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Translation Volume: 900 words Completed: Jul 2007 Languages: French to English
900 words, Accountancy spreadsheet
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French to English: Accountancy spreadsheet
Source text - French Français
Stock Matière première
Provision dépréciation stock MP
Provision dépréciation stock AC
Provision dépréciation stock Emballage
Provision dépréciation stock Produits finis
Stock Aricle de conditionnement
Stock emballage
Stock fourniture consommable
Stock produits semis finis
Provision dépréciation stock Produits semis finis
Stock produits finis
Stock matière consommable
Logiciel acquis immo incorporelle
Fonds commercial immo incorporelle
Amortissement logiciel acquis
Client facture à établir
TVA Due intracommunautaire
TVA à payer
TVA sur immo
TVA intracom sur immo
TVA deductible sur débit à 5,5%
TVA deductible sur débit à 2,10%
TVA deductible sur débit à 19,6%
TVA deductible sur encaissement à 19,6%
TVA intracom sur biens et services
Etat impôt sur les bénéfices
Avance sur frais professionnel
Etat produit à recevoir
Fond de garantie Factocic
Avance notaire
Dépôt versé
TCA sur facture non parvenue
Reserve disponible Factocic
TCA sur facture à établir
Frais d'acquisition immobilisations
R.R.R /avoir non reçu
Cautionnement versé
Compte d'attente
Societe generale
Autres organismes financiers
Virements internes
BAREP court terme
Charges constatées d'avance
Personnel acompt sur rémunération
Cap. sous. appelé versé
Réserve légale proprem. dite
Report à nouveau
Résultat en instance affectat
Provisions pour pension
Médailles du travail
Abonnement Taxe Professionnelle
Abonnement Taxe Foncière
Autres prov. pour risques
Abonnement AGEFIPH
Abonnement SPIS
Abonnement assurances
Produits à recevoir
Personnel oppositions
Dettes prov/particip. sal.
Charges Sociales Prov CP
Charges sociales H.Sup et rémun va
HONORAIRES Vérif Comptables
R.R.R. à accorder avoir à établir
Charges à payer
Etat charges à payer
Emprunt SG
Emprunts auprès des ets de crédit
Fournisseurs-achats biens ou prest.
Fac.n/parvenues - achats biens et s
Fac.n/parvenues immobilisations
Fournisseurs achats d'immob.
Taxe Apprentissage
Participation effort construction
Sécurité Sociale URSSAF
Prest Prévoyance avancées
Organisme retraite
Organisme prévoyance
Personnel Rémuné.Dues
CE Subvention fonctionnement
Comité d'entreprise
Formation professionnelle
Retraite progressive
Avances s/Rémunérations
Dettes prov/congés payés
Dettes prov/H.Sup et rémun variable
Personnel Charges à payer
Pers. autres charges à payer
R.R.R./ventes pdts finis
Productions vendues 5.50 % TVA Débi
Productions vendues 2.10 % TVA Débi
Production vendue exonérée
Prod vendues 19.60 % TVA Débit
Prest Service 19.60% Encais. Turnov
Prest Services 19.60 % Encais
Prest service exonéré TURN OVER
Autres produits d'activité annexe
Autres produits exonérés annexe
Gains de change
Produits financiers divers
Prod vendues 19.60 % TVA Débit
Ventes Marchandises exonérées
Produits Exceptionnels
Autres prod.excep s/opéra gestion
Produits de cession d'éléments d'ac
Produits sur excercices antérieurs
Rep prov risques risques
Reprises Prov Déprc.Stocks PSF-PF
Reprise Prov.Dépré.Stocks MP-AC
Reprise provision
Rbt Mutuelle
Ventes Marchandises 5.50 %
Prestations de serv autres 19.6 %
Var stocks Produits Intermédiaires
Dot Prov stocks et en cours
Variation Stocks PF
Agenc. & aménag. de terrains
Instal, agenc, aménagements
Amort. agenc. amén. terrains
Amort. constructions
Transfert de charges exploitation
Subventions d'exploitation
Prestations autres exonérées
Var/stocks matiéres premières
Articles de Conditionnement
Fact Achats MP Hors BRIO
Fact Achats MP Hors BRIO
Fact Achats MP Hors BRIO
Autres Fluides
Charges exceptionnelles
Droits d'enregistrement
Var/stocks Autres
Fournitures d'atelier/magasin
Fournitures Pièces de Rechange
Frais de personnel
Indemnités avantages divers
Provisions Congés Payés
Provisions H. Sup
Cotisations URSSAF
Autres indem rupture contrat
Primes & gratifications
URSSAF Assurance Maladie
URSSAF Assurance Vieillesse
URSSAF Alloc.Familiales
URSSAF Accident Travail
URSSAF Taxe Contr Prévoyance
FNAL Cotisations
Cot caisses Retraite
Cot. Caisse de prévoyance
Vers. aux comité d'entrep.
Participation Formation Prof
Participation Effort Construction
Participation Taxe Apprentissage
Charges Sociales Var CP
Charges sociales H. Sup
URSSAF Contrib Spéciale
Autres charges
Dot Amort Logiciels
Dot/immob. corporelles
Trav/biens mob.élect
Trav/biens mob.climat
Trav/biens mob.autres
Contrats Maintenance
Maintenance autres
Entr. répar/biens immobil.(TCMI)
Maint controles techni
Chariots élévateurs Labrosse
Fournitures Electriques
Fourn.Pièces de rechanges
Fournitures entretien autres
Dép Externes formation prof
Frais Stagiaire
Frais de recrutement de pers.
Médecine du travail pharmac.
Personnel intérimaire
Redevances de crédit-bail
Locations immobilières
Locations Mobilières
Autres Frais Bancaires
Honoraires Audits/Commis cptes
Transformation conditionnement & pr
Autres honnoraires
Dot amorts charges exploit à répart
Rémunération d'affacturage
Sous-traitance autres
droit de douane
Nettoyage locaux
Fournitures de Bureau
Documentation générale
Affranchissement courrier
Autres Frais de transport
Téléphone ADSL
R.R.R. Sur achats
Achats frs diverses non stocks
Achats Filtres non stocks
Achats fournt. Labo non stocks
Abonnement fournitures laboratoire
Achats Vêtements travail non stocks
Vêtement de travail
Frais déplacements Kilomètres
Frais déplacements taxis
Frais déplacements Hotels/Restauran
Locations Véhicules
Frais déplacements Trains
Frais déplacements avions
Mission , réceptions,congrés
Annonces et insertions publicitaire
Frais d'insrcription séminaire,cong
Autre frais Pub , Rel. Publiques
Assurances véhicules
Prestations Mensuelles HAUPT PHARMA
Dot. Prov. risques/Charges d'explo
Pénalités sur marché
Pénalités & amendes fiscales
Autres charges exep s/opér gestion
VNC Eléments d'actif cédés
Charges sur excercices antérieurs
Charges except diverses
Dot Prov stocks MP-AC
Imposition forfaitaire annuelle des
Autres cotisations /dons
Dons, pourboires etc...
Cotisations ordre des pharmaciens
Cotisations SPIS
Frais d'acte & contentieux
Assurances multirisques
Assur. sur location
Instal Tech mat. Outil.Industr
Amort. inst. tec. mat. outil.
Taxe professionnelle
Taxes foncières
Autres impôts et taxes
AGEFIPH Cot Handicapés
Autres charges financières
Intérêts sur emprunts
Dotation provision risques
Autres immob corporelles
Amort. autres immob. corp.
Immo Mat Bureau & Informatique
Mobilier Immobilisé
Immo. corp. en cours/suivi projet
Acptes versés s/Acquisition Immo
Translation - English English
raw material stock
depreciation provision for raw material stock
depreciation provision for conditioning item stock
depreciation provision for packaging stock
depreciation provision for finished product stock
conditioning item stock
packaging item stock
consumable supplies stock
semi-finished product stock
depreciation provision for semi-finished product stock
finished product stock
consumable material stock
acquired software (intangible asset)
goodwill (intangible asset)
depreciation provision for acquired software
client invoices to be made out
EU VAT due
VAT payable
VAT on assets
EU VAT on assets
deductible VAT at 5.5% on invoice
deductible VAT at 2.1% on invoice
deductible VAT at 19.6% on invoice
deductible VAT at 19.6% on payment
EU VAT on goods and services
state tax on profits
advance on professional expenses
income receivables
Factocic guarantee fund
deposit paid
net turnover tax on invoice yet to be received
Factocic available reserve
net turnover tax on pending invoice
fixed asset acquisition costs
discounts, reductions, un-redeemed credit noted
suspense account
Societe generale
other financial organisations
internal transfers
short term BAREP
personnel: payments on account
subscribed capital, called-up, paid
legal reserve
profit or loss carried forward
earnings in course of being allocated
provision for pensions
employee rewards
professional tax subscription
property tax subscription
other provisions for risks
AGEFIPH subscription
SPIS subscription
insurance subscription
accrued income receivable
personnel - stoppage of payment
accrued charges payable for employee profit share
profit-sharing scheme
employer's contributions for holiday pay
Social Security contributions for overtime and part-time staff
accountants' auditing fees
discounts, reductions, credit notes pending
charges payable
accrued charges payable
loan from Société Générale
loans taken out from credit companies
suppliers - purchase of goods or services
invoices not yet received for goods and services purchases
invoices not yet received for assets
suppliers - fixed asset purchases
other third-party debit / credit
VAT 19.6% collected on invoice
VAT 2.1% collected on invoice
VAT 5.5% collected on invoice
training tax
building fund
Social Security
unemployment contributions
advanced contingency fees
pension fund
health/invalidity scheme
Staff: payments due
subsidy for the running of the workers' council
workers' council
vocational training
progressive retirement
advances on salaries
debt provision: paid leave
debt provision: overtime and flexible salaries
French pension fund for retail businesses
VAT 19.6% collected on payment
personnel: charges payable
personnel: sundry charges payable
discounts, reductions, sales of finished products
sold products, VAT 5.5% on invoice
sold products, VAT 2.1% on invoice
sold products, exempt
sold products VAT 19.6% on invoice
service provision, VAT 19.6% on payment Turnover
service provision, VAT 19.6% on payment
service provision, exempt, Turnover
other income from related activities
other exempt related income
currency exchange gains
miscellaneous financial income
sold production VAT 19.6% on invoice
sales of exempt goods
extraordinary income
extraordinary income / capital transactions
Income from the transfer of assets
Income from previous financial years
Risk provisions carried forward
Provisions written back from the depreciation of PSF -PF stocks
Provisions written back from the depreciation of raw material / conditioning item stocks
Provisions written back
Mutual insurance repayments
sale of goods VAT 5.5%
other provision of services VAT 19.6%
change in inventory for semi-finished products
appropriations to stock provisions and to work in progress
change in inventory for finished products
land arrangement and layout
building work
building layout and fitting-out
depreciation provision for land arrangement and layout
depreciation provision for buildings
transfer of operating charges
operating subsidies
other exempt services
change in inventory for raw material stock
Processing items
purchase invoice of raw material other than BRIO
purchase invoice of raw material other than BRIO
purchase invoice of raw material other than BRIO
other fluids
extraordinary charges
registration fees
change in inventory - other
workshop / shop supplies
spare part supplies
workforce costs
contribution to the (French) National Contingency Association for Employees
allowances and sundry benefits
paid leave provision
overtime provision
URSSAF contributions (social security)
other compensations for breach of contract
profit sharing scheme
sickness contribution
old-age contribution
child benefit contribution
industrial accident contribution
contingency contract tax
social housing contribution
pension contribution
contingency fund contribution
social security
payment to the workers' council
contribution to vocational training
contribution to the building project
contribution to the training tax
variation of employers' social security contributions
overtime social security contributions
unemployment contributions PRP
URSSAF special contribution
other charges
provision for software depreciation
provision for tangible assets
work/furnishings - electricity
work/furnishings air-conditioning
work/furnishings - other
upkeep contracts
upkeep - other
real estate maintenance and repairs (TCMI)
technical control upkeep
Labrosse fork-lift trucks
electrical supplies
spare part supplies
upkeep supplies - other
external costs for vocational training
trainee costs
staff recruitment costs
occupational medicine pharmacy
temporary staff
lease fees
rent for real-estate
rent for furnishings
other bank charges
audit fees
transformation and processing
other fees
provision for depreciation of operating charges
factoring income
contract work - other
customs duty
site watch
cleaning premises
office supplies
general documentation
other transport expenses
transport / purchases
transport / sales
broadband telephone
discounts, reductions on purchases
purchase of misc. non-stock supplies
purchase of non-stock filters
purchase of non-stock laboratory supplies
subscription to laboratory supplies
purchase of non-stock work clothes
work clothes
travel expenses (kilometres)
travel expenses (taxis)
travel expenses (hotels and restaurants)
vehicle rental
travel expenses - rail
travel expenses - air
receptions, congresses, assignments
advertising and legal notices
registration fee for seminar
other advertising fees and Public Relations
vehicle insurance
monthly services for HAUPT PHARMA
appropriations to risk provisions / operating charges
market penalty
fiscal penalties and fines
other extraordinary charges on capital transactions
Net book value of assets sold
charges on previous financial years
misc. extraordinary charges
appropriation to the provision of raw material and conditioning items stock
annual fixed charge for…
other contributions / gifts
gifts, gratuities etc…
contributions to the (French) general pharmacy council
SPIS contributions
claims expenses
comprehensive insurance
rental insurance
Technical installations, plant and machinery
Depreciation of technical installations, plant and machinery
professional tax
property tax
other charges and taxes
AGEFIPH contribution for disabled people
water rates
other financial charges
interest on loans
appropriation to the provision of risks
other tangible assets
depreciation of other tangible assets
office and IT equipment
capitalised furnishings
tangible assets in progress / project follow up
deposits paid on real estate purchases
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Jun 2006.
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Freelance translator (French to English). Areas of specialisation: Accounting, Business, International development.
2021 (in progress): AAT Accounting (Level 2) Foundation Certificate.
January 2014: CIOL Diploma in Translation (DipTrans IoLET). French to English. Semi-specialised papers: business and social science.
Other information:
Post-graduate Certificate in Development Management (Open University, UK, 2008-09)
MA International Relations (Institut d'Etudes Politiques, Toulouse, France, 2001).
BA in Politics (PPE) (Institut d'Etudes Politiques, Toulouse, 2000).
Keywords: French into English / français vers l'anglais
English into French / anglais vers le francais
translator / traducteur
localisation / localization
business / commerce
law, legal / droit, juridique
insurance / assurance
contracts / contrats
economics / économie
accountancy / comptabilité
Official Chart of Accounts / Plan Général Comptable
social science / science sociale
government, politics / science politique
international development / développement international
international cooperation / coopération internationale
international aid / aide internationale
proofreading / relecture
editing / édition
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