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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member This translator helped to localize into Macedonian
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English to Macedonian - Rates: 0.06 - 0.10 EUR per word / 20 - 30 EUR per hour Macedonian to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.10 EUR per word / 20 - 30 EUR per hour Serbian to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.10 EUR per word / 20 - 30 EUR per hour Croatian to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.10 EUR per word / 20 - 30 EUR per hour
English to Macedonian: Professional competences in the field of Education General field: Social Sciences
Source text - English Defining professional competencies assumes a distinction between the concepts of being competent and having competencies. The first term refers to the requirements of the profession and is often determined by the minimum standards of the profession (entrance to the profession); the second term means that a person has those characteristics that allow him to act competently (professional and career development). Therefore, during the professional development it is possible to achieve competencies that include cognitive, functional, personal and value competencies whose outcome is professional competence. Professional competence may be seen as a foundation for career development.
Translation - Macedonian Дефинирањето на професионалните компетенции претпоставува правење разлика меѓу концептите на тоа да се биде компетентен и да се поседуваат компетенции. Првиот термин се однесува на барањата на професијата и често пати се утврдува со минималните стандарди на професијата (влез во професијата); вториот термин значи дека лицето ги поседува оние карактеристики што му овозможуваат да работи на компетентен начин (професионален и кариерен развој). Затоа, во текот на професионалниот развој, постои можност да се постигнат компетенции меѓу кои и когнитивни, функционални, персонални и вредносни компетенции, чиј што исход е професионална компетентност. Професионалната компетентност може да се гледа како темел на кариерниот развој.
* 2016 - present - Translator/Interpreter on TVET Reform Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia, financed by the World Bank
* 2013 to 2016 - Freelance translator and conference interpreter
* 2011 - 2013 - Part-time translator and interpreter on EU funded project Technical Assistance to the Unit for Cooperation with NGOs in the General Secretariat of Government of the Republic of Macedonia
* 1998 - 2009 - Translator and interpreter on USAID funded projects for Commercial Law; Accession of Macedonia to the WTO; WTO Compliance Activity and Business Environment Activity implemented by Booz Allen Hamilton.
* Official interpreter to the Macedonian delegation during the negotiations for accession of Macedonia to the WTO to the WTO Secretariat in Geneva.
* Interpreting at numerous conferences, seminars and workshops.
* Translation of legal documents from various government agencies and ministries and other international organizations based in Macedonia, such as: IMF, UNDP, UNHCR, European Commission, EAR, World Bank, OSCE, USAID, etc .
* Translations in the fields of business, justice, personal documents (certificates), education, finance, accounting, automotive industry, software localization, web site localization, telecommunications, forestry, medicine, pharmaceuticals, defense, terrorism, technical manuals, nutrition facts etc. Some of my clients: DHL, Sony Mobile Communications, Huawei, Siemens, Biosense Webster, Johnson and Johnson, NICE Vision, Sanofi Aventis, Blackberry, Yahoo!, Google, General Electric Healthcare, Ethicon, Gilead Sciences, Grand Thornton, KPMG, Habitat for Humanity etc.
* Translation of the AITIC Glossary of the Most Commonly Used International Trade Terms with particular Reference to the WTO Terminology - Eng>Mac and Mac>Eng. Available on the web site of the Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia and of the Ministry of Economy.
* Compilation of a Glossary of Commercial Law and Trade Eng>Mac and Mac>Eng (with 7000 terms and expressions and 1400 definitions and explanations, published in a CD form.
* Translation of the Results of the Uruguay Round of Negotiations - Eng>Mac.
* Translation of a sizeable counter-terrorism training project - Defensive Tactics for Protection of VIP Persons.
* Translation of the EU Directives, Regulations, Resolutions and Decisions in the field of medicine, pharmaceuticals, nutrition and telecommunications from English into Macedonian.
* Translation of the Questions and Answers of the EU and Macedonia for initiating the process for accession to the EU and obtaining the status of a candidate country.
* Translation of EU Brochures: "It's a better life - How the EU's Single Market Benefits You"; "How the EU Works"; "The ABC of Community Law"; "Europe in 12 Lessons".
* Translation of various laws: trade company law, trade law, electronic communications law and pertinent secondary legislation, law on banks, law on the bar, law on payment operations, law on profit tax, law VAT, law on customs, law on public procurement, law against unfair competition, law against limiting competition, law on agriculture, draft regulations on patents, appellation of origin and geographical indication.
* Translation of brochures, instructions for use of various types of medicaments, medical devices and other medical aids for Medical Marketing Services, Johnson and Johnson - LifeScan, Phillips, Siemens, Biolase, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Gilead Sciences Limited, Laboratories Besins International, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy at the University St. Cyril and Methodius, Drug Bureau of the Republic of Macedonia.
* Translation of brochures, instructions for use, catalogues, manuals, packaging and the like for the clients of the advertising agency Gorenje, Sony, Sony Mobile Communications, Huawei, Phillips, Peugeot, Pliva-Zagreb, LG, Electrolux, AEG, Siemens, Faber, Nardi, Podravka and Henkel Cosmetic.
* Localization of internet web sites.
* Software localization (railway management, surveillance systems, mobile phones, web-office, self-guided vehicles...)
* Translation of various projects for a number of agencies from Canada, Belgium, Hungary, England, Ireland, Australia, India, USA, Germany, France, Italy, Latvia, Austria, Spain, etc. via
* Translation and web site localization for clients in the automotive industry.
* Translation of tender documentation for tenders in various fields, including: telecommunications, road construction, waste management, hydro power plants, airport, etc.
* Translation of surveys for Eurobarometer, InSites, BizClir, Doing Business of the World Bank
* M.A. Degree in Conference Interpreting from the University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Philology, Skopje
* B.A. Degree in English Language, Literature and Translation from the University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Philology, Skopje
* On-line Course for Localization, Monterey Institute of International Studies
* Series of seminars and workshops about the World Trade Organization: subsidies, anti-dumping, countervailing measures, SPS agreement, TBT Agreement, TRIPS Agreement, Dispute Resolution, etc.
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