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Dec 3, 2020 (posted Currently doing an English into Spanish translation of a 11,063-word Epilepsy webinar for the International League Against Epilepsy via TWB....more, + 9 other entries »
Medical doctor. Medical content writer. Translator and editor.
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Translation, Editing/proofreading, Transcription
Specializes in:
Medical (general)
Medical: Cardiology
Medical: Health Care
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Medical: Instruments
Medical: Dentistry
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Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Science (general)
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Sample translations submitted: 2
Spanish to English: PERFUME BAR DESCRIPTION General field: Medical
Source text - Spanish Descripición de la marca:
Los dermatólogos de Leaders tienen el objetivo de ayudar a mujeres y hombres de todo el mundo a lograr la piel saludable que merecen. Fundada en 2004, la marca no tardó en convertirse en un éxito de ventas en Corea gracias a su producto estrella: las mascarillas de tejido. Descubre lo último en cuidados dermatológicos con los innovadores tratamientos de Leaders.
Descripción del producto:
• TonyMoly
• Perfume en barra
• Suave e hidratante
• 9 g
Información general
Divertido perfume en barra.
Dos fragancias disponibles.
Beneficios del producto
Estos divertidos conejitos de diseño kawaii son, en realidad, perfumes en barra. Son muy fáciles de aplicar y de llevar encima. Su suave perfume es agradable y duradero. Además, tiene propiedades hidratantes. ¡Cuando lo pruebes no serás capaz de salir de casa sin uno!
Modo de empleo
Aplicar con suaves toques por detrás de las orejas y en el interior de la muñeca.
Translation - English Brand description:
The dermatologists at Leaders have the objective of helping women and men from around the world to achieve the healthy skin they deserve. Founded in 2004, the brand didn’t take much time in becoming a success in sales in Korea thanks to its star product: the tissue masks. Discover the latest in dermatologic care with the innovating treatments at Leaders.
Product description:
• TonyMoly
• Perfume bar
• Soft and hydrating
• 9 g
General information
Fun perfume bar.
Two fragrances available.
Benefits of the product
These funny bunnies of kawaii design are, in reality, perfume bars. Very easy to apply and to carry. Its soft perfume is pleasant and lasting. In addition, it has hydrating properties. When you try it you won’t be able to leave home without one!
Directions for use
Apply with light dabbing behind the ears and in the inside of the wrist.
English to Spanish: NOVEL CORONAVIRUS (2019-NCOV) OUTBREAK IN CHINA: Epidemiology General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Epidemiology — A novel coronavirus, designated 2019-nCoV, was identified as the cause of a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, a city in the Hubei province of China, at the end of 2019. By late January 2020, thousands of laboratory-confirmed cases in China had been reported, and the case count has been rising daily; the majority of reports are from Hubei and surrounding provinces, but numerous cases have been reported in other provinces and municipalities throughout China, including Beijing. Sporadic but increasing cases have also been reported in other countries globally (including countries in Asia and Europe, as well as Australia, the United States [Washington state, Illinois, California, and Arizona], and Canada), mainly among travelers from China. Updated case counts in English can be found on the World Health Organization and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control websites.
Epidemiologic investigation in Wuhan identified an initial association with a seafood market where most patients had worked or visited and which was subsequently closed for disinfection. The seafood market also sold live rabbits, snakes, and other animals. However, as the outbreak progressed, most laboratory-confirmed cases had no contact with this market, and cases were identified among health care workers and other contacts of patients with 2019-nCoV infection. Human-to-human transmission has been confirmed in China and has also been identified in other countries, including the United States. Understanding of the transmission risk is incomplete. One report of a small cluster of five cases suggested transmission from asymptomatic individuals during the incubation period; all patients in this cluster had mild illness.
Epidemiología: se identificó un nuevo coronavirus, designado 2019-nCoV, como la causa de un grupo de casos de neumonía en Wuhan, una ciudad en la provincia china de Hubei, a fines del 2019. A fines de enero del 2020, se habían reportado miles de casos en China confirmados por laboratorio, y el recuento de casos ha aumentado diariamente; la mayoría de los reportes son de Hubei y las provincias circundantes, pero se han reportado numerosos casos en otras provincias y municipios de toda China, incluyendo Beijing. También se han informado casos esporádicos pero crecientes en otros países globalmente (incluidos países de Asia y Europa, así como en Australia, los Estados Unidos [estado de Washington, Illinois, California y Arizona] y Canadá), principalmente entre los viajeros procedentes de China. Los recuentos de casos actualizados en inglés se pueden encontrar en los sitios web de la Organización Mundial de la Salud y del Centro Europeo para la Prevención y el Control de Enfermedades.
La investigación epidemiológica en Wuhan identificó una asociación inicial con un mercado de comida marina donde la mayoría de los pacientes habían trabajado o visitado y que subsecuentemente se cerró para desinfección. El mercado de comida marina también vendía conejos vivos, serpientes y otros animales. Sin embargo, a medida que avanzó el brote, la mayoría de los casos confirmados por laboratorio no tuvieron contacto con este mercado, y se identificaron casos entre los trabajadores de salud y otros contactos de pacientes con infección por 2019-nCoV. La transmisión de persona a persona se ha confirmado en China y también ha sido identificada en otros países, incluyendo los Estados Unidos. La comprensión del riesgo de transmisión es incompleta. Un informe de un pequeño grupo de cinco casos sugirió la transmisión de individuos asintomáticos durante el período de incubación; todos los pacientes en este grupo tenían enfermedad leve.
I am a medical doctor and also a professional translator that provides English<>Spanish translations. I have five years of professional translation experience. I work quickly, accurately, and always on schedule. I work well both individually and as part of a team, and I treat the jobs that I am given very seriously, always making them my top priority.
My native language is Spanish, and I am near-native in English. I have close to 20 years of personal and professional experience with the English language, and I am always looking for new opportunities to improve my skills. I also provide transcription services in both English and Spanish.
The following are a list of my most important qualifications:
Medical degree (in Spanish)
Advanced English certification
American Medical Writers Association Essential Skills Certificate Program
American Translators Association (ATA) membership
Translators without Borders badge
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
0 positive (0 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
English to Spanish
Specialty fields
Other fields
Keywords: Allergies, Allergy, American, American English, American Medical Writers Association, American Translators Association, AMWA, ATA, Anesthesia, Anesthesiology. See more.Allergies, Allergy, American, American English, American Medical Writers Association, American Translators Association, AMWA, ATA, Anesthesia, Anesthesiology, Breast cancer, Brochures, Cancer, Cancer patients, Cardiology, Check, Checking, Clinical, Clinical trial, Clinical trials, Critical care medicine, Dermatology, Dermatopathology, Doctor, Drug, Drugs, Edit, Editing, Editing service, Editing services, Editor, Editorial, Editorial service, Editorial services, English, English editing, English editing service, English editing services, English edition, English editor, English language, English speaker, English speaking, English translation, English translator, Emergency, Emergency medicine, Family medicine, Gene, Genes, Gene therapy, Genetics, Grammar, Gynecology, Health, Health care, Health editing, Health edition, Health editor, Health proofreader, Health proofreading, Health translating, Health translation, Health translator, Hospice and palliative care, Hospital, Hospitals, Immunology, Information, Internal medicine, Language, Languages, Latin American, Latin-American, Manuals, Medic, Medical, Medical books, Medical brochures, Medical degree, Medical doctor, Medical editing, Medical edition, Medical editor, Medical information, Medical manuals, Medical prescription, Medical proofreader, Medical proofreading, Medical reports, Medical studies, Medical translating, Medical translation, Medical translator, Medicine, Native, Neurology, Neuropathy, Nuclear medicine, Nursing, Obstetrics, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Pain medicine, Pathology, Pediatric anesthesiology, Pediatric dermatology, Pediatrics, Peru, Peruvian, Pharma, Pharmaceutical, Pharmacology, Pneumology, Prescribing information, Prescription, Preventive medicine, Primary care, Proofread, Proofreader, Proofreading, Psychology, Psychiatry, Physical medicine and rehabilitation, Procedural dermatology, Radiation oncology, Radiology, Reports, Rheumatology, Sleep medicine, Spanish, Spanish speaking, Spelling, Studies, Surgery, Translate, Translating, Translation, Translator, Translators, Translators Without Borders, Trial, Trials, TWB, Urology. See less.