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English to Italian - Rates: 0.06 - 0.08 EUR per word Italian to Spanish - Rates: 120 - 200 EUR per hour English to Spanish - Rates: 0.05 - 0.09 EUR per word / 0 - 30 EUR per hour
Italian to English: Notice to Shareholders General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Italian Verrà stipulato un nuovo accordo di servizi tra la Società di Gestione e i Nuovi agenti per il trattamento dei dati, in base al quale i Nuovi agenti per il trattamento dei dati svolgeranno gli stessi compiti e responsabilità attualmente esercitati dai Precedenti agenti per il trattamento dei dati e non vi saranno cambiamenti sostanziali di tali compiti e responsabilità.
Translation - English A new services agreement will be entered into between the Management Company and the New Data Processing Agents, under which the New Data Processing Agents will carry out the same duties and responsibilities that are currently carried out by the Former Data Processing Agents and there will be no material change to such duties and responsibilities.
Spanish to Italian: Escaparatismo - Vetrinistica General field: Marketing Detailed field: Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
Source text - Spanish El diseño del escaparate está pensado para cada línea, todos los elementos deben tener coherencia entre ellos y con el mensaje que queremos transmitir. Por ello, debemos:
- Evitar usar decoración extra como flores, macetas, etc. A menos que se especifique lo contrario en el documento de presentación de escaparates.
- No colocar accesorios en los maniquíes. En el caso de que queramos mostrar un sujetador desmontable sin tirantes, los quitamos y los ocultamos o guardamos de manera que no queden visibles.
- No utilizar packaging de corsetería, pijamas o baño como decoración extra. A menos que se especifique lo contrario en el documento de presentación de escaparates.
Translation - Italian Il design della vetrina è stato studiato per ogni linea, tutti gli elementi devono essere coerenti tra loro e con il messaggio che vogliamo trasmettere. Pertanto, dobbiamo:
- Evitare di utilizzare decorazioni extra come fiori, vasi, ecc. A meno che non sia specificato diversamente nel manuale di presentazione della vetrina.
- Non collocare accessori sui manichini. Se volete esporre un reggiseno senza le spalline, toglietele e nascondetele o mettetele da parte in modo che non siano visibili.
- Non utilizzare l'imballaggio di corsetteria, di pigiami o di costumi come decorazione aggiuntiva. A meno che non sia diversamente specificato nel manuale di presentazione della vetrina.
Spanish to English: Geología: la sierra de Benalmádena General field: Science Detailed field: Geology
Source text - Spanish La sierra está constituida principalmente por rocas metamórficas de naturaleza carbonatada (mármoles), mientras que la zona de colinas aparece mayoritariamente formada por metapelitas. (rocas metamórficas originadas por el metamorfismo de rocas sedimentarias detríticas de grano fino como esquistos y gneises), y materiales postorogénicos (arenas, gravas y depósitos aluviales). También afloran rocas magmáticas, representadas por las peridotitas situadas al suroeste del municipio.
Algunos de los materiales metapelíticos de edad Paleozoica, constituyen la base del edificio geológico de la denominada Unidad Blanca. Por encima de éstos materiales se sitúan las calizas; son de edad Triásica, y han sufrido procesos de metamorfismo que han originado los mármoles que afloran en la sierra.
Translation - English The mountain range is formed mainly by metamorphic rocks of carbonate nature (marbles), while the hilly area is mainly formed by metapelites (metamorphic rocks originated from the metamorphism of fine-grained detrital sedimentary rocks , such as schists and gneiss), and post-orogenic material (sand, gravel and alluvial deposits ). Magmatic rocks, such as peridotites , are also present in the southwestern side of the municipality.
Some of the metapelitic material from the Palaeozoic Era constitutes the basis of the geological structure of the so-called Unidad Blanca, i.e. White Unit, the mountain range of Sierra Blanca and Sierra de Mijas. Above this material sits the limestone, which dates back to the Triassic Era; it then went through a process of metamorphosis which created the marble present in the mountain range.
Spanish to English: The implementation of Small Private Online Courses as a new approach to education General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - Spanish Una vez terminado el proceso de validación, el cuestionario se informatizó a través del programa LimeSurvey. Se articularon preguntas de distinta tipología: de respuesta múltiple, cerradas y de respuesta abierta. Además de las preguntas de valoración del curso y de comparación del mismo con la modalidad presencial (para las que se utilizó una escala tipo Likert de 5 puntos), se recabaron datos del alumnado acerca de: sexo, edad, vinculación con la Universidad y experiencia previa en cursos online.
A medida que los estudiantes iban concluyendo el curso los tutores indicaban el link donde se podía rellenar encuesta. Los estudiantes que enviaron el cuestionario con sus respuestas conformaron la muestra definitiva del estudio (n= 102).
Se analizó la fiabilidad del cuestionario mediante el coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach aplicado a las preguntas de valoración del curso y de comparación del mismo con la modalidad presencial.
Translation - English Once the validation process was completed, the questionnaire was computerised through LimeSurvey. Different types of questions were developed: multiple choice, closed and open questions. In addition to the questions on the course evaluation and comparison with the classroom mode (for which a 5-point Likert scale was used), data was also collected from students on gender, age, relationship with the University and previous experience in online courses.
When the students finished the course, the tutors directed them to the link where they could take the survey. The students who sent the questionnaire with their answers formed the final sample of the study (102 in total).
The reliability of the questionnaire was analysed with the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient applied to the course assessment questions and to the comparison of the course with the class-based mode.
Spanish to Italian: Termini di servizio General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Spanish El servicio para la compra, venta y subastas prestado a través de este sitio web (en adelante, el “Sitio Web”) y de las aplicaciones móviles disponibles en Google Play Store y en Apple App Store (en adelante, conjuntamente, la “Plataforma”), está gestionado por XXX, S.L.,
Translation - Italian Il servizio di acquisto, vendita e aste fornito tramite questo sito web (di seguito, il ”Sito Web”) e delle applicazioni mobili disponibili su Google Play Store e Apple App Store (di seguito, congiuntamente, la ”Piattaforma”), è gestito da XXX, S.L.,
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Vic (legal and financial specialized translation)
Years of experience: 6. Registered at Apr 2018. Became a member: Feb 2020.
Spanish to Italian (Universidad de Málaga) Spanish to English (Universidad de Málaga) Spanish to English (Interpreting course Tam-Tam) Spanish to Italian (Interpreting course Tam-Tam) English to Spanish (Universidad de Málaga)
Italian to Spanish (Universidad de Málaga) Italian to Spanish (Interpreting course Tam-Tam) English to Spanish (Interpreting course Tam-Tam) English to Spanish (Universitat de Vic, Traducció i Documentació, Facultat de Ciències Humanes)
Aegisub, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Powerpoint, Wordfast
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Hi! My name is Monica, my mother tongue is Italian, but I lived, studied and worked in the UK
for nine years and in Spain for over twenty years. I studied Modern Languages
at Westminster University in London when I was in my twenties and I have been
working in multilingual environments ever since.
In 2016 I decided to go back to university and in 2019 I graduated in Translation and Interpreting at the University of Malaga. I am currently taking a master's degree in Specialized Translation (legal and financial) while working as a freelance translator (from Spanish, English and Italian into English and Italian) and interpreter (a combination of the three languages).
So far, the majority of my projects have been in fashion, academic articles (mainly education and pedagogy), and legal/financial documents. However I have also translated museum information, travel and
tourism websites, have subtitled a documentary, and, at present, I am volunteering for
I consider myself a very reliable person. I'd rather decline a job than let someone down and so far I have never missed a deadline.
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