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Jan 9 (posted Reviewing and optimising a series of MTPE translated legal texts, ensuring they are polished and ready for publication on client's website...more, + 1 other entry »
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English to Danish: Software, general General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers: Software
Source text - English Cannot install into the selected folder. Select a different folder.
The basic features are ready for use. To use features related to specific devices, you must connect a device of that type to the computer.
To start %s, click the Start menu, All Programs, and then [ProductName].
Click Finish to finish the installation.
Translation - Danish Kan ikke installere i den valgte mappe. Vælg en anden mappe.
Du kan nu bruge de grundlæggende funktioner. For at benytte funktioner, der knytter sig til bestemte enheder, skal du slutte enhederne til computeren.
For at starte %s skal du klikke i menuen Start, Alle programmer og derefter [ProductName]. Klik på Afslut for at fuldføre installationen.
English to Danish: Exploring InfoPath General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - English Exploring InfoPath
You can use Microsoft Office InfoPath to both design and fill out electronic forms. The familiar, Office-based user interface of InfoPath is easy to use. You can perform tasks by using the menu bar, the Standard toolbar, and the task pane.
Translation - Danish Udforsk InfoPath
Du kan både bruge Microsoft Office InfoPath til at designe og udfylde elektroniske formularer. InfoPaths velkendte Office-baserede brugergrænseflade er nem at anvende. Du kan udføre opgaver ved hjælp af menulinjen, værktøjslinjen Standard og opgaveruden.
English to Danish: Business and management General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - English Managers are people who steer an organisation towards meeting its' objectives. Management has been described as: 'the process of planning, organising, leading and controlling the efforts of organisation members and of using all organisational resource to achieve stated organisational goals.' A manager's job is to maintain control over the way an organisation does things, and at the same time to lead, inspire and direct the people under them.
In a company the shareholders will elect a board of directors to represent their interests. A Managing Director will be appointed who has overall responsibility for running the company.
Translation - Danish Ledere er personer, der styrer organisationen i retning af dens mål. Ledelse er beskrevet som ’processen med at planlægge, organisere, lede og styre organisationens indsats samt bruge alle organisationens ressourcer til at nå de mål, organisationen har sat.’ En leders rolle er at fastholde styringen med den måde, en organisation arbejder på, og samtidig lede, inspirere og vise vejen for medarbejderne.
I en virksomhed vælger aktionærerne en bestyrelse, som skal varetage deres interesser. Der vælges en administrerende direktør, som har det overordnede ansvar for at drive virksomheden.
English to Danish: Indemnification and liability General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English Each Party (the " Indemnifying Party ") shall be liable towards, and compensate, indemnify and hold the other Party (the "Indemnified Party") harmless for and against any direct damages, losses (excluding any loss of production, loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of contract, loss of or damage to goodwill or reputation, loss of claim or any special, indirect or consequential losses and/or damages), liabilities, obligations, costs, claims, claims of any kind, interest, penalties, legal proceedings and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) actually paid, suffered or incurred by the Indemnified Party pursuant to: A breach of this Agreement by the Indemnifying Party, or any claim from any third party based on any (alleged) infringement; of the third party's Intellectual Property Right by the Indemnifying Party.
Translation - Danish Den Skadevoldende Part er erstatningspligtig over for den anden Part og er forpligtet til at yde kompensation til og holde den anden Part (”Skadesløsholdte Part”) skadesløs for direkte skader eller tab (undtagen tab af produktion, avance, indtægter, kontrakt, tab af eller skade på goodwill eller omdømme, tab af krav eller ethvert særligt, indirekte tab eller følgeskader), erstatningsansvar, forpligtelser, omkostninger, krav, rente, bøder, retssager og udgifter (herunder, uden begrænsning, rimelige advokathonorarer og -udgifter), som er betalt eller lidt af den Skadesløsholdte Part i henhold til:Den Skadevoldende Parts misligholdelse af Aftalen eller ethvert krav fra tredjemand baseret på enhver (påstået) krænkelse af tredjemands Immaterielle Rettigheder begået af den Skadevoldende Part.
English to Danish: Define your business and know your customers General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - English Define your business
Your small business plan should clearly state:
• What your business will do
• The products or services it will provide
• How customers will access your products or services (for example, in a shop, online or by phone)
• Your approach to pricing
Know your customers
• Make sure you know as much as possible about who will be buying from you. For example, if you’re marketing to consumers:
• Are they young or old?
• What do they do for a living?
• What are their lifestyles like?
• Do they already buy the product or service you’ll be offering?
• What will they think of your product or service?
• Why will they buy from you and no one else?
• How will you tell them about your business?
Translation - Danish Beskriv din virksomhed
I din miniforretningsplan skal det tydeligt fremgå:
• Hvad din virksomhed går ud på
• Hvilke produkter eller serviceydelser, du vil sælge
• Hvordan kunderne skal få adgang til dine produkter eller serviceydelser (fx i en butik, online eller via telefon)
• Hvordan du vil prissætte dine produkter eller serviceydelser
Kend dine kunder
• Sørg for, at du ved så meget som muligt om, hvem dine kunder er. Hvis du for eksempel skal markedsføre dig over for forbrugere:
• Er der tale om yngre eller ældre mennesker?
• Hvad arbejder de med?
• Hvilken livsstil har de?
• Køber de allerede det produkt eller den serviceydelse, du ønsker at sælge?
• Hvad vil deres holdning til dit produkt eller din serviceydelse være?
• Hvorfor skulle de vælge at købe dine produkter frem for andres?
• Hvordan vil du gøre dem opmærksom på din virksomhed?
English to Danish: What is Contactless? General field: Marketing
Source text - English What is Contactless?
Imagine being able to buy those little things like a cup of coffee, sandwich or newspaper without carrying cash.
Contactless technology lets you do just that. It sets you free to make fast and secure payments for items of £20 or less. All you need to do is hold your card near the reader and you're ready to go.
Translation - Danish Hvad er kontaktløs betaling?
Forestil dig, at du kan købe små ting som for eksempel en kop kaffe, en sandwich eller en avis, uden at du behøver at have kontanter på dig.
Det er lige netop det, kontaktløs teknologi giver dig mulighed for. På en hurtig og sikker måde kan du betale for varer, der koster £20 eller mindre. Det eneste, du skal gøre, er at holde dit kort op foran kortlæseren, så er du på farten igen.
For the past 15 years I have worked with various aspects of language - as a freelance and self-employed translator, for translation agencies and, in the period from 2006 to 2013, as language manager at a major Nordic financial company. My tasks have included proofreading and translating from Danish into English and from English, Norwegian and Swedish into Danish. I have an MA degree in English and have been qualified and certified as Danish-English translator and interpreter by the Danish Business Authority. I attach high priority to delivering high quality translations within the agreed deadline.
In addition to the specialty/working fields listed below, I have thorough knowledge of the terminology used in the financial services and IT sector, and my experience includes developing extensive dictionaries based on the terminology used within these fields. Among others, I have developed a dictionary containing thousands of terms used in the financial services sector (specifically payment and information services) and translated into five languages.
I have excellent Danish skills and, in addition to my master's degree in translation and interpretation, I am currently studying for a degree in communication.
Languages: Danish (mother tongue)
Translations from English, German, Swedish and Norwegian into Danish, certified translations into English
Proofreading, editing and transcreation
Fields of interest and specialisation: Agreements & contracts, business, coaching & psychology, creative, games, digital services & digital security, ecology & environment, e-commerce/m-commerce, fashion, finance, food, HR, information services, IT & technical, localisation, organisation & management, payment cards, payment information, payment services, sales & marketing, tourism & travel.