Member since Jun '15

Working languages:
English to German
Spanish to German
Portuguese to German
Dutch to German
Spanish (monolingual)

1 x translation 2 x proofread. next day

Cartagena, Bolivar
Local time: 01:48 -05 (GMT-5)

Native in: German , Spanish Native in Spanish
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Feedback from
clients and colleagues

on Willingness to Work Again info
67 positive reviews
(2 unidentified)

8 ratings (5.00 avg. rating)

 Your feedback
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified member
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Editing/proofreading, Transcreation, Translation, Website localization, Software localization, Subtitling, MT post-editing
Specializes in:
Finance (general)Tourism & Travel
Law (general)Business/Commerce (general)
Internet, e-CommerceIT (Information Technology)
Medical (general)Investment / Securities
Advertising / Public RelationsMarketing

English to German - Standard rate: 0.09 USD per word / 48 USD per hour
Spanish to German - Standard rate: 0.10 USD per word / 48 USD per hour
Portuguese to German - Standard rate: 0.11 USD per word / 48 USD per hour
Dutch to German - Standard rate: 0.08 EUR per word / 45 EUR per hour

Blue Board entries made by this user  15 entries

Payment methods accepted PayPal, Wire transfer, Payoneer
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 12
Experience Years of experience: 24. Registered at May 2015. Became a member: Jun 2015. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials English to German (German Courts)
Spanish to German (Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft)
Memberships N/A
Software Across, Adobe Acrobat, Catalyst, ChatGPT, Crowdin, DeepL, Google Translator Toolkit, IBM CAT tool, Idiom, Indesign, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Pagemaker, Passolo, Powerpoint, PROMT, SDLX, Smartcat, Smartling, Trados Online Editor, Trados Studio, Wordbee, Wordfast, XTM



To give you
a quick overview I have attached some documents to this email. There you can
see how I work and why I can translate any kind of text. The result of
thousands of translations per year can be found in my references. A link to the
respective client is also included. In this way you can get a first impression
of how my customers rate me:


You can
therefore assume that each of my translations will proofread twice - one last
time in the finished document on the following day - to ensure an authentic
writing style that does not indicate that it is a translation. I know that this
is not necessarily a matter of course - and if I still find anything I do not
like in my text, I do a third proofreading. Because I know: your clients take
high quality very seriously. I am native German living in South America
and worked as a translator for many translation offices. Therefore, I offer
following language combinations:

English -

Dutch -

Spanish -

- German


Apart from
that I am a German advertising writer who worked for German advertising
companies. The range reaches from novels (US bestseller authors) to eBooks
(recently 25 eBooks about bonds, Swing trading, Forex market, binary option,
investment theories etc.), from website translation - all fields including
touristic (i.e., banks (i.e. to
medical, technical, software and IT, marketing and for translation agencies I
have translated their own websites (i.e.  I have
translated numerous contracts and agreements and all kinds of legal translation
(see attached). And I translated for companies such as Microsoft, WEBFocus,
Tourist Authority Panama and a lot more.


My normal
rate for translation is 7 cents/word (depending on language, text and
deadline). But in these particularly challenging times, there are idle times.
Because of that, please always ask for special prices for each project. 


One Word
about MT post-editing and machine translation: I am fully aware that machine
translation can reach an acceptable mostly error free quality. But in my
translation you will not find machine translation or something that is similar
to, except in small phrases which leave no other choice. On the other
hand, there is a high demand for machine translation: it works fast, is cheaper
and free of orthography and grammar mistakes. Apart from that machine
translation is improving.  


To play a
role in this business I have to take my part and offer MT post-editing for 3
cents/word, provided I can do the machine translation by myself, what gives me
as native speaker the opportunity to select the best result out of 4
translation engines (SDL, Deepl, Google and Microsoft). While your staff only
can run one engine for the whole text I can select the best match for each
field. The result is better and writing or other errors happening from
post-editing will be minimized. So consider my individual service when it comes
to machine translation before you even touch the text.   


The main
tools I work with are Trados 2021, MemoQ 9.3.  


I can work with company tools like Memsource etc.


Apart from
that I work as a lecturer and improve German writing styles. That means: I am
chosen by native speakers to improve their German language – even in cases, when
no translation is needed! Several years in my life I worked in a German
advertising agency as copywriter. So I know what words and phrases sell and you
will not only benefit from my knowledge as a translator but from my skill of
the German language. Furthermore, I have written and published 5 books in


I know HTML
from basic and ensure that the formatting of your website remains the same –
what is important for you and your client! I am skilled in SEO and can
translate websites with keywords, headers and html-tags in mind.


I work with
and have SDL Trados 2021, MemoQ 9.3, Wordfast Pro 3.2, POedit, Indesign,
Acrobat Pro Extended, Omnipage Pro, Corel, Pagemaker Microsoft Office and a lot
of other software to edit your text and put in the right form without changing
the original format.  


How I work:
What I translate today will be proofread twice tomorrow. A distance from the
translation assures that the text sounds original German without traces of the
original language - the second proofreading is a lecturer job to improve the
German language. It is important to use an impressive writing style, exact
words and matching synonyms, and to know when a word is too important to hide
it somewhere within a sentence. Because of that the second editing is


I speak
English, Spanish and German of course as my mother tongue. I understand
Portuguese and Dutch because I lived in Brazil and run a shop in Amsterdam for
several years. I translated English into German, Spanish into German, Dutch
into German, and occasionally Portuguese into German - but not in the other
direction, because I believe that translations should only be done by native
speakers. Although I studied English, have been working with English for nearly
40 years and have lived in English-speaking countries for eight years, thought
and even dreamed in English and have now been living in South America for
almost fifteen years I think nothing beats a native speaker.  


In case you
want to check my writing style you can have a look in my books. You will find
it on Amazon under the author name BodoLanza.  

Ten percent
of each book can be read for free online.  

published radio plays can be found here:
or google 'hans-peter pressmar hoerspiele'.

Take it as
reference for my German.


Thank you
for reading



[email protected]

Keywords: academic, academic papers, academic texts, academic translations, accuracy, accurate, adaptation, ad hoc, ad hoc statement, ad hoc statements. See more.academic, academic papers, academic texts, academic translations, accuracy, accurate, adaptation, ad hoc, ad hoc statement, ad hoc statements, adhoc, adhoc statement, adhoc statements, advertising, advertising copy, advertising expert, advertising specialist, agreement, agreements, annual report, annual reports, anthropological, anthropology, arts, auditing, banking, business correspondence, business letters, business texts, business translations, business translator, CAT tool, CAT tools, city guide, city guides, collaboration agreement, collaboration contract, commercial correspondence, conference, conferences, contract, contracts, copy editing, copyediting, copywriter, copywriting, corporate finance, corporate governance, current affairs, customer relationships, Deja Vu, Deja Vu 3, Deja Vu X, Derivative, derivates, derivatives documentation, derivatives trading, Due Diligence, economics, editing, editing and proofreading, editor, editor and proofreader, ethnographic, ethnography, ethnology, electronic trading, electronic trading platforms, environment, EC, European Community, EG, EU, European Union, Europäische Gemeinschaft, Europäische Union, Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft, EWG, financial markets, financial newsletters, financial services, financial services industry, financial statements, fund prospectuses, Futures, futures and options, high quality, hotel website, hotel websites, HR, human resources, humanities, international organisations, Internetauftritt, Internet-Auftritt, internet presentation, internet presentations, investment fund, investment funds, investment fund prospectus, insurance, insurances, insurance industry, investment fund prospectuses, investor relations, Konferenz, Konferenzen, legal contracts, logistics, M&A, M & A, mergers and acquisitions, management, management theory, market research, marketing, marketing expert, marketing specialist, marketing texts, Marktbericht, Marktberichte, memos, Optionen, options, options and futures, Optionsscheine, pamphlet, pamphlets, philosophy, politics, popular science, presentation, presentations, press release, press releases, Pressemeldung, Pressemeldungen, Pressemitteilung, Pressemitteilungen, proofreader, product brochure, product brochures, proofreader and editor, proofreading, proofreading and editing, psychology, quality translations, questionnaire, questionnaires, reports, risk analysis, sales letter, sales letters, slogans, slogans and taglines, social anthropology, social sciences, SDLX, social anthropology, social sciences, sociology, stock exchange, stockmarket, stock market, structured products, tagline, taglines, tax, taxation, taxes, tender, tenders, tender documentation, Texter, Texterstellung, text generation, Textgenerierung, Textgestaltung, top quality, tourism, tourism and travel, translating, translations, translator, travel and tourism, travel literature, travel magazine, travel magazines, work contract, Webauftritt, Web-Auftritt, website, Werbetexte, Werbetexten, Werbetexter, Xetra. See less.

Profile last updated
Feb 12