Working languages:
Serbian to Macedonian
Macedonian to Serbian
English to Serbian

Maja Milutinovic
economist, MBA | 20+ ys of experience

Belgrade, Central Serbia, Serbia
Local time: 21:20 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Macedonian (Variant: Serbian) Native in Macedonian
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Specializes in:
Aerospace / Aviation / SpaceComputers: Hardware
Computers: SoftwareIT (Information Technology)
Internet, e-CommerceSurveying
Textiles / Clothing / FashionTransport / Transportation / Shipping


Experience Years of experience: 25. Registered at Apr 2021. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Trados Online Editor

Born in Skopje, in a bilingual family, and now living in Belgrade, Serbia. I grew up speaking Macedonian and Serbian. I spent most of my childhood in Northern Macedonia, where I later became an economist and translator / interpreter. In addition to economic and business, I provide exceptional translation services in the fields of technology, marketing / advertising as well as literature and science. I am especially proud of my results in simultaneous translation.

Rođena u Skoplju, u dvojezičnoj porodici, i sada živim u Beogradu, Srbija. Odrasla sam govoreći makedonski i srpski jezik. Veći deo detinjstva provela sam u Severnoj Makedoniji, gde sam kasnije postala ekonomista i prevodilac / tumač. Pored ekonomskih odnosno poslovnih, pružam izuzetne usluge prevođenja iz oblasti tehnologije, marketinga / oglašavanja kao i literaturi i nauci. Posebno sam ponosna na rezultate u simultanom prevođenju.

Keywords: Macedonian, Serbian, English, German, Italian, technology, economy, business, politics, conference interpreting. See more.Macedonian, Serbian, English, German, Italian, technology, economy, business, politics, conference interpreting, . See less.

Profile last updated
Apr 25, 2021