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Oct 3, 2019 (posted I just interpreted an event for a thousand women on Financial Independence matters, really interesting, Taking some ideas into practice!...more »
English to Spanish: Public Deed General field: Law/Patents
Source text - English YO, EL NOTARIO, DOY FE:
I. Que me identifiqué plenamente como Notario de la Ciudad de México ante los comparecientes, quienes a mi juicio tiene capacidad legal para la celebración de este acto y que me aseguré de su identidad conforme a la certificación de identidad que agrego al apéndice de este instrumento con la letra “F”.
II.- Que los comparecientes manifiestan que las declaraciones que realizaron en este instrumento, las hicieron bajo protesta de decir verdad y que les di a conocer las penas en que incurren quienes declaran falsamente ante Notario.
III.- Que tuve a la vista los documentos citados en este instrumento, y que los comparecientes manifestaron que la información, documentación, datos e imágenes proporcionados al suscrito notario para la elaboración y otorgamiento de este instrumento, así como para el cumplimiento de las obligaciones legales que en su caso se generen con motivo del mismo, son verdaderos, y por lo tanto no son falsos, no han sido alterados, o modificados en forma alguna.
IV.- Que leído y explicado el contenido, valor, consecuencias y alcances legales del presente instrumento a los comparecientes, enterados del derecho que tienen de leerlo personalmente, manifestaron su comprensión y conformidad plena con el mismo y lo firmaron el día veintitrés de abril de dos mil diecinueve, mismo momento en que lo autorizo. Doy fe.
I. That I duly identified myself to the appearing parties as Notary for Ciudad de Mexico, and it is my opinion that the appearing parties have legal capacity to be part of this proceeding; that I made sure of their identities as per their identity certification that I attach to the appendix of this instrument under letter “F”.
II.- That the appearing parties assert that the representations they made in this instrument were made under oath of telling the truth, and I let them know about the penalties incurred by those who make misrepresentations before a Notary.
III.- That I had before me the documents named in this instrument and the appearing parties represented that the information, documents, data, and images submitted to the undersigned notary for the preparation of this instrument and to comply with all legal duties that might arise due to this instrument are true and correct, that is, they are not fraudulent and have not been changed or modified in any manner.
IV.- That I have read and explained the content, value and consequences and legal reach of this instrument to the appearing parties, that they understand they are entitled to read this instrument and they have asserted their understanding and full agreement with it, executing this deed on this twenty-third day of April, year twenty nineteen, and I approve it on the same date. In witness hereof.