Member since Oct '02

Working languages:
German to English
Russian to English
English (monolingual)

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February 2025

Henry Whittlesey Schroeder
20 years of experience, certified, ATA

Brooklyn, New York, United States
Local time: 17:25 EST (GMT-5)

Native in: English (Variant: US) Native in English
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23 positive reviews
(1 unidentified)

2 ratings (5.00 avg. rating)

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What Henry Whittlesey Schroeder is working on
Sep 6, 2024 (posted via  Oh, OK, not even a summer has helped me catch up here... Well everything continues along as normal. Not sure how often this will be updated (evidently not often :-)) ...more, + 384 other entries »
Total word count: 4589865

User message all seems simple and ordinary; but to get it all done, it is necessary for all the villagers, from the oldest to the youngest, to work ceaselessly... - Tolstoy
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, MT post-editing, Copywriting, Transcreation
Specializes in:
Poetry & LiteratureHistory
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.Economics
Business/Commerce (general)Finance (general)
Law: Contract(s)Law (general)
InsuranceInvestment / Securities

Volunteer translations

Volunteer professional humanitarian translation services-

TWB Kató

Words donated: 2,108
Volunteer / Pro-bono work Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
German to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.15 EUR per word / 25 - 45 EUR per hour
Russian to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.15 EUR per word / 30 - 45 EUR per hour

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 1050, Questions answered: 1019, Questions asked: 313
Project History 52 projects entered    9 positive feedback from outsourcers

Glossaries Finance, Transposition
Experience Years of experience: 23. Registered at Oct 2002. Became a member: Oct 2002. Certified PRO certificate(s)
Credentials German to English (
Russian to English (
Memberships ATA
Software Across, Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Acrobat, Excel, SDLX, Trados Studio
Articles Author of 9 articles

Professional practices Henry Whittlesey Schroeder endorses's Professional Guidelines.
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Meet new end/direct clients
  • Network with other language professionals
  • Find trusted individuals to outsource work to
  • Transition from freelancer to agency owner


I am very flexible with regard to the steps in the translation process, rates, deadlines, etc. so let me know what you have in mind and what the budget is. There are many options today.

Here you will find general information about the services I have provided as a certified translator of German and Russian over the last 20 years. I am also a published author and current lead editor of a New York publication (perypatetik).

If you would like a quote for a translation, editing, proofreading or other language services, including transposition, please contact me by phone or email:

Phone (US): 1-718-701-8218

Phone (Cell): 1-917-656-8843




20 years of experience as freelance translator from German/Russian into British, American and International Standard English

Published translator of academic and literary translations

Published author of numerous essays, articles and papers on translation, transposition, adaptation and narration/discourse

Lead editor for perypatetik

7 years of residency in Germany; 5 years in Russia; currently reside in New York, USA

Certified professional translator

Extensive references and WWAs from regular clients and outsourcers


Finance/Banking: Annual reports, financial statements for numerous leading German companies (including DAX companies), websites, white papers, etc.

Business/Marketing: Business plans, presentations, investment plans, white papers, supervisory board/management reports, general reports, risk analysis, interviews; clients include major Western Central Bank, leading financial institutions, various German universities, etc.

Insurance: Contracts, policies, websites, internal documents, etc.

Law: Contracts, agreements, employment contracts, General Terms and Conditions, deeds, merger and acquisition agreements, divestiture agreements, easement agreements, company agreements, due diligence, etc.

Court and case law: Court rulings, injunctions, pleadings, briefs, expertise, opinions, replies, appeals, case law, legal reviews, etc.

Documentation: Guidelines and manuals for companies, organizations, foundations; organizational charts, human resources policies, minutes, etc.



Literary fiction: Uffa and 8 parables by Armenian writer Marina Davtyan, Конкурс красоты (Beauty Pageant) by Valentina Akssy, Роза, карты, два крупье (Cards, Two Croupiers and Rose) by Valentina Akssy, Planet Erde: der Götter irdisches Amphitheater (Planet Earth: The Gods' Earthly Amphitheater) by Max Zwölf (translation currently in progress), ДНК Ангелов (The DNA of Angels) by Valentina Akssy, Новая хижина Дяди Тома (Uncle Tom’s New Cabin) and Два цветка герберы (Two Gerbera Flowers) by Marina Davtyan; Черный пелкикан (The Black Pelican) by Vadim Babenko; short stories: Поворот реки (Turn in the River) by Andrey Dmitriev, Шаги (Steps) by Andrey Dmitriev; novella Воскобоев и Елизавета (Voskoboev and Elizaveta) by Andrey Dmitriev; Geboren am 20.09.1983 by Erich Maier

Drama: Безумцы на эшафоте (Lunatics on the Gallows) by Pavel Ondrin

Lyric drama: Cardenio und Celinde (Cardenio and Celinde) by baroque writer Andreas Gryphius

Children's books: Froschkönig, Kleiner Prinz, Sandmännchen, Schneewitschenetc. (London Translation Agency)

Philosophy/Theology: Zeit und Bildung im Denken Johann Gottfried Herders (Time and Education in the Thinking of Johann Gottfried Herder), Grobian Trouble: Grobianism and 'Invectivity' in Thomas Murner and Martin Luther by Isabelle Stauffer, Invectivity and Interpretive Authority. Religious Conflict in Kilian Leib's Annales maiores by Bernward Schmidt, Ulrich von Hutten's Partisanship in the Reuchlin Controversy (1514-1519): Determining Functions of Invectivity in Early 16th Century German Humanism by Albrecht Dröse and Marius Kraus, Zeit - Handeln - Nichts (Time - Action - Nothingness) by Erich Maier 

Transposition: From Wahnsinnig to the Looney Bin: Russian and German Stories Transposed to Modern-Day America

History: (Fremd) Körper: Die Stigmatisierung der Neuchristen im Spanien der Frühen Neuzeit [(Foreign) Bodies: Stigmatizing New Christians in Early Modern Spainby Julia Gebke (Böhlau Verlag); Biography of Rabbi Menachem Froman; The Russian Church and Mount Athos from the 15th to the Beginning of the 20th Century (Русская церков и Святая афонская Гора в ХV – начале ХХ века); Kultpraktiken der jüngeren Bronzezeit (JBZ) in der Unstrutgruppe am Beispiel der Mikroregion Kuckenburg (Saalekreis) von Peter Ettel et al.; Verwandtschaft oder soziale Differenzierung? Europäische Referenzstudie am Beispiel des mitteldeutschen Mittelneolithikums (4. Jahrtausend v. Chr.) von Dr. Susanne Friedrich et al.

Art: Merde au Monde – Als ob die Schwäne singen – Jorn and the Modifications by Axel Heil, Buch - Lackwarenbuch in Burma, Art Exhibitions as Diplomatic Gestures. Conflict Management via Cultural Exchange before World War I (edited); 3 Triptychen: Musik, Mutter und Kind, Jeanne d'Arc von Eckhard Schoech

Economics: Digitalisierung der Wirtschaft in Deutschland (2022) (Digitalisation of the economy in Germany)Mikrosimulation und Vorschläge zur Leistungsverbesserung des Wohngeldes (Microsimulation and suggestion for improvement of the housing benefits system)Subsidizing semiconductor production in order to create an open strategic autonomy of the European Union, Policy positions on economics, trade, demographics, education, etc. (for international foundation); Globalization Report; Protectionism in Trade (for international foundation), Welche Effekte kann die Corona-Pandemie auf das Wachstumspotenzial haben?Nationaler Emissionshandel für Verkehr und Wärme, Ein Kompass für die Konferenz zur Zukunft Europas: Öffentliche Güter in der Debatte über die Zuständigkeitsverteilung in der Europäischen Union (for international foundation, same as above), Synthetische Kraftstoffe: Potenziale für Europa: Klimaschutz- und Wertschöpfungseffekte eines Hochlaufs der Herstellung strombasierter flüssiger Energieträger (for international foundation, same as above); Nach Wirecard - Europa braucht unabhängige Finanzaufsichtsbehörden, nicht nur in Deutschland von Sebastian Mack; Nach der Wahl: Wie weiter in der EU-Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik?Subsidizing semiconductor production in order to create an Open Strategic Autonomy of the European Union? von Hubertus Bardt et al.

Social Sciences: Bildungsstand von Flüchtlingen, Die Integration der Geflüchteten macht große Fortschritte; Identität der Stadt Cottbus - Access City Award Presentation


Novella Edge (to be published by indie small press Running Wild in 2025; written 2005-2007)

Author of article Translation and Artificial Intelligence (2023)

Co-author of The Purpose of Literary Fiction at the Beginning of the Third Millennium (forward to Evanescent: Young Adulthood Transadapted) (2022)

Editor of international fiction anthology Evanescent: Young Adulthood Transadapted (2022)

Co-author of Conveyors of the Metaphysical in Literary Fiction (forward to Conceived: Childhood Transadapted) (2021)

Editor of international fiction collection Conceived: Childhood Transadapted (2021)

Editor of international literary fiction florilegium In the Middle: Prelude to a Contemporary Transadaptation (2020)

Translator of (Fremd) Körper: Die Stigmatisierung der Neuchristen im Spanien der Frühen Neuzeit [(Foreign) Bodies: Stigmatizing New Christians in Early Modern Spain] (2020; University of Vienna + Böhlau Verlag)

Coauthor of philosophical book Peripatetic Alterity: A Treatise on the Spectrum of Being - Romantics and Pragmatists (2019) 

Lead editor for perypatetik anthologies The Anthology of Instability Transposed (2017), The Codex of Uncertainty Transposed (2018) and The Syncretion of Polarization and Extremes (2019)

Author of novel ??? (2016)

Translation of lyric drama Cardenio and Celinde by Andreas Gryphius (2015)

Creator of the transadaptation Dead Souls Persuasion by Nikolai Gogol and Jane Austen (2014)

Edited and contributed to From Wahnsinnig to the Loony Bin: German and Russian stories transposed to modern-day America (2013)

The Transposition of Form published by Translation Directory

The Nose and accompanying essay The Nose Transposed published by Brooklyn Rail's In Translation; first appearance of a transposition (2012)

A Typology of Derivatives: Translation, Transposition, Adaptation in Translation Journal and republished upon request in Translation Directory (2012)

Persuasion and Dead Souls in Twenty-First Century America. Appearing in SNReview (2011)

Baroque and Neobaroque in European Post-Poetry Magazine (2010)

Turn in the River by Andrey Dmitriev. Appearing in Some Kind of Beautiful Signal (Two Lines World Writing in Translation, Vol. 17) (2010)

Steps by Andrey Dmitriev and an essay in New Madrid (2010)

Indirect Discourse with an Authorial Narrator in German, Russian and English in journal Comparative Literature and Culture (at Purdue University) (2009)

Essay Translating Dead Souls and Persuasion into Twenty-First Century America (2009)

Voskoboev and Elizaveta by Andrey Dmitriev published in Washington University's Arch Literary Journal (2009)

Author of novella Edge (completed 2007; under contract to be published in 2025)

Excerpts of novel Черный пеликан (The Black Pelican) by Vadim Babenko (2006)


2000 - today: Writer and translator (Brooklyn, Moscow, Röhrmoos)
2002 - 2003: St. Petersburg State University, English instructor
2000 - 2002: Tauber Schulen, English teacher
1998 - 2000: University of Munich (LMU; German and Russian)
1994 - 1998: Reed University (majored in German and Russian literature; thesis on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Christa Wolf)
1990 - 1994: Bronx High School of Science (New York)
1981 - 1990: P.S. 84 (New York)

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 1054
PRO-level pts: 1050

Top languages (PRO)
German to English625
Russian to English409
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Poetry & Literature266
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting120
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters59
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama31
Pts in 44 more flds >

See all points earned >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects52
With client feedback9
100% positive (9 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
German to English41
Russian to English10
Specialty fields
Poetry & Literature5
Finance (general)5
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama2
Law (general)2
Law: Contract(s)2
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters1
Other fields
Construction / Civil Engineering1
Medical: Health Care1
Keywords: Literature, Prose, Poetry, Literary Criticism, Reviews, Articles, Essays, Art, Painting, Century. See more.Literature,Prose,Poetry,Literary Criticism,Reviews,Articles,Essays,Art,Painting,Century,Writers,Artists,Painters,Academics,Critics,Novellas,Short stories,Historians,History,Russia,Germany,19th Century,20th Century,Sewing,Fabric,Design,Clothing,Fashion,. See less.

Profile last updated
Nov 30, 2024

More translators and interpreters: German to English - Russian to English   More language pairs