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Sample translations submitted: 5
English to Spanish: The Lottery Ticket - Nate Staniforth General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - English My take on The Lottery Illusion stems directly from my first incredulous reading of the Berglas Picture Post Stunt, the Vanishing Piano and the Christmas Card Finale. The Berglas work was and is a clarion call or a warning bell or a shot across the bow that reminds us that creating miracles is not easy. It reminds us that that while it is tempting to surrender to the seductive pull of concessions like portability, simplicity, and efficiency that make our lives easier, giving in
to these temptations under the false banner of Practicality (temptations which, lest we bullshit ourselves, absolutely do undermine the effect and its impact on the audience) is to miss the point entirely. The job of a magician is not to make the job of the magician easier. Berglas reminds us that while an effect that resets instantly and packs flat (plays big!) might feel practical, the cultivation of a reputation as someone who can work actual miracles is of much greater value.
Practically. Financially. Artistically.
Translation - Spanish Mi acercamiento a La ilusión de la lotería proviene directamente de mi primera lectura incrédula de la obra de Berglas "Picture Post Stunt", "Vanishing Piano" y "Christmas Card Finale". La obra de Berglas fue y es un toque de atención o una campana de advertencia o un disparo en la proa que nos recuerda que crear milagros no es fácil. Nos recuerda que, aunque es tentador rendirse a la seductora atracción de concesiones como la portabilidad, la simplicidad y la eficiencia que nos facilitan la vida, ceder
a estas tentaciones bajo la falsa bandera de la practicidad (tentaciones que, para que no nos engañemos, socavan absolutamente el efecto y su impacto en el público) es no entender nada. El trabajo de un mago no es facilitar el trabajo del mago. Berglas nos recuerda que, si bien un efecto que se reinicia al instante y que se embala (¡juega a lo grande!) puede parecer práctico, el cultivo de una reputación como alguien que puede hacer verdaderos milagros tiene un valor mucho mayor.
Prácticamente. Financieramente. Artísticamente.
English to Spanish: Medical Marijuana General field: Medical
Source text - English Below, we examine the relationship between MMLs and marijuana consumption
among high school students using data from the national and
state Youth Risky Behavior Surveys (YRBS) for the years 1993–2011. During
this period, sixteen states, including California, Colorado, Michigan,
Oregon, Rhode Island, and Washington, legalized medical marijuana. Our
empirical analysis is reduced-form, based on the approach taken by previous
researchers interested in the determinants ofmarijuana use.3 The results
suggest that the legalization of medical marijuana is not accompanied by
increases in the use of marijuana among high school students. Specifically,
estimates from our preferred specification are small, negative, and
statistically indistinguishable from zero. Using the 95% confidence interval
around these estimates suggests that the impact of legalizing medical marijuana
on the probability of marijuana use in the past 30 days is no larger
than 1.5 percentage-points.
Translation - Spanish A continuación, examinamos la relación entre los MML y el consumo de marihuana
entre los estudiantes de secundaria utilizando datos de las encuestas nacionales y
estatales Youth Risky Behavior Surveys (YRBS) para los años 1993-2011. Durante
este período, dieciséis estados, incluyendo California, Colorado, Michigan
Oregon, Rhode Island y Washington, legalizaron la marihuana medicinal. Nuestro
análisis empírico es de forma reducida, basado en el enfoque adoptado por anteriores investigadores interesados en los determinantes del consumo de marihuana.3 Los resultados. Los resultados sugieren que la legalización de la marihuana medicinal no va acompañada de los resultados sugieren que la legalización de la marihuana medicinal no va acompañada de un aumento del consumo de marihuana entre los estudiantes de secundaria. En concreto,
las estimaciones de nuestra especificación preferida son pequeñas, negativas y
estadísticamente indistinguibles de cero. El uso del intervalo de confianza del 95%
alrededor de estas estimaciones sugiere que el impacto de la legalización de la marihuana medicinal sobre la probabilidad de consumo de marihuana en los últimos 30 días no es mayor de 1,5 puntos porcentuales.
English to Spanish: Mystery Method - Spanish Translation General field: Social Sciences
Source text - English Over the years these informal discussions with friends developed into info-packed seminars and action-packed in-field workshops where I literally brought men into night clubs and other social gatherings to systematically train them to approach and attract women. Between my magic shows, I've conducted literally dozens upon dozens of them all over the world and have personally helped hundreds of men learn what their dad never taught them. I am privileged to share over ten years of experience 111 the science of social dynamics and the art of the cold approach pickup so that I may dramatically accelerate your learning curve and save you years of painful frustration and loneliness.
Translation - Spanish A lo largo de los años, estas discusiones informales con amigos se convirtieron en seminarios repletos de información y talleres de campo repletos de acción en los que literalmente llevé a los hombres a clubes nocturnos y otras reuniones sociales para entrenarlos sistemáticamente a acercarse y atraer a las mujeres. Entre mis espectáculos de magia, he dirigido literalmente docenas y docenas de ellos en todo el mundo y he ayudado personalmente a cientos de hombres a aprender lo que su padre nunca les enseñó. Tengo el privilegio de compartir más de diez años de experiencia 111 la ciencia de la dinámica social y el arte de la captación de acercamiento en frío para poder acelerar drásticamente su curva de aprendizaje y ahorrarle años de dolorosa frustración y soledad.
Spanish to English: Presencia Interior/Inner Presence General field: Medical
Source text - Spanish The Presence Process also introduces us to a concept that is very foreign
to the outer world of changing conditions: that the power of our
Inner Presence knows no order of difficulty. I have personally witnessed
this Process successfully resolve conditions of depression, cancer, phobias, drug and alcohol addiction, grief, anger, fear, allergies, lack, and many other outer indicators of inner imbalance. It also accelerates the recovery from physical injuries, enhances sporting and creative abilities, and enlivens spiritual activities from yoga to meditation. This Process has repeatedly demonstrated to me that it is our deeply suppressed emotional issues that unconsciously distract us from the present moment of our life experience, and that the mental states of mind caused by this distraction lead to the physical manifestations of imbalance that become symptoms of disease. In essence, The Presence Process is a pathway that empowers us to release and integrate these emotional blockages. Therefore, it is a journey into our own emotional growth. It is literally a way to consciously "grow up".
Translation - English El Proceso de Presencia también nos introduce en un concepto que es muy ajeno al mundo exterior de las condiciones cambiantes: que el poder de nuestra Presencia Interior no conoce el orden de dificultad. He sido testigo personalmente de cómo este Proceso resolver con éxito afecciones de depresión, cáncer, fobias, adicción a las drogas y al alcohol, dolor, ira, miedo, alergias, carencia y muchos otros indicadores externos de desequilibrio interior. También acelera la recuperación de lesiones físicas, mejora las capacidades deportivas y creativas, y anima las actividades espirituales, desde el yoga hasta la meditación. Este Proceso me ha demostrado repetidamente que son nuestras cuestiones emocionales profundamente reprimidas las que nos distraen inconscientemente del momento presente de nuestra experiencia vital, y que los estados mentales causados por esta distracción conducen a las manifestaciones físicas de desequilibrio que se convierten en síntomas de enfermedad. En esencia, el Proceso de Presencia es una vía que nos permite liberar e integrar estos bloqueos emocionales. Por lo tanto, es un viaje hacia nuestro propio crecimiento emocional. Es, literalmente, una forma de "crecer" conscientemente.
Spanish to English: Plantas Medicinales - Panamá General field: Medical
Source text - Spanish La información relacionada al uso de plantas, y en particular las medicinales debe ser evaluada en primer lugar en el marco del uso histórico y etnológico referenciado en la literatura especializada, además del potencial de la información etnobotánica, científica y tecnológica de las plantas de uso medicinal en Panamá (Olmedo, 2010). Es necesario recopilar fuentes concretas que indiquen la verás acción terapéutica de las plantas medicinales ante las diferentes enfermedades (Llorach, 2007), principalmente aquellas de mayor incidencia registradas como causantes de enfermedades y muerte en Panamá, así como también establecer la distribución a nivel regional y local para recomendar y promover el uso seguro de las plantas medicinales panameñas.
Translation - English Information related to the use of plants, particularly medicinal plants, should be evaluated first of all within the framework of the historical and ethnological use referenced in the specialized literature, in addition to the potential of ethnobotanical, scientific and technological information on medicinal plants in Panama (Olmedo, 2010). It is necessary to compile concrete sources that indicate the therapeutic action of medicinal plants against different diseases (Llorach, 2007), mainly those with the highest incidence registered as causing illness and death in Panama, as well as to establish the distribution at the regional and local level in order to recommend and promote the safe use of Panamanian medicinal plants.
Translation education
Other - Independent/12 Years of Experience/Freelancer/Native Speaker
Years of experience: 16. Registered at Sep 2020.
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Other - Freelance Translation Full Time Job
I'm Benjamin Eisenman, a Screenwriter, Film Director, Magician, Freelance Translator specialized in English and Spanish. I live in Latin America and lived in the USA for 4 years. I studied English and Spanish in school, grew up with my parents speaking both languages, went to Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas for 4 years, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts on Film & Video Production and a Bachelor of Science in Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, which I completed in 4 years by taking classes on the Summers and Winters. I've written over 50 screenplays, translated over 200 documents for healthcare professionals, video producers, screenwriters, magicians, and several other fields.
I have years of experience translating from Spanish to English and from English to Spanish as a freelancer. My job is to provide the cleanest and most complete translation for the purpose you desire.
Please contact me at: [email protected] to learn about my rates and additional information about payment and translation specifics. I'd appreciate you write me with complete details about what your goal is for translating this, what subject in school is it for, or even what kind of job. Please also include details about your request and when you need the translation to be done and sent back to you! (due date/deadline).