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English to Somali: Cover letter English-Somali translation Detailed field: Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Source text - English As a highly skilled Project Officer, I read your posting for a new Associate Project Officer with interest. My experience aligns well with the qualifications you are seeking, in particular my role as a Project Officer experienced person, and I am certain I would make a valuable addition to your organization.
With more than 5 years’ experience as a Project Officer, I am adept in strategic program planning, organizing, and implementing. Moreover, while my on-the-job experience has afforded me a well-rounded skill set, including first-rate problem-solving and communication skills, I excel at:
Communication and advocacy
Funding and Financial Management
Conflict Prevention
Project Administration
In addition to my experience and personal qualities, I have a solid educational foundation and a passion for social change.
I have excellent communication skills with the ability to keep management and clients updated on the progress of each project. I have experience monitoring them to ensure everything is going according to plan and on schedule. I can also address any concerns and answer any questions you or the client may have.
My experience has taught me that even when you consider every detail in the planning stages sometimes, things don’t go according to plan. For this reason, I try to have a backup plan for the things that I know might go wrong and I have acquired the ability to improvise for the things that are completely unexpected. I can multi-task, stay organized and I have the ability to work in a high stressful environment while maintaining a calm and professional attitude.
Translation - Somali Anigoo ah hogaamiye Mashruuca ee xirfad sare leh, waxaan aqriyay Radintiina madaxa Mashruuca cusub oo xiise leh. Waayo-aragnimadaydu waxay si fiican ula jaanqaadaysaa aqoonta aad raadineyso, gaar ahaan kaalinteyda Sarkaalka Mashruuca ee khibrad u leh, waana hubaa inaan wax weyn ku kordhin doono ururkaaga.
In ka badan 5 sano oo waayo-aragnimo ah Sarkaalka Mashruuca, waxaan ku fiicanahay qorshaynta barnaamijka istiraatiijiga ah, abaabulka, iyo hirgelinta. Intaa waxaa sii dheer, in kastoo waayo-aragnimadayda shaqada ay i siisay xirfad xirfad leh, oo ay ku jiraan heerka koowaad ee xallinta dhibaatooyinka iyo xirfadaha isgaarsiinta, waxaan ku fiicanahay:
Isgaarsiinta iyo u doodista wax kasta
Maalgelinta iyo Maamulka Maaliyadda
Kahortaga Khilaafka
Maamulka Mashruuca
Marka laga soo tago waayo-aragnimadayda iyo tayada shaqsiyadeed, waxaan leeyahay aasaas waxbarasho oo adag iyo hammi isbeddel bulsheed.
Waxaan leeyahay xirfado isgaarsiineed oo heer sare ah oo leh awood aan ku ilaaliyo maareynta iyo macaamiisha cusbooneysiinta horumarka mashruuc kasta. Waxaan khibrad u leeyahay la-socodkooda si aan u hubiyo in wax walba ay ku socdaan sidii loogu talagalay iyo jadwalka. Waxaan sidoo kale wax ka qaban karaa walaac kasta oo aan ka jawaabi karaa wixii su'aalo ah ee adiga ama macmiilka aad qabtid.
Khibradeyda ayaa i bartay xitaa haddii aad tixgeliso faahfaahin kasta oo ku saabsan heerarka qorshaynta mararka qaarkood, arrimuhu kuma socdaan qorshaha. Sababtaas awgeed, waxaan isku dayaa inaan helo qorshe keyd ah oo ku saabsan waxyaabaha aan ogahay inay khaldami karaan waxaanan helay awood aan ku hagaajin karo waxyaabaha gebi ahaanba lama filaanka ah. Waan qaban karaa hawlo badan, waan sii jiri karaa waxaanan awood u leeyahay inaan ka shaqeeyo jawi walaac badan anigoo ilaalinaya dabeecad degenaan iyo xirfad leh.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Hag
Years of experience: 8. Registered at Oct 2019.
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Hi there,
If you are looking for a reliable language expert, you have come to the right place, I am a professional translator passionate about languages.
My native language is Somali and I am fluent in English. I understand the nuances of these languages to help you accurately communicate your message to Somali-speaking communities. I have worked as an English-to-Somali and Somali-to-English translator and interpreter. I translate general, legal, medical and technical translations.
The Popular CAT Tools I always used are;
1) SDL Trados
2) MemoQ
3) Wordfast pro
4) XTM cloud
5) Matecate
6) Wordbee
7) MemSource
I am sure I can provide you with an accurate translation, fulfilling any deadline you set. I endeavor to provide my clients with pure and faithful translation, a translation that precisely conveys the meaning of the source text. I carefully choose the words that would best conform to the grammar, syntax and idiom of the target language as I have much experience in translation tools and have the ability to deliver higher quality work.