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Translation, Interpreting
Specializes in:
Law (general)
Medical (general)
Business/Commerce (general)
Education / Pedagogy
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Also works in:
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Medical: Health Care
English to Spanish - Rates: 0.05 - 0.06 EUR per word Italian to Spanish - Rates: 0.05 - 0.06 EUR per word
Source text - English Wound measurement is an important component of wound assessment that allows baseline measurements to be recorded for future comparison and allows us to monitor healing times and predict outcomes. Accurate assessment of wound dimensions can be challenging in clinical practice. There are many methods that can be employed to measure a wound ranging from simple techniques, such as linear measurement, through to highly sophisticated computerised systems which may not be readily available in everyday clinical practice.
The XXX is an easy to use, portable, wound measuring device manufactured by XXX. The XXX, as seen in Figures 25 to 30, enables the practitioner to measure wound dimensions (surface area [cm2], length and width), producing a visible record that can be stored in patient records. Wound depth can be measured using the calibrated probe provided. The XXX also measures the percentage change since the previous record and can measure the percentage of viable/non-viable tissue present.
This innovative system is comprised of a three-layer grid, a probe to measure wound depth and a base unit.
How to use the XXX
-Remove the white backing layer from the three-layered grid.
-Place the sterile wound contact side of the grid over the wound and trace around the wound margins with a permanent pen
-Discard the layer in contact with the wound as clinical waste.
-Place the upper layer of the grid onto the XXX base unit
-The wound perimeter is transferred to the base unit by tracing over the image with the stylus
-The XXX unit can then calculate wound dimensions.
Translation - Spanish La medida de la herida es un componente importante para su evaluación que permite el registro de dimensiones de referencia (dimensiones iniciales) para futuras comparaciones y controlar el tiempo de curación y predecir los resultados. Una evaluación precisa de las dimensiones de la herida puede resultar dificultoso en la práctica clínica. Existen muchos métodos que pueden ser empleados para medir una herida, desde técnicas simples, como medición lineal, hasta sistemas informatizados sofisticados que pueden no estar disponibles en la práctica clínica diaria.
XXX es un dispositivo portátil de fácil manejo que mide las heridas fabricado por XXX. XXX, como se observa en las figuras 25 hasta 30, permite al profesional médico medir el tamaño de una herida (superficie en centímetros cuadrados longitud y anchura), produciendo un registro visual que puede ser almacenado en los historiales médicos de los pacientes. La profundidad de la herida puede medirse utilizando la sonda calibrada que se proporciona. XXX también mide el cambio porcentual desde el último registro y puede medir el porcentaje del tejido viable y no viable presente.
Este sistema innovador se compone de tres capas de redes, una sonda para medir la profundidad de la herida y una unidad base.
Cómo usar XXX:
-Quite la capa blanca trasera de la rejilla de tres capas.
-Coloque el lado estéril de la rejilla sobre la herida y trace alrededor del contorno de la herida con un bolígrafo permanente.
-Deshágase de la capa en contacto con la herida como desperdicio clínico.
-Coloque la capa superior de la red en la unidad base de XXX.
-El perímetro de la herida se transfiere a la unidad base trazándolo sobre la imagen con un lápiz óptico.
-La unidad del XXX puede entonces calcular el tamaño de la herida.
English to Spanish: ASSISTED BREATHING General field: Medical
Source text - English Conditions that may lead to respiratory distress or failure
The following diseases may progress to respiratory distress or failure
• Severe forms of asthma
• Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – a term used for lung conditions that involve obstruction to the airflow in the respiratory system, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema
• Heart failure
• Pneumonia and other lung infections
Respiratory distress or failure can also be caused by other circumstances
• Lungs injured by smoke, steam, or toxic gases (such as during a house fire)
• Lungs injured by a trauma (such as trauma caused in an automobile collision)
• Nearly drowning
• Inhaling vomit
• Inhaling an irritant, such as toxic gases
• Drug overdose
Translation - Spanish Enfermedades que pueden causar insuficiencia respiratoria o respiración dificultosa.
Las siguientes enfermedades pueden derivar en dificultad respiratoria o insuficiencia respiratoria:
• Formas graves del asma
• Enfermedad de obstrucción crónica pulmonar, un término que se usa para denominar el estado del pulmón que conlleva una obstrucción del flujo del aire en el sistema respiratorio, incluyendo la bronquitis y enfisema.
• Insuficiencia cardiaca
• Neumonía y otras infecciones pulmonares
La insuficiencia respiratoria o una respiratoria dificultosa también pueden estar causadas por otras circunstancias:
• Pulmones dañados por humo, vapor o gases tóxicos tales como los producidos por un incendio
• Pulmones dañados por un traumatismo, como por ejemplo el causado en un accidente automovilístico.
• Haber estado a punto de ahogarse en el agua.
• Aspiración de vómito
• Inhalación de un agente irritante como los gases tóxicos
• Sobredosis de drogas o fármacos.
English to Spanish: HAYFEVER
Source text - English Hayfever interferes with work and study
Obviously hayfever affects driving and other demanding tasks.
Hayfever interferes with the work of people in the public eye, from the receptionist to the head of the organisation, by interfering with their interaction with the public and others.
Hayfever causes loss of working days.
Older medicines for hayfever can make you sleepy, and even in people who don't feel sleepy or tired when they take them have a dangerous effect on driving and a bad effect on school work and other tasks.
Hayfever can cause:
• Nose symptoms:
o Sneezing
o Runny nose
o Blocked nose
o Itching in the nose, throat, and deep in the ears
o Headache due to sinusitis caused by swelling in the nose
• Eye symptoms:
o Watering
o Redness
o Itching
o Gritty feeling in the eyes
o Swelling of the whites of the eyes
• Chest symptoms: Wheezing or a feeling of tightness in the chest, or frank asthma. Really these are symptoms of asthma, and should simply be treated as such.
Translation - Spanish La alergia al polen interfiere con el trabajo y el estudio
Obviamente, la alergia al polen afecta a la conducción y otras tareas que requieren un alto nivel de concentración.
La alergia al polen interfiere con la función que desempeñan las personas que trabajan cara al público, desde el recepcionista hasta el director de una organización, interfiriendo en la interacción de estos con el público y otras personas.
La alergia al polen es una causa de baja laboral.
Los medicamentos tradicionales para la alergia al polen pueden producirle somnolencia, e incluso en las personas que no sienten somnolencia o cansancio cuando los tomas tienen efectos peligrosos para la conducción y efectos negativos en el rendimiento escolar y en otros trabajos.
La alergia al polen puede causar:
• Síntomas nasales:
o Estornudos
o Secreción nasal
o Nariz taponada
o Picazón de nariz, garganta, y en el interior del oído
o Dolor de cabeza debido a la sinusitis causada por la inflamación de la nariz
• Síntomas oculares
o Ojos llorosos
o Enrojecimiento
o Picor
o Sensación arenosa en los ojos (o síndrome de los ojos secos)
o Inflamación en el blanco de los ojos.
• Síntomas pectorales: Respiración dificultosa o sensación de pesadez en el pecho, o asma. Estos son síntomas de asma y deberían ser tratados como tales.
English to Spanish: XXX General field: Science Detailed field: Geology
Source text - English a b s t r a c t
Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions from fossil mammals are based on the straightforward relationship
between the environment and the mammal assemblage living in the area. However, in some cases the environmental
variables estimated from mammals are biased by local influences. The palaeoenvironmental reconstruction
of the Granada Basin (southern Spain) based on carbon and oxygen isotopes from enamel rodent teeth is
compared with the palaeoenvironmental data from small mammal assemblages. Estimated temperatures from
both proxies coincide, in general terms: cold-temperate conditions during the latest Tortonian (~16 °C; cold temperate
climate), dry sub-tropical conditions during the Messinian (16.6 °C–22 °C), and dry sub-tropical conditions
during the early Pliocene (16.6 °C–17.2 °C). Reconstructed humidity trends from both proxies only agree
in the first part of the record, showing dry conditions during the Tortonian–Messinian boundary and an increase
in humidity at the beginning of the Messinian. During the Messinian and earliest Pliocene, humidity trends in
each proxy are frequently opposed: small mammal assemblages suggest a huge increase in humidity at the beginning
of the Messinian, and a decreasing trend towards the Pliocene, whereas carbon isotopes from rodent
teeth suggest moderate humidity conditions during the Messinian. It can be concluded that physical changes
in the landscape would affect taxa with high dependence on humid conditions, and they are more likely to record
local environmental humidity changes rather than regional or global humidity ones. However, the past reconstructions
of temperatures are not biased by this effect, as the general temperature trends deduced from the faunal
assemblages as well as those deduced from the isotopic approaches coincide. The general climatic trends
reconstructed from isotopic analyses in small mammal teeth agree with the general environmental change in the western Mediterranean region as well as with the global evolution of sea temperatures.
Translation - Spanish Resumen
Las reconstrucciones paleoambientales a partir de mamíferos fósiles se basan en la relación directa entre el entorno y la asociación de los mamíferos que lo habitan. Sin embargo, en algunos casos las variables ambientales estimadas a partir de mamíferos se encuentran condicionadas por factores locales. La reconstrucción paleoambiental de la Cuenca de Granada (sur de España), basada en isótopos de carbono y oxígeno estudiados en el esmalte dental de roedores fósiles, se compara con información paleoambiental obtenida de las asociaciones de micro-mamíferos. En términos generales las temperaturas estimadas a partir de ambos indicadores coinciden: condiciones climáticas frías-templadas al final del Tortoniense (~16 °C; clima frío- templado), clima subtropical seco durante el Mesiniense (16.6 °C–22 °C), y clima subtropical seco durante el Plioceno inferior (16.6 °C–17.2 °C). La evolución de la humedad reconstruida a partir de ambos indicadores sólo coinciden en la primera parte del registro, donde se observa un clima seco durante el límite Tortoniense-Mesiniense y un aumento de humedad al principio del Mesiniense. Durante el Messiniense y el principio del Plioceno, la evolución de la humedad deducida con ambos indicadores son con frecuencia opuestas: las asociaciones de micro mamíferos sugieren un pronunciado aumento de la humedad al principio del Mesiniense, y una tendencia decreciente hacia el Plioceno, mientras que los isótopos de carbono obtenidos de los incisivos de roedores sugieren unas condiciones de humedad moderadas durante el Mesiniense. Se puede concluir por lo tanto que los cambios físicos en la topografía afectarían a aquellos taxones con una gran dependencia a condiciones húmedas, y probablemente registrarían cambios locales de humedad en lugar de regionales o globales. Sin embargo, las reconstrucciones de paleotemperaturas no están condicionadas por este factor, ya que las tendencias generales en las temperaturas deducidas a partir de asociaciones faunísticas coinciden con las deducidas a partir de los estudios isotópicos. Las tendencias climáticas generales reconstruidas a partir de análisis isotópicos en dientes de micro mamíferos coinciden con los cambios ambientales generales ocurridos en la región más occidental del Mediterráneo, así como con la evolución global de las temperaturas marinas.
English to Spanish: XXX General field: Art/Literary
Source text - English To the Munrung way of thinking, which was a slow and deliberate way, there couldn’t have been a better choice. He looked just like a second edition of his father, from his broad shoulders to his great thick neck, the battering centre of his strength. Glurk could throw a spear further than anyone. He could wrestle with a snarg, and wore a necklace of their long yellow teeth to prove it. He could lift a horse with one hand, run all day without tiring and creep up so close to a grazing animal that sometimes they’d die of shock before he had time to raise his spear. Admittedly he moved his lips when he was thinking, and the thoughts could be seen bumping against one another like dumplings in a stew, but he was not stupid. Not what you’d call stupid. His brain got there in the end. It just went the long way round.
“He’s a man of few words, and he doesn’t know what either of them mean”, people said, but not when he was within hearing.
Translation - Spanish Según la manera de pensar de los munruns, que era lenta y deliberada, no podría haber habido una elección mejor. Era como una segunda edición de su padre, desde sus amplios hombros a su grueso cuello, el centro de su fuerza. Glurk podía arrojar una lanza más lejos que nadie. Podía luchar contra un gamurrino con las manos desnudas, y llevaba un collar hecho con sus largos dientes amarillos para demostrarlo. Podía levantar un caballo con una sola mano, correr todo el día sin cansarse y arrastrarse sigilosamente tan cerca de un animal mientras pastaba que muchas veces se moría del susto antes de que tuviera tiempo de levantar la lanza. Es verdad que movía los labios cuando pensaba, y se podían ver sus pensamientos chocar unos contra otros como tropezones en un estofado, pero no era tonto. No lo que se dice tonto. Al final su cerebro llegaba. Simplemente seguía el camino más largo.
—Es un hombre de pocas palabras, y no sabe lo que significa ninguna de ellas —decía la gente cuando él no podía oírlos.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Granada
Years of experience: 12. Registered at Sep 2015.
Languages have always been my passion and I enjoy learning, teaching and working with them. I have loved the English language since I was a little girl so it was clear from that moment that my whole life had to be somehow related to this language. In 2002 and after studying in two different countries, Spain and Holland, I got a Bachelor´s Degree in English studies (Filología Inglesa) and started a career in education. But it was not teaching English that my career in education started, instead I moved to USA and worked there for 2 years teaching my mother tongue, Spanish. In those years I started doing my first translations. Although it was more so a side project and mainly as favours to friends and friends of friends, this was the beginning of my passion for translation.
When I went back to Spain I got the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English, and I did a master degree in Teaching Spanish as a Second Language. I started teaching both Spanish and English in Spain, but I could not forget my short but intense experience in Translation. I realised that I wanted to learn and become a professional in this field. The solution was to go back to University and so I did. For some years I worked as a teacher and was a University student at the same time. It was hard, but it was worth doing because Translation is a field that fascinates me.
I got a Bachelor´s Degree in Interpreting and Translation and I worked as both teacher and translator from 2013 until last June, when I decided to take a break from education and fully devote myself to translation.
In my career as a translator I have worked with various kinds of texts, ranging from commercial letters, Geology articles to medical texts and certificates. I also collaborate with researchers as a proof reader for their publications.
I would describe myself as a conscientious person who works hard and pays attention to detail. I'm also flexible and quick to pick up new skills. I enjoy translating almost any kind of text, even those which are not my expertise because I love challenges, researching and learning. Besides, I am an avid reader and I am very keen on literature and sometimes I translate literature solely for pleasure. However, I would be delighted if someone ever gave me the opportunity to work in this field.