English to Chinese: 闻香识书 | |
Source text - English 淡的墨香像淘气的精灵一样,在鼻翼前挑逗,让我们捧起了书,就再也放不下。那里,有江河大海的气息,有尘土月光的痕迹,有悲欢离合的滋味……心沉下去,情浮上来,眼睛打开了去,那或苦闷,或欢畅,或蹙眉,或拍案的万千气象都奔涌而来。安静地坐在书桌前,看风起云涌,读花开花落,这是一种怎样的物我两忘境界啊!
读书是一种修行,一种享受,它带给我们的是隽永的感受,恒久的动力,以及心灵的和平与精神的慰藉。当然,要做到这些,还需自我改变,也需要全社会共同营造读书的氛围。我们需要更多的图书馆、更多的阅读空间、更便捷的取阅方式,只有当我们真正体会了阅读的乐趣,而书籍又唾手可得时,我们才能做到:书香随身,书香随心。 | Translation - Chinese Books carry a faint scent of ink, as if playful elves are hidden inside.toying with tantalizing aroma right in front of your nose, making the text impossibleto put down. Books unfold an entire universe of rivers and seas, moons and dusts.happiness and sorrow... You dive in, then surface back, and find yourself inundatedwith a world of infinite variety and vista: drowned in a wealth of sentiments andsensations. You may taste bitterness and bliss; you may scowl, or be stunned. Whenyou sit behind a desk, quietly leafing through pages, everything disappears into thecosmos of books where days and nights pass and flowers bloom and fade
Reading is comparable to a spiritual practice and a mental feast. The bookswe read will be a part ofus forever, allowing us to be constantly inspired, to find innerpeace and soothe the soul. For that to happen, indeed, one has to seek selfimprovement while working with others to create an ideal atmosphere of readingMore libraries, diverse reading space and more accessible books can make it happen.When we find immense pleasure from reading, and books are readily available, the fragrance of books will keep us good company, no matter where we go. |