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Chinese to Spanish: 鳄梨大豆未皂化物 General field: Science Detailed field: Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Source text - Chinese 鳄梨大豆未皂化物是将鳄梨、大豆提取的未皂化物中天然活性成分进行复配形成的功能性配方产品。鳄梨大豆未皂化物是治疗风湿性关节炎的特效药:可 调节激素水平,抗衰老,有降低胆固醇和血脂,保护心血管和肝赃系统等重要生理功能,因此,深受消费者青睐。在召开的2000年太平洋流域国际化学协 会会议上,日本的研究者宣布,他们经研究发现,鳄梨中含有可能可以保护肝脏的有效化学成分。这一发现将有助于人们发明新的药物,用于治疗肝脏疾病。
Translation - Spanish Los insaponificables de aguacate y soja son una fórmula funcional compuesta a partir de los principios activos naturales presentes en los extractos de aguacate y soja no saponificados. Los insaponificables de aguacate y soja constituyen un tratamiento especial para la artritis reumatoide: su consumo es muy beneficioso pues ayuda a regular los niveles hormonales, previene el envejecimiento, disminuye el colesterol y los lípidos en sangre y protege importantes funciones fisiológicas como la cardiovascular, la hepática, etc. En la convención de la Unión Internacional de Química de la Cuenca del Pacífico del año 2000, investigadores japoneses anunciaron el descubrimiento de sustancias químicas contenidas en los aguacates capaces de proteger el hígado. Este descubrimiento ayudará al desarrollo de nuevos medicamentos contra las enfermedades hepáticas.
Se pesa con precisión (desviación típica 0,0002g) un patrón estándar de estigmasterol de 20g y se pone en un matraz volumétrico de una capacidad aproximada de 10ml. Se debe utilizar una pipeta de precisión para extraer 10μl de la solución normalizada (2mg/ml) del divisor de flujo. Hay que esperar a que la muestra se enfríe después de inyectar 1μl para presentar el análisis cromatográfico.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Barcelona
Years of experience: 20. Registered at Jul 2016.
If I could only be defined in one way, it would be as a facilitator
of communication, because my main motivation has always been to help
people understand each other (although it would be a shame to leave
out of this definition my great curiosity about everything around
me). Being a granddaughter, daughter and niece of medical
professionals, my biggest dream was to become a doctor. But life had
other plans and, due to different circumstances, I ended up pursuing
an education in what I was best at: philosophy of language, science
and logic.
During university I
began my studies in Chinese culture and language and with them came
my first contact with the world of translation. In 2003 I
collaborated with my teacher at the time, Pilar González España, on
the translation of one of the poems of her book Poemas del río Wang
de Wang Wei (“Wang Wei’s Wang river poems”), published by
Trotta in 2004 and which was a finalist in the Spanish National
Translation Award in 2005.
Since then I have
not stopped translating, mainly technical and scientific texts, or
training (in translation, specialized medical translation, medicine
for translators...). And, slowly but surely, fate, so fickle, which
had deprived me of my childhood dream, naturally led me back to it
through medical translation. In fact, I have worked for
end customers such asDePuy
of Johnson&Johnson
or the ITbM
of Nagoya
Why work with
-For the direct
interaction: you will have the possibility to communicate with me at
all times, to know how the project is going, to address any questions
or to make sure that the final text meets the desired
characteristics, style and tone. Avoiding intermediaries means
avoiding mistakes.
-For quality
assurance: my training and experience are extensive, but no one can
know everything. I can provide very good quality in almost every
field, but I only accept projects where I can guarantee the highest
-To be free of
problems: one of the things I have learned in all these years is to
quickly understand the needs of my clients. This allows me to
identify and anticipate possible problems and to find effective
-Because you hire
not only my knowledge and skill, you also hire the passion that
drives me in all my projects.
-Because your
project is not the important thing – you are. Now more than ever,
in an increasingly globalized and impersonal world, human
relationships, direct contact between people, are what distinguish
the excellence and authenticity of each business.
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