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English to Serbian - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 GBP per word / 15 - 23 GBP per hour Serbian to English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 GBP per word / 15 - 23 GBP per hour Serbo-Croat to English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 GBP per word / 15 - 23 GBP per hour English to Serbo-Croat - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 GBP per word / 15 - 23 GBP per hour Bosnian to English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 GBP per word / 15 - 23 GBP per hour
Croatian to English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 GBP per word / 15 - 23 GBP per hour Montenegrin to English - Rates: 0.03 - 0.05 GBP per word / 15 - 23 GBP per hour English to Montenegrin - Rates: 0.03 - 0.05 GBP per word / 15 - 23 GBP per hour
Croatian to English: Postupak za utvrdjivanje i stjecanje hrvatskog drzavljanstva General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Croatian 11/21/2005 18:47 206-224-8989 QUEST BGS PAGE 03/10
NOV 02 05 11:27 a CroConLA 310-4771866 p. 1
Priloženo dostavljamo sledeće obrasce:
A) obrazac 2 - zahtjev za utvrđivanje/stjecanje hrvatskog državljanstva
B) obrazac 3 - izjava o pripadnosti hrvatskom narodu
C) upitnik
Molimo da dostavljene obrasce uredno popunite, a potpis
na obrascu 3 ovjerite kod javnog
U postupku utvrđivanja ili stjecanja hrvatskog državljanstva, pored
gore navedenih obrazaca podnositelj zahtjeva dužan je priložiti:
a)dokument za identifikaciju - osobni dokument s fotografijom podnositelja zahtjeva ( putna isprava,
osobna iskaznica,
vozačka dozvola,
"zelena karta" i sl.)
b)izvod iz matične knjige rođenih
ba) u slučaju da je podnositelj zahtjeva rođen izvan Republike Hrvatske primjenjuje se pravilo ovjeravanja dokumenta za upotrebu u Republici Hrvatskoj (npr. izvod iz matice rođenih izdan u SAD da bi bio priznat u RH mora se opskrbiti žigom "Apostille" u Secretary of State savezne države koja ga je izdala te sve zajedno prevedeno na hrvatski jezik od strane ovlaštenog tumača; za razliku od toga kanadski IMR mora proći proceduru pune legalizacije; dokumenti izdani na području bivše SFRJ priznaju se bez nadovjere ukoliku su podneseni u izvorniku ili u ovjerenoj preslici).
c) ca) za stjecanje državljanstva dokument iz kojeg je vidljivo da se osoba ili njeni preci izjašnjavala kao pripadnik hrvatskog naroda (izvod iz matične knjige rođenih,izvod iz matične knjige vjenčanih, izvod iz matične knjige umrlih, svjedodžba škole, radna knjižica, vojna knjižica, index i sl.)
cb) za utvrđivanje državljanstva -dokument iz kojeg je vidljivo da je osoba boravila u Republici Hrvatskoj izdan od strane organa vlasti Republke Hrvatske odnosno država njenih prednica
d) osobni ček ili "money order" u iznosu od $151 za primitak u hrvatsko državljanstvo odnosno $134 za utvrđivanje hrvatskog državljanstva.
e) osobni ček ili "money order" na iznos od
$20 za povrat originala FEDEX-om (jos 7 stranica prevedeno).
Translation - English 11/21/2005 18:47 206-224-8989 QUEST BGS PAGE 03/10
NOV 02 05 11:27 a CroConLA 310-4771866 p. 1
We have enclosed following documents:
A) document 2 – application for establishing/gaining Croatian
B) document 3 – statement of belonging to Croatian nation
C) questionnaire
We kindly advise you to fill in the necessary documents clearly. The signature on the document 3 must be certified by notary public.
When establishing or gaining Croatian citizenship, the applicant should, besides above mentioned documents, also provide the following:
a) identification document – the document with a photograph of the applicant ( travel document, the document with the applicant`s details, driving licence, ( Green card or similar document)
b) birth certificate
ba) if the applicant was not born in the Republic of Croatia then the procedure is to certify the document which can be used in the Republic of Croatia ( for example, the Republic of Croatia recognizes a birth certificate with the USA Secretary of State`s Apostille seal/stamp issued by the respective united state. This document should be translated into Croatian by a certified translator. Canadian IMR, on the other hand, should undergo the procedure of full legalisation. The documents issued by former SFRY are recognized automatically if they are originals or certified copies).
c) ca) gaining citizenship – if there is a document which clearly shows that the individual or his/her ancestors have claimed they are of Croatian nationality (Birth certificate, Marriage certificate, Death certificate, student`s certificate, employment papers, army booklet. student`s index etc.)
cb) establishing citizenship - requires a document which clearly states that the individual has resided in the Republic of Croatia and the same should be issued by the Republic of Croatia`s authorities i.e.the states with Croatian authority.
d) personal cheque or money order in the amount of $151 for gaining the citizenship
i. e. $134 for establishing of Croatian citizenship.
e) personal cheque or money order in the amount of $20 for receiving the original by FEDEX (7 more pages translated).
Serbo-Croat to English: CV
Source text - Serbo-Croat Postovana g-dine Ashley,
Prijavljujem se za posao asistenta u upravi za pravljenje programa koji ste objavili na internetu i u dnevnim novinama. Ja se zovem.........Zivim u......., gde ce biti upraznjeno mesto.
Ja sam diplomirao na Univerzitetu u ....., smer elektro- inzenjerski sa usmerenjem elektronika(kompjuteri i telekomunikacija).
Trenutno imam stalni posao u TV distribuciji, TV u ....., gde imam posao glavnog inzinjera za distribuciju koji zahteva veliku odgovornost i profesionalnost, siroko tehnicko znanje i sposobnost da se vodi tehnicko osoblje. U ovom periodu sam stekao siroko znanje i vestine vezane za prakticnu primenu kompjutera, televizije, satelita, audio i video opreme.
Ja umem odlicno da pisem i govorim engleski.Tokom mojih studija, ja sam polozio engleski sa najvecom ocenom.....
Datum rodjenja
Mesto rodjenja
Clanstvo i kvalifikacije
Translation - English Dear Mr Ashley,
I am applying for the job of Program Management Assistant adverised on your website and the daily newspapers.My name is......I live in....., where the position would be based.
I graduated from the University of ..................., Faculty of Electrical Engineering, with the specialisation in Electronics(Computers and Telecommunications).
Presently I have a permanent job in the TV broadcasting company, TV...., where I hold the position of Chief Broadcast Engineer)which demands a high degree of responsibility and professionalism, extensive technical knowledge, and the ability to manage a team of technical staff. During this time, I have gained extensive knowledge and skills in the practical application of computers, TV, satellite, audio and video equipment.
My knowledge of written and spoken English is excellent. During my studies, I passedan English test with the highest possible grade.
Tel No
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Membership and Qualifications
Areas of Specialization
Serbo-Croat to English: Rodni list
Source text - Serbo-Croat Republika Hrvatska
Ured drzavne uprave
U Osijecko-baranjskoj zupaniji
Maticni ured Osijek
U maticu rodjenih podrucja Osijek za godinu... izvrsen je pod rednim brojem.....dana....upis cinjenice rodjenja:
Podaci o djetetu
Dan,mjesec, godina i sat rodjenja
Mjesto rodjenaj
Podaci o roditeljima
Primjedbe i naknadni upisi
Brojcana oznaka
Ur broj
Mjesto i datum
Translation - English Birth Cerificate
Republic of Croatia
Managing Departmentfor Osijek-Baranja region
Registry office in Osijek
On 8th September 1976 the following sublect was registered in the Registry Book of Births under the reference nuber ..... in the town of Osijek
Child's Details
Time and Date of BirthPlace of Birth
Parents' Details
Additional Notes and Comments
Reference Number
Registrar's Signature
Date and Place
Serbo-Croat to English: Depresija/Upitnik
Source text - Serbo-Croat 1.Osjecam se energicno kao i uvijek
2.Gubim na tezini.
3.Izgubio sam zanimanje i prestao vrsiti mnoge omiljene aktivnosti.
4.Od pocetka bolesti potpuno sam izgubio zanimanje za seks.
(Ima ukupno 61 recenica)
Translation - English Depression/Questionnaire
1.I feel full of energy as usual.
2.I keep losing weight.
3.I lost interest in my favourite leisure activities and I stopped doing them
4.Since I have been poorly I've lost interest in sex.
(There is a total of 61 sentences).
Serbo-Croat to English: Izvod iz maticne knjige vjencanih
Source text - Serbo-Croat Bosna i Hercegovina
Translation - English Marriage Certificate
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Serbo-Croat to English: Poziv u vojsku
Source text - Serbo-Croat 1.Kada primite ovaj poziv ODMAH krenite u oznacenu vojnu jedinicu tako sto cete ici najkracim mogucim putem.
2. .....
Translation - English Call-up paper
1.Upon receiving this call-up paper, immediately make your way to the designated military unit, choosing the shortest route possible.
2. ......
Serbo-Croat to English: Uvjerenje
Source text - Serbo-Croat Potvrdjuje se da je obiteljska kuca..........................u..................ulica uslijed ratnih razaranja, ostecena-unistena, te da je na navedenom stambenom objektu izvrsen ocevid i utvrdjen je peti stupanj ostecenja.......
Translation - English Cerificate
We hereby confirm that the family house belonging to ..................... in.................Street, as a result of war destruction is damaged beyond repair. The review and confirmation of the fifth grade house damage has been finalised ....
Serbo-Croat to English: What is meant by Law?
Source text - Serbo-Croat What exactly do we mean by the law?
Law is a common word, so common that most people never stop to consider what it means.....
Translation - English Sta je pravo?
Sta tacno mislimo da je pravo?
Rec pravo se cesto koristi, toliko cesto da vecina ljudi nikada ne prestaje da razmatra sta ono znaci.......
Serbo-Croat to English: Social Interaction and Social Structure
Source text - Serbo-Croat Looking ahead
-How do we redefine reality through social interaction?
Translation - English Drustvena interakcija i struktura
Gledanje unapred
Kako mi iznova definisemorealnost kroz drustvenu interakciju?
Serbo-Croat to English: Care Plan
Source text - Serbo-Croat Social Services
Translation - English Plan kucne nege
Socijalna sluzba
Serbo-Croat to English: Military Resettlement Programme
Source text - Serbo-Croat Military Resettlement Programme
Translation - English Program vojnog premestaja
Translation education
Graduate diploma - Institute of Linguists, London, UK
Years of experience: 29. Registered at Sep 2003.
English to Serbo-Croat (Chartered Institute of Linguists) English to Serbian (C&CG BAEnglishLanguage&literature) English to Serbian (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) English to Serbian (Chartered Institute of Linguists, verified) English to Serbo-Croat (S&CG BAEnglishLanguage&Literature)
English to Serbo-Croat (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) Serbo-Croat to English (S&CG University BA English Language & Literature) Serbian to English (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) Serbian to English (Chartered Institute of Linguists, verified) Serbo-Croat to English (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) Serbo-Croat to English (Chartered Institute of Linguists) Serbian to English (S&CG University BA ENGLISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE) Croatian to English (Chartered Institute of Linguists)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Flash Professional 8.0, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Law,Literature,Travel,Tourism,Health,Electronics, IT(hardware),IT(software), Film, Television, TV technology, Broadcasting, Engineering, Chemistry, Psychology, Philosophy, Biology, Food, Industry, Local government.
I have worked as an interpreter/translator since August 2000 in the UK.
My interpreting experience has been with the following organisations:
The West Midlands Police, West Yorkshire Police, Leicestershire Police
The Magistrate and Youth Courts
The Immigration Appellate Authority
Immigration and Nationality Directorate
The Driving Standards Agency (DSA)
Social Services
The majority of my interpreting work with the Police has involved consecutive/liaison interpreting in taped interviews with police officers and suspects/victims/witnesses. I have also been required, on a number of occasions over the last two years, to take written statements in Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, Gorani, generally in witness situations, and then interpret them into English. As a result, I have a lot of experience of having to deal with sensitive situations where individuals have been very upset or frightened. It has been part of my responsibility to assist the Police in calming the person(s) involved.
My interpreting work in the Courts has taken place predominately in youth courts across the West Midlands and the Dudley Magistrate Court. Approximately 60% of the work is consecutive/liaison interpreting and 40% simultaneous/whispered interpreting.
My work for the Immigration Appellate Authority has taken place in the Sheldon Centre in Birmingham and IAA offices in Nottingham, Liverpool, Mansfield and Walsall. Approximately 70% of the work is simultaneous/whispered interpreting and 30% consecutive/liaison interpreting.
For the DSA I have been required to act as an interpreter for people taking the written driving test, involving me in interpreting the questions verbally for test applicants.
Other related experience
Since 1979 I have worked extensively as a tutor on a one-to-one basis with students of Serbian, Croatian or Bosnian origin in Yugoslavia and teaching English as a second language.
From 1985-99 I taught English in a secondary school in Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo to children ranging in age from 15-19.
I am able to work in the UK. I am a native speaker from the former Yugoslavia so am fluent in Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian both written and spoken.
I have a 2:1 degree in English Language and Literature. I am fluent in written and spoken English having been an English Teacher in Yugoslavia and living in the UK since 1999. I worked as a teacher in Yugoslavia for thirteen years and have studied and worked as an interpreter/translator in the UK since August 2000. I have gained an internationally recognised qualification in interpreting, the Diploma in Public Service Interpreting (DPSI): Serbian/English Law.
I do not currently have any examining experience, but have been asked to act as an assessor for Serbian students on the DPSI course in Birmingham this year. I took my translator examination in January 2003, so am currently waiting for the result.
I am self employed.
I have no political, cultural or ethical bias and this is one of my core personal values.
I am able to meet deadlines, as being self employed I am responsible for organising my workload, organising my invoices, etc. Much of my work involves unpredictable hours and deadlines are often tight, especially when working with the police on witness statements.
I can also translate in English-Montenegrin language pair as this a newly emerged language in ex Yugoslavia and is spoken in Montenegro.