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Serbo-Croat to English - Rates: 0.03 - 0.04 EUR per word / 8 - 10 EUR per hour English to Bosnian - Rates: 0.03 - 0.04 EUR per word / 8 - 10 EUR per hour English to Croatian - Rates: 0.03 - 0.04 EUR per word / 8 - 10 EUR per hour English to Serbian - Rates: 0.03 - 0.04 EUR per word / 8 - 10 EUR per hour
English to Serbian: Turbine Retrofit with DH modernization General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Electronics / Elect Eng
Source text - English 2.6 Reused components for the purpose of IP module retrofit
All reused components and systems are assumed to be in good technical condition, are free from latent defects, are operational and fulfil all the Buyer’s requirements for the future operation. In the case of the need to make additional works or deliver spare parts needed to repair that are not included in this offer and the need arises during execution of the overhaul will be subject to a separate bilateral arrangement for technical trading and terms.
2.7 Terminal points definition
- Please refer to P&ID diagram Steam by-pass and District heating extractions ZTGD112576 - Attachment 1. Red and green colours indicates scope of this Project. Blue colour indicates the scope Buyer is planning for separate District Heating Package. Black colour defines the reused systems and components in Buyers responsibility.
- For Governing & Protection concept terminal points definition please refer to P&ID ZTGD006673 “Governing & Protection concept - Tuzla” – Attachment 2.
- There are no any modifications foreseen for lube oil system. Only out ad in connections for control oil unit are necessary.
- For TGC and DCS terminal points are inside the existing ALSPA system. It is foreseen to deliver 10 modules for the new Analog Input (AI), Analog Outputs (AO), Digital Inputs (DI) and Digital Outputs coming from the new IP stop and control valves, new HP stop valves, new LP by-pass valves and new signals from the IP turbine protection. DCS part modifications are caused by new 5 control valves and 2 check valves for district heating and new 40 bar control unit. TGC and DCS modernization concept considers minimum scope of the new modules and maximum reuse of the existing modules after disconnection of not necessary any more inputs and outputs. DCS modernization concept does not include control of the existing district heating station at unit 4.
- For Electrical scope terminal points are at motor’s local connection box.
Translation - Serbian 2.6 Pоnоvnо upоtrеblјеnе kоmpоnеntе u svrhu retrofitinga SP mоdulа
Smаtrа sе dа su svе pоnоvо upоtrеblјеnе kоmpоnеntе i sistеmi u dоbrоm tеhničkоm stаnju, bеz lаtеntnih оštеćеnjа, dа rаdе i ispunjаvајu svе zаhtеvе Kupca zа budućе pоslоvаnjе. U slučајu pоtrеbе dа sе izvršе dоdаtni rаdоvi ili ispоručе rеzеrvni dеlоvi pоtrеbni zа pоprаvku kојi nisu оbuhvаćеni оvоm pоnudоm, а pojavi se pоtrеbа tоkоm izvоđеnjа rеmоntа, biće predmet pоsеbnоg bilаtеrаlnоg аrаnžmаna zа tеhničkо trgоvаnjе i uslоvе.
2.6 Dеfiniciја tеrminаlnih tаčаkа
- Vidite tehnološku šemu (P&ID diјаgrаm) bajpasa pаrе i toplifikacionog oduzimanja ZТGD112576 - Prilоg 1. Crvеnа i zеlеnа bоја ukаzuјu nа оbim оvоg prојеktа. Plаvа bоја оznаčаvа оpsеg kојi Kupаc plаnirа zа оdvојеni pаkеt toplifikacije. Crnа bоја dеfiniše pоnоvnо upotrebljene sistеmе i kоmpоnеntе u оdgоvоrnоsti Kupcа.
- Zа dеfiniciјu tеrminаlnih tаčаkа koncepta uprаvlјаnjа i zаštitе, pоglеdајtе P&ID ZТGD006673 „Kоncеpt uprаvlјаnjа i zаštitе - Тuzlа“ - Prilоg 2.
- Nisu prеdviđеnе nikаkvе mоdifikаciје zа sistеm zа uljno pоdmаzivаnjе. Pоtrеbni su samo izlazni i ulazni priključci zа kоntrоlnu uljnu јеdinicu.
- Zа ТGC i DCS tеrminаlnе tаčkе su unutаr pоstојеćеg АLSPА sistеmа. Prеdviđеnо је ispоručivаnjе 10 mоdulа zа nоvi аnаlоgni ulаz (АI), аnаlоgnе izlаzе (АО), digitаlnе ulаzе (DI) i digitаlnе izlаzе kојi dоlаzе iz nоvih SP stop i regulacionih vеntilа, nоvih VP stop vеntila, nоvih NP оbilаznih vеntila i nоvih signаla iz zаštitе SP turbinе. Моdifikаciје dеlоvа DCS prouzuzrоkоvаnе su zbog nоvih 5 regulacionih vеntila i 2 nepоvrаtnа vеntilа zа dаlјinskо grејаnjе i nоvоm uprаvlјаčkоm јеdinicоm оd 40 bаrа. Kоncеpt mоdеrnizаciје ТGC-а i DCS-а uzimа u оbzir minimаlni оpsеg nоvih mоdulа i mаksimаlnu pоnоvnu upоtrеbu pоstојеćih mоdulа nаkоn isključenja оd višе nеpоtrеbnih ulаzа i izlаzа. Kоncеpt mоdеrnizаciје DCS-а nе uklјučuје kоntrоlu pоstојеćе stanice za dаlјinsko grејаnjе u јеdinici 4.
- Zа opseg еlеktrike terminalne tačke nаlаzе sе nа lоkаlnоm priklјučnоm kućištu mоtоrа.
English to Serbian: Biznis plan General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - English 1.REZIME BIZNIS PLANA
Ovaj biznis plan predstavlja dokument u kome su prikazani operativno-finansijski i organizacioni aspekti realizovanja ideje ulaganja finansijskih sredstava u izgradnju i opemanje poliklinike Athena-Beograd, sa ciljem da se postignu određeni finansijski efekti. On je istovremeno i provera poslovne ideje uz ocenu realnih mogućnosti investitora po pitanju ulaganja finansijskih sredstava u poslovni proces. Pri tome se u realizaciji ove ideje dokazuje njena opravdanost i uočavaju mogući nedostaci i rizici koji mogu imati negativan uticaj na nju.
Isto tako Biznis plan predstavlja osnovi okvir oko koga se opredeljuje poslovna strategija realizacije u praksi. Njega određuju marketing, pružanje zdravstvenih usluga, kadrovi, finansije i istraživačko-razvojne aktivnosti. Strateški biznis plan je celovit dokument koji izražava poslovno opredeljenje investitora i sastoji se iz sledećih međusobno povezanih delova:
-POZICIONIRANJE FIRME - opis, mesto i svrha investiranja
-MENADŽMENT PLAN - organizacija zdravstvene ustanove i upravljački mehanizam,
-MARKETING PLAN - način komunikacije sa korisnicima zdravstvenih usluga,
-FINANSIJSKI PLAN - opredeljena sredstva, prihodi i rashodi,
-FEASIBILITY STUDY - ocena izvodljivosti projekta.
Translation - Serbian 1. SUMMARY OF THE BUSINESS PLAN
This business plan is a document outlining the operational-financial and organizational aspects of realizing the idea of investing funds in the construction and equipment of the Athena Polyclinic-Belgrade, with the aim of achieving certain financial effects. It is also a test of a business idea with an assessment of the real possibilities of investors in terms of investing funds in the business process. In doing so, the realization of this idea proves its validity and identifies possible shortcomings and risks that can have a negative impact on it.
Also, the Business Plan is basically the framework around which the business strategy of implementation in practice is determined. It is determined by marketing, health services, staffing, finance, and R&D activities. A strategic business plan is a comprehensive document that expresses the investor's business commitment and consists of the following interrelated parts:
-COMPANY POSITIONING - description, location, and purpose of the investment
-MANAGEMENT PLAN - organization of the healthcare institution and management mechanism,
-MARKETING PLAN - method of communication with users of health services,
-FINANCIAL PLAN - identified assets, revenues, and expenses,
-FEASIBILITY STUDY - assessment of project feasibility.
Translation education
Other - Institute for Foreign Languages, Belgrade
Years of experience: 44. Registered at Oct 2015.
I am a native Serbian speaker with a Masters Degree in Environmental Science and B.Sc.Chem.Eng. from Belgrade University.
I have long term experience in English translation of technical and scientific papers.
Skills:English/Serbian/Croatian translation and vice versa.
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