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Translation, Subtitling
Specializes in:
Poetry & Literature
Law (general)
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Also works in:
Law: Contract(s)
Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Advertising / Public Relations
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Cooking / Culinary
Printing & Publishing
Environment & Ecology
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Government / Politics
Media / Multimedia
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Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.)
Transport / Transportation / Shipping
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General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
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English to Lithuanian - Standard rate: 0.10 EUR per word / 8.00 EUR per audio/video minute Lithuanian to English - Standard rate: 0.10 EUR per word / 8.00 EUR per audio/video minute Spanish to Lithuanian - Standard rate: 0.10 EUR per word / 8.00 EUR per audio/video minute Lithuanian to Spanish - Standard rate: 0.10 EUR per word / 8.00 EUR per audio/video minute
English to Lithuanian: Krikščioniškos perspektyvos pasaulinės krizės metu General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Religion
Source text - English It should be clear from the moral and mental confusion of our time that the present world crisis is something far worse than a merely political or economic conflict. It goes far
deeper than ideologies. It is a crisis of man's spirit. It is a
completely moral upheaval of the human race that has lost
its religious and cultural roots. We do not really know half
the causes of this upheaval. We cannot pretend to have a full
understanding of what is going on in ourselves and in our
society. That is why our desperate hunger for clear and definite
solutions sometimes leads us into temptation. We oversimplify.
We seek the cause of evil and find it here or there in a particular
nation, class, race, ideology, system. And we discharge upon
this scapegoat all the virulent force of our hatred, compounded
with fear and anguish, striving to rid ourselves of our dread
and of our guilt by destroying the object we have arbitrarily
singled out as the embodiment of all evil. Far from curing us,
this is only another paroxysm which aggravates our sickness.
Translation - Lithuanian Moralinė ir protinė mūsų laikų sumaištis akivaizdžiai byloja, kad šiandieninė pasaulinė krizė yra kažkas nepalyginti blogiau nei įprastas politinis ar ekonominis konfliktas. Ji siekia kur kas giliau nei ideologijos. Iki pačių žmogaus sielos gelmių. Religinių ir kultūrinių šaknų netekusi žmonija išgyvena visuminį moralinį perversmą. Nesame tikri nė dėl pusės šio perversmo priežasčių. Negalime apsimesti, kad iki galo suprantame, kas su mumis ir mūsų visuomene vyksta. Būtent todėl, beviltiškai trokšdami aiškių ir galutinių sprendimų, kartkartėmis pasiduodame pagundai. Pernelyg viską supaprastiname. Ieškome blogio šaknų ir vienur ar kitur jas randame – kokioje nors tautoje, visuomenės sluoksnyje, rasėje, ideologijoje, santvarkoje. Ir išliejame ant to atpirkimo ožio visą karšligišką neapykantą, sumišusią su baime ir pasibaisėjimu, tikėdamiesi kartu su nekenčiamu objektu nusikratyti siaubo ir kaltės, kad savavališkai išskyrėme jį kaip viso blogio įsikūnijimą. Šis išpuolis toli gražu mums nepadeda – tik prisideda prie būklės pablogėjimo.
Translation education
Master's degree - Vilnius University
Years of experience: 11. Registered at Nov 2023.
I am a PhD candidate in contemporary literary poetics. I have a broad background in the humanities. Furthermore, I am a published essayist and a publicist. I am a native speaker of Lithuanian, and I am fluent in English and Spanish. I have experience in translating a wide range of texts (fictional, legal, technical, medical, etc.). Currently I am employed as a legal translator for Malaga District Courts (Spain). Furthermore, I translate and subtitle films, TV series, etc. I can provide editing and proofreading services in Lithuanian. If you need a responsible, efficient and research-oriented translator - that's me. Please do not hesitate to get in contact. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Keywords: Lithuanian, literature, legal, cinema, video