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Portuguese to English: Translation for Manaus Online Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Portuguese Na época de grandes explorações de países do velho mundo, começou uma corrida de conquistas por novas terras.
Em 1540 Francisco de Orellana, o qual vinha do Perú e pretendia chegar a Espanha, descobriu um rio que logo deu o nome de Rio Orellana. Mas ao ser atacado na foz do Nhamundá por tribo de mulheres guerreiras, passou a chamar o rio de Amazonas. E antes mesmo de Orellana navegar por este rio, ele já recebia o nome de Amaru Mayu, ou "A Serpente Mãe do Mundo".
Os relatos realizados pela expedição de Orellana despertaram interesse de portugueses, espanhóis, holandeses, ingleses e franceses. E por volta de 1600, começaram as investidas na região.
Os Portugueses então, tentam defender suas conquistas. Partindo de Pernambuco, atingem a região do Amazonas por volta de 1616, lutando contra os franceses que haviam invadido o litoral do Maranhão. Nesta época, Belém é criada onde outrora ficava o Forte do Presépio.
Para combater e explorar a região, e para garantir o domínio português, foi criado em 1669 o Forte São José da Barra (Imagem ao Lado). Em torno deste forte, nasceu o arraial que deu origem a cidade de Manaus.
Toda a região Amazônica era comandada a partir de Belém, região conhecida como Grão-Pará. Como a região era abrangente, ficou quase impossível atender a população da área e manter a paz entre com os Índios. Em 3 de março de 1755, criou-se então a Capitania de São José do Rio Negro para atender as dificuldades e garantir a dominação portuguesa.
Em 1833 passa a categoria de Vila, com o nome de Manaus, que na língua nativa significa "Mãe de Deus", homenagem à tribo Manaós.
Translation - English During the Age of Exploration, the old world countries embarked on a competitive quest to conquer new lands.
In 1540, on his way from Peru to Spain, an explorer by the name of Francisco de Orellana discovered a river which he christened the Orellana River. Later however, after being attacked at the mouth of Nhamundá River by a group of warrior women, he changed its name to Amazonas. Yet before Orellana navigated its waters, the Amazon was known as Amaru Mayu, or "the Serpent Mother of the World".
The stories told by Orellana's expedition awakened keen interest in the Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, English and French and around 1600, incursions on the region were underway.
As a result, the Portuguese began a fierce campaign to attempt to defend their conquests. Setting out from Pernambuco, they reached Amazonas around 1616 and fought against the French who had invaded the coast of Maranhão. Around the same time, the city of Belém was founded on what was then Fort Presépio.
In 1669, Fort São José da Barra (left) was built in order to defend and explore the region and to guarantee Portuguese control. Around the fort, a small village began to grow which later became the city of Manaus.
At that time, the entire Amazon region, known as Grão-Pará, was governed from Belém. Naturally, due to the vastness of the region, it was practically impossible to attend to the needs of population and at the same time maintain the peace between the colonists and the natives. So, on March 3rd, 1755, the Captaincy of São José do Rio Negro was created to address the problems and guarantee Portuguese control.
In 1833, the small village obtained Vila status and was given the name Manaus, a homage to the Manaós peoples. In the local native language, Manaus means "Mother of God".
Spanish to English: Informed Consent Document Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Spanish Se le está invitando a participar en un estudio en el que se probará un nuevo medicamento antimicótico (medicamento para el tratamiento de hongos) para el tratamiento de diferentes micosis (hongos). Antes de que decida participar en este estudio, es importante que comprenda las razones por las que se lleva a cabo esta investigación y en qué consiste. La información que aparece a continuación ofrece una descripción del estudio y de su papel como participante. Tome el tiempo que crea necesario para leer cuidadosamente esta información y discutirla con sus familiares o amigos, si así lo desea. Haga todas las preguntas que considere necesarias.
Translation - English You are being invited to participate in a study to test a new antimycotic drug (a drug to treat fungi) to treat different types of mycoses (fungi). Before you decide to participate in this study, it’s important that you understand why this research is being conducted and what it involves. The information below provides a description of the study and describes your role as a participant. Please take as much time as you need to carefully read through this information and if you wish, discuss it with your family or friends. Ask as many questions as you feel necessary.
Spanish to English: Receiver Line Card Description Detailed field: Computers (general)
Source text - Spanish Tarjeta receptora de línea basada en la computadora personal
• Módulo receptor digital de 2 líneas, con tecnología DSP.
• Se instala directamente en la ranura ISA normal.
• Identificación patentada de la persona que llama.
• Software protegido por contraseña, software de supervisión de la alarma para el SG-PC-LC2, compatible con WindowsMF 9X/NTMF/2000 EXP.
• Todos los eventos están codificados por colores para facilitar la identificación visual.
Translation - English PC-based receiver line card
• Two-line, digital receiver module with DSP technology.
• Installs directly into standard ISA slots.
• Patented Caller ID.
• Password-protected software, WindowsTM 9X/NTTM/2000 EXP compatible alarm monitoring software for SG-PC-LC2.
• All events are colour-coded to facilitate visual identification.
Spanish to English: Medical Record Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Spanish Se recibe masculino de 42 años de edad, el cual al interrogatorio indirecto que responde la Esposa, inicia hace 5 días cuando estaba en sus labores, siente un piquete en la región pedial anterior, de la pierna izquierda, se quita la bota y encuentra una araña que describe como entre color café y gris, sin ninguna otra característica, el paciente comenzó a quejarse de dolor en la extremidad al día siguiente del incidente, aumentando de volumen, así como cambios en la coloración y la temperatura, el paciente fue atendido en casa con remedios caseros, fomentos con hierba del arlomo.
Translation - English 42 year old male admitted. Upon questioning, the wife indicated that 5 days ago while at work, her husband felt a bite in the anterior pedial region of the left leg. He took off his boot and found a spider which he described as being brownish grey with no other distinguishing characteristics. The day after the incident, the patient began to complain of pain in the limb, which subsequently increased, and changes in color and temperature were noted. The patient was attended to at home using home remedies and a preparation of arlomo plant was applied.
Portuguese to English: Agroforestry Research Paper Detailed field: Agriculture
Source text - Portuguese Na década de 1970, o Instituto Brasileiro do Café (IBC) incentivou, com doação de mudas, a introdução de quebra-ventos de Grevillea robusta nas lavouras cafeeiras do norte do estado do Paraná, como forma de reduzir os riscos das geadas e os danos causados pelos ventos. Mesmo sem orientação técnica adequada, o plantio da espécie foi realizado e hoje existem extensas áreas de café protegidas por quebra-ventos de grevílea. Essa espécie foi indicada pelo fato de possuir as características que mais se aproximam da árvore ideal para quebra-ventos, ou seja, ereta, perenifólia, de rápido crescimento, pouco agressiva na competição radicular e de copa não muito densa.
Translation - English In the 1970’s, by donating seedlings, the Brazilian Coffee Institute (IBC) encouraged the introduction of Grevillea Robusta windbreaks in coffee plantations in the north of Paraná state, as a way to reduce the risk of frost and wind damage. Even without proper technical orientation, the species was planted and today there are extensive areas of coffee protected by Grevillea windbreaks. This species was selected because it possesses the characteristics that most closely resemble those of an ideal windbreak tree. In other words, it is upright, evergreen, fast growing, does not possess an aggressive competitive root system, and its canopy is not overly dense.
Spanish to English: Basque Elections Commentary Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - Spanish En el contexto vasco existe otro elemento que ha marcado y convulsionado su historia reciente como es la presencia del grupo terrorista independentista vasco Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) que significa en español “País Vasco y Libertad”, que ha asesinado cerca de 800 personas y que fue fundada en 1959. El 41,3% de los vascos citaban en primer lugar, según la encuesta citada anteriormente del CIS, al terrorismo de ETA como el problema más importante del País Vasco en la actualidad.
Translation - English There is another element to the Basque situation which has marked and shaped its recent history: the independent Basque terrorist group Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA), which stands for “Basque Homeland and Freedom”. Founded in 1959, ETA is responsible for the assassination of approximately 800 people. According to the aforementioned CIS survey, 41.3% of Basques rate ETA terrorism as the number one most serious problem in the Basque Country today.
Portuguese to English (University of Leeds, verified) Spanish to English (University of Leeds, verified) Spanish to English (Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia) Portuguese to English (Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia)