I have always dreamed of working with foreign languages and of having the possibility to put down on paper the knowledge I have of them. My job as a Restaurant Hostess has helped me gain organisatory skills and also, by interracting with so many foreigners, achive speach fluency and immediacy in switching from one language to the other. I am highly motivated, especially now after graduating the Foreign Languages and Literatures Faculty at the University of Milan, to challenge myself and finally put into action all my knowledge. During my University years, I have also achieved some tutoring experience which later helped me understand the struggles of translating from one language to another (in particular from italian to english and the other way around) without making it sound unnatural. This year I have decided to take a 5-month leave from my job in Italy to become an Au Pair in Germany in order to improve my german speaking skills. I am passionate about my languages and always feel the need to grow and improve my knowledge of them. |