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Turkish to German Spanish to Turkish Turkish to Spanish Arabic to Turkish English to Spanish German to Spanish Arabic to Spanish Spanish to English Spanish to German Turkish to Arabic Spanish to Arabic German to English Arabic to English English to German Arabic to German English to Arabic German to Arabic
Source text - Turkish VEKALETNAME
T.C. Hudutları dahilinde bulunan bilumum Liman Başkanlıkları , Denizcilik Müsteşarlığı İstanbul Bölge Müdürlüğü , Kıyı emniyeti Gelirler Dairesi Başkanlığı , Deniz Limanı Şube Müdürlüğü Deniz Hudut Kapıları , Gümrük Müdürlükleri , Hudut Ve Sahiller Müdürlükleri , Akaryakıt Gümrük Müdürlükleri , TDI Istanbul Liman İşletmesi ve Türkiye Denizcilik İşletmelerinde olacak her türlü işlemleri intica , her türlü evrakları elden alıp vermeye , depozitolar yatırmaya ve geri almaya , her türlü beyanname , konşimento ve taahhütleri tanzim ve imzaya , T.C. dahilindeki bilcümle gümrüklerde namımıza gelecek olan emtiayı çekmeye , gümrük rüsum ve harçları ödemeye , ordino , beyanname , konşimento vesair evrakları acentelerden tebdil etmeye , T.C ve yabancı bayraklı gemi veya yatlarımıza acentelik hizmeti vermeye , gemi veya yat adamlarının bilumum giriş-çıkış işlemlerini yapmaya, icabında ithalat formaliteleri sırasında zuhur edecek ihtilaflara itiraz etmeye ,yanlışlıkları düzelttirmeye , evrakları imzaya , eksper ve kolcu tayinine , harçları ödemeye ve geri istemeye , fazla alındığı tespit edilen paraları geri almaya , kendi imzası ile almaya , depozito vermeye ve almaya , liman işletmeleri ambarlarında her türlü işleri takip ve icra etmeye, gümrük ve liman idare ve işletmelerinde her türlü ithal işlemlerinde tarafımızdan yapılması gereken bilcümle muamele ve işlemleri bizden farksız olarak takip,ifa ve inticaya birlikte veya ayrı münferiden mezun ve yetkili olmak üzere; XXX HİZMETLERİ LTD ŞTİ , vekil tayin edildi.
Translation - English Letter of attorney
Located in the boundaries of Republic of Turkey, do all kinds of transactions, accept and refund any kind of documents, to deposit and withdraw deposits, to issue and to declare all declarations, issue and sign of bills of lading and commitments, to withdraw from the customs within the Republic of Turkey, pay customs duties and fees, convert all insertion order, Declaration, bill of lading and other documents from the agencies, provide agency services for Turkish Republic and foreign flagged ships or yachts, to perform the entry-exit transactions of ships or yachtsmen, to appeal any disputes that may arise during the import formalities, correct the mistakes, Sign documents, appointment of the guard and expert, Pay the fees and reclaim, to take back the money which is determined to be taken much, to take with its own signature, take and give deposit, to keep track of all kinds of works in port warehouses, as indistinguishable from us follow up and perform all customs and port administrations and businesses, all kinds of import transactions, necessary treatments and transactions in Port Authorities, Undersecretaries of Maritime Affairs Istanbul Regional Directorate, Coastal Security Department of Revenues, Seaport Branch Directorate, Sea Border Gates, Customs offices, Border and Coastal Directorates, Fuel Customs Directorates, TDI Istanbul Port Authority and Turkey Maritime Organization, together or separately empowered XXX HİZMETLERİ LTD ŞTİ , was determined as Proxy.
German to Turkish (Hacettepe University) English to Turkish (Hacettepe University) Turkish to German (Hacettepe University) Turkish to English (Hacettepe University) Turkish to English (Hacettepe University)
Translator’s Association of Turkey
Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, FrameMaker, Google Translator Toolkit, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
We, as Pierid Translation, provide services for a wide range of language groups, mostly European languages. We focus on delivering translation, proofreading, and editing services.
We have been serving diverse industrial groups in their localization, translation, proofreading, and editing project for a wide range of documents including manuals, instructions, procedures, and technical specifications, contracts, reports of all kinds, as well as regulations, policies, and published papers, etc.:
1.Justice and Security
2.Woodworking, Paper, and Paper Products
3.Information Technologies
4.Glass, Cement, and Soil
7.Electricity and Electronics
8.Energy, and Construction
9.Finance, and Banking
10.Work and Management
11.Chemicals, Petroleum, Tyre, and Plastics
12.Culture, Art, and Design
15.Media, Communication, and Publishing
17.Automotive, Maritime, Aviation and Railway
18.Health and Social Services
19.Sports and Recreation
20.Agriculture, Hunting, and Fishing
21.Textile, Ready-to-Wear, Leather
22.Trade (Sales and Marketing)
23.Community and Personal Services
24.Tourism, Accommodation, Food, and Beverage Services
25.Transport, Logistics, Insurance, and Communication
27.Education, and Academics
We also join forces with our associates based in Dubai, London, Paris, Berlin, Berlin, Moscow, and India.
We feature an in-house staff of expert linguists that can take on translation, localization, proofreading, and editing jobs for periodicals, novels, and other types of books and publications.
You may ask for further information at any time and we will respond back in the shortest possible time. As well, please contact us for whatever project you may have and be assured that we will offer the minimum available pricing in the market.
We are looking forward to working together in the future.