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Interpreting, Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Medical (general)
Military / Defense
Law: Contract(s)
Government / Politics
Business/Commerce (general)
Also works in:
Computers (general)
Computers: Systems, Networks
Computers: Software
Computers: Hardware
Media / Multimedia
Volunteer / Pro-bono work
Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
Bosnian to English - Standard rate: 0.12 USD per word / 75 USD per hour / 1.50 USD per audio/video minute Croatian to English - Standard rate: 0.12 USD per word / 75 USD per hour / 1.50 USD per audio/video minute Serbian to English - Standard rate: 0.12 USD per word / 75 USD per hour / 1.50 USD per audio/video minute Montenegrin to English - Standard rate: 0.12 USD per word / 75 USD per hour / 1.50 USD per audio/video minute English to Bosnian - Standard rate: 0.12 USD per word / 75 USD per hour / 1.50 USD per audio/video minute
English to Croatian - Standard rate: 0.12 USD per word / 75 USD per hour / 1.50 USD per audio/video minute English to Serbian - Standard rate: 0.12 USD per word / 75 USD per hour / 1.50 USD per audio/video minute English to Montenegrin - Standard rate: 0.12 USD per word / 75 USD per hour / 1.50 USD per audio/video minute Serbo-Croat to English - Standard rate: 0.12 USD per word / 75 USD per hour / 1.50 USD per audio/video minute English to Serbo-Croat - Standard rate: 0.12 USD per word / 75 USD per hour / 1.50 USD per audio/video minute
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English to Croatian: Intellectual Property General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Source text - English 1.1 “Intellectual Property” shall mean all intangible property, including but not limited to intellectual property such as:
(a) all copyrights, registered or unregistered, in all works of authorship, published or unpublished, database rights and all copyright registrations and applications to register copyrights, and any rights to secure renewals thereof and all moral rights and other rights corresponding thereto in works of authorship anywhere in the world including all works in which copyright subsists;
(b) all designs, utility models, design rights, domain names, internet identifiers and other internet keywords, all inventions (whether patentable or unpatentable and whether or not reduced to practice), all improvements thereto, and all trade secrets and confidential business and technical information (including ideas, know-how, formulas, technology, compositions, manufacturing and production processes, techniques, and specifications, technical data, engineering, production and other designs, plans, drawings, engineering notebooks, industrial models, software specifications, financial, marketing, and business data, pricing and cost information, business and marketing plans, and customer and supplier lists and information and any and all associated documentation);
(c) all rights to sue for and remedies against past, present, and future infringements of any or all of the foregoing, and rights of priority and protection of interests therein under the laws of any jurisdiction worldwide;
(d) any intellectual and industrial property and rights of a similar or corresponding nature in any part of the world whether registered or not, or capable of registration including all applications for, and continuations, re-filings, re-issues and extensions of any of the foregoing rights;
Translation - Croatian 1.1 „Intelektualno vlasništvo“ označava svu nematerijalnu imovinu, uključujući, ali ne ograničavajući se na intelektualno vlasništvo, kao što su:
(a) sva autorska prava, registrovana ili neregistrovana, u svim autorskim djelima, objavljenim ili neobjavljenim, prava na baze podataka i sve registracije autorskih prava i prijave za registraciju autorskih prava i sva prava da se osiguraju produženja istih i sva moralna prava i druga prava koja se na njih odnose u autorskim djelima bilo gdje u svijetu, uključujući sve radove na kojima postoji autorsko pravo;
(b) Svi dizajni, uslužni modeli, dizajnerska prava, imena domena, internet identifikatori i druge internetske ključne riječi, svi pronalasci (bez obzira da li ih je moguće patentirati ili ne i da li su svedeni na praksu ili ne), sva poboljšanja istih i sve poslovne tajne i povjerljive poslovne i tehničke informacije (uključujući ideje, know-how, formule, tehnologiju, sastav, postupke izrade i proizvodnje, tehnike i specifikacije, tehničke podatke, inženjering, proizvodne i druge dizajne, planove, crteže, inženjerske sveske, industrijske modele, softverske specifikacije, finansijske, marketinške i poslovne podatke, informacije o cijenama i troškovima, poslovne i marketinške planove, spiskove kupaca i dobavljača i informacije, kao i bilo koju ili svu pridruženu dokumentaciju);
(c) sva prava na tužbu i pravni lijekovi protiv prošlih, sadašnjih i budućih povreda bilo kojeg ili svih gore navedenih prava, i prava na prioritetno postupanje i zaštitu interesa u smislu navedenih prava po zakonima bilo koje jurisdikcije širom svijeta;
(d) bilo koje intelektualno i industrijsko vlasništvo i prava slične ili odgovarajuće prirode u bilo kojem dijelu svijeta bez obzira na to da li su registrovani ili ne, ili da li ih je moguće registrirati ili ne, uključujući sve zahtjeve za, i produženja, ponovno podnošenje, ponovno odobravanje i proširenja bilo kojeg od navedenih prava;
Years of experience: 27. Registered at Dec 2017. Became a member: May 2020.
Bosnian to English ( Association of Young Linguists and Interpreters in Bosnia and Herzegovina, verified) Croatian to English ( Association of Young Linguists and Interpreters in Bosnia and Herzegovina, verified) Serbian to English ( Association of Young Linguists and Interpreters in Bosnia and Herzegovina, verified) English to Bosnian ( Association of Young Linguists and Interpreters in Bosnia and Herzegovina, verified) English to Croatian ( Association of Young Linguists and Interpreters in Bosnia and Herzegovina, verified)
English to Serbian ( Association of Young Linguists and Interpreters in Bosnia and Herzegovina, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Google Translator Toolkit, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
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I am a professional conference interpreter with almost thirty years of experience interpreting for diplomats and world leaders at places like the UN, NATO, EU institutions, etc.
I have vast experience in on-site and remote simultaneous, consecutive, over-the-phone, video-remote, and chuchotage interpreting.
My primary fields of interpreting expertise are Medical, Covid-19, Veterinarian, UN, NATO, EU, Legal, Government, Financial, Insurance (Medicare & Medicaid), Vocational Education, Workers Compensations, Political, Migrations, Police, Military, Intelligence, Gasification, Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficacy, Transportation, e-Commerce, and Journalism.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
Keywords: Strong translation/interpretation, organizational, communication, analytical, and ICT skills. A versatile team player, eager to learn new skills using own initiative to achieve clients' objectives.