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English to Estonian: Excerpt from the III chapter of "Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting" by John F. Carlson
Source text - English Every good picture is fundamentally an arrangement of three or four large masses —a design of differing masses or large blocks of color—light, dark and half-dark or half-light. Any detail or embellishment placed within the big masses is so subordinated that it in no way disturbs these masses. Study reproductions of Giotto, and you will note this simplicity.
We have heard a great deal about “simplicity,” about “elimination,” about “design” in painting, but we have heard little about the how or why of it all. It is easy to say to a student, “see nature simply,” but that means nothing to him. It is a difficult task to explain logically why
or how he should see it simply. It is not a question of helping him to paint it simply, but rather one of helping him see it simply. If he sees it simply, he will readily find a way of painting it simply.
For his help I have laid out here a Theory of Angles. This theory sets forth my belief that the prime cause of the big light-and-dark relations in a landscape is the angle which such masses present to the source of light (the sky). Our landscapes’ prime elements—trees, ground,
mountains, etc.—receive from the sky differing degrees of light according to their plane, and it is chiefly this difference of plane that establishes them as darks, half-tones, and semi-lights, as related to one another. These “steps” from dark to light are called values.
Whether this theory is unimpeachable or not, it will help the student to see simply. (Diagrams Nos. 1, 2 and 3.) The student, in his efforts to create these angles, will be so occupied for a time that he will forget his preconceived idea that painting is a kind of sleight of hand or super-dexterity that is mainly occupied with putting “highlights” on grasses and leaves, etc., or with tricks of “handling” paint. As he rids himself of these notions, he will achieve the desired results. It is a curious fact that out-of-door nature is to the beginner an enormously overloaded “property room.” He sees for instance, the myriad leaves upon a tree long before he sees the tree at all. He attempts to paint the leaves, and the results are sad.
Translation - Estonian Põhimõtteliselt on iga hea pilt kolme või nelja suure osa paigutus – erinevate elementide ehk suurte (heledate, tumedate, pooltumedate ja poolheledate) värviplokkide kujundus. Kõik elemendi detailid ja kaunistused on nii allutatud, et need ei sega mingil viisil neid elemente. Seda lihtsust on näha Giotto reproduktsioonides.
Maalimises räägitakse palju „lihtsusest“, „kõrvaldamisest“ ja „disainist“, aga väga vähe selle põhjustest. Õpilasele on lihtne öelda: „Vaadake loodust lihtsalt“, aga see ei tähenda talle mitte kui midagi. Loogiliselt seletamine, miks või kuidas ta seda peaks nägema, osutub raskeks ülesandeks. Küsimus ei ole õpetada talle loodust lihtsalt maalima, vaid seda lihtsalt nägema. Kui ta näeb seda lihtsalt, leiab ta kergesti ka viisi seda lihtsalt maalida.
Õpilase aitamiseks olen siia kirja pannud nurkade teooria. Püstitan selle põhimõttel, et maastiku heleduse ja tumeduse märkimisväärsete vahede põhipõhjus on nurk, mille alt valgusallikas (taevas) kumab elementidele. Maastiku peamistele elementidele (puud, maapind, mäed jne) langeb valgus taevast erineva nurga alt nende tasandi järgi ja just see tasandi erinevus määrabki omavahel seotud tasandite toonid tumedateks, pooltumedateks ja poolheledateks. Neid heleduse ja tumeduse skaala astmeid nimetatakse valöörideks.
Hoolimata sellest, kas teooria on kivisse raiutud või mitte, aitab see õpilasel näha lihtsalt (joonised 1, 2 ja 3). Õpilane on niivõrd keskendunud nurkade loomisele, et ta unustab eelarvamuse maalimise käteosavusest, mis tegeleb eelkõige murule, lehtedele jms heledate aktsentide lisamisega või värvi käsitlemise trikkidega. Vabanedes neist mõtetest, saavutab ta soovitud tulemuse. Huvitaval kombel on algaja jaoks loodus tohutult täistopitud asitõendite ruum. Näiteks näeb ta lugematul arvul lehti puul, enne kui ta märkab puud ennast. Ta üritab maalida lehti, ent see ei kuku tal hästi välja.
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Tartu
Years of experience: 4. Registered at Apr 2021.
Hi 👋 My name is Margret, and I am a freelance translator from English and French to Estonian, and Estonian to English.
Translation isn't just about words, but rather ideas and thoughts. I take your writing and transform into a beautifully-written, grammatically accurate and readable Estonian or English.
Specialisations: ✏️ Websites ✏️ Marketing (social media content, blog posts, articles, etc.) ✏️ Legal (contracts, terms&conditions, etc.)
Services: ✏️Translation ✏️ Transcreation – I creatively re-write your text to target best your audience. This is necessary for slogans, advertisements, etc. ✏️ SEO – I can optimise your keywords, metatags, alt-texts etc. so when your clients are looking for your services, you'll be the first one to pop up on the Google search.
Qualifications: ✏️I have 3+ years of experience as a translator. I've worked as a junior and post-junior translator at a translation agency after which I went freelance in the summer of 2022. I've translated for an array of clients, ranging from start-ups to government establishments. ✏️I hold an MA in Translation from the University of Tartu. During my studies, I translated economic and legal texts in all my language pairs. ✏️I was born and grew up in Estonia. Moreover, I have extensive knowledge of English since I lived in Canada for four years while earning my BA in Classical Studies with a minor in Sociology at the University of British Columbia.
So, if you need your website, marketing content or contracts translated, please get in touch with me here on LinkedIn or e-mail me at [email protected].
Keywords: estonian, english, french, marketing, website, legal, contracts, localisation, localization, transcreation. See more.estonian, english, french, marketing, website, legal, contracts, localisation, localization, transcreation, SEO, terms and conditions. See less.