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English to Russian: Sage/ШАЛФЕЙ
Source text - English Sage
Salvia officinalis
Sage is a silvery-green shrub with very fragrant leaves. The most commonly cultivated species of sage originally came from the area around the Mediterranean but now also grows in North America. The leaves of this common kitchen herb are used in medicine as well as in cooking. It was used by herbalists externally to treat sprains, swelling, ulcers, and bleeding. Internally a tea made from sage leaves has had a long history of use to treat sore throats and coughs, often used as a gargle.
MENOPAUSE - In the UK herbalists employ sage to treat symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes. An unpublished, preliminary German study with patients suffering from excessive perspiration (hyperhydrosis) found that either a dry leaf extract or an infusion of the leaf reduced sweating by as much as 50%.
ANTI-MICROBIAL - In vitro studies have found that sage oil has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, which would explain its historical use in conditions such as sore throat, inflammations in the mouth (ulcers), and gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). Sage has been shown to be effective against candida albicans, herpes simplex virus II, and influenza virus II.
DIGESTIVE TONIC - Sage is a valuable carminative used in dyspepsia. From 1842 to 1916, sage was official in the US Pharmacopoeia, where it was recommended for its tonic, astringent, and aromatic properties, in aiding digestive health.
ANTIOXIDANT f- Rosmarinic acid found in sage has a number of interesting biological activities such as antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. The antioxidant potential of compounds in sage is equivalent to that of alpha-tocopherol.
400mg one to three times daily.
Potential applications
Menopausal symptoms, excessive sweating, memory, infection, indigestion, loss of appetite, cell-protection, anti-anxiety, blood sugar lowering.
Known contraindications
Sage is contraindicated during pregnancy.
None known.
Use in conjunction with
Menopausal symptoms - Black cohosh, B complex, EFAs, vitamin E
For ailments surrounding mucosal tissues of the mouth or throat, direct contact with the herb is necessary i.e. forming a paste or mouthwash/gargle with the herb.
De Leo V, Lanzetta D, Cazzavacca R, Morgante G. Minerva Ginecol. Treatment of neurovegetative menopausal symptoms with a phytotherapeutic agent. 1998 May;50(5):207-11
PDR for Herbal Medicines. Second Edition. 2000
David Hoffman. The New Holistic Herbal. 1990.
Translation - Russian ШАЛФЕЙ
Шалфей - серебристо-зеленый куст с очень ароматными листьями. Наиболее часто культивируемые виды шалфея являются выходцами из мест Средиземноморья а в настоящее время также произрастают в Северной Америке. Листья этого, широко используемого в кулинарии растения, используются также и в медицине. Травники использовали шалфеи наружно для лечения растяжений, опухолеи, язв и кровотечения. Принятие внутрь чая из листьев шалфея издавна использовалось для лечения больного горла, как средство от кашля и часто для полоскания горла.
МЕНОПАУЗА- В Великобритании травники употребляют шалфей для лечения симптомов менопаузы таких как жар. Неопубликованное предварительное исследование в Германии, проведенное с пациентами, страдающими избыточным потовыделением, показало что применение экстракта сухих листьев шалфея или настоя из листьев уменьшили потовыделение на целых 50%.
АНТИМИКРОБНЫЕ СВОЙСТВА- Исследования показали что масло шалфея обладает антибактериальными, антигрибковыми и антивирусными своиствами, что обьясняет его долгую историю использования в лечении таких болезненных состояний как больное горло, воспаления полости рта (язвы) и гигнгивит (воспаления десен). Шалфей показал себя эффективным средством против видов грибка кандидa, пузырькового лишая (герпес простои) вирус II и инфлюэнцы вирус II.
ТОНИК ДЛЯ ПИЩЕВАРИТЕЛьНОЙ СИСТЕМЫ - Шалфей является хорошим ветрогонным средством и используется при диспепсии.
С 1842 по 1916 год шалфей был официально внесен в Фармокопею США, где рекомендовались его тонизируюшие, вяжущие и ароматические своиства, и как вспомогательное средство для поддержки здоровья пищеварительного тракта.
АНИОKCИДАНТ- Найденная в шалфее розмариновая кислота обладает несколькими интересными биологически-активными своиствами, такими как: антивирусные, антибактериальные, противовоспалительные и антиоксидантные своиства. Антиоксидантный (противоокислительный) потенциал составных элементов шалфея эквивалентен по силе свойствам ацетата альфа-токоферола.
400мг 1-3 раза в день
Симптомы при менопаузе, избыточное потовыделение, расстроиства памяти, инфекция, потеря аппетита, клеточная защита, успокоительное, понижает сахар в крови.
Шалфеи противопоказан при беременности.
Не выявлены.
При симптомах менопаузы: Клопогон кистевидный, незаменимые жирные кислоты, комплекс витаминов В, витамин Е.
Про недугах слизистых оболочек рта и глотки необходим прямой контакт с травой шалфея, то есть приготовить и использовать шалфейную кашицу, настой/полоскание для горла.
Де Лео В, Ланзетта Д, Каццаваска Р, Морганте Г. Минерва Джинекол. Лечение
нейровегетативных симптомов менопаузы препаратами фитотерапии.1998 Май;50(5):207-11
PDR (Настольныи Справочник Целителя )Траволечения. Второе Издание.2000
Дэвид Хоффман. Новое Исцеление Травами. 1990
Russian to English: Oil article
Source text - Russian
text is available as a scanned document on request
Translation - English Izvestiya 7th August 2006
The YUKOS case by its top manager:
“Those who have not hidden yet – that’s not my fault”
Mikhail Leontiev
“Izvestiya” publishes the final part of the interview with Alexei Golubovich – the ex-director of the strategic planning and corporate finances for the oil concern YUKOS. The interview with the famous journalist Mikhail Leontiev – especially for our newspaper – began on Friday, 4 August.
Gibraltar Inheritance War
Q: Is it not similar to a kind of preventive terror? A definition of the parameters of the possible “harmfulness” or dangerousness of one individual or another?
A: This depends on the psychology of the customer. On one occasion, when Khodarkovsky was distributing MENATEP* shares, he explained the actions that would take place should anything happen to a shareholder. He answered: “Initially – we will not pay anything to anyone. Well, if the family is struggling to make a living, or, for instance, to sponsor revenge for the shareholder’s death, then these expenses we will take care of…” What an interesting mentality one must possess to bring the questions of finance, family and revenge onto the same level. It warped me then. I don’t know, is it, perhaps, normal to talk like that?
Q: So it seems then, all those people were not really the owners? The capacity to manage, to inherit, to give away or to sell - this capacity was not present?
A: In theory they have the capacity to get one day some part of a sum, defined by MENATEP itself.
Q: What are the proprietary relationships like at the moment with this trust?
A: The trust possesses the assets, which were transferred as dividends. I basically don’t have access to them; they are managed by one the trust officer, who has been there since being appointed by MENATEP. They are not obliged to carry out any of my instructions. And the trust – shares do not belong to MENATEP. MENATEP simply sent a document a year ago, saying it is executing the options, then took these shares back, and promised to pay for them someday. But when – that is unknown. And how much – that is unknown too… The Island’s justice system allows having a war for Khodorkovsky’s Gibraltar inheritance. Perhaps not a hundred-years, but a thirty-years war is surely in sight.
Q: I see, “the marriage is broken”. And the relationship history, does that still go on?
A: Our relationship had been cautiously suspicious before Khodorkovsky’s sentence, because, the last time I saw him in London – that was on 7 October 2003 – two weeks before his arrest, he delivered three points to me. First: not to return to Moscow under any circumstances, even though there were no criminal cases raised concerning me. These cases might be raised, if I return. I understood him to say that his YUKOS ex-colleagues will contribute to that, if I do not take his advice. Second: that “shame you are sitting here in London doing nothing, we can give you the opportunity to do business. For instance, the asset management”, – which did not really interest me, especially since I understood whose assets I would have to manage. But I tried not to refuse on the spot, and postponed this talk to the future, alluding to having a need to consult the lawyers. So, there was sweet talk too, you see. Third: YUKOS’s security service, thank God, has now good connections in London; Shestopalov came, and found common ground even with the local policemen. Here it is just like it is back home. Cops – are cops everywhere. So it sounded something like that. In short – think if you want, do as you please, but if needed we will find you even here.
Q: So, do they?
A: Military actions are happening through the infliction of unexpected pinpoint strikes. For example, the private detective in London, the one who worked many years for YUKOS’s owners, called me few times, we even met up once. He was saying: “You have a house in Italy, where the family lives. Many of your ill-wishers know about that. Don’t you want to attend to the problems of your safety? “ “No, thanks. I don’t sense a particular danger…” And suddenly in Italy I get arrested. There had been issued a report from somewhere – literally before I arrived at Pisa airport – that, it appears, I am on Interpol’s criminal tracking system. And at the same time from somewhere articles had appeared – “industrial sectors’ letters” in my defence – from the Italians… I had a feeling as though everyone was sitting and waiting: aha, now he will get taken, the well-wishing lawyers will come forward, who will say that I must urgently become a political refugee. Otherwise you will be handed over to Russia, and there you never know what might happen.
Q: Did they manifest themselves personally in any way? Did they offer concrete services?
A: MENATEP did not. There cannot be any formal complaints against this organisation at all. It is because there are much-respected English lawyers sitting there, who will never in their lives make a single mistake. And what is being published in Russia is about commissioned murders: that is on one planet, and they are on a completely different one. There was a proposal to use some particular lawyers. They said: it would be good if Golubovich was recognised as a political refugee at the end of the day. Because, if they don’t recognise him as such, it will not be a good precedent and we have in front of us all these London court cases opposing extradition. We have Strasbourg ahead – we need everyone to be a political refugee. Because, God forbid, if one of them suddenly appears just a swindler, the whole structure will fall to the ground. Well, since I didn’t want to be either a political refugee or a mere swindler, I declined their services.
“Curtis was solving a creative task”
Q: What’s the story with Curtis? (Ex-managing director of the MENATEP group, alleged to have died in a helicopter crash. - Editor’s note)
A: I had known Curtis for more than nine years. Long before he started to work for YUKOS-MENATEP. From my point of view, he was a brilliant lawyer and in general a very good person. Very talented negotiator apparently, with a very – as one might put it – creative personality. He took on many cases – not just being driven by a desire to earn money, but because they interested him personally – to solve a creative task.
And when he was appointed a leader, practically a principal director of MENATEP, he started to plan some operations to save the assets abroad, to safeguard YUKOS from probable nationalisation. It became clear that with such a person as head of the organisation the whole destiny of this empire would have been different. For sure he would have negotiated a way through or thought of something. He hadn’t even seen or talked to Khodorkovsky ever in his life. But he could persuade all the other lawyers – all Khodorkovsky’s colleagues – who were in contact with him, that they must do so and so, this and that. I know he tried to do a lot for them, and, most likely, there was a lot he had no time to complete, because firstly Khodorkovsky had got his sentence and the process of making the decisions was extremely complicated, and then Curtis suddenly crashed in his helicopter… As for me, for instance, I would never believe that the helicopter, with an experienced pilot there, suddenly just falls by itself like a block of stone and blows up – there has to be a technical reason.
Q: Who could the Curtis death be advantageous for?
A: Curtis’ death was advantageous for those who had become MENATEP- YUKOS’s foreign assets distributors. For those who – if they had not got the assets themselves – had got the right to decide how to spend the money. And not a little money either, because if they spent millions of dollars on just the lawyers each year, it’d be tens of millions on the media. Generally speaking, there’s something to fight for.
As for Rybin – they didn’t want to pay him…
Q: Let us return to Rybin’s story. Were you involved in that?
A: The basic reason for the whole Rybin story – is that he was one of the main business partners of the Eastern oil company. And when it became privatised, he ought to have ceased to remain one, from YUKOS’s point of view, and moreover, to forget that the company owed him anything. His financial relationship with the Eastern oil company is debatable – whether or not all of the debts to him were correctly listed, I don’t know. To sort out this business was the responsibility of Nevzlin; he was the advisor to the lawyers and SB** and he decided these questions personally. He met with Rybin a few times; none of the details of their conversations were ever discussed in my presence. And, basically, I first saw Rybin on TV, when that explosion happened, people had died – and after that everyone got called for questioning. Later on, when Rybin for some reason suddenly dropped his claims and in the end had not got any money, he still remained in a relationship with YUKOS. Alexanyan (secretariat boss. - Ed.) and I then went to meet with Rybin. It was clear: after the story of the assassination attempt the man kind of broke down, and when he entered my office I felt like calling for a doctor, because it was really scary to look at him. He was driven to that, they had “sorted out the problem”.
Q: So it can be said that the operation was executed successfully.
A; Yes. The financial result achieved, so to say. As for the rest of it – it is lost within the operational process.
Q: When there was the assassination attempt on Kostina- was there any reaction from within?
A: It is all gossip about what was happening, because nothing got into the press anymore. Any anti-YUKOS article was withdrawn – paid for or something – the machine was working, so to say, not only in terms of distribution something that was useful, but also in terms of aborting something – anything – that was in any way derogatory to YUKOS. So, if there was bad publicity about one of the officers, that was just a signal that they had decided to get rid of him, sack him. I experienced it myself a few times as well.
No-one was talking much either about Kostina or Rybin. Inside the company, however, there was an opinion about Rybin’s case, that it could not have been advantageous to anyone apart from the company itself. Nevzlin was pushing through the version that it was his (Rybin’s- Trans.) own Tomsk’s creditors, some bandits, who he could not pay back. Can’t pay back, of course, because YUKOS is not paying him back. But YUKOS is not obliged to pay him back, and as a result the creditors were blowing him up there…
The version with criminals, by the way, is a standard and a favourite. If anyone had got murdered – then it means that person had problems with criminals. About Petuhov it’s the same story: the wife was controlling the market, wanted this and that, and the husband got killed by bandits as a result. However, the fact that no bandits had appeared anywhere after that and there were no commercial consequences of that murder whatsoever – nobody cares about that. Advantageous to YUKOS, but murdered by bandits, as the wife had some problems.
What to do in case of danger
Q: Khodorkovsky was talking about the need to transfer the assets from Gibraltar offshore in case of the “recognition of YUKOS as a criminal organisation in Russia or abroad”. Did he seriously suppose that scenario to be possible?
Q: Once a month on average I used to come to Khodorkovsky’s office; even having resigned from working for YUKOS, I used to come for business not connected with management of the oil company. In Zhukovka, in a place called the “Apple Tree Garden”. It was something like informal meetings of MENATEP share-holders. In May, I think it was in 2003, one of Khodorkovsky’s comments perplexed me: “we are now distributing the assets from the Gibraltar MENATEP into some trusts and, in particular, we have created a trust where initially a sum of 20 million dollars will be kept – I think at the present moment there are already 500 million there – for education-financing purposes. Students from Russia will be able to study with the help of this money in prestigious British Universities.” I have not heard of a single student who has studied there with that money. But back then it was an original, generous gesture and someone asked: “So, are we simply presenting students with 20 million?” “No, we are presenting not 20 million, but the percentage interest on this sum. The money itself is ours, it cannot be used without our permission really. And just in case, it’d better be there, you never know. For example, should MENATEP get recognised as a criminal organisation not only in Russia but in the whole world, then money can be taken out of there for lawyers, to pay off the lawyer’s bills.”
It is May 2003, all’s well so far. No-one talked about anyone’s going to be arrested then.
I suppose actually that the real fight goes on against those who understand that, sooner or later, they can be handed over to Russia for the real, serious offences, which need to be analysed not by the tax specialists but by the criminal lawyers and, excuse my language, by the investigators of the “slaughter departments”.
And sooner or later in one country or another they will have to answer for that, because British or Israeli police do not need people who order assassinations on their territory either. They need them even less than us – in Russia. That is why I think it will all end in such a way that all the participants in the process will sooner or later get handed over to Russia, or will get sentenced elsewhere. Well, I would like to hope so – the problems would then disappear by themselves. Or else… Or else the purely economic version. Let us imagine that YUKOS is based not in Russia but in America. That it is ENRON. And that ENRON also has managers; some people gave evidence, some got sentenced or were cleared. What are beginning later, however, are the civil claims of these shareholders, these suffering employees. Let’s imagine: this one got murdered, on that one there was an attempted assassination, another one lost his job, someone else was left disabled, and such and such lost their money as shareholders. Who do you present your claims to?
They will be civil claims. And in America those who were managing YUKOS all these years, and those behind all the criminal offences, would have been tried in court first of all – to skin them to the last penny. To give all they had to the victims of their offences. To assume the development of such a scenario in the case of YUKOS’s bosses is possible.
Q: Who is, in that case, the object of such claims?
A: Oh, this is a question which needs to be thoroughly and cautiously worked on by the western lawyers. Because in order to win in the next round of this fight, one needs to act according to the existing rules in England, Gibraltar, Israel – everywhere that there are assets and potential claimants. Even if it proves impossible to prosecute them, then at least it is essential to limit access to the use of this money. And big money too, tens of companies worldwide. And billions of dollars.
Golden “well of liquid”
Q: Why can’t they be prosecuted if, within the confines of the process which is in progress in Russia, they have been proved guilty?
A: Well, the logic there is clear: my money abroad – that’s nothing to do with politics. I earned it honestly. I put on an imaginary jacket and say: I am a political refugee. I am a private businessman. Someone will get caught on this sooner or later.
Of course, I don’t know everything about 2003 and beyond. But the system was invented and constructed earlier. Money appeared in accounts abroad and was consolidated according to international standards as YUKOS’s money. A very attractive balance with gigantic profit was always rendered to the foreign shareholders, but in Russia this money went through the regional offshore tax arrangements – “Mordovias”, “Kalmykiyas”. And it went according to a very ingenious, as it then seemed, scheme. And we were not even recovering oil as such, but some sort of a substance, worth almost nothing… When oil rises up to the surface it is as if it wasn’t oil at all – some kind of mixture with water, with sand, a nothing. We’ve recovered the “well liquid” and as soon as it shows itself on the surface – it has already been sold. It is not Neftugansk’s, not Tomsk’s nor Samara’s liquid, say it is Mordovian for instance. “Well liquid” is getting sold somewhere, then goes, as someone else’s oil – not the oil-extracting incorporation’s oil – to the refinery. This refinery then gets paid only for oil-processing and its profit – is three pennies. Then it goes as someone else’s petrol into the petrol stations, not as YUKOS’s petrol but, as they call it now, false dummy-company’s oil. And then the result is that firstly: the taxes in those regions where the oil is extracted are paid as it suits YUKOS. Secondly: the price for the petrol in Krasnoyarsk, near the refinery, is higher than in Moscow. Even though surely it must be vice versa. But it is so expensive there because – you see – it comes from Mordoviya and not from that very refinery itself.
Q: Can it be said that by acting like this YUKOS safeguarded its shareholders against robbery, but only foreign shareholders, “non-residents”? And robbing at the same time the Russian budget and population?
A: Well, firstly, de-facto it did happen in this way. And secondly, even the foreign shareholders also were robbed in the end. At first this scheme was working, fooling everyone. And it looked like the profit was huge too. Later, it came out that the profit is received according to a certain taxation scheme, and that there must not be any profit at all, and, in view of penalty charges – there certainly won’t be any.
All these shares, net, are not worth anything, their value returned back to where it all began. That is why eventually the foreigners suffered as well. The State, at least, took the assets, but those who owned shares – they did not get anything.
Q: How adequate is the understanding that Khodorkovsky was building the company, so to say, investing money in development, new technology and in procurement?
A: The investments in manufacturing, for sure, had grown substantially in the post-crisis period. But that growth was happening not by means of taking up the slack. As a matter of fact, I myself before my resignation, carried out the search for and purchase of oil reserves. For the purpose of growing the reserves for the future or of skimming off the cream, where it is easy now.
To invest in oil refineries – is something nobody was ever going to do. What will happen in 5 years – that, I have a feeling, it was prohibited to discuss. They sacked Tarkhov, who in YUKOS was responsible for oil refining before privatisation, not because he was not loyal or from the “ex-ones”. He got sacked for agitating, a long while and tediously, for investment in refining. Also they sacked all those who worked with him, to make sure they wouldn’t have another chance to bring up this subject. The most weight was possessed in both YUKOS, and earlier in the bank MENATEP, by the people controlling the “contacts with the authorities”, with the clerks, and who were controlled by the security service. Sometimes it interfered with the business, sometimes, probably, it even helped it. Sometimes it crashed all the work, but I reckon, that, if it is all true, what is said about Pichugin’s processes, even if it is only a third of the truth – and I do not have any grounds to think that it was made up by someone – then the role of the SB*** in the downfall of the company is an honourable main role.
Q: Are you, yourself, weary of the criminals’ actions?
A: To speak the truth – I am, of course, besides, it’s impossible to hide, because of the family and children. But you can’t just sit in a bullet-proof car 24 hours a day, can you? And the main thing is the hope that all this will terminate sooner or later with a happy end.
Just got caught under the wheel
Q: Well, a happy end for you must be an automatically unhappy end for them. For that is hard to harmonise together.
A: Yes, I understand. But I think that as always in such cases, everything is determined by the individual. And his isolation from society will ease not only the lives of those who could have become his victims, but also those of his own circle, they are tired as well.
As far I as I know, there are about 50-60 people living in London, some in Cyprus, in Latvia, some elsewhere. And that not including family members who also suffered completely unexpectedly.
Sixteen, or however many they named, eleven people in London are under surveillance. Some of them signed the documents and some might even be considered criminals, the co-participants of some trickster’s scheme. But most people – I am one hundred percent sure of that – just got caught under the wheel, the simple executives, who, perhaps, did not even execute anything, they were simply told: get out of the country, hide, because if you don’t, you’ll be taken by the State Office of Public Prosecutors, or we will help – and you’ll be taken by someone else.
I had a choice: business abroad, many friends helped me to make having to move somewhere relatively easy. But those people, evidently, aren’t helped by anyone, they live in destitution, they can’t afford to have lawyers. If someone might be of use to YUKOS – that person will get a lawyer, paid for by YUKOS – go ahead, work together, but say only the words and sign only the papers which the lawyer will ask you to say and sign. Lots of people got caught on that. Some of them are still sitting in detention facilities thanks to those idiotic suggestions. They were working, in that case, for the one who paid them, not for the client.
What about the superiors’ position regarding this? One journalist told me, I won’t name names, how she came to Khodorkovsky in summer 2003, when Lebedev got arrested, and asked: and what are you intending to do with your other staff, the managers, who were participating in the same deals? They can get arrested too? “I told everyone to escape, I warned everyone. Those who have not hidden yet - that’s not my fault.”
Who is who: Alexey Golubovich.
Alexey Golubovich began to work for the bank MENATEP in 1992 – at first as a head of the investments department, then as a vice-president of the board of governors. In 1996 he left the bank but in two years came back to Khodorkovsky. In 1998-2001 he filled the position of the managing director of the YUKOS’s strategic planning and corporate finance. He looked after the process of purchasing other companies, relationships with the shareholders, and distribution of YUKOS’s shares. He resigned after the assassination attempt on his wife, Olga Mimirskaya, the head of the company “Russian Product”. He suspected YUKOS’s security service in the organisation of the assassination project.
In 2004 the State Office of Public Prosecutors accused Golubovich of co-partnership in illegal privatisation of the NEE**** of fertilizers and insectofungicides in 1995 ( that is one of the episodes of “Khodorkovsky’s cases”). He gets mentioned in connection with privatisation of the open corporation “Apatit”. Golubovich had moved to London, was announced to be under international surveillance, and in May of the same year was arrested it the Italian city of Pisa.
At the present moment he resides in Italy under house arrest.
* Interbranch scientific and technical programs. - Translator’s note
** System safety, system security. - Translator’s note
*** Security service. - Translator’s note
**** Scientific research institutes - Translator’s note
Translation education
Years of experience: 20. Registered at Nov 2006.
Translation specialisation: Music ( Music dictionaries, Music Magazines, Music Articles, Books on Music, Music essays, Music Manuals, Music Instruments, Music Education, Music Literature, Music Biographies, Tutorbooks etc.), Arts (Magazines, Articles, essays, Manuals, Brochures, Literature ) Education, Pedagogy ( Articles, Books, Magazines, Manuals, Essays, Tutorbooks, Guides, Presentations, Contracts, Diplomas etc.)
Other languages and level of fluency: Ukrainian -good understanding of spoken and written language.
Frequently visiting the country of the interpreted languages: Yes
Availability: General, including out of regular office hours, weekends, urgent jobs etc. Quick ASAP service provided on request.
Русско/Беларусско-Английский Переводчик (Письменные переводы и устная интерпретация)
Языки: Английский - в совершенстве, Русский-родной язык, Беларусский-родной язык.
Специализация перевода: Музыка (Музыкальные Словари, Музыкальные Журналы,Музыкальные Статьи, Книги по Музыке, Эссе по Музыке, Музыкальные Руководства, Музыкальные Инструменты,Музыкальное Образование, Музыкальная Литература, Музыкальные Биографии, Музыкальные Сборники, Музыкальные Педагогические Руководства и т.д.), Искусства (Журналы, Статьи, Эссе, Руководства, Брошюры, Литература) Образование, Педагогика (Статьи, Книги, Журналы, Руководства, Эссе, Tutorbooks, Гиды, Презентации, Контракты, Дипломы и т.д.)
Другие языки:
Украинский:Хороший уровень восприятия устной и письменной речи.
ЧРегилярно посещаются страны используемых языков.
Принимаются предложения к работе: в любое время, включая часы после 17.00, ночное время, работа в выходные и выполнение срочных заданий
Keywords: Music translator, music dictionaries translator, music articles translator, music magazines translator, music manuals translator, music essays translator, musical instruments translator, musical jargon translator, musical education translator, musical literature translator. See more.Music translator, music dictionaries translator, music articles translator, music magazines translator, music manuals translator, music essays translator, musical instruments translator, musical jargon translator, musical education translator, musical literature translator, music history translator, art translator, art articles translator, art magazines translator, art news translator, articles translator, newspapers translator, news translator, magazines translator, literature translator, fiction translator, non-fiction translator, TV translator, cinema translator, drama translator, film translator, children's books translator, education translator, pedagogy translator, pedagogy essays translator, certificates translator, diplomas translator, CVs translator, manuals translator, licenses translator, sociology translator, social sciences translator, ethics translator, religion translator, psychology translator, philosophy translator, linguistics translator, tourism translator, travel translator, names translator, cosmetics translator, beauty translator, sports translator, recreation translator, fitness translator, health care translator, medical translator, alternative medicine and complementary therapies translator, herbalism translator, aromatherapy translator, yoga translator, nutrition translator, food translator, cooking translator, culinary translator, immigration translator, immigration interpreter, Police interpreter, NHS interpreter, Local Government interpreter, Social services interpreter, music interpreter, music workshop interpreter, music masterclass interpreter, music events interpreter, musicians interpreter, airport interpreter, domestic violence interpreter, health care interpreter, hospitals interpreter, community interpreter, refugee interpreter, tourism interpreter, travel interpreter, urgent jobs, out of office hours service, fast service, late jobs, night-time jobs, weekend work, rates subject to negotiation, low rates,
Переводчик музыки, переводчик словарей музыки, переводчик статей музыки, переводчик журналов музыки, переводчик руководств музыки, переводчик эссе музыки, переводчик музыкальных инструментов, переводчик музыкального жаргона, переводчик музыкального
образования, музыкальный литературный переводчик, переводчик истории музыки, художественный переводчик, художественный переводчик статей, художественный переводчик журналов, художественный переводчик новостей, переводчик статей, переводчик газет, переводчик новостей, переводчик журналов, литературный переводчик, переводчик беллетристики, переводчик научной литературы, телевизионный переводчик, переводчик кино, переводчик драмы, переводчик фильма, переводчик детской литературы, переводчик образования, переводчик педагогики, переводчик эссе педагогики, переводчик свидетельств, переводчик дипломов, переводчик CV, переводчик руководств, переводчик лицензий, переводчик социологии, переводчик общественных наук, переводчик этики, переводчик религии, переводчик психологии, переводчик философии, переводчик лингвистики, переводчик туризма, переводчик имен и названий, переводчик косметики, переводчик красоты, спортивный переводчик, переводчик отдыха, переводчик фитнесса, переводчик здравоохранения, медицинский переводчик, переводчик нетрадиционной медицины, переводчик по фитотерапии, переводчик по трацолечению,переводчик ароматерапии, переводчик йоги, переводчик пищи, кулинарный переводчик, переводчик иммиграции, Полицейский переводчик, переводчика NHS, Переводчик местный органов власти, Переводчик социального обеспечения, переводчик музыки, переводчик симпозиума музыки, музыкалных мастерклассов переводчик, переводчик событий музыки, переводчик музыкантов, переводчик в аэропорту, переводчик по насилию в семьях, переводчик здравоохранения, переводчик в больницах, переводчик сообщества, переводчик для беженцев, переводчик туризма, срочные переводы,быстрыи переводчик, недорогои русско-английский переводчик, недорогои англо-русский переводчик,дешевыи переводчик, дешевые переводы, переводы любои информации.
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