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Sample translations submitted: 2
Slovenian to English: A letter
Source text - Slovenian Draga gospa Westman
Lepo vas pozdravljam po dolgem času. Pošiljam vam nalogo, za katero sem porabila več časa, kot je predvideno, vendar včasih žal ne moremo vplivati na stvari, ki nam jih prinese življenje.
Tako kot sem planirala in kot sem vam napisala v prejšnjem sporočilu, sem v mesecu oktobru 2020 pričela z masažo za dojenčke. Na tečaju je bilo 5 mamic z dojenčki. Tečaj smo imeli 2.10.2020, 9.10.2020 in 16.10.2020.
19.10.2020 pa je bila v Sloveniji razglašena epidemija nalezljive bolezni Covid-19, ki ni več dovoljevala zbiranja ljudi. Takrat smo v dogovoru s starši tečaj prekinili v upanju, da je to le začasno.
Najprej smo se sicer preigravali z idejo, da bi tečaj končali tako, da vsako družino posebej obiščem na domu in naredimo še dve individualni srečanji, vendar smo to misel v skrbi za zdravje opustili.
Druga možnost pa je bil on-line tečaj, nad katerim pa starši niso bili navdušeni. Priznam, da bi bilo to velik izziv tudi zame, vendar bi se potrudila, če bi bil interes iz njihove strani.
Tako smo v upanju, da se epidemija čimprej konča, sklenili srečanja po tretjem tečaju.
Starši so dobili gradivo za tiste dele telesa, ki smo jih zmasirali skupaj. Vzpodbudila sem jih, da naj zaupajo sebi in znanju, ki so ga dobili in z masažami nadaljujejo doma.
Žal je epidemija trajala vse do 15.06.2021 in takrat staršem te iste skupine ni bilo več zanimivo obiskovati tečaj, saj so bili otroci strari že približno eno leto.
Tako sem v začetku junija 2021, ko je bilo že dovoljeno zbiranje manjših skupin, formirala novo skupino, v katero je bilo prijavljenih 7 mamic z dojenčki, vendar dve nista prišli, tako da sem imela novo skupino 5ih mamic z dojenčki, ki so bile prisotne od prve do zadnje ure.
Tečaj je potekal v petih srečanjih od 4.6.2021 do 9.7.2021, saj je bil vmes državni praznik. Podrobnosti in potek tečaja so zapisane v zaključni nalogi.
Četudi je od izobraževanja minilo kar nekaj časa, mi tečaj ni povzročal težav, saj sem imela vsebinsko že vse pripravljeno, ponovno sem prebrala literaturo za obnovitev znanja, masažne prijeme pa sem si posnela takoj po zaključku tečaja.
Žal pa je na oddajo moje naloge močno vplivala huda bolezen mojega očeta, saj se mu je zdravstveno stanje močno poslabšalo v poletnih mesecih in je potreboval 24 urno nego in oskrbo, ki sva mu jo izmenično nudila z bratom. Oče se je kljub vsem naporom od nas poslovil.
Sedaj življenje sestavljam na novo.
Prioriteta na novi poti mi je tečaj masaže novorojenčka. Zelo sem bila namreč vesela, ko se mi je ponudila priložnost, da osvojim znanje masaže, saj sem 15 let delala z dojenčki in malimi otroki in absolutno verjamem v moč dotika. Tečaj je bil zame odlična nadgradnja in potrditev vedenja o otrokovih potrebah po komunikaciji preko dotika. To izvrstno izkušnjo za dojenčke in njihove družine bi srčno rada čimprej ponudila tudi v okolju v katerem živim, to je na Obali.
S prisrčnimi pozdravi,
Špela XXXX
Translation - English Dear Mrs. Westman,
I trust this letter finds you in good health. I am finally sending you the task that took me a much longer time than originally anticipated. Unfortunately, at times, we cannot foresee the twists and turns that life may take.
As per my previous letter, I proceeded with the baby massage program as planned. In October 2020, we commenced the course with five mothers and their babies. The sessions were held on October 2nd, October 9th, and October 16th of 2020. However, on October 19th, 2020, the epidemic was declared in Slovenia, leading to restrictions on gatherings. In agreement with the parents, we decided to temporarily suspend the course, hoping for a swift resolution to the situation.
Initially, we considered continuing the course by conducting individual home visits for each family, involving two more sessions. However, due to concerns for everyone's well-being, we eventually discarded this idea. Another option explored was an online course, but the parents did not express significant enthusiasm for this format. While I acknowledge the challenges such an arrangement would entail, I would have dedicated my best efforts had there been genuine interest from their end.
Consequently, with hopes of an early end to the epidemic, we concluded the course after the third session. The parents were provided with materials for the body parts we had previously covered during the sessions. I encouraged them to have confidence in their abilities and the knowledge they had gained, urging them to continue practicing massages at home.
Regrettably, the epidemic persisted until June 15th, 2021. By that time, the parents from the original group were no longer interested in resuming the course, given that their children were nearly a year old.
In early June 2021, with the allowance of smaller group gatherings, I formed a new group comprised of seven mothers with babies. However, two participants did not ultimately join, leaving us with a new group of five mothers and their babies who remained engaged from the outset until the course's completion.
This new course spanned five sessions from June 4th, 2021, until July 2021, with a pause for a national holiday. The details and progress of the course are outlined in my final thesis. Despite the passage of time since the training, I encountered no challenges in conducting the course. I had the content well-prepared, revisited relevant literature to refresh my memory, and promptly documented massage techniques following the initial session.
Unfortunately, the submission of my assignment was significantly impacted by my father's severe illness. His health deteriorated rapidly during the summer months, necessitating round-the-clock care and attention, which my brother and I provided alternately. Despite his utmost efforts, my father bid us farewell.
Presently, I am rebuilding my life.
My foremost focus in this new chapter is on the infant massage course. The opportunity to enhance my understanding of baby massage was met with great joy. With 15 years of experience working with infants and young children, I firmly believe in the profound impact of touch. The course was a substantial enrichment of my knowledge and further affirmed my recognition of the importance of touch-based communication for children. My aspiration is to extend this valuable experience to babies and their families within the Coastal region of Slovenia, where I currently reside.
Yours sincerely,
Špela XXXX
Slovenian to English: Legal disclaimer General field: Law/Patents
Spodaj podpisani / podpisana izjavljam, da:
soglašam, da izvajalec obdeluje moje zgoraj navedene osebne podatke in želim, da na moj elektronski naslov pošilja obvestila in informacije, vse izključno z namenom organizacije in izvajanja delavnic oz. z namenom obveščanja in informiranja o morebitnih delavnicah, seminarjih, izobraževanjih, dejavnostih, akcijah, popustih in ostalih promocijskih in drugih aktivnostih izvajalca; Izvajalec bo osebne podatke varoval v skladu s predpisi o varstvu osebnih podatkov
Podpisani sem seznanjen:
-Z Izjavo o zasebnosti podjetja Mides Nepremičnine, ki je dostopna na lokaciji Studia Železna, Železna cesta 16, in o tem, da lahko privolitev za uporabo in obdelavo osebnih podatkov kadarkoli prekličem. Vse pridobljene osebne podatke bo podjetje Mides Nepremičnine d.o.o. in zanj Studio Železna uporabilo izključno za izvajanje obveščanja o aktivnostih podjetja.
-Da lahko kadarkoli zahtevam vpogled v moje osebne podatke, popravek mojih osebnih podatkov, izbris mojih osebnih podatkov, omejitev obdelave mojih osebnih podatkov, prenos osebnih podatkov in ugovarjam obdelavi mojih osebnih podatkov.
Video nadzor je omejen na vhod in izhod - vhodno in izhodno točko iz studia.
Nad prostorom se izvaja videonadzor.
Upravljalec videonadzora: Mides Nepremičnine, Kapiteljska 9, zanj Studio Železna, Železna cesta 16, 1000 Ljubljana
Kontakt pooblaščene osebe: [email protected], 051489018
Namen: Varovanje premoženja in uporabnikov, najemnikov ter obiskovalcev, skladno z zakonom.
Osebni podatki oziroma posnetki se hranijo do največ eno leto po nastanku, nato se zbrišejo.
I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data and declare my agreement
with the data protection regulations. I want the contractor to send notifications and
information to my e-mail address, all exclusively to organize and conduct workshops
or to inform and provide information about possible workshops, seminars, trainings,
activities, actions, discounts, and other promotional and similar activities of the
contractor; The contractor will protect personal data in accordance with regulations
on the protection of personal data.
I am cognizant of the Privacy Statement of the company Mides Nepremičnine, which
is accessible at the location of Studio Železna, Železna cesta 16.
I hereby represent that I have been informed about my right to:
- revoke my consent to the use and processing of personal data at any time. All
obtained personal data will be used by the company Mides Nepremičnine d.o.o. and
Studio Železna exclusively for providing information about the company's activities.
- request access to my personal data, correction of my personal data, deletion of my
personal data, limitation of the processing of my personal data, transfer of personal
data, and object to the processing of my personal data.
Video surveillance is limited to the entrance and exit of the studio.
The premises are under video surveillance.
Video surveillance operator: Mides Nepremičnine, Kapiteljska 9, for him Studio
Železna, Železna cesta 16, 1000 Ljubljana
Contact of the authorized person: [email protected], 051489018
Purpose: Protection of property and users, tenants, and visitors, under the law.
Personal data and recordings are kept for a maximum of one year after creation,
after which they are deleted.
I hereby provide my consent for the processing of my personal data and confirm my agreement with the data protection regulations. I request the contractor to transmit notifications and pertinent information to my designated e-mail address, solely for the purpose of coordinating and executing workshops or for disseminating details and updates about potential workshops, seminars, training sessions, events, promotions, discounts, and other related promotional endeavors by the contractor. The contractor is bound to safeguard personal data in strict compliance with the prevailing regulations governing the protection of personal data.
I am fully aware of the Privacy Statement issued by Mides Nepremičnine, which is conveniently accessible at the physical address of Studio Železna, situated at Železna cesta 16.
In this instance, I hereby attest that I have been duly informed of my entitlement to:
Revoke my consent for the utilization and processing of my personal data at any juncture. All acquired personal information will be exclusively employed by the company Mides Nepremičnine d.o.o. and Studio Železna, solely for the purpose of furnishing insights regarding the company's undertakings.
Petition access to my personal data, rectification of my personal data, erasure of my personal data, restriction of the processing of my personal data, transfer of personal data, and the right to object to the processing of my personal data.
The scope of video surveillance is restricted to the ingress and egress points of the studio.
The premises are subject to continuous video surveillance.
Operator of the video surveillance: Mides Nepremičnine, located at Kapiteljska 9, acting on behalf of Studio Železna, situated at Železna cesta 16, 1000 Ljubljana.
Contact details of the authorized individual: [email protected], 051 489 018.
Purpose: Safeguarding property and ensuring the security of users, lessees, and visitors, in accordance with the provisions of the law. Personal data and recorded materials shall be retained for a maximum duration of one year from their creation date, subsequent to which they shall be expunged.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Ljubljana (Department of Translation)
Years of experience: 13. Registered at Jan 2015.
I hold a translation degree encompassing English, Slovene,
and Italian languages, as well as a master's degree in English education from
the esteemed University of Ljubljana. My time at this institution provided me
with extensive academic expertise. Subsequently, I ventured into the realm of
freelance translation and content creation, where I worked on diverse projects
including websites, brochures, articles, legal and technical documents. My
writing proficiency extends to crafting content for a variety of clients, and
my essays and academic pieces, hosted on, have been widely
referenced by esteemed scholars worldwide.
At present, my role involves translation for the Aikwit
translation agency, situated in Ljubljana. My focus within this agency lies in
the translation of legal documents relating to education. Previously, I served
as a transcriber for the same organization, adeptly converting audio recordings
into written text. Additionally, I contribute written content to Impact Hero, a
promising Berlin-based company dedicated to sustainable development and nature
Furthermore, my linguistic repertoire expanded to encompass
the Spanish language during my years of residence and work in Spain. As a
result, I am well-versed and capable of effectively translating Spanish texts.
Among my notable achievements in this regard is the translation of a complex
legal real estate contract from Spanish.
Subsequently, as I embarked on a career in education, my passion for translation and writing has remained
a constant. These pursuits, which I engage in both privately and
professionally, bring me great joy. I am well-equipped to handle an array of
translation tasks, spanning non-fiction works such as scientific, technical,
and legal documents, as well as fiction, travel, and environmental writing.