Working languages:
Italian to German
English to German
German (monolingual)

Dra Molnar | Creative Content in German
Creative & Business Translations

Local time: 10:15 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: German Native in German
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🥨 Are you looking for an experienced translator for marketing and business to help your clients rock the German-speaking markets?


🎯 Marketing & creative translation

I will take English or Italian marketing material and turn it into German copy that sticks.

  • brochures & catalogues
  • e-mail marketing campaigns
  • newsletters
  • advertising copy

📣 Web copy translation

I will translate English or Italian websites or blogs with German-speaking users and SEO in mind.

  • business websites
  • e-commerce websites
  • landing pages
  • blogs

👑 Content translation & creation

I will turn web and social media content into easy-to-read and entertaining posts in German.

  • blog posts
  • case studies
  • LinkedIn posts & articles

📍 Business translation

I will translate Italian business documents - with the target market in mind and the appropriate terminology for Germany, Austria or Switzerland.

  • contracts
  • terms & conditions
  • commercial documents

🛠 I work with SDL Studio and memoQ (always the latest version), and I am able to handle a wide range of file formats.

💕 I love to work with well-organised teams and I value good communication.

Feel free to contact me! 
Keywords: Italienisch, Italiano, Italian, Deutsch, tedesco, German, Englisch, Inglese, English, Übersetzen. See more.Italienisch, Italiano, Italian, Deutsch, tedesco, German, Englisch, Inglese, English, Übersetzen, tradurre, translate, Übersetzung, traduzione, translation, Korrektorat, proof-reading, Lektorat, redazione, editing, Werbung, pubblicità, advertisement, avertisements, ad, ads, PR, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Pressearbeit, pubblica relazione, public relations, Pressemeldung, Pressemeldungen, Pressemitteilung, Pressemitteilungen, comunicato stampa, comunicati stampa, press release, press releases, Journalismus, giornalismo, journalism, Artikel, articolo, articoli, article, articles, Marketing, Marketing-Texte, testi di marketing, Firmenbroschüren, Broschüren, Kataloge, Unternehmenspräsentationen, brochure, brochures, cataloghi, catalogo, catalogue, catalogues, presentazioni aziendali, company presentations, Web-Seiten, Webseiten, Web-Sites, Websites, websites, siti web, sito web, Tourismus, turismo, tourism, Reisen, viaggi, traveling, travelling, Reiseführer, guida turistica, guidebook, guidebooks, tourist guide, tourist guides, Italien, Sizilien, Italia, Sicilia, Italy, Sicily, Buch, Bücher, libro, libri, book, books, Fachbuch, Fachbücher, Sachbuch, Sachbücher, Kochbuch, Kochbücher, Gebrauchsanleitungen, Gebrauchsanweisungen, Betriebsanleitungen, Betriebsanweisungen, manuali, manuale, manuals, instruction book, instruction manual, instruzioni per l’uso, Architektur, Bauen, architettura, edilizia, architecture, construction, SiGe-Plan, Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutz, P.O.S., POS, piano operativo di sicurezza, health and safety plan, Arbeitssicherheit, sicurezza sul lavoro, Wissenschaft, scienze, science, Hochschule, Universität, università, university, evaluation, valutazione, Hochschulpolitik, Qualitätssicherung an Hochschulen, quality assurance in higher education, Bildungssystem, sistema universitario, educational system, Evaluationsverfahren, Fragebogen, Fragebögen, Texten, Copy-writing, Verifizieren, Recherche, verifying, research, verifiche, richerce, verifica, ricerca, summarization, Zusammenfassung, CAT, CAT-Tool, Trados, Wordfast. See less.

Profile last updated
Jan 31, 2023

More translators and interpreters: Italian to German - English to German   More language pairs