Working languages:
English to Danish
Swedish to Danish
Norwegian to Danish
Danish to English
German to Danish

Barbara Østergaard
Danish Specialist | AI & MTPE Savvy

København S, Kobenhavn, Denmark
Local time: 13:14 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Danish (Variant: Standard (rigsdansk)) Native in Danish
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65 positive reviews
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2 ratings (5.00 avg. rating)

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What Barbara Østergaard is working on
Jan 9 (posted via  Reviewing and optimising a series of MTPE translated legal texts, ensuring they are polished and ready for publication on client's website ...more, + 1 other entry »
Total word count: 0

Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Blue Board affiliation:
Services Transcreation, MT post-editing, Software localization, Website localization, Translation, Editing/proofreading, Copywriting, Transcription, Subtitling, Language instruction, Training, Interpreting, Terminology management, File Preparation
Specializes in:
Finance (general)Computers: Software
MarketingHuman Resources
Environment & EcologyBusiness/Commerce (general)
Law (general)Advertising / Public Relations
Internet, e-CommercePoetry & Literature


KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 637, Questions answered: 328, Questions asked: 326
Project History 0 projects entered
Blue Board entries made by this user  13 entries

Payment methods accepted Visa, Wire transfer, PayPal, Wise
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 6
Glossaries Education, Finance, Games, Mechanics, Medical, Technical
Translation education Master's degree - CBS
Experience Years of experience: 24. Registered at Jan 2002. Became a member: Sep 2002.
Credentials English to Danish (Business Authority, verified)
Danish to English (Business Authority, verified)
Memberships DT
Software ChatGPT, Crowdin, DejaVu, Lokalise, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Passolo, PhraseApp, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Smartling,, Wordfast

CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Professional practices Barbara Østergaard endorses's Professional Guidelines.
For the past 15 years I have worked with various aspects of language - as a freelance and self-employed translator, for translation agencies and, in the period from 2006 to 2013, as language manager at a major Nordic financial company. My tasks have included proofreading and translating from Danish into English and from English, Norwegian and Swedish into Danish. I have an MA degree in English and have been qualified and certified as Danish-English translator and interpreter by the Danish Business Authority. I attach high priority to delivering high quality translations within the agreed deadline.

In addition to the specialty/working fields listed below, I have thorough knowledge of the terminology used in the financial services and IT sector, and my experience includes developing extensive dictionaries based on the terminology used within these fields. Among others, I have developed a dictionary containing thousands of terms used in the financial services sector (specifically payment and information services) and translated into five languages.

I have excellent Danish skills and, in addition to my master's degree in translation and interpretation, I am currently studying for a degree in communication.

Languages: Danish (mother tongue)

Translations from English, German, Swedish and Norwegian into Danish, certified translations into English

Proofreading, editing and transcreation

Fields of interest and specialisation: Agreements & contracts, business, coaching & psychology, creative, games, digital services & digital security, ecology & environment, e-commerce/m-commerce, fashion, finance, food, HR, information services, IT & technical, localisation, organisation & management, payment cards, payment information, payment services, sales & marketing, tourism & travel.
Keywords: law, agreements, state-authorised, state-authorized, sworn translator, certified translations, contracts, birth certificates, authorised, authorized. See, agreements, state-authorised, state-authorized, sworn translator, certified translations, contracts, birth certificates, authorised, authorized, certified, declarations, cv, curriculum, applications, registrations, business, commerce, economics, finance, accounting, investment, management, marketing, EU, IT, computers, software, telecommunications, creative, storyboards, manuscripts, treatments, advertising, documentaries, psychology, coaching, games, roleplay, manuals, tourism, gastronomy, food, cooking, books, proofreading, self-development, self-help, questionnaire, survey, marketing, organisation, management, banking, payment, cards, information, services, digital, security, e-security, e-commerce, mobile commerce, mobile payment, environment, work environment, working environment, ecology, website, csr, code of conduct, literature, books, novels, library, library services, digitisation, digitization, dissertation, thesis, school paper, hr, life-simulation games, cleaning, cleaning procedures, procedures, mobile apps, police report, air conditioning, hotel, UI, user interface, transcreation, transcription, localization, interpreting, quality translation, copywriting. jura, aftale, kontrakt, statsautoriseret, statsautoriseret oversætter, statsautoriseret translatør, certificeret, certificeret oversættelse, certifikat, attest, dåbsattest, vielsesattest, kørekort, testamente, speciale, afhandling, opgave, skoleopgave, hr, deklaration, cv, curriculum, applikation, registrering, business, forretning, ledelse, organisation, fusion, opkøb, arbejdsmiljø, bogholderi, investering, marketing, markedsføring, eu, it, computer, software, telekommunikation, kreativ, storyboard, manuskript, dokumentar, litteratur, roman, novelle, skønlitteratur, faglitteratur, reklame, psykologi, coaching, spil, rollespil, manual, vejledning, håndbog, turisme, mad, gastronomi, madlavning, bøger, korrektur, korrekturlæsning, personlig udvikling, selvudvikling, spørgeskema, spørgeundersøgelse, tilfredshedsundersøgelse, medarbejderundersøgelse, kundeundersøgelse, balanced scorecard, målkort, bank, betaling, kort, betalingskort, brugergrænseflade, debetkort, kreditkort, betalingsinformation, serviceydelse, produkt, indløsning, udstedelse, digital, digital sikkerhed, elektronisk sikkerhed, e-handel, mobilhandel, mobilbetaling, digitalisering, digitalt bibliotek, miljø, økologi, website, hjemmeside, csr, etisk regelsæt, politik, firmapolitik, bibliotek, life-simulation-spil, rengøring, rengøringsprocedurer, procedurerer, arbejdsgange, mobilapplikationer, politirapport, klimaanlæg, hotel, transkription, tekstforfatter, tekstforfatning, lokalisering, tolkning, kvalitetsoversættelse. See less.

Profile last updated
Jan 9