Globally, our markets grew by around 2.5% with flat volumes.
Overall performance: In 2014 we grew ahead of our markets, both in volume and value. With weaker consumer demand, underlying sales growth in emerging markets slowed to 5.7% whilst developed markets declined by (0.8)%. Home Care, Personal Care and Refreshment all grew but Foods was adversely impacted by spreads.
In the fourth quarter underlying sales grew 2.1% with a higher contribution from price but volumes remained weak. As expected, the trade de-stocking in China continued and led to a sales decline of around 20%. This particularly impacted Personal Care and Home Care. In many regions, competitive intensity remains high in all categories, and notably in Personal Care and Home Care.
For the full year core operating margin improved 40bps to 14.5% at current exchange rates. Gross margin declined by 20bps to 41.4%. This was largely driven by currency related cost increases in emerging markets, partly offset by pricing, savings and mix such as margin-accretive innovation. Significant efficiencies in the cost of producing advertising allowed us to increase our share of spend whilst maintaining brand and marketing investment at 14.8%. Overheads were reduced by 60bps, benefiting from stepped up savings efforts behind project Half.
Translation - Chinese 我們的市場:由於消費需求受到經濟壓力衝擊,我們在新興市場的成長顯得衰弱。另一方面,在已開發國家的市場表現也普普,僅有北美市場有小幅的成長,大抵可抵觸歐洲市場緊縮的表現。就我們的全球市場而言,成長率在2.5%上下,交易量有待加強。
English to Chinese: Financial article General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English Oil prices hit a record high of US$97 a barrel on Tuesday, but the next generation of consumers could look back on that price with envy. The severe predictions of a key report on international oil supplies released Wednesday suggest that oil prices could move irreversibly over the US$100-a-barrel threshold in the not too distant future, as the global economy faces a serious energy shortage.
This gloomy assessment comes from the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Paris-based organization representing the 26 rich member nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The agency is not known for alarmist warnings, and its World Energy Outlook is typically viewed by policy observers as a solid indicator of global energy supplies. In a marked change from its traditionally monotonous, measured tones, the IEA's 2007 report says governments need to make urgent, bold decisions on energy policy, or risk massive environmental and energy-supply crises within two decades — crises and shortages that could spark serious global conflicts.
Translation - Chinese 週二石油價格達到新高,一桶貴達美金97元。儘管如此,過一世代後,到時候的消費族群也許反而會對現在這價格感到羨慕。一份關於國際石油供應的關鍵報導預測,隨著國際面臨嚴峻的能源短缺問題,油價不久將衝破一桶百金美元的關卡,漲勢一去不返。該報導於週三出刊。
English to Chinese: A product's introductioary passage General field: Marketing Detailed field: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Source text - English International Semiconductor brings designers of industrial applications, lighting, power supplies and display a whole new generation of 500V Super-Junction MOSFETs -PowerMOS. The combination of their low RDS (ON) and total gate charge brings a 30 percent lower Figure of Merit (FOM) compared to International’s 600V PowerFET MOSFETs. These devices, the 165-milliohm-maximum ISP2N6N, ISPF2N6T and ISA2N6N, and the 199-milliohm-maximum ISP1N6N and ISPF1N6T offer best-in-class reverse recovery characteristics di/dt and dv/dt bringing higher reliability for resonant converter, LLC and phase-shifted full-bridge topologies found in switch mode power supply (SMPS) designs.
Compared to PowerFET MOSFETs, these 500V Super-Junction MOSFETs offer a low gate charge for the same RDS(ON), offering excellent switching performance and delivering 10 percent less switching and conduction losses, resulting in higher efficiency. They provide low input and output capacitances, improving efficiency at light load conditions. These features enable power supplies to meet ENERGY STAR 80 PLUS Gold classification for desktop PCs and Platinum classification for servers.
These products are part of International's comprehensive portfolio of MOSFETs that offer designers a wide range of breakdown voltages (-400V to 1000V), state-of-the-art packaging and industry-leading FOM to deliver efficient power management anywhere electronic power conversion is needed.
English to Chinese: education General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - English After I received the offers from two UC campuses, I hesitated. Both campuses accepted me as a business major. I had no engineering option at that time. After receiving my acceptances, I needed to fly back to Hong Kong for personal reasons. While I travelling on the aircraft, I kept thinking about that question; to enroll or not to enroll? Just when the plane touched down, the spoilers quickly rose, and the mechanism inside the wing came into my view. That scene completely fascinated me. A great feeling of curiosity about the mechanism filled my mind. My college-major question was answered at that moment. I changed my focus completely to engineering. I developed a new plan to enroll at Chabot community college, and then apply as a mechanical engineering major as transfer student.
In my Chabot years, I took many major-required courses. Having a chance to deeply learn physics (particularly mechanics), I can now answer some of the questions I had about machinery. For example, I learned the function of the four strokes of the internal combustion engine cycle that powers automobiles. I also learned different kinds of object-motion, and the concept of the center of gravity. I even did a class project on the motion of airplanes. My analysis included the calculation of the center of gravity, the centripetal force when an airplane makes a turn, and the torque generated when it yaws.
Translation - Chinese 當我收到來自加利福尼亞大學兩間校區的入學核准信時,我內心猶豫了。兩間都提供我商業主修的位子,那時我沒工程系這選項。收到信後,因個人因素,我必須飛回香港。在飛機上時,我不時思考:要註冊,還是不要註冊?就當飛機剛登陸後,飛機的擾流板立即上升,而機翼內的機構隨即映入我眼簾。那景象深深地吸引了我;對那機構的好奇心充斥我腦海裡;就在那當下,我已經知道我該選什麼主修了。我毅然決然地一心心繫工程學。我決定在恰博學院的社區大學註冊入學,並且以交換學生身分申請機械工程主修。
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Trados Studio, Wordfast
CV available upon request
Hello, I am Alvis Yu, a Taiwanese part-time interpreter based in Tokyo providing translation/interpretation/editing specializing in English and Chinese (Mandarin) services for individuals and firms alike. I hold a B.A. in Applied English and an M.A. in International Affairs.
Background Information:
1. I have experience living and working with native English speakers for over a year.
2. I’ve collected 20-plus English dictionaries, including English stylistic/usage books.
3. I am a member of Taipei Translators & Interpreters Union and Taiwan Association of Translation and Interpretation.
1. Scored 990 points (the highest possible score) on the TOEIC (the Test of English for International Communication) in 2013 without prior overseas exposure.
2. I have a strong history of demonstrating a high command of overall English skills.3. Got accepted to the GITI (Chinese-English pair) at Fu Jen University (one of the leading translation graduate programs on the island) on the first try.
3. Passed the screening test (Chinese to English) of Linguitronics, the leading translation agency in Taiwan, on the first attempt.
4. I've translated 10-plus books (not published yet).
Personal websites:
My blog, where you can see my translation/editing sampling
Liaison and consecutive interpretation services in the aforementioned fields. Simultaneous interpretation services in non-technical fields.
Simultaneous interpretation services in a not-too-technical setting.
consecutive interpreting: $310 USD / half a day
Liaison interpreting: $ 155 USD/ half a day
bilingual MC service: $ 110 USD/ half a day
Translating documents in the fields of literature, business, education, politics, international relations, marketing, among others, from English to Chinese and vice versa.
E-C Rates per source word: $0.04 – $0.08 USD
C-E Rates per source word: $0.05~$0.09 USD
(The actual rate depends on the difficulty (i.e. how technical the content is), word count, and urgency of the case.)
Editing services: polishing otherwise decent documents that are marred by poor English and awkward syntax
Rates range from $0.01-0.03 USD per source word (i.e. English word)
Free Trial: Regarding translation and editing services, there’ll be a free trial service with less than 150 words upon request. You can also take a look at my edited docs by visiting my WordPress blog.
CAT tools:
Memsource Editor
SDL Edit (2007)
SDL Trados Studio 2014
Wordfast (cloud version)
Clients/partners:Major Science A California-based company that designs, manufactures, and markets laboratory equipment that supports scientific research in life sciences laboratories ;Web localization, from English to Traditional Chinese
Linguitronics a leading translation agency in Taiwan; I work with them as a freelance translator
imagelephant a Taiwanese advertisement production house; I interpreted for them during their teleconference with an Australian client, from Chinese into English and vice versa.
Blue Moon Films a Taiwanese advertisement production house; I translated a storyboard and business letters from Chinese into English for them.
New Taipei City Government
(2015 New Taipei City International Trade Fair; I was a contract one-day interpreter providing CH<->EN consecutive interpreting service at an international trade fair held by the New Taipei Government.)
Meet the Translators partner translator/interpreter PTSGI partner freelance interpreter (I interpreted during a technical meeting for the 2016 International Children’s Games [ICG] held in New Taipei City.)