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French to English: L'immigration en France General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - French D’après les enquêtes annuelles de recensement de 2004 et 2005, le nombre d’immigrés est de 4,9 millions. Ce nombre comprend 3 millions d’étrangers et 1,9 million de Français (de nationalité française par acquisition). Cette statistique signifie que plus de deux immigrés sur trois sont maintenant de nationalité française. Ces immigrés représentent 8% de la population française et 16% de la population en Il-de-France. Ils sont concentrés dans les régions les plus peuplées et industrialisées: dans la région parisienne, sur la côte méditerranéenne, dans la Région Rhône-Alpes, en Alsace et dans le Nord. Voici les statistiques concernant l’origine géographique des immigrés.
1,7 million (35% des étrangers) : pays membres de l’Union européenne (surtout le Portugal, l’Italie, l’Espagne, la Pologne et le Royaume-Uni)
1,5 million (31%) : pays du Maghreb ou de l’Afrique du Nord (l’Algérie, le Maroc, la Tunisie)
0,5 million (12%) : pays de l’Afrique sub-saharienne, surtout les anciennes colonies françaises (le Sénégal, le Mali, le Togo et la Cote d’Ivoire)
0,8 million (17%) : reste du monde, principalement les pays d’Asie (la Turquie comprise)
Translation - English According to the annual surveys of the 2004 and 2005 census, the number of immigrants is 4.9 million. This number includes 3 million foreigners and 1.9 million French (French nationality by acquisition). This statistic signifies that more than two out of three immigrants now have French nationality. These immigrants represent 8% of the French population and 16% of the Parisian region. They are concentrated in the most densely populated and industrialized regions: the Parisian region, the Mediterranean coast, the Rhône-Alpes region, Alsace, and the North. Here are the statistics concerning the geographic origin of the immigrants:
1.7 million (35% of foreigners): member countries of the European Union (especially Portugal, Italy, Spain, Poland, and the United Kingdom)
1.5 million (31%): the Maghreb or North African countries (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia)
05 million (12%): Sub-Saharan countries, especially the previous French colonies (Senegal, Mali, Togo, and Ivory Coast)
0.8 million (17%): rest of the world, primarily from Asian countries (Turkey included)
English to Albanian: SPECIFIC POWER OF ATTORNEY General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
This limited and specific power of attorney is given on: ________________________
by: ________________________ ,
of: ________________________.
I appoint: ________________________,
of: ________________________.
Said attorney-in-fact shall have full power and authority to undertake and perform the following acts on my behalf:
● All matters concerning my Albanian pension, including setting up the automatic direct transfer of my Albanian pension each month from the Albanian state into my Société Générale Albania (formerly Banka Popullore) bank account: #________________________ or any other Albanian bank account in my or my husband, ________________________, name
● Withdraw my full Albanian pension each month, from the Albanian state
● Deposit my Albanian pension, each month, into my Société Générale Albania (formerly Banka Popullore) bank account: #________________________ or any other one of my Albanian bank account in my or my husband, ________________________, name
The authority herein shall include such incidental acts as are reasonably required to carry out and perform the specific authorities granted herein.
This power of attorney is subject to the following conditions or restrictions:
● The authority granted under this power of attorney ends if I become mentally incompetent.
● No other restrictions.
The rights, powers, and authority herein granted shall be in full force and effect:
Until: Indefinitely
Signature of Donor: ________________________
Printed Name of Donor: ________________________
Date: ________________________
Kjo prokurë e kufizuar dhe specifike jepet ne datën: ___________
nga: ________________________,
me banesë në adresën: ________________________.
Unë caktoj: ________________________ ,
me banesë në adresën: ________________________ si perfaqësuesin tim.
Perfaqësuesi i posacëm do të ketë të drejta dhe autoritet të plotë për te ndërmarrë dhe kryer veprimet e mëposhtme në emërin tim:
● Të gjitha veprimet e nevojshme për pensjonin tim në Shqipëri, duke përfshirë organizimin e transferimit dhe vendosjen e pensjonit çdo muaj nga shteti Shqipëtar (Sigurimet Shoqërore) atomatikisht dhe direkt në bankën Société Générale Albania (me parë Banka Popullore) llogari: #________________________ ose në çdo llogari bankare tjetër në emrin tim ose në emrin e bashkëshortit tim, ________________________.
● Tërheqjen e pensjonit tim në Shqipëri, çdo muaj, nga shtetit Shqipëtar (Sigurimet Shoqërore).
● Depozitim të pensjonit tim në Shqipëri, çdo muaj, në bankën Société Générale Albania (me parë Banka Popullore) llogari: #________________________ ose në çdo llogari bankare tjetër në emrin tim ose në emrin e bashkëshortit tim, ________________________.
Autoriteti i përfaqësuesit përfshin akte te rastësishme që kërkohen në mënyrë të arsyeshme për të ndërmarrë dhe kryer autoritetet specifike të dhëna mësiper.
Kjo prokurë e posaçme i nënshtrohet kushteve dhe kufizimeve në vijim:
● Autoriteti i dhënë me këtë prokurë përfundon nëse bëhem e paaftë mendërisht.
● Asnjë kufizim tjetër.
Të drejtat, kompetencat dhe autoriteti i dhënë këtu do të jenë në fuqi të plotë:
Deri në: Kohë të pacaktuar
Firma e autorizuzit: ________________________
Emri i autorizuzit: ________________________
Data: ________________________
French to English: Rubric General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - French Catégorie: Connaissances et Compréhension : Compréhension de la culture francophone (musique, films, médias etc.).
Critères: Niveau 1 (50-59%). Démontre une compréhension limitée de la culture francophone (peu d'expériences, peu de variété).
Critères: Niveau 2 (60-69%). Démontre une certaine compréhension de la culture francophone (mais manque le nombre d'expériences requises et il y a peu de variété).
Critères: Niveau 3 (70-79%). Démontre une compréhension considérable de la culture francophone (une bonne variété d'expériences dans tous les domaines requis).
Critères: Niveau 4 (80-100%). Démontre une compréhension approfondie de la culture francophone (une grande variété d'expériences qui dépassent le nombre requis).
Catégorie: Application: L'élève crée des liens personnels avec la culture francophone en dehors de l'école pour permettre un apprentissage autonome. REV.03
Critères: Niveau 1 (50-59%). Peu de liens avec la culture francophone pour faciliter un apprentissage indépendant suite au cours.
Critères: Niveau 2 (60-69%). Quelques liens culturels pourraient former la base d'un apprentissage indépendant après le cours.
Critères: Niveau 3 (70-79%). Liens culturels établis faciliteront un apprentissage indépendant après le cours.
Critères: Niveau 4 (80-100%). Liens culturels abondants. L'élève pourra facilement continuer l'apprentissage du français indépendamment.
Translation - English Category: Knowledge and understanding: Understanding francophone culture (music, film, media etc.).
Criteria: Level 1 (50-59%). Shows limited understanding of francophone culture (few experiences, lack of variety).
Criteria: Level 2 (60-69%). Shows some understanding of francophone culture (but missing the number of experiences required and there is a lack of variety).
Criteria: Level 3 (70-79%). Shows considerable understanding of francophone culture (a good variety of experiences in all required areas).
Criteria: Level 4 (80-100%). Shows deep understanding of francophone culture (wide variety of experiences that exceed the required number).
Category: Application: The student creates personal links to the francophone culture outside of school to allow independent learning.
Criteria: Level 1 (50-59%). Few links with the francophone culture to facilitate independent learning after the course.
Criteria: Level 2 (60-69%). Some cultural links could serve as the base for independent learning after the course.
Criteria: Level 3 (70-79%). Established cultural links will facilitate independent learning after the course.
Criteria: Level 4 (80-100%). Abundant cultural links. The student could easily continue learning French independently.
Years of experience: 9. Registered at Jan 2019.
French (Université de Montréal, verified) French (University of Toronto - Canada, verified) French (York University - Canada, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Amara, Google Translator Toolkit, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Agora (Subtitling), iMediaTrans (Subtitling), Moodle, Unify (TMS), Verifika (CAT tool), Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, Protemos, Smartcat, Subtitle Edit, Subtitle Workshop, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Freelance translator: French to English, Albanian to English, English to French, English to Albanian, French to Albanian
Relevant Experience:
-Language Connect: translate and collaborate in the proofreading process for English to French documents of various nature, including surveys and marketing
-Microsoft (via RWS Moravia) : translate English to French (France and Canada) and English to Albanian software texts; localize into French (Canada)
-Facebook (via VIAX): translate Albanian to English Facebook content such as posts, articles, pages, etc.
-Airbnb (via Translated SRL) : collaboratively develop the master glossary for the Albanian locale, translate, and proofread English to Albanian website content, postings, emails, blogs, FAQ articles
-ICON Language Services: translate and back translate Albanian to English medical research trail content and forms for Celgene
-US Translation : translate English to French labels and compliance documents, appliance product manuals (LG), websites
-Coral Knowledge Services : edit and proofread English to French product compliance and terms
-Modus : translate Albanian to English medical assessments (psychological, physical) and insurance documents
-Century Translations Ltd.: translate Albanian to English academic records such as transcripts and report cards
-Skriptó: French to English translation of marketing and label content, research (ICM), hardware, software
-The Simpsons (via Point 360): provide English to French (Canadian) subtitles for various shows and movies, including The Simpsons, Beezus (2010); Ready or Not (2019);
Underwater (2020)
-Laurent Chevrette : translate general, marketing, technical, and IT material from English to French (France)
-FIFA World Cup; Rugby World Cup (via Blue Whale Global Media): work with a large team to time code, subtitle, and translate pre and post game athlete interviews from French to English and English to English
-Datamundi : annotate alignment for machine translations of English to Albanian and English to French general, medical, and culinary texts; work on Albanian collective profanity acquisitions projects; binary translation evaluation
-Twitter (via Synergium) : English to French and French to English translation and editing of social media (Twitter) texts; Albanian to English translation of general, medical, and IT documents
-TEDTalks, TEDxTalks, TED-Ed : translate and subtitle English to Albanian and Albanian to English
-EUTranslators : evaluate English to Albanian translation tests used for screening of new translators
-Multilingo Plus: translate and edit French to English marketing, health, pharmaceutical, and financial articles
-Société Générale Albania: translate, proofread, and localize website, banking documents, and communications from French/Albanian to English and English/French to Albanian
-Oak Royal Holdings: translate and edit English to Albanian, Albanian to English property management documents
-Votorantim Cimentos: translate and edit English to French and French to English various international documents
-IYUNO : English to Albanian subtitling various English shows
-Toronto Notary Public : translate personal legal documents including power of attorneys and prenuptial agreements
French Immersion Teacher, Toronto District School Board
-Master of Teaching in French as a second language, University of Toronto
-International Bachelor of Business Administration and French certificate, Schulich School of Business, York University
-Management science, IÉSEG School of Management, Université Catholique de Lille, France
-French language certificate, Université de Montréal