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Specializes in:
Finance (general)
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Automation & Robotics
Law: Contract(s)
Law (general)
Business/Commerce (general)
Human Resources
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Forestry / Wood / Timber
German to Romanian - Standard rate: 0.08 EUR per word
Sample translations submitted: 1
German to Romanian: Employment law
Source text - German Sofern hinsichtlich Ihrer Bezüge während des Auslandseinsatzes im Einsatzland eine Freistellung von der deutschen Lohnsteuer erfolgt, ist Folgendes zu berücksichtigen: Unterliegen Sie auch während Ihres Auslandseinsatzes weiterhin der unbeschränkten Steuerpflicht in Deutschland, so haben Sie bei Freistellung vom Lohnsteuerabzug im Veranlagungsverfahren zur Einkommensteuer dem Finanzamt gegenüber nachzuweisen, dass Sie für die ausländischen Arbeitstage im Einsatzland auch tatsächlich die festgesetzte Steuer entrichtet haben oder das Einsatzland auf sein Besteuerungsrecht verzichtet hat.
Translation - Romanian În măsura în care se aplică o scutire de la plata impozitului german pe salarii pentru veniturile obţinute de dumneavoastră pe perioada desfăşurării activităţii în străinătate, se vor lua în considerare următoarele aspecte: În cazul în care dumneavoastră aveţi în continuare obligaţia nelimitată de a plăti impozit în Germania şi pe durata desfăşurării activităţii în străinătate, la scutirea de la plata impozitului pe salarii în cadrul procedurii de impunere a veniturilor aveţi obligaţia de a prezenta Administraţiei Financiare documentele justificative conform cărora aţi achitat impozitul stabilit pentru zilele lucrate în străinătate sau conform cărora ţara în care aţi desfăşurat activitatea a renunţat la dreptul de impunere.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania
Years of experience: 24. Registered at Jun 2003. Became a member: Apr 2008.
English to Romanian (Ministry of Justice, Romania, Ministry of Culture, Romania, verified) German to Romanian (Ministry of Justice, Romania, Ministry of Culture, Romania, verified)
Across, Google Translator Toolkit, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, XTM
I do more than just translate from German and English into Romanian. That's what Google does, but I also craft long-term partnerships.
Cast your net over the internet and it’s impossible not to catch a translator or two. While the pond is truly large, all that glitters (say translates) is not gold. Under the pressure of tight deadlines, a goldfish at your side is a nice asset to have.
I have 19 years of experience as a “goldfish” and I understand the three main wishes of each and every customer: to work with a reliable translator, to receive accurate translations and to make a good business out of them.
I’ll grant you all these wishes, and even more. You name them in German or English and I’ll take care of the Romanian part. I can help you get your message straight to the heart of your customers, so that it never gets lost in translation. Fast forward a few years from now and I trust you will be looking back and proudly say that we have been doing a greatjob.
Keywords: constructions, contracts, company law, human resources, wood processing, forestry, automotive, Bauwesen, Verträge, Gesellschaftsrecht. See more.constructions, contracts, company law, human resources, wood processing, forestry, automotive, Bauwesen, Verträge, Gesellschaftsrecht, Personalwesen, Holzverarbeitung, Forstwirtschaft, Kfz. See less.