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Spanish to English: Flowers' Cavern Studios General field: Marketing Detailed field: Media / Multimedia
F L O W E R S ’
s t u d i o s
Somos un estudio de grabación profesional en el que podrás obtener el máximo potencial de tu sonido.
Flowers’ Cavern Studios es un espacio acústicamente diseñado para lograr un sonido de alta calidad.
Un ambiente moderno, agradable y cómodo donde fluye la creatividad que cuenta con las condiciones más profesionales además de con un equipo técnico experto en captar la esencia de tu banda. Aquí podrás descubrir lo que un estudio de grabación puede hacer por ti.
Indie, rap, pop, rock, heavy,… escuchamos todo tipo de música y sabemos lo que hacer para alcanzar una sonoridad amplia y dinámica para que tu proyecto adquiera la magnitud que se merece.
Si la música te apasiona tanto como a nosotros, no te pierdas esta experiencia porque nos encargaremos de que encuentres el sonido que estás buscando.
Combinamos el sonido analógico con las mejores y más modernas herramientas digitales. Tanto si deseas grabar en directo como por pistas el botón de REC estará encendido para registrar tu mejor toma.
Transmítenos tus referencias y qué quieres conseguir. Juntos tomaremos el control de tu visión artística y creativa para que tu música esté a otro nivel.
Potencia, dinámica, volumen, contundencia… Podemos llegar hasta donde quieras. Busques un sonido nítido, cálido, o distorsionado, encontrarás la riqueza armónica que deseas.
Ponte en nuestras manos para convertir tu idea en realidad. No tenemos prejuicios con el estilo porque nuestro único objetivo es hacer de tu canción un éxito.
Podemos crear desde la melodía más celestial hasta Godzilla destruyendo NY. Películas, cortos, publicidad… nos encantaría formar parte de la BSO de tu proyecto.
¿Quieres una sesión de fotos o makeof durante la grabación de tu disco? Contamos con un equipo profesional para que te lleves el mejor recuerdo de la Caverna. Solo tienes que pedirlo.
Te damos todas las facilidades si prefieres utilizar nuestras instalaciones por días o por horas.
Incluye la supervisión de un técnico y todo el material del estudio.
Cuñas publicitarias, doblaje, programas de radio, jingles, cuentos, montajes de sonido y todo lo que se te ocurra…
FLOWERS’ CAVERN STUDIOS es un estudio de grabación profesional situado en Mota del Cuervo, Cuenca. Un espacio íntimo que te permite abstraerte y concentrar todo tu talento para obtener tu mejor versión.
170 m² de instalaciones repartidas entre el control, la sala de grabación, y una zona de descanso que dispone de todo lo que necesitas para hacer tu grabación más confortable.
Además puedes utilizar un selecto backline para lo que precises.
Mira y descubre todo lo que Flowers’ Cavern puede ofrecerte.
Cuidamos cada detalle y tratamos con mimo cada proyecto, porque lo más importante es la calidad, el trabajo bien hecho y la implicación de los técnicos e ingenieros que colaboran contigo.
Desde el primer contacto nos interesamos por la banda para ofrecerle un enfoque personalizado tanto a nivel técnico como creativo para aportar a la grabación lo necesario para conseguir el mejor resultado.
[Galería: Echa un vistazo a nuestros trabajos / Descubre más trabajos clickando aquí]
Somos Jimena Quejigo y Nolasco Contreras. Una Ingeniera Informática con un Máster en Artes Visuales y Multimedia y un técnico de sonido con amplia experiencia en TV, directos y doblaje.
Nos entusiasma la música y todo lo que la rodea, por ello hemos construido Flowers’ Cavern Studios, para hacer tu talento aún más grande disfrutando juntos de ello.
Somos compositores, productores y músicos con formación de conservatorio. Queremos que vivas con nosotros lo genial que es experimentar con plugins, tocar un hammond, o buscar toma a toma un sonido, contando con nuestra técnica y sello de calidad sin perder la esencia de lo que vienes buscando.
Mira donde estamos, en pleno corazón de la Mancha, a 1h 15min de Madrid. Convive con tu banda y disfruta de todas nuestras instalaciones en un entorno rural donde la música cobra vida.
Contamos con distintos métodos de trabajo y tarifas para que todo el mundo pueda grabar sin limitaciones y con un sonido profesional. Llámanos y consúltanos, porque no queremos que te pierdas la experiencia Flowers’ Cavern Studios.
F L O W E R S ’
s t u d i o s
We are a professional recording studio where your sound can realize its full potential.
Flowers’ Cavern Studios is a space acoustically designed to achieve high quality sound.
It affords modern, pleasant, and comfortable surroundings where your creative juices can flow: an environment of consummate professionalism, with a technical team that specializes in capturing the essence of your band. Here you’ll find out just what a recording studio can do for you.
Indie, rap, pop, rock, heavy metal… We listen to all kinds of music, and we know how to create a broad, dynamic resonance so that your project takes on the dimension it deserves.
If you’re as passionate about music as we are, don’t miss out on this experience. We’ll see to it that you find the sound you’re looking for.
We combine the distinctive sound of analog with the finest state-of-the-art digital tools. Whether you want to record live and direct or track by track, the REC button will be engaged to lay down your best take.
Let us know who influences you and what you want to accomplish. Together we’ll take the reins of your artistic and creative vision and bring your music to the next level.
Power, dynamics, volume, robustness… We can take you anywhere you want to go. Whether you want a sound that’s crisp, warm, or distorted, you’ll find the rich harmonics your heart desires.
Put yourself in our hands to turn your concept into reality. We have no preconceived notions about style—our only objective is to make your song a success.
We can create anything from the most celestial melody to Godzilla destroying New York City. Movies, short films, commercials… We’d love to be a part of your project’s original soundtrack.
Would you like a photo session or “making-of” video while making your record? We have a team of professionals here to ensure that you will walk away with a cherished memento of your time at the Cavern. Anything you need—just ask.
If you prefer to use your own engineer instead of our staff, our facilities are available to rent by the day or by the hour.
A rental includes one of our technicians on-hand to supervise, and all the studio’s equipment.
Ad spots, dubbing, radio shows, jingles, stories, sound editing and just about anything else that may arise…
FLOWERS’ CAVERN STUDIOS is a professional recording studio located in Mota del Cuervo, Cuenca: an intimate space that sets your mind free to wander so you can focus all your talent on achieving the best possible result.
170 square meters of facilities divided between the control room, the live room, and a break area complete with all the accommodations that will make your recording session a more comfortable experience.
In addition, we’re pleased to offer you access to a first-rate backline for all your recording needs.
See for yourself all that Flowers’ Cavern can offer you.
We tend to every detail and treat each project with tender loving care. Our priority is quality, a job well done, and the dedicated commitment of the technicians and engineers who collaborate with you.
Right from the first moment of contact we take a special interest in the band so that we can offer you a personalized focus, both on a technical and creative level. That way we can provide whatever it takes to turn your record into an optimal finished product.
[Gallery: Our projects at a glance / Click here to discover more projects]
We are Jimena Quejigo and Nolasco Contreras: a computer engineer with a master’s degree in Visual Arts and Multimedia and an audio engineer with extensive experience in TV, live sound, and dubbing.
We are excited about everything to do with music, which is why we built Flowers’ Cavern Studios: to amplify your talent even more by enjoying it together.
We are composers, producers, and conservatory-trained musicians. We want you to experience how awesome it is to experiment with plugins, tickle the ivories on a Hammond organ, or do take after take in search of just the right sound. All the while, you can rely on our technique and our guarantee of excellence without losing the essence of what you had in mind when you arrived.
We are located right in the heart of La Mancha, an hour and fifteen minutes from Madrid. Enjoy our facilities as well as the camaraderie of your band in a rural setting where music comes alive.
We are flexible when it comes to rates and the way you work, because everyone should have access to professional recording without limits. Call us for a consultation—we don’t want you to miss out on the Flowers’ Cavern Studios experience.
Spanish to English: Why I Champion the Coca Leaf Detailed field: Food & Drink
Source text - Spanish Por qué defiendo la hoja de coca
Por Rodolfo Faggioni
Defiendo la hoja de coca porque es un alimento. Es un alimento riquísimo en vitaminas A y C, y rico en calcio, hierro, fibras, proteínas y calorías. Los primeros testimonios del uso alimentario de la hoja de coca en la región andina datan de hace 4.500 años. En aquella época, y en esa zona, la planta de la coca (Erytroxylon coca) era cultivada y los seres humanos hacían de ella un uso sano y sensato, como se hace hoy en los campos masticando las hojas, muchas veces con un reactivo como las cenizas o el bicarbonato de soda.
La coca es una planta alcaloide, así como lo son el té y el café, que contiene varios alcaloides; uno de ellos es la cocaína (presente en una cantidad mínima, entre 0.5 y 1.1% en las hojas de coca) que durante la masticación, por acción de la saliva, se combina con el resto de elementos alcalinos, descomponiéndose, para transformarse en ecgonina: esta substancia contribuye a quemar las grasas acumuladas en el hígado generando glucosa y, por lo tanto energía. Sin haber conocido al detalle tales procesos químicos, ya los incas, y antes de ellos los aymaras y quechuas, sabían que masticar hojas de coca proporcionaba bienestar y fuerza. El simple acto de pijchar o chajtar hojas de coca, o sea masticarlas y mantenerlas en la boca en una bola compacta y fibrosa, significa para el organismo una fuente de energía y nutrición.
La reputación de la coca, sin embargo, sufre en 1860 una valorización negativa cuando un químico alemán, Albert Neimann, consigue aislar el alcaloide de la cocaína. Es el inicio de la difusión de ésta como droga devastadora. Se ha tratado de un amino terciario que podría haber sido un buen anestético si su fuerte toxicidad y la dependencia psíquica que provoca, no hubieran orientado a los investigadores a soluciones obtenidas modificando en laboratorio la molécula de la cocaína. De este modo ha nacido la novocaína y muchos otros anestéticos de síntesis, mientras la cocaína, a partir del siglo XX, ha obtenido cada día mayor éxito como estupefaciente. Han bastado 150 años para poner en riesgo milenios de cultura, identidad y de bienestar.
No han faltado en el último siglo los usos para alimentos de la hoja de la coca. A principios del siglo XX un químico corso, Angelo Mariani, inventó un preparado alcohólico a base de hojas de coca, el Vin Mariani, que cosechó un éxito inmediato como tónico y remedio contra el dolor de garganta. En Estados Unidos se parte de esa receta para alcanzar, con sucesivas adaptaciones, quitándole el alcohol y añadiéndole cola, un tipo de nuez africana que contiene cafeína y jarabe-caramelo, la fórmula de la Coca Cola: y es este el caso más clamoroso de uso alimentario de las hojas de la coca que han sido descocainizadas antes del uso. Pero ni siquiera esto ha impedido que en 1961, en la Convención de la ONU en New York, Estados Unidos incluyera la hoja de la coca, y no la cocaína, como uno de los estupefacientes más dañinos. Producir cocaína de la coca no es simple. Son necesarios decenas de elementos químicos y laboratorios especializados.
En la actualidad, aquellos cocaleros de los Andes, del Chapare y de los Yungas que no quieren ceder a las lisonjas del narcotráfico, deben hacer arreglos con las pesantes intervenciones de la DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) estadounidense, que les ofrece indemnizaciones ridículas para la destrucción de los cultivos de coca con vagas promesas de reconversión de los cultivos. Una reconversión que nunca llega, así, cuando se acaban los dineros de la DEA, los cocaleros se convierten en fuerza-trabajo para el narcotráfico. [621 words]
Translation - English Why I Champion the Coca Leaf
By Rodolfo Faggioni
I champion the coca leaf first and foremost on the grounds that it is a highly nutritious food item, abundant in vitamins A and C and rich in calcium, iron, fiber, protein and calories.
The first accounts of the dietary use of the coca leaf date back to 4,500 years ago in the Andean region. At that time and place, the coca plant (Erythroxylum coca) was first cultivated by human beings. It was used sensibly and healthfully then, much as modern field workers do today by chewing the leaves, frequently adding a reagent such as ashes or baking soda.
Like coffee and tea, coca is an alkaloid plant. It contains several alkaloids, one of which is cocaine (present in the leaves in trace amounts, between 0.5 and 1.1%). As the leaves are chewed, saliva functions to combine this trace amount of cocaine with the other alkaline elements, a process which breaks it down and transforms it into a substance known as ecgonine. Ecgonine's function is to help burn fats that accumulate in the liver, generating glucose, and thereby energy.
Despite having no detailed knowledge of such chemical processes, the Incas, and the Aymaran and the Quechuan peoples before them, nevertheless knew that chewing coca leaves conferred well-being and strength. The simple act of pijchar or chajtar—that is, chewing coca leaves and holding them in the mouth in a compact, fibrous ball—provides a powerful source of energy and nutrition for the human body.
The reputation of the coca plant nonetheless took a negative turn in 1860 when German chemist Albert Neimann succeeded in isolating the alkaloid now known as cocaine. The discovery would lead to the spread of cocaine as a devastating drug. A tertiary amino compound, cocaine could have served as an effective anesthetic, had its highly toxic nature and the psychological dependence that it engenders not oriented research toward modifying the cocaine molecule in laboratories. This led to the genesis of procaine (often generically referred to as novocaine for the ubiquitous trade name Novocain) and many other synthetic anesthetics. Meanwhile, since the turn of the twentieth century, cocaine has achieved ever-growing success as a narcotic drug. 150 years was all it took to jeopardize millennia of culture, identity, and wellness.
The last century has seen no shortage of dietary uses for the coca leaf. In the early 20th century, Corsican chemist Angelo Mariani invented a coca wine known as Vin Mariani, which garnered immediate success as a tonic and sore-throat remedy. In the United States, a number of adaptations such as removing the alcohol and adding caramel coloring and kola, a type of African nut containing caffeine, meant that Mariani's recipe served as the basis of the Coca-Cola formula—the most illustrious example of decocainized coca leaves used as food. But even this did not prevent the United States from classifying the coca leaf, rather than cocaine, as one of the most harmful narcotic drugs at the UN's Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs held in New York in 1961. This is despite the fact that to extract cocaine from a coca plant is no simple feat; it requires dozens of chemicals and specialized laboratories.
Currently, Andean cocaleros, or coca growers, from the Chapare Province and the Yungas region who refuse to be enticed by the lure of drug trafficking must contend with the onerous interventions of the Drug Enforcement Administration. The DEA offers the cocaleros absurd payouts in exchange for destroying their coca crops, with vague promises of crop conversion. Such promises are inevitably broken, so when the money from the DEA runs out, the cocaleros are left with little choice but to become a drug-trafficking workforce.
Spanish to English: Uruguayan Customs Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Spanish COSTUMBRES URUGUAYAS
Por Andrea Calvete
Lo mejor de nuestra cultura, nuestras raíces, esas costumbres bien nuestras. Ellas integran nuestro modo de pensar, sentir y proceder. Están cargadas de momentos únicos en los que el tiempo ha marcado con sabiduría todo lo que vivimos, compartimos y aprendimos desde muy pequeños.
Las raíces guardan estrecha correlación con nuestra propia identidad, creencias, costumbres, la pertenencia a una comunidad. Por eso, lo mejor de nuestra cultura son ellas, pues nos definen con total exactitud e integridad.
Aquí o allá los uruguayos llevamos en nuestro corazón ciertas costumbres bien nuestras que forman parte de nuestra identidad, por eso ni la distancia ni los años han podido con ellas. El mate, el asado, el vino tinto, el truco, la rambla, el carnaval, las tortas fritas, el dulce de leche y el tango, forman parte de ese folklore uruguayo.
Son costumbres sencillas a las cuales nos aferramos sin darnos cuenta, pero a la distancia las miramos con cierta melancolía, sentimiento muy nuestro que se refleja en la canción Amor Profundo como forma de nuestro pensar y sentir: “En mi alegría se esconde siempre un lagrimón, sé que todo termina”.
Toda esta mezcla de costumbres, símbolos, vivencias, forman parte de nuestra cultura, de nuestra idiosincrasia, de ese sentirnos uruguayos aquí o en cualquier parte del mundo.
[Texto adaptado reproducido con permiso aparecido en
Calvete, A. (2011, Julio 27). Costumbres uruguayas. Obtenido de Vivencias: Andrea Calvete: ]
Translation - English URUGUAYAN CUSTOMS
By Andrea Calvete
All the best elements of our culture, our roots, the customs we can truly call our own: these are what make up our way of thinking, feeling, and behaving. They are brimming with unique moments upon which time, in its wisdom, has etched all that we have experienced, shared, and learned ever since we were very young.
Our roots closely correlate to our particular identity, beliefs, habits, and sense of belonging to a community. That is why our roots represent the best of our culture: they define us with utter accuracy and completeness.
Wherever we may roam, Uruguayans carry in our hearts certain customs all our own that shape our identity, which is why neither time nor distance have eroded them. Our own special herbal tea known as el mate; our brand of Uruguayan barbecue known as el asado; our love of red wine which we call el vino tinto; our national card game of stakes, el truco; strolling along la rambla, the boardwalk; celebrating Uruguayan Carnival all the way from January to mid-March, the longest carnaval festivities in the world; las tortas fritas, our simple pancakes fried in beef fat; eating toast spread with el dulce de leche, or sweet carmelized milk; and of course, the most famous dance of the River Plate region, el tango—each is a part of what comprises Uruguayan folklore.
They are simple customs to which we cling unconsciously, yet at a distance we look on them with a certain sadness. This distinctively Uruguayan melancholy is reflected in the song Amor Profundo (“Deep Love”), giving form to our modes of thought and feeling: "En mi alegría se esconde siempre un lagrimón, sé que todo termina." The lyric can be translated as: “Within my joy there are always hidden tears, for I know that everything ends.”
Taken as a whole, this mixture of customs, symbols, and experiences is part of our culture, of our idiosyncrasy, of what makes us feel distinctively Uruguayan, whether we are here or in any other part of the world.
[Reproduced text adapted with permission appeared in
Calvete, A. (2011, Julio 27). Costumbres uruguayas. Retrieved from Vivencias: Andrea Calvete:
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Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Years of experience: 4. Registered at Feb 2018.
Spanish to English (University of North Carolina at Charlotte: Bachelor's Degree in Spanish, Concentration in Translation, verified) Spanish to English (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain: Curso de Lengua y Cultura Españolas (160 hrs.), verified) Spanish to English (University of North Carolina at Charlotte: Certificate in Translation, verified) Spanish to English (University of North Carolina at Charlotte: Certificate in Business Spanish, verified) Spanish (ACTFL Spanish proficiency exam (Oral: Advanced Mid, Written: Advanced High))
Adobe Acrobat, CafeTran Espresso, CaptionHub, Google Translator Toolkit, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Translation Center, Smartcat
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*Please note that I am not available for work at this time due to life circumstances. I leave my profile up because I expect to be back in business in the future.
My name is Kristina Love and I'm a native speaker of U.S. English originally from Washington state, and now based out of Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
I am a recent summa cum laude graduate from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a bachelor’s degree in Spanish, concentration in Translation. In addition, I hold university certificatesin Translation and Business Spanish and an associate degree in Audio Production.
While my career trajectory has been nontraditional (I have worked as a recording studio manager and as an accounting clerk for Baker & Taylor, America's leading book distributor), I have had a deep interest in Spanish language and the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world since I was in middle school.
I have been fortunate enough to visit Quito, Ecuador, and to have the opportunity to spend a summer studying language and culture at the University of Salamanca in Spain.
I gained real-world translation experience through a variety of avenues: I spent a summer working for my city’s Latin American Coalition; I assisted Juan Fernández, University College London Spanish professor, author, and YouTube personality with a variety of translation, transcription, editing, and proofreading projects, including published books; and through I was chosen based on my sample to translate a 20-page academic analysis of environmental hazards in the Australian bush by Catalonian ecological economist Marc Torra. In addition, I edited the first fiction novel (an English-language political thriller) of Amazon best-selling author Jordon Greene.
Having trained as an audio engineer/technician at the Art Institute of Seattle, I am technologically literate, experienced with audio-visual digital editing programs and a plethora of multimedia software, and have a firm grasp of basic electronics.
In addition, my non-translation work experience includes exposure to accounting, bookkeeping, data-entry, office management, purchasing, retail, real estate, and the music business.
My coursework at UNC-Charlotte included subtitling, glossary development, re-creating source text formatting, localization, in-depth research, translation theory, and more.
I can use CAT tools if that is your preference. At the moment I am most comfortable using Smartcat and CafeTran Espresso. I am in the midst of familiarizing myself with other assistive technologies as well, including Memsource.
My personal interests include travel, psychology, personal development, science of all kinds, spirituality, health, nutrition, logic puzzles, mysteries, current events, history, philosophy, politics/government, journalism, creative writing, visual arts, PC games, and cinema/TV. I also enjoy listening to music and teaching myself to play guitar and piano.
Keywords: Spanish, English, translating, editing, proofreading, music industry, acoustics, songwriting, transcription, subtitling. See more.Spanish, English, translating, editing, proofreading, music industry, acoustics, songwriting, transcription, subtitling, subtitles, machine translation post-editing, MTPE, guitar, piano, multimedia software, digital editing, audio-visual, audio, audio technician, electronics, fiction, non-fiction, books, publishing, web content, recording business, recording engineer, mixing console, outboard gear, processors, accounting, bookkeeping, office management, studio manager, study abroad, bachelor degree, associate degree, Spain, Ecuador, Salamanca, Quito, volunteer work, graduate, internship, mentor, mentee, apprentice, volunteer, business, finance, retail, SmartCat, research, glossary development, alignment, localization, theory, formatting, freelance editor, Spanish to English translator, writer, data entry, music, personal development, self-improvement, physics, psychology, metaphysics, journalism, news, politics, health, beauty, fitness, cinema, film, TV, título universitario, inglés, español, español al inglés, hablante nativo de inglés, traducción, revisión, editación, corrección de pruebas, corrección de galeradas, industria musical, industria discográfica, negocio, acústica, composición, compositores, escribir canciones, transcripción, subtítulo, traducción automática y posedición, editación digital, ingeniero de sonido, electrónica, ficción, no ficción, libros, industria editorial, contenido web, la contabilidad, teneduría de libros, España, voluntariado, estudios en el extranjero, administración de las oficinas, graduado, pasantía, práctica educativa, experiencia laboral, la tutoría, aprendizaje, director de estudio, traductor español al inglés, los negocios, las finanzas, vender al por menor, investigación, la elaboración de glosarios, escritor, la música, localización, teoría de traducción, el formateo, entrada de datos, desarrollo personal, autosuperación, la física, psicología, metafísica, periodismo, las noticias, la política, la belleza, entrenamiento, gimnasio, el cine, películas, televisión, . See less.