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Translation, Website localization, Transcription
Specializes in:
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Medical: Instruments
Medical: Health Care
Law: Contract(s)
Energy / Power Generation
Environment & Ecology
Business/Commerce (general)
Also works in:
Finance (general)
Human Resources
Advertising / Public Relations
Government / Politics
Sample translations submitted: 3
English to Portuguese: Ophthalmology General field: Medical
Source text - English WHAT IS A CATARACT?
Inside your eye is a natural lens that helps focus light. Your natural lens has an outer covering called the lens capsule. The natural lens focuses images onto the back of your eye (called the retina) so you can see clearly. This is similar to how a camera lens focuses images onto film for a clear picture (Figure 1). As people age, the natural lens can become less clear, even cloudy. This cloudiness is called a cataract. Just as a dirty camera lens can spoil a picture, a cataract can prevent light from focusing clearly inside the eye.
Translation - Portuguese O QUE É CATARATA?
Dentro de seu olho, existe uma lente natural, chamada cristalino, que ajuda a focar a luz. Seu cristalino tem uma cobertura externa chamada cápsula do cristalino. O cristalino foca as imagens atrás do olho (na parte chamada retina) para que você consiga enxergar com clareza. É como a lente de uma câmera, que foca as imagens no filme para obter uma foto nítida (Figura 1). À medida que as pessoas envelhecem, o cristalino pode ficar menos transparente, chegando a ficar opaco. É a essa opacidade que se dá o nome de catarata. Assim como uma lente suja pode estragar uma foto, uma catarata pode impedir que a luz se foque com clareza dentro do olho.
Portuguese to English: Contrato de trabalho General field: Law/Patents
Source text - Portuguese CONTRATO DE TRABALHO
Por este instrumento particular entre as partes nomeadas, de um lado a empresa [NOME], inscrita no CNPJ sob o nº [número], com sede na [endereço], doravante denominada EMPREGADORA e de outro lado o Sr. [NOME COMPLETO], brasileiro, divorciado, portador de ensino superior completo, inscrito no CPF/MF sob o nº [número], residente e domiciliado na [endereço], Cep: [número], doravante denominado EMPREGADO, em conjunto denominados “PARTES”, firmam o presente Contrato Individual de Trabalho, de acordo com o disposto na Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho, inclusive no artigo 75-C, § 1º da CLT, que se regerá pelas cláusulas abaixo e demais disposições da Legislação Trabalhista:
1 – Fica o EMPREGADO admitido no quadro da EMPREGADORA para ocupar o cargo de Diretor Regional (head of sales for Brazil and USA).
2 – A EMPREGADORA, conforme suas necessidades de ordem técnica e administrativa, poderá modificar a função do EMPREGADO, desde que a nova atividade seja compatível com a sua qualificação profissional e condição pessoal.
3 – Constitui condição explicita deste contrato a possibilidade de transferência do local da prestação de serviços, seja ela definitiva ou provisória, dentro ou fora do território nacional, bem como de realização de viagens a trabalho, incluindo viagens ao exterior.
Translation - English EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT
Through this private instrument between the named parties, on one side, the company [NAME], registered with the CNPJ under # [number], with head office at [address], hereinafter simply called EMPLOYER, and on the other Mr. [FULL NAME], Brazilian, divorced, with higher education, enrolled with the CPF/MF under # [number], resident and domiciled at [address], Zip code: [number], hereinafter simply called EMPLOYEE, jointly simply called “PARTIES,” sign this Individual Employment Contract, in accordance with the provisions of the Consolidation of Labor Laws, including article 75-C, § 1 of the CLT, which will be governed by the clauses below and other provisions in the Labor Legislation:
1 – The EMPLOYEE is admitted to the EMPLOYER’s staff to occupy the position of Regional Director (Head of Sales for Brazil and USA).
2 – The EMPLOYER, according to its technical and administrative needs, may change the EMPLOYEE’s role, provided that the new activity is compatible with his professional skills and personal condition.
3 – It is an explicit condition of this contract the possibility of transferring the place where the services are provided, whether definitively or temporarily, inside or outside the territory national, as well as taking business trips, including trips abroad.
English to Spanish: Survey FAQ General field: Marketing
Source text - English The 2021 […] Survey will be available to employees between October 18 and November 12, 2021. This biennial survey is our way of measuring our employee experiences at work in terms of business metrics such as Strategy, Competitiveness, and Performance, as well as health and well-being indicators such as Engagement, Talent Development, and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI). It is an opportunity for us to give our voice to assess where we are and move toward who we want to be as One [company].
Who is eligible to take the survey?
All full-time employees who have been employed with [company name] on or before July 18, 2021, are encouraged to take the survey. Contractors, co-ops, and interns are ineligible to take the survey. Employees on long-term disability (LTD) are also ineligible.
Translation - Spanish La Encuesta […] de 2021 estará disponible para los empleados desde el 18 de octubre al 12 de noviembre de 2021. Esta encuesta bienal es nuestra forma de medir las experiencias de nuestros empleados en el trabajo en términos de métricas empresariales, como Estrategia, Competitividad y Rendimiento, así como indicadores de salud y bienestar, como Compromiso, Desarrollo de Talentos y Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión (DEI). Es una oportunidad de dar nuestras opiniones para evaluar dónde estamos y avanzar hacia lo que queremos ser como Una [compañía].
¿Quién puede responder la encuesta?
Se alienta a todos los empleados de tiempo completo que han trabajado en [nombre de empresa] desde el 18 de julio de 2021 o antes a que respondan la encuesta. Los contratistas, los miembros de cooperativas y los pasantes no son elegibles para responder la encuesta. Tampoco son elegibles los empleados con licencia médica a largo plazo.
Years of experience: 28. Registered at Aug 2023. Became a member: Sep 2023.
I have been working with the English language since 1986, when I started the Translator-Interpreter course at Faculdade Ibero-Americana. I taught English in some schools and several companies for almost 15 years.
In companies, I had
the opportunity to also work as a translator and, in 2000, I decided that I
would dedicate myself exclusively to translation. Along the way, I learned
Spanish and started to work with this language as well.
Today, I translate, revise,
and write texts for national and multinational companies, as well as for
self-employed professionals.