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Sample translations submitted: 2
Spanish to English: Bank's reporting information General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Spanish Informar si el Banco en algún momento o circunstancia ha sido sancionado o multado por incumplimiento de las regulaciones vigentes.-
El banco no incumple las regulaciones vigentes, por tanto no existe un incumplimiento de tal naturaleza.
Este hecho es importante y hay que diferenciarlo de otros de carácter operativo en los que pueden surgir criterios disimiles con el ente de control, y por tanto son materia de reclamos en las diversas instancias legales.
Descripción del entorno regulatorio vigente para el control y supervisión del sector financiero, indicar estándares regulatorios vigentes según Basilea u otros criterios si existen.
Régimen legal.- La regulación (marco de políticas, regulaciones, supervisión, control y rendición de cuentas) de los sistemas monetario y financiero se rige por el Código Orgánico Monetario y Financiero, así como los regímenes de valores y seguros del Ecuador.
Formulación de políticas: Junta de Política y Regulación Monetaria y Financiera , parte de la Función Ejecutiva, es la responsable de la formulación de las políticas públicas y la regulación y supervisión monetaria, crediticia, cambiaria, financiera, de seguros y valores.
Control: Esta función (vigilancia, auditoría, intervención, control y supervisión de las actividades financieras que ejercen las entidades públicas y privadas del Sistema Financiero Nacional) está asignada a la Superintendencia de Bancos.
Autoriza la organización, terminación y liquidación de las entidades que conforman el Sector Financiero Público y la constitución, denominación, organización y liquidación de las entidades que conforman el Sector Financiero Privado.
Autorizar las actividades de las entidades; ejerce la potestad sancionatoria; vela por la estabilidad, solidez y correcto funcionamiento de las entidades mediante la supervisión permanente preventiva extra situ y visitas de inspección in situ; controla que las entidades cumplan con las decisiones de la Junta de Política y Regulación Monetaria y Financiera; propone políticas y regulaciones a la Junta de Política y Regulación Monetaria y Financiera; Informa a la misma Junta; las demás que le asigna la ley.
Basilea: Las normas de la Superintendencia de Bancos sobre la gestión integral y control de riesgos, contemplan principios del Comité de Supervisión Bancaria de Basilea.
Translation - English Inform whether the Bank has been sanctioned or fined at any time or under any circumstance for violating the regulations in force.
The Bank has not violated the regulations in effect and, therefore, there is no noncompliance in this regard.
This fact is important as this type of violation is not the same as other operational violations in which a difference of opinion with the oversight agency might exist and diverse legal instances could be involved.
Describe the existing regulatory environment for overseeing and monitoring the financial sector. State the regulatory standards in force according to the Basel framework or other criteria, if any.
Legal System: The monetary and financial system regulation (framework of policies, regulations, supervision, oversight, and accountability) is governed by the Monetary and Financial Organic Code, as well as Ecuador's securities and insurance regimes.
Writing Up Policies: The Monetary and Financial Policy and Regulation Board, which is part of the Executive Branch, is responsible for drawing up public policies and for monetary, credit, exchange, financial, insurance, and securities regulation and supervision.
Oversight: The Superintendency of Banks is assigned this duty (surveillance, audit, intervention, oversight, and supervision of financial activities carried out by public and private entities of the National Financial System).
The Superintendency of Banks authorizes the organization, termination, and liquidation of the entities forming the Public Financial Sector, as well as the incorporation, naming, organization, and liquidation of the entities that make up the Private Financial Sector.
To authorize the activities of entities; to exercise sanctioning powers; to ensure the stability, soundness, and proper functioning of entities by implementing permanent preventive off-site supervision and on-site inspection visits; to ensure that entities comply with the decisions of the Monetary and Financial Policy and Regulation Board; to propose policies and regulations to the Monetary and Financial Policy and Regulation Board; to report to the Board accordingly; to carry out any other duty assigned to it by the law.
Basel: The rules of the Superintendency of Banks on comprehensive management and risk control include the principles of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.
French to English: Trademark license agreement General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - French ETENDUE DE LA LICENCE
La présente licence confère au Licencié le droit d’apposer la marque X sur ses produits, de l’utiliser pour identifier ses services et d’en faire en conséquence un usage commercial.
La licence est consentie à titre exclusif pour les territoires et produits ou services énumérés ci-dessous.
Le droit d’usage ainsi conféré au Licencié s’exercera sur l’ensemble du territoire des USA et pour les produits ou services suivants : commercialisation d’articles et de produits de….. Le concédant se réserve exclusivement la possibilité d’un usage personnel ou de consentir d’autres licences de la marque dans tous les autres pays fussent-ils non encore couverts par le dépôt ainsi que pour tous autres produits ou services.
Translation - English SCOPE OF THE LICENSE
This License grants the Licensee the right to affix the X Mark on its products, to use the Mark to identify its services, and consequently to use the Mark for commercial purposes.
This is an exclusive license with respect to the territories and products or services listed below.
The right to use also confers on the Licensee the right to market the following products or services throughout the United States territory: ..... articles and products. The Licensor reserves exclusively for itself the option of using the Mark directly or of granting other licenses of the Mark for all other countries even if not yet covered by the registration of the Mark and for any other products or services.
Years of experience: 30. Registered at Jan 2020.
Spanish to English (UCSD, verified) Spanish to English (Translating Lawyers, verified) French to English (New York University - School of Continuing and Professional Studies, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Swordfish, Trados Studio
I am a seasoned SP>EN translator, specializing in legal translation. I have also obtained a translator certificate from NYU in FR>EN legal translation.