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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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Translation Volume: 3338 words Completed: Oct 2021 Languages: English to Turkish
Just finished a legal document, English to Turkish, 3338 words, for a US based company.
No comment.
Translation Volume: 300 words Completed: Sep 2021 Languages: English to Turkish
English to Turkish, 300 words, medical reports
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Translation Volume: 1600 words Completed: Aug 2021 Languages: English to Turkish
Just finished a guideline, English to Turkish, 1600 words, for a global company.
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Editing/proofreading Volume: 4000 words Completed: Jul 2021 Languages: English to Turkish
Just finished a IFU proofreading project, English to Turkish, 4000 words, for a German-based company.
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Editing/proofreading Volume: 1400 words Completed: Jul 2021 Languages: English to Turkish
Just started a medical proofreading project, 1400 words, for a global brand.
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Editing/proofreading Volume: 1100 words Completed: Jun 2021 Languages: English to Turkish
Just finished a medical document, English to Turkish, 1100 words.
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Translation Volume: 600 words Completed: Jun 2021 Languages: English to Turkish
Just finished a financial document, English to Turkish, 600 words, for a UK based company.
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Translation Volume: 20001 words Completed: Jun 2021 Languages: English to Turkish
Just finished a pharmaceutical e-learning project, English to Turkish, 20001 words, for a UK based company.
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Translation Volume: 2673 words Completed: Oct 2020 Languages: English to Turkish
Proofreading subtitles "Medical Centre" ; 2.673 words
Medical video subtitles translation
Medical: Health Care
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Translation Volume: 2600 words Languages: English to Turkish
Medical Reports, English to Turkish, 2600 words
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Translation Volume: 0 words Languages: English to Turkish
Working on a guideline, English to Turkish, 2800 words, for a global company.
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Translation Volume: 400 words Languages: English to Turkish
Just finished a medical translation project, 400 words, for US based company.
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Translation Volume: 9212 words Languages: English to Turkish
Just finished a social research report, English to Turkish, 9212 words, for a global company.
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Translation Volume: 1115 words Languages: English to Turkish
Just finished a survey, English to Turkish, 1115 words, for a EU based company.
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Translation Volume: 1050 words Languages: English to Turkish
English>Turkish, Medical Report and Diploma Translation,1000 words,
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs, Medical (general), Medical: Health Care
No comment.
Blue Board entries made by this user
6 entries
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English to Turkish: Having Afib places you at risk for stroke General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - English AFib is a type of irregular heartbeat that increases the likelihood of blood clot formation in the heart. If left untreated, clots could form and travel to the brain, causing a stroke.
People with AFib have a 5x greater risk of having a stroke than those who do not have AFib.
Some patients receive aspirin as a blood thinner if they are not able to receive VKA medications.
Translation - Turkish Atriyal Fibrilasyon (AF) kalpte pıhtı formasyonu oluşumu olasılığını artıran bir tür düzensiz kalp atışıdır. Tedavi edilmezse pıhtı oluşabilir ve beyne giderek inmeye neden olabilir.
Atriyal Fibrilasyonlu kişiler, diğer insanlardan 5 kat daha yüksek inme riskine sahiptir.
Vitamin K antagonisti ilaçları kullanamayan bazı hastalar kan inceltici olarak aspirin alırlar.
English to Turkish: ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY DATA REPORT General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Cardiology
Source text - English Yorumlar: Kalp boşlukları normal genişliktedir. LV(sol ventrikül) duvar hareketleri normaldir. LVEF (sol ventrikül ejeksiyon fraksiyonu) yaklaşık %60'tır. LV(sol ventrikül) duvar kalınlığı normal aralıktadır. Trombüs yok. IVS(İnterventriküler septum) sağlam. Sağ odacıklar normal boyuttadır. Sağ ventrikül sistolik fonksiyonu normaldir.
LA(sol atriyum) boyutu normaldir. Trombüs yok. IAS (İnteratriyal septum) sağlam.
Doppler ekokardiyografide; Mitral kapak prolapsusu, + 1 regurjitan akış var. Mitral kapak leafletler kalınlaşmış. Ön leaflet boyutu 0.72 cm'dir. E > A; diyastolik disfonksiyon (-). Aort triküspit kapak açıklığı iyidir, regürjitan akım yoktur. Triküspit kapaktan + 1 regürjitan akım vardır. PAP max 22 mmHg ölçüldü. Ana pulmoner arter çapı 2,4 cm olarak ölçüldü. Pulmoner kapakta gradiyent artışı yok, Pulmoner kapaktan regurgitant akım yok.
Perikardiyal efüzyon yoktur.
Translation - Turkish COMMENTS: Cardiac chambers are normal in size. LV wall motions are normal. LVEF is about 60%. LV Wall thickness is in normal range. There is no thrombus. IVS is intact. Right chambers are normal in size. Right Ventricle systolic function is normal.
LA is normal in size. No thrombus. IAS is intact.
In Doppler Echocardiography; Mitral Valve is prolapsed, there is +1 regurgitant flow. Mitral Valve Leaflets are thickened. Anterior Leaflet size is 0.72 cm. E>A; Diastolic dysfunction (-). Aorta tricuspid valve opening is good, there is no regurgitant flow. There is +1 regurgitant flow from tricuspid valve. PAP max was measured 22 mm Hg. The Main Pulmonary Artery diameter was measured at 2.4 cm. There is no gradient increase in Pulmonary valve, there is no regurgitant flow from Pulmonary valve.
There is no Pericardial effusion.
Turkish to English: Pharmaceuticals General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Turkish Konjenital kalp hastalığı,konjenital immun sistem yetmezliği,malabsorbsiyon sendromu olan ve fenilketonüri tanısı alan bebeklerin kilo ve boy persantillerinin etkilenebileceğinden dolayı çalışma dışı bırakılmıştır.
İnsan vücudunda potasyum gastroenteral yoldan, ter ve önemli ölçüde idrarla itrah edilir. Bazı durumlarda ise psödohipopotasemi olarak adlandırılan transsellüler sift mekanizması ile hücre içerisine geçebilir. Bunun sebeplerinde birisi de metabolik alkalozdur.
XXX epileptik nöbetleri önlemek için kullanılan kabul edilebilir bir yan etki profiline sahip yeni nesil antiepileptiklerden biridir. XXX, diğer yeni antiepileptiklerden farklı bir moleküler yapıya sahiptir.
Takiplerde metabolik alkalozda düzelme saptandı ancak iv potasyum klorür ve magnezyum tedavisine rağmen elektrolit imbalansında düzelme saptanmadı.
Translation - English Because their weight and height percentiles can be affected, infants with congenital heart disease, congenital immune system deficiency, malabsorption syndrome as well as diagnosed with phenylketonuria was excluded from the study.
In the human body, Potassium is eliminated via the gastrointestinal tract, sweating and mostly urination. In some cases, it can shift inside of the cell using a transcellular shift mechanism called Pseudohypopotassemia. Metabolic alkalosis is one of the causes of this condition.
XXX is one of the next-generation anti-epileptic drugs with an acceptable side-effect profile and is used for preventing the epileptic seizures. XXX has a molecular structure different from other next-generation antiepileptics.
During the monitorizations, an improvement observed in metabolic alkalosis; however, there was no improvement in terms of electrolyte imbalance despite the treatment of potassium chloride and magnesium.
Across, Adobe Acrobat, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Articulate 360, Passolo, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Smartling, Trados Studio, XTRF Translation Management System
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
0 positive (0 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
English to Turkish
Turkish to English
Specialty fields
Medical: Health Care
Medical (general)
Law (general)
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Other fields
International Org/Dev/Coop
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Keywords: Medical translation services, Medical translator, freelance Medical translation services, certified medical translation, Translate medical terms, health translator, pharmaceutical translation, IFU translation, medical review, proofreading services. See more.Medical translation services, Medical translator, freelance Medical translation services, certified medical translation, Translate medical terms, health translator, pharmaceutical translation, IFU translation, medical review, proofreading services, English to Turkish medical translation, cardiology, clinical trial, review, informed consent, . See less.
This profile has received 198 visits in the last month, from a total of 185 visitors