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Jan 2, 2023 (posted Dec. 31, 2022 - Worked as a language mediator on occasion of a NGO vessel landing in my hometown port with migrants....more »
Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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English to Italian (University of Bologna - Facoltà di lingue e letterature straniere) Italian (University of Bologna - Facoltà di lingue e letterature straniere, verified) English (University of Bologna - Facoltà di lingue e letterature straniere, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, DejaVu, Indesign, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, ATMS, Smartling, Passolo, PhraseApp, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Smartling, Subtitle Edit, Subtitle Editor, Trados Online Editor, Trados Studio, Wordfast
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Since 2021 Self-employed translator, editor/reviewer,
post-editor, localiser, app tester. All fields, specializing in contracts, legal,
technical, maritime.
1998-2021 (23 years) Member of Language Service snc, an all-Italian translator
team based in Ravenna, Italy. Tasks: translator, reviewer, terminologist, localiser,
liaison interpreter.
1989-1998 (9 years) Secretary General at Europe Jazz Network, a
non-profit association of jazz stakeholders (festivals, event promoters,
agencies, musicians, orchestras, cultural institutions) managing a own BBS. Tasks: Coordination of members, databank
management, data entry, creation and management of web site, PR with members
and stakeholders, organisation of meetings, applications with EU funding
programs and institutions.
EDUCATION 1993 - Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures (4-year course) University of Bologna (Italy). Languages,
Linguistics, Translation, Literature, Art & History, Humanities.
1984 High School Leaving certificate in Applied Arts (5-year course) Istituto Statale d’Arte per il Mosaico
G.Severini, Ravenna (Italy). Art, history, mosaic.
2015 Qualified Sworn
Translator - Sworn translator enrolled in the Roll of
Experts (Translators and Interpreters) with the Chamber of Commerce of Ravenna under
no. 393.
- Sworn translator enrolled in the Roll of
Experts(Translators and Interpreters) with the
Court of Ravenna under no. 41.
2010 License as Chartered
Shipbroker Qualification obtained from the Chamber of
Commerce of Ancona (Italy). Enrolment in the Ancona Register of Chartered
Shipbrokers c/o the Ancona Chamber of Commerce.
Study subjects: maritime contracts,
national and international maritime legislation, insurances, brokerage
activities in the chartering and sale of ships, boats and cargoes. - In 2010 co-founder of a brokerage company
for the second-hand yacht segment.
1998 License as a Tourist
Guide in the English language for the city of Ravenna Obtained from the Provincial Administration of
Ravenna. - History, art and culture, highlights,
tourist legislation, English.
Keywords: Traduzioni, Traduzione, Trascrizione, Trascrizioni audio, Sottotitoli, Sottotitolazione, Traduzioni finanziarie, Sistemi di informazioni creditizie, Bilancio civilistico, Bilancio consolidato. See more.Traduzioni, Traduzione, Trascrizione, Trascrizioni audio, Sottotitoli, Sottotitolazione, Traduzioni finanziarie, Sistemi di informazioni creditizie, Bilancio civilistico, Bilancio consolidato, Nota integrativa, Società di revisione, Traduzioni marittime, Traduzioni navali, Armatore, Contratto di costruzione scafo, Atto di vendita nave yacht, Cancellazione dai registri navali, Estratto matricole, Estratto registro, Perizia merceologica, Coil, Acciaio, Rinfuse, Container, Cantiere nautico, Superyacht, Certificato di proprietà e cancellazione, Protocollo di accettazione e consegna, Certificato di proprietà, Polizza nave, Certificato di classe, Certificato società di classifica, Cancellazione di ipoteca, Manuale gestione rifiuti, Traduzioni documenti societari, Statuto, Certificato camerale, Certificato CCIAA, Verbale di assemblea, Verbale cda, Verbale consiglio di amministrazione, Atto di trasformazione di società, Questionari, Qualifica fornitori, Codice etico, Codice di condotta, Expat policy, Profilo aziendale, Organigramma, Durc, Traduzioni giuridiche, Traduzioni legali, Procura, Atti notarili, Casellario giudiziale, Certificato dei carichi Pendenti, Curriculum vitae, Autentica notarile, Acquisizione quote, Traduzioni giurate, Traduttore giurato, Traduzione contratti, Termini e condizioni, Contratti di compravendita, Certificazione energetica, Contratto di appalto, Contratto di Subappalto, Contratti quadro, master service agreement, Sicurezza, Analisi dei rischi, Matrice di rischio, Microclima, Documento di salute e sicurezza, DSS, Hazid, hazop, Formazione e informazione, Formazione sulla sicurezza, Politiche sicurezza e qualità, Politiche sicurezza ambiente qualità, Politica HSE, Servizi meteorologici, Servizi climatici, Tecniche di gestione aziendale, Corso motivazionale, Gestione del personale, Customer Service Skills, How to Protect Yourself Against Phishing Attacks, Problem-Solving Fundamentals, What Is Social Engineering?, Workplace Communication Basics, Setting Goals That Actually Work, Time Management Essentials, Advanced Problem-Solving, Create an Enviable Team Culture, 7 Go-to Strategies to Tame Stress, Communication Strategies for Project Managers, Dealing With Stress, Pressure, and Burnout, Effective Feedback Strategies, Resolving Conflict, A Manager's Guide to Resolving Team Conflict, Giving Effective Feedback, Good Stress? Embracing Eustress to Improve Your Life, Guide to Negotiation and Persuasion, How Great Leaders Solve Problems, Leading with Emotional Intelligence, The Secrets of Skilled Delegation, Traduzioni energia, Estrazione onshore, Estrazione offshore, Oil & gas, Offshore contractor, Programma di geologia operativa, Programma geologico perforazione completamento, Programma workover, Programma pozzo, Energie rinnovabili, Estrattivo, Estrazione, Testa pozzo, Pompe, Petrolifero, Perforazione e workover, Idrocarburi, Piattaforma di perforazione, Piattaforma di produzione, Jacket, Modulo alloggi, Centrale a biomasse, Transizione energetica, Pale eoliche, Eolico, Aerogeneratori, Solare, Fotovoltaico, Parco eolico, Decarbonizzazione, Bilancio di sostenibilità ambientale, Modello 231, Centrale idroelettrica, Elettrificazione, Potabilizzazione, Vetro, Ambiente, Gestione ambientale, Servizi ambientali, Medico, Studi clinici, Dispositivi medicali, Infusione, Traduzioni tecniche, Automazione, Materiali edili, sistema tintometrico, isolamento termico a cappotto, Finiture edilizie, Rivestimenti, Vernici, pitture e vernici per interno ed esterno, Gru, Domotica, Power tools, Sicurezza, Hse, Sistemi trattamento acque, Fertilizzanti, Macchine piegatrici, Arredamento, Arredi, Poltrone per teatri, Illuminotecnica, Produzione bitumi, Impianti per asfalto, Pompe per calcestruzzo, Sistemi trattamento superfici, Trasporto pneumatico, Dosatori, Dosatori gravimetrici, Dosatori volumetrici, E-commerce, Cloud-based, Software, Hardware, Tecnologia OCR, Scanner, Sistemi HVAC, Sistemi di condizionamento aria, Sistemi di climatizzazione, Marketing, Video promozionale, Borsa carichi, Piattaforme online, Piattaforma e-commerce, Lusso, Criptovalute, Piattaforme di scambio criptovalute, Bitcoin, NFT, Sistemi di condizionamento, Interpretariato, Interprete, Trattativa, Arte, Turismo, food, Festival musicale, Biografie musicisti, Terme, Pacchetti terme, Pacchetti turistici, Città d’arte, Food, Vino, Guida, Museale, Menù, Cura della persona, Prodotti cosmetici, Prodotti per capelli, Siti web, stringhe software, termini e condizioni generali, localizzazione, L10N, testi marketing, brochure, volantini, manuale, manuali, garanzia, cataloghi, ricambi, negozio online, vendita online, test funzionale, test linguistico, comunicati stampa, presentazioni, slide, powerpoint, policy, policies, presentazioni, relazione, report, materiali marketing.
Cat tool, Cat tools, translation memory, DTP, App tester, post-editor, posteditor, MTPE, machine learning, LQA, revisione, proofreading, final eye, AI, A.I., artificial intelligence, MT quality assessment, apprendimento profondo, revisore terzo.
Translations, Translation, Transcription, Audio transcripts, Subtitles, Subtitling, Financial translations, Credit information systems, Information services, Consumer profiling and digital solutions, decision management support, Financial statements, Consolidated financial statements, Notes to the financial statements, Auditing companies, Maritime translations, Shipping, Shipowner, Hull construction contracts, Deed of sale, ship, vessel, yacht, Deletion certificate, deletion from shipping registers, Extract from registers, Cargo surveys, Coils, Steel, Bulk, Containers, Shipyard, Superyachts, Certificate of ownership and cancellation, Protocol of acceptance and delivery, policy, Class certificate, Classification society, Mortgage cancellation, Waste management, Manuals, Translations of corporate documents, Articles of association, incorporation, Memorandum of association, Registration certificate, Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce certificate, Minutes of shareholders' meeting, Minutes of board of directors, Deed of transformation of company, Questionnaire, Suppliers’ qualification, Code of ethics, Code of conduct, Expat policy, Company profile, Organizational chart, Durc, Legal translation, Legal translations, Power of attorney, Notary deeds, Criminal record, Certificate of pending charges, Curriculum vitae, Notary, Authentication, Shares acquisition, Sworn translations, Sworn translator, Translation of contracts, Terms and conditions, Purchase and sale contracts, Energy certification, Contracts, Subcontracting, Agreement, Framework agreement, Framework contract, master service agreement, Security, Risk analysis, Risk matrix, Microclimate, Health and safety document, DSS, Hazid, Hazop, Training and information, Safety training, Safety and quality policies, Safety environment quality policies, HSE policy, Weather services, Climate services, Business management techniques, Motivational course, Personnel management, Energy Translations, Onshore, Offshore, Extraction, Exploitation, Oil & Gas, Offshore contractor, geology program, Geological program, drilling, completion, Workover program, Well program, Renewable energy, Mining, Wellhead, Pumps, Gas, Petroleum, Drilling and workover, Hydrocarbons, Drilling platform, Production platform, Jacket, Living quarter, Biomass power plant, Energy transition, Wind, Wind turbine, Solar, Photovoltaic, Wind farm, Decarbonization, Environmental sustainability report, Model 231, Hydroelectric, Electrification, Water purification, Glass, Environment, Environmental management, Environmental services, Medical, Clinical trials, Medical devices, Infusion, Technical translations, Automation, Building, Building materials, Tintometric system, Thermal insulation coatings, Building finishes, Coatings, Indoor and outdoor paints and varnishes, Cranes, Home automation, Power tools, Safety, Hse, Water treatment systems, Fertilizers, Folding machines, Furniture, Theater seating, Lighting, Bitumen production, Asphalt plants, Concrete pumps, Surface treatment systems, Pneumatic conveying systems, Feeders, Gravimetric feeders, Volumetric feeders, E-commerce, Cloud-based, Software, Hardware, OCR technology, Scanners, HVAC systems, Air conditioning systems, Marketing, Promotional videos, Freight exchange, Online platforms, E-commerce platform, Luxury, Cryptocurrencies, Cryptocurrency exchange platforms, Bitcoin, NFT, HVAC, Air conditioning systems, Interpreting, Interpreter, Liaison, Art, Tourism, Food, Music festivals, Musicians biographies, Spa, Spa packages, Tour packages, Art cities, Food, Wine, Guide, Museums, Menus, Personal care, Cosmetics, Hair products, Websites, Software strings, General terms and conditions, localization, L10N, marketing texts, brochures, flyers, manual, manuals, warranty, catalogs, catalogues, spare parts, online store, online sales, functional test, language test, linguistic test, press releases, presentations, slides, powerpoint, policy, policies, presentations, report, report, marketing materials.
Cat tool, Cat tools, translation memory, DTP, App tester, post-editor, posteditor, MTPE, machine learning, LQA, revision, proofreading, final eye, AI, A.I., artificial intelligence, MT quality assessment, deep learning, third-party reviewer.
Traductora. See less.
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