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Oct 15, 2016 (posted Translating a religious book from English into Spanish, then into Italian. Doing regular interpretations in the medical and legal fields. Legal translations for the Italian Consulate....more »
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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Software localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, Transcription, Training
English to Spanish: Discharge instructions for patients General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - English Bullous myringitis is an infection of the eardrum that sometimes develops with an ear infection or upper respiratory infection.
Translation - Spanish La miringitis vesicular es una infección del tímpano, que a veces sucede debido a una infección del oído o de las vías respiratorias superiores.
English to Spanish: Benbow Decline for Stillwater Mine General field: Science Detailed field: Mining & Minerals / Gems
Source text - English 1.0 Executive Summary
DMC understands the need to develop the Benbow Decline and connect with the 56E Footwall to provide additional ventilation to the Stillwater Mine. DMC also understands the requirement to be safe and cost effective in this venture. It is because of this understanding our approach to completing the work is based on a dedicated analysis of the critical path with focus on production and productivity. Over the past 35 years, DMC crews have developed hundreds of thousands of feet of drift through varying ground types containing water, gas, and poor ground conditions. We understand what is required to manage this project successfully and are excited at the opportunity to contribute to the success of the Stillwater Mine.
Section 3 outlines our detailed approach to completing the work and the design criteria assumed for construction. Focus will be on maximizing productivity by increasing the time and efficiency of crews and equipment at the face. This will be accomplished with the use of fit for duty equipment and top notch management (Section 4.0). As outlined in Section 4.2 the ideal equipment for the project is owned by DMC and ready for mobilization.
Translation - Spanish 1.0 Resumen Ejecutivo
DMC entiende la necesidad de desarrollar la Rampa Benbow y conectarla con el muro inferior 56E, para proporcionar ventilación adicional en la Mina Stillwater. DMC también comprende los requisitos económicos y de seguridad de este proyecto. Es debido a este entendimiento, que nuestro enfoque para completar el trabajo, se basa en un análisis dedicado de la ruta crítica, con un énfasis en la producción y la productividad. Durante los últimos 35 años, los equipos de DMC han desarrollado cientos de miles de pies de galerías en varios tipos de suelos, con agua, gas y en condiciones pobres de terreno. Comprendemos lo que es requerido para el manejo efectivo de este proyecto y estamos entusiasmados de contribuir al éxito de la Mina Stillwater.
La sección 3 describe nuestro enfoque detallado para completar el trabajo y criterios de diseño asumidos para la construcción. Se prestará especial atención a la maximización de productividad al aumentar el tiempo y eficiencia del personal y equipo en la fase. Esto se logrará por medio del uso de equipo adecuado para el trabajo y supervisión de primera clase (Sección 4.0). Como se indica en la sección 4.2, el equipo ideal para el proyecto es propiedad de DMC y está listo para ser utilizado.
English to Italian: Divorce Decree General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English The above-entitled matter having come before the Court; Petitioner having heretofore filed her Affidavit as to Jurisdiction and Grounds for Divorce and Affidavit of Military Service; Petitioner and Respondent having executed a Stipulation and Settlement Agreement dated the 19th day of May, 2012; the Court having heretofore made and entered its Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; and upon motion of -----------, attorney for Petitioner, and good cause appearing therefore,
Translation - Italian La questione sopra-stata essendo venuto davanti al Tribunale; la Richiedente che finora ha presentato la sua dichiarazione giurata della competenza e Motivi di Divorzio e Dichiarazione giurata di servizio militare; Richiedente e Convenuto dopo hanno eseguito un accordo di stipulazione e regolamento datato al 19° giorno del mese di maggio 2012; il Tribunale, avendo prima fatto e inserito l’accertamento dei Fatti e Conclusioni di legge; e al movimento di ------------, avvocato di Richiedente e buona causa che appare perciò,
Spanish to English: The Stranger (a short novel) General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Spanish “Sr. Director”, dijo el extraño, “quiero ahora tocar un último punto y este concierne, claramente a usted en particular y a su familia. Pocos saben que su hijo tiene algo muy serio y esto lo mantienen a usted y a su esposa sumamente preocupados y atribulados. Todo va a salir muy bien, Dígaselo a su esposa y le ruego creer en lo que le digo y tenerme confianza. Esto es todo”. Se despidió. “Hasta pasado mañana, dijo”.
Era la primera vez en su vida que le pasaba algo parecido y tenía que reconocer que se había quedado impactado. Algo de la personalidad, la mirada, la seguridad del visitante, lo había en cierta forma cautivado, sin embargo, luchó para que sus sentimientos no se alejaran de la lógica, cuando menos de la lógica por la cual se había dejado guiar durante toda su vida profesional.
Translation - English “Sir, before I leave”, the stranger said, ”I would like to touch on an issue which concerns you and your family. Few know that your son is very ill. This obviously has you and your wife very concerned. It will all work out for the best. Tell your wife. I ask you to trust and believe me. That is all”
This was the first time in his life something like this had ever happened, and he had to accept the fact he had been impacted. There was something about this visitor that had captivated him; his personality, his gaze, his confidence. He fought to keep his feelings from straying away from the logic of things –the same logic that had guided him throughout his entire professional life.
Spanish to Italian: Marriage Certificate General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Spanish 1er. Juzgado
Satisfechos los requisitos legales, no existiendo impedimento o habiendo sido dispensado y expresada la voluntad de los comparecientes, los declaré unidos en matrimonio en nombre de la ley y de la Sociedad. Se dio por terminado el acto y firman la presente, para constancia, lo que en ella intervinieron y saben hacerlo y los que no, imprimen su huella digital. Se cierra el acta que se autoriza. Doy fe.
El Juez 11º. del Registro Civil Lic. ------------------------------------
Esta acta se relaciona con los folios de anotaciones que se señalan, sin los cuales está incompleta. En nombre de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos y como Juez del registro civil en el Distrito Federal, certifico que la presente es copia fiel de su original que expido en la ciudad de México el día dieciséis de Noviembre del dos mil uno. Firmado Lic. ----------------------------
Translation - Italian 1°. Tribunale
Soddisfatti i requisiti di legge, senza alcun impedimento o di essere stato dispensato, espresso la volontà delle parti che appaiono, li ho dichiarati uniti in matrimonio nel nome della legge e della società. Finito l’atto e firmato il presente per la cronaca, coloro che hanno partecipato e sanno farlo, e quelli che non sanno, timbrano la loro impronta digitale. Si chiude il documento autorizzato. Con Fede.
Il 11 Giudice del Registro Civile. Nome: -------------–stampato e firmato
Questo documento si riferisce alle pagine di annotazioni indicate, senza di essi è incompleto.
In nome degli Stati Uniti Messicani è come giudice del Registro Civile del Distretto Federale, certifico che questa è una copia dell’originale che rilascio nella città del Messico il sedici novembre, duemilauno. Il giudice del Registro Civile Lic. -----------------. Firmato e stampato.
Italian to Spanish: Citizenship General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Italian Richiesta di una lettera di mancata acquisizione dal proprio ufficio per quanto concerne
richiedente dalla marina statunitense -----------, non sostenendo nazionalità Italiana. Il Signor ------è il figlio di --------. Nato il 4 aprile 1991 a Miami , Florida. Suo padre è nato in Italia il 26 novembre 1958, ed è diventato cittadino naturalizzato degli Stati Uniti il 9 aprile 1998 a Miami, Florida sotto naturalizzazione Certificato #00000000. La madre del signor -------è --------- (nome da nubile: ------------), cittadina degli stati uniti per nascita.
2. Per qualsiasi domanda riguardo a questa nota riferirci MM1(SS) ---------- al numero (000) 000-0000 est. 000 o est. 0000 dal venerdì, 23 Ottobre.
Translation - Spanish Solicitud de carta de no adquisición de la oficina con respeto al solicitante del Departamento Naval de los Estados Unidos, por parte del señor --------, sin tener la nacionalidad Italiana. El señor -------es hijo del señor ----------. Nacido el 4 de Abril de 1991 en Miami, Florida. Su padre nación en Italia el 26 de Noviembre de 1958, y se hizo ciudadano naturalizado de los Estados Unidos Americanos el 9 de Abril de 1998 en Miami, Florida, certificado #00000000. La madre de---------es ---------(nombre de soltera: ----------), ciudadana por nacimiento, de los Estados Unidos Americanos.
2. Para cualquier cuestión en cuanto a la presente carta, favor de referirse al MM1(SS) ---------al número (000)000-0000ext. 0000o 3xt. 0000a partir del viernes, 23 de Octubre.
Italian to English: Amoksiklav General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Italian Mentre l’Amoksiklav possiede la bassa tossicità caratteristica degli antibiotici del gruppo di penicilline, è consigliabile durante la terapia prolungata una valutazione periodica delle funzioni del sistema di organi, comprese la funzione renale, epatica ed ematopoietica.
L’Amoksiklav deve essere utilizzato con cautela in pazienti con precedenti casi di reazioni allergiche, specialmente in pazienti con note allergie alle cefalosporine e altri antibiotici beta-lattamici (possibile allergenicità crociata).
Translation - English While Amoksiklav has the characteristic low toxicity of the antibiotics of the penicillin group of drugs, it is recommended to have regular evaluation of the organ system functions, including renal, hepatic and hematopoietic functions, during prolonged therapy with this medication.
Amoksiklav must be used with caution by patients with previous history of allergic reactions, especially those patients who have known allergies to cephalosporins and other beta-lactam antibiotics (there is a possibility of a cross allergic reaction to occur).
Translation education
Other - IIT in Mexico City
Years of experience: 46. Registered at Jul 2006. Became a member: Mar 2014.
Specialized In Medical, Legal, Technical, Business and Marketing Translation/Interpretation
Any combination of Italian, Spanish and English
Interpreter /translator for the Italian Consulate in SLC
Currently translating a Religious Book
Other books translated:
The hearings for Ervil LeBaron in Salt Lake City. Published by Dale Van Atta /investigative reporter.
The Stranger from Spanish into English (short novel)
Parapsychology, Religion and Science (esoteric novel)
Interpreter and Translator for
The Wellness Network
LOGICARE Corporation
Web Precisa
Language Link
Foreign Translators (Ines Fowler in SLC, Utah)
Plum Media
MediVista Media/ Everwell TV