Swahili to English: Finding a Lasting Solution to Instability in The Democratic Republic of the Congo | |
Source text - Swahili Since its independence on June 30, 1960, the D.R.C. has been mostly a poster child for many of the problems that have afflicted Africa over the past five decades – military coups, rampant corruption, anemic development, health pandemics, runaway inflation, conflict minerals, and poor governance. After many years of looking at and trying to deal with a string of recurring crises in the DRC, many people have ignored or written off the country as simply hopeless. That would be a serious mistake for the people of the Congo, for those countries in Central Africa who neighbor and border it, and the global community, who recognize that we have a stake in promoting stability and social progress around the world, and that the instability in the D.R.C. is not cost free to the United States. | Translation - English Tangu ipate uhuru mnamo Juni 30, 1960, DRCkwa kias kikubwa imekuwa kielelezo cha matatizo mengi ambayo yamelikumba bara la Afrika katika muda wa miongo mitano iliyopita - mapinduzi ya kijeshi, rushwa iliyokithiri, upungufu wa maendeleo, kusambaa kwa maradhi, hali ya kupanda sana kwa gharama za maisha, madini ya mizozo, na utawala mbaya. Baada ya miaka mingi ya kuangalia na kujaribu kukabiliana na mlolongo wa mitafaruku inayotokea kila mara huko DRC, watu wengi wamepuuza au kuitoa thamani na kuiona kama nchi isiyo na matumaini. Hilo litakuwa kosa kubwa kwa watu wa Kongo, kwa nchi zile ambazo ziko Afrika ya Kati ambazo ni majirani na zinapakana nayo, na kwa jumuiya ya ulimwengu, ambayo inatambua kwamba tuna wajibu wa kuhamasisha uthabiti na maendeleo ya kijamii kote dunaini, na kwamba hali ya ukosefu wa uthabiti nchini DRC si jambo ambalo
halina gharama kwa Marekani. |