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English to Croatian: Mimesis as a phenomenon of semiotic communication Detailed field: Linguistics
Source text - English The goal of this article is to introduce possibilities for understanding
and using the notion of mimesis in connection with some semiotic
concepts and views. In everyday use, the word ‘mimesis’ is mainly
understood in connection with the terms ‘representation’ or ‘imitation’.
The Concise OED explains ‘mimesis’ as
1. imitative representation of the real world in art and literature;
2. the deliberate imitation of the behaviour of one group of people by another
as a factor in social change;
3. zoology mimicry of another animal or plant.
(Pearsall 2002: 905)
Under this surface of meanings there is the myriad of connections and
connotations which engage ‘mimesis’ to many historical layers of
culture, making it quite difficult to define.
As a concept, mimesis originates from Antique philosophy.
Through the course of history different schools and authors have used
it, thus making ‘mimesis’ one of the classical concepts of Western
philosophy. The meanings and uses of ‘mimesis’ have varied remarkTimo
Maran 192
ably, although ‘mimesis’ was probably not a notion with a single
meaning even in the times when first mentioned in the literature.
Therefore it is quite superficial to refer to it today as a single category.
Gunter Gebauer and Christoph Wulf have also accepted in their
profound overview “Mimesis: culture, art, society”, that it is not possible
to give a unitary definition that would cover all common uses of
the notion in different traditions and fields (Gebauer, Wulf 1995: 2).
Translation - Croatian Cilj je ovog članka uvesti mogućnosti za razumijevanje i korištenje pojma mimesisa u vezi s nekim semiotičkim konceptima i gledištima. U svakodnevnoj upotrebi, riječ 'mimesis' se obično povezuje s pojmovima 'reprezentacija' ili 'imitacija'. Koncizni Oxfordov rječnik (The Concise OED) ovako definira 'mimesis':
1. imitacijsko predstavljanje stvarnog svijeta u umjetnosti i književnosti;
2. namjerna imitacija ponašanja neke skupine ljudi od neke druge kao faktor društvene promjene;
3. zoologija mimikrija druge životinje ili biljke.
(Pearsall 2002.: 905)
Ispod ove površine značenjâ postoji mnoštvo veza i konotacija koje povezuju 'mimesis' s mnogim povijesnim slojevima kulture, zbog čega ga je teško definirati.
Kao pojam, mimesis dolazi iz antičke filozofije. Kroz povijest koristile su ga razne škole i razni autori, što ga čini jednim od klasičnih pojmova zapadnjačke filozije. Značenja i upotrebe pojma značajno su se razlikovali, iako 'mimesis' vjerojatno nije bio jednoznačan pojam ni kad je prvotno spomenut u literaturi. Zato je danas površno govoriti o njemu kao o jedinstvenoj kategoriji. Gunter Gebauer i Christoph Wulf također su u svom temeljitom pregledu „Mimesis: kultura, umjetnost, društvo“, zaključili da nije moguće dati jednoznačnu definiciju koja bi pokrila sve poznate upotrebe pojma u različitim tradicijama i poljima. (Gebauer, Wulf 1995.:2).
English to Croatian: Workshop Repair Manual Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Source text - English Position the vehicle on a lift (02A, Lifting equipment).
the engine cover,
the battery (80A, Battery)
the battery tray (80A, Battery),
the air filter box (12A, Fuel mixture).
Loosen the clip on the intercooler outlet air pipe.
Disconnect the intercooler outlet air pipe from the damper valve.
Move the intercooler outlet air pipe to one side.
Disconnect the connector from the reverse gear switch.
Move the gearbox control cables to one side.
the engine undertray bolts,
the engine undertray.
Prepare for the flow of fluid, and protect the surrounding components.
Disconnect the hydraulic clutch pipe by pressing on the clip.
Fit blanking plugs to the hydraulic clutch control pipe openings.
Unclip from the gearbox:
the breather pipe,
the engine wiring harness channel.
the starter (16A, Starting - Charging),
the wheels (35A, Wheels and tyres),
the front wheel arch liners (55A, Exterior protection).
Drain the manual gearbox.
the front left-hand driveshaft.
the front right-hand driveshaft.
differential output seals,
the radiator mounting cross member (41A, Front lower structure).
the upper bolt of the left-hand tie-rod from the front axle subframe,
the nut of the power-assisted steering pipe from the front axle subframe left-hand tie-rod.
Translation - Croatian Postavite vozilo na dizalicu (02A, Oprema za dizanje).
poklopac motora,
akumulator (80A, Akumulator)
nosivu kutiju akumulatora (80A, Akumulator),
kućište filtra zraka (12A, Smjesa goriva i zraka).
Otpustite obujmicu cijevi za zrak na izlazu izmjenjivača temperature zrak-zrak.
Odspojite cijev za zrak na izlazu izmjenjivača temperature zrak-zrak na preklopnim vratašcima usisa zraka.
Odmaknite cijev za zrak na izlazu izmjenjivača temperature zrak-zrak.
Odspojite utikač prekidača brzine za vožnju unatrag.
Odmaknite sajle za upravljanje mjenjačem na stranu.
vijke zaštitne ploče,
zaštitnu ploču.
Predvidite istjecanje tekućine kako se ne bi oštetili okolni dijelovi.
Odspojite cijev hidrauličke spojke tako da pritisnete obujmicu.
Postavite čepove protiv onečišćenja na otvore cijevi za upravljanje spojkom.
Otkvačite s mjenjača:
cijev otvora povrata uljnih para,
cijev ožičenja motora.
elektropokretač (16A, Pokretanje - Punjenje),
kotače (35A, Kotači i gume),
zaštite koša prednjeg blatobrana (55A, Vanjske zaštite).
Ispustite ulje iz mehaničkog mjenjača.
prednju lijevu poluosovinu.
prednju desnu poluosovinu.
brtve izlaza diferencijala,
poprečni nosač hladnjaka (41A, Donji prednji dijelovi karoserije).
gornji vijak lijevog veznog elementa s mosta prednjeg ovjesa,
maticu cijevi servo upravljača s lijevog veznog elementa mosta prednjeg ovjesa.
Standards / Certification(s)
Notary Approved
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - English and Croatian, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Jul 2006.
Croatian to English (County Court of the City of Rijeka, verified) English to Croatian (County Court of the City of Rijeka, verified) English to Croatian (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Philosophy, verified) Croatian to English (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Philosophy, verified)
Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, DejaVu, Dreamweaver, Frontpage, Indesign, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Adobe Distiller, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Reader, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Microsoft Office, Ulead Video Studio, Pagemaker, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress, SDLX, STAR Transit, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, Wordfast
Date of Birth: 25th July, 1980
Civil status: Married, one child
Full-time freelance translator from English into Croatian and Croatian into English since 2003. Master's Degree in English and Croatian language and literature from the University of Rijeka, Croatia. Certified court interpreter for English language appointed by the decision of the President of the County Court of the City of Rijeka.
Honors diploma awarded for the completion of high school in Madera, California.
My translating experience is wide and varied, including:
Michael Scott: "The Alchemyst"
Peter Gössel and Gabriele Leuthäuser: "Architecture in the 20th Century" (Vol. II)
Literary Journal "Mogućnosti", Split: literary theory essays
Scientific essays for the Journal of Maritime Studies, Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka
Tech/Engineering: Bicycle Service Instructions, Printer Manuals, Monitor manuals, TV manuals, washing machine manuals, air condition manuals, sewing machine manuals, Spancrete machinery manuals, General Electrics generator instructions, packaging instructions, ABB LV Systems assembly manuals
IT: Software manuals, Transportation Software, Database Software, Medical Software Localization, Microsoft Products, Google Products, PC Maintenance Guides, Printer Software Localization and Manuals, User Acceptance Testing
Automotive: ongoing localization project for a French car manufacturer: workshop manuals, diagnostics manuals, e-learning sites, correspondence; Honda press releases, Volvo website, Mazda micro sites, specifications, brochures; automotive technical training material, user manuals, safety instructions
Telecoms: mobile phone package outlines, mobile device localization, local telephone provider brochures, programs and business material
General/Business/Marketing: Croatian Financial Agency website, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work - Healthy Workplace Initiative, health and safety working policies, general business documents, corporate news and articles, customer satisfaction program, brochures, skincare product presentations
Law/Legal: Review of Bosnia and Herzegovina Stabilization and Association Agreement, contracts, company statutes, tender documents, export documentation, port tender contracts, prisoner transfer appeals, appeals court documents, criminal records, marriage, death, divorce and birth certificates, passports, personal correspondence, emails
Medicine: product labels, pharmaceutical industry health and drugs information sheets and profiles, medical equipment localization (radiology), presentations and brochures, clinical trials, Blood Pressure Association brochures
Travel, Tourism and Entertainment: Hilton Hotels Programs, CROATIAN TOURIST BOARD, COUNTY OF SISAK AND MOSLAVINA - Tourism Development Strategy, THE NORTHERN VELEBIT NATIONAL PARK Brochures, private accommodation websites, gaming and gambling websites, MyHeritage website, Games for Windows – Live
Subtitling: Translation of subtitles for over 100 documentaries for Viasat History, Explorer. Translation of subtitles for movies and TV shows for Viasat TV1000, Disney, Sony and Universal.
Microsoft, Google, HP, Sony, Samsung, T-Mobile, LG, Panasonic, Canon, Olympus, Hitachi, Toshiba, General Electrics, Eurelectric, Shimano, UPS, Epson, Mazda, Volvo, Honda, Nissan, Daimler, Mobil Oil, TetraPak, sanofi-aventis, Respironics, GlaxoSmithKline, Nobel Pharma, Neways, Unibet, Hilton Hotels, Western Union, National Instruments, First Data, Viasat, Universal, Disney
Computing skills:CAT Tools: Trados Freelance 2007, SDLX 2007, MultiTerm 2007, LocStudio, Idiom, Across, Logoport, Déjà Vu, Star Transit, Wordfast DTP software: Adobe Acrobat, Quark XPress, CorelDRAW, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Fireworks, Visio Other: Microsoft Office, subtitling software, Ulead Video Studio
Keywords: Croatian translator, Croatian editor, user manuals, subtitling, website translation, tourism, marketing texts, automotive industry, literary translation, prijevodi. See more.Croatian translator,Croatian editor,user manuals,subtitling,website translation,tourism,marketing texts,automotive industry,literary translation,prijevodi,titlovanje,titlovi,lektura,lektor,književni prijevodi,prijevod s engleskog na hrvatski,prijevod s hrvatskog na engleski,sudski tumač za engleski jezik,Croatian court interpreter,English to Croatian,Croatian to English,prijevod teksta s engleskog,prijevod teksta na engleski, Englsih Croatian Translation, English Croatian Translator, Croatian IT translation, Croatian, technical translation, Croatian automotive translation, Croatian telecommunications translation, Croatian business translation, Croatian marketing translation, Croatian medical translation, Croatian website translation. See less.
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