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Jul 20, 2020 (posted mobile): Just completed a short English to Indonesian proofreading project for sentences that appear in the display of the dashboard of the car. ...more »
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English to Indonesian: Food & Beverage General field: Other Detailed field: Food & Drink
Source text - English Food & Beverage
Maxtea Apple Tea
Maxtea Apple Tea is made from instant black tea mix with refined cane sugar, malic acid, natural apple powder, flavour and flavouring apple and Vitamin C. As a fruit tea beverage, Maxtea Apple Tea has a smooth and perfect ripe apple aroma and taste which refreshes your body and mind.
It has 0 g fat, 0 mg sodium. You can enjoy a cup of Maxtea Apple Tea to quench your thirst with an appealing and naturally sweet fresh juicy apple tea for daytime pick-me up.
Product Specification/packing:
*23 g sachet in a box of 5
Translation - Indonesian Makanan & Minuman
Maxtea Apple Tea
Maxtea Apple Tea terbuat dari campuran teh hitam instan dengan gula tebu, asam malat, serbuk buah apel alami, perisa apel dan Vitamin C. Sebagai minuman teh buah, Maxtea Apple Tea memiliki aroma dan rasa apel matang yang halus dan sempurna untuk menyegarkan tubuh dan pikiran Anda.
Mengandung 0 g lemak, 0 mg natrium. Anda dapat menikmati secangkir Maxtea Apple Tea untuk menghilangkan dahaga Anda dengan teh apel segar yang menarik dan manis alami sebagai minuman penyegar di siang hari.
English to Indonesian: Marketing & Advertising General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Marketing
Source text - English Marketing & Advertising
Standing tall on the world-renowned shopping belt of Orchard Road and conveniently located in the heart of business and entertainment districts, Mandarin Orchard Singapore is located within close walking proximity to Paragon Medical and Mount Elizabeth Hospital. The hotel is a mere five minutes from both the Orchard and Somerset train stations, luxury shopping malls such as Mandarin Gallery, Paragon, and ION Orchard among its many neighbours.
The twin towers of the hotel, soaring 39 levels above Orchard Road, boast some 1,077 well-appointed guest rooms, including a lavish Presidential Suite. Each room is equipped with broadband Internet access, comprehensive amenities and a panoramic view of the city from the higher floors. With seven room categories to choose from, they are a harmonious blend of comfort and contemporary elegance and designed with the needs of the discerning traveler in mind.
Translation - Indonesian Pemasaran & Periklanan
Berdiri tegak di pusat perbelanjaan terkenal dunia Orchard Road dan berlokasi di jantung kawasan bisnis dan hiburan, Mandarin Orchard Singapore terletak sangat dekat dengan Paragon Medical (Pelayanan Kesehatan) dan Rumah Sakit Mount Elizabeth. Hotel ini hanya berjarak lima menit dari stasiun kereta Orchard dan Somerset, pusat perbelanjaan mewah seperti Mandarin Gallery, Paragon, ION Orchard, serta banyak pusat perbelanjaan terdekat lainnya.
Menara kembar hotel tersebut menjulang 39 tingkat di atas Orchard Road dan memiliki 1.077 kamar yang ditata apik termasuk Presidential Suite yang mewah. Setiap kamar dilengkapi dengan akses Internet broadband, fasilitas lengkap, dan pemandangan kota yang indah dari lantai bangunan tinggi. Dengan tujuh kategori kamar yang menjadi pilihan, merupakan perpaduan harmonis antara kenyamanan dan keanggunan kontemporer serta dirancang sesuai kebutuhan pelancong paling berselera tinggi.
English to Indonesian: Medical General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - English Medical
Imagine a Hospital that repairs your heart through a tiny incision.
Aortic stenosis, or the narrowing of the heart’s aortic valve, is a common form of heart disease usually treated by open-heart surgery. Unfortunately, more than 30% of sufferers are unable to risk such an invasive procedure.
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) offers an alternate treatment involving the insertion of an artificial heart valve, via an artery. It’s a minimally invasive procedure that promises faster recovery with far less discomfort. Combined with a high level of care, our experienced team of cardiac specialists offer many high-risk heart disease patients a second chance at life. To discover more about TAVI, contact us today.
Translation - Indonesian Kesehatan
Iklan TAVI
Bayangkan sebuah Rumah Sakit yang memperbaiki jantung Anda melalui sayatan kecil.
Stenosis aorta, atau penyempitan katup aorta jantung, adalah bentuk umum penyakit jantung yang biasanya diobati dengan operasi jantung terbuka. Sayangnya, lebih dari 30% penderita tidak dapat mengambil risiko prosedur invasif semacam itu.
Implantasi Katup Aorta Transkateter (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation - TAVI) menawarkan perawatan alternatif yang melibatkan penyisipan katup jantung buatan melalui arteri. Ini adalah prosedur invasif minimal yang menjanjikan pemulihan lebih cepat dengan ketidaknyamanan yang jauh lebih sedikit. Dikombinasikan dengan perawatan tingkat tinggi, tim spesialis jantung kami yang berpengalaman menawarkan kesempatan hidup kedua kepada banyak pasien penyakit jantung berisiko tinggi. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang TAVI, hubungi kami hari ini.
English to Indonesian: Sports (MotoGP) General field: Other Detailed field: Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Source text - English Dorna Sports statement: "Racing is our top priority in 2020"
The coronavirus pandemic is ongoing and has already resulted in revisions to the 2020 calendar for the MotoGP™ World Championship, including the postponement or rescheduling of a number of events. In light of the continued uncertainty, Dorna Sports would like to reaffirm that racing is our top priority in 2020.
At Dorna, we remain in continuous discussion with the FIM, IRTA, the MSMA and Grand Prix promoters as we closely monitor the situation, keeping channels of communication and support between each pillar of our sport as open as possible. The aim of every party involved is to begin racing again as soon as it is safe to do so.
Our number one focus has always been and will remain on trying to run the 2020 season with as many Grands Prix as possible, finishing within the 2020 calendar year. However, we will always act in line with health and safety advice from governments and relevant health authorities.
If the pandemic continues to put our lives and sport on hold for longer than any of us are able to anticipate and travel restrictions remain in place, only as a last resort would Dorna Sports ever consider discussing cancellation of the 2020 season with the FIM, IRTA and the MSMA.
Our number one focus for WorldSBK is likewise trying to run the 2020 season with as many Rounds as possible once it is safe to do so.
The priority of all parties involved is to race, safely, and bring our fans more of what they love: motorcycle racing.
Translation - Indonesian Pernyataan Dorna Sports: "Balap adalah prioritas utama kami di tahun 2020"
Pandemi virus corona sedang berlangsung dan telah menghasilkan revisi kalender 2020 untuk Kejuaraan Dunia MotoGP™, termasuk penundaan atau penjadwalan ulang sejumlah acara. Mengingat ketidakpastian yang berkelanjutan, Dorna Sports ingin menegaskan kembali bahwa balap adalah prioritas utama kami di tahun 2020.
Di Dorna, kami tetap berdiskusi terus-menerus dengan para promotor FIM, IRTA, MSMA, dan (panitia Lokal) Grand Prix seraya kami memonitor situasi dengan cermat, menjaga saluran komunikasi dan dukungan antara setiap pilar olahraga kami seterbuka mungkin. Tujuan dari semua pihak yang terlibat adalah Segera memulai balapan lagi setelah aman untuk melakukannya.
Fokus nomor satu kami selalu dan akan terus berusaha menjalankan musim 2020 dengan Grand Prix sebanyak mungkin, menyelesaikan dalam tahun kalender 2020. Namun, kami akan selalu bertindak sesuai dengan saran kesehatan dan keselamatan dari pemerintah dan otoritas kesehatan terkait.
Jika pandemi terus menunda hidup dan olahraga kita lebih lama daripada yang bisa diantisipasi oleh siapa pun dan pembatasan perjalanan tetap berlaku, hanya sebagai upaya terakhir Dorna Sports akan mempertimbangkan untuk mendiskusikan pembatalan musim 2020 dengan FIM, IRTA dan MSMA.
Fokus nomor satu kami untuk WorldSBK juga mencoba menjalankan musim 2020 dengan sebanyak mungkin Putaran setelah aman untuk melakukannya.
Prioritas semua pihak yang terlibat adalah untuk berlomba, dengan aman, dan membawa penggemar kami lebih dari apa yang mereka sukai: balap motor.
English to Indonesian: Journal Translation General field: Marketing Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - English Sentiment Analysis
Consumer sentiment is very important and influential for business, government, and also for individuals (Hussein, 2018). The application of sentiment analysis is carried out in the hospitality industry, for example in hotels (Zhao et al., 2019) and aviation (Annie R et al., 2016). The development and use of the internet are very rapid and raises new data sources for sentiment analysis of sites, social blogs, online portals, online reviews, and recommendations written by consumers (Hussein, 2018). The application of sentiment analysis in hotel industry can provide information for hotels to improve services that receive negative sentiment (Zhao et al., 2019). Sentiment analysis in aviation industry can be applied to help airlines maximize the services provided to their customers and create customer loyalty (Annie R et al., 2016).
Translation - Indonesian Analisis Sentimen
Sentimen konsumen sangat penting dan berpengaruh bagi bisnis, pemerintahan, dan juga bagi individu (Hussein, 2018). Penerapan analisis sentimen dilakukan di industri keramahtamahan, contohnya di hotel (Zhao, Xu, & Wang, 2019) dan penerbangan (Annie R, Mohan, & Venu, 2016). Perkembangan dan penggunaan internet sangat pesat dan memunculkan sumber data baru untuk analisis sentimen dari laman, blog sosial, portal daring, ulasan daring, dan rekomendasi yang ditulis oleh konsumen (Hussein, 2018). Sentimen pelanggan hotel bisa mempengaruhi tingkat kepuasan layanan yang diberikan dan memberikan informasi bagi hotel untuk memperbaiki layanan yang mendapat sentiment negatif (Zhao et al, 2019). Penerapan analisis sentimen pada dunia penerbangan dilakukan untuk membantu maskapai memaksimalkan jasa yang diberikan kepada konsumennya dan menciptakan loyalitas pelanggan (Annie R et al, 2016).
Translation education
Master's degree - Universitas Indonesa
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Apr 2020. Became a member: Jun 2020.
Adobe Acrobat, MateCat, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Subtitle Workshop, Trados Studio
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Thank you for visiting my profile. My name is Sigit Pramono, an English to Indonesian translator and web/application localizer. I have been professionally providing translation for English-Indonesian pair and I really enjoy this business.
Area of Expertise:
IT/website, Management, Games, Engineering/Technical, Marketing, Financial, Advertising & Public Relation.
CAT Skills:
SDL Trados, Memsource, MateCat, SmartCat
Computer Skills:
Word, PowerPoint, Excel, SAP, Web Dev, CafeTran, MateCat, SmartCat
I am committed to provide my clients with the best possible services including timely delivery and excellent quality.
Keywords: Accounting, Advertising, Annual Reporting, Beverages, Brochure, Business Negotiation, Business Plan, Business, Cash Flow, Cloud. See more.Accounting, Advertising, Annual Reporting, Beverages, Brochure, Business Negotiation, Business Plan, Business, Cash Flow, Cloud, Computer Hardware, Computer, Computing, Consumer Survey, Corporate Finance, Corporate Financial Reporting, Database, Economics, e-Learning, English to Indonesian, English to Javanese, Finance, Financial Information, Financial Statements, Financial, Food & Beverages, Food, Football, Games Localization, Games, Hospitality, Hotel, Human Capital Management, Human Capital, Human Resources Management, Human Resources, Implementation Manual, Indonesian, Information Technology, Information, International Marketing, Internet, IT Governance, IT, Javanese, Leadership, Macroeconomics, Management Control, Management, Managerial Accounting, Manual, Marketing Brochures, Marketing, Matecat, Microeconomics, Native Translator, Organizational Behavior, Penerjemah Inggris Indonesia, Penerjemah Inggris Jawa, Penerjemah, Presentation, Procedure, Product Brochures, Product Campaign, Product Catalogue, Product Description, Product Glossary, Product Specification, Profit Loss, Purchasing, Restaurants, Risk Management, Smartcat, Soccer, Software Manual, Software, Sports, Statement of Equity, Strategic Management, Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain, Tourism, Training Manual, Training Program, Translator, User Manual, Web Localization, Website. See less.