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Specializes in:
Medical (general)
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Poetry & Literature
Also works in:
Environment & Ecology
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Esoteric practices
Business/Commerce (general)
Medical: Cardiology
Medical: Health Care
Medical: Instruments
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Tourism & Travel
Spanish to English - Standard rate: 0.04 GBP per word / 16 GBP per hour French to English - Standard rate: 0.04 GBP per word / 16 GBP per hour Russian to English - Standard rate: 0.04 GBP per word / 16 GBP per hour German to English - Standard rate: 0.04 GBP per word / 16 GBP per hour
Source text - Russian Нейролептический синдром — это интегративное понятие, включающее различные виды нарушений, возникающих в ходе терапии психотропными средствами и, в первую очередь, нейролептиками. В него входят экстрапирамидные расстройства, которые принято подразделять на акинето-гипертонический, гиперкинето-гипертонический, гиперкинетический и дискинетический варианты (или синдромы).
Акинето-гипертонический синдром определяется гипокинезией, маскообразностью лица, скованностью движений, ригидностью мышц. Гиперкинето-гипертонический синдром характеризуется наличием разнообразных гиперкинезий (тремор, акатизия, тасикинезия) на фоне мышечной гипертонии и акинезии. Гиперкинетический синдром проявляется в виде акатизии, тасикинезии, гиперкинезий (хореиформных, атетоидных) и т.д. Для дискинетического синдрома характерна пароксизмальность проявлений в виде окулогирных, оральных кризов, а также дискинезий других мышечных групп (тортиколис, торсионные спазмы и др.).
Translation - English Neuroleptic syndrome is an integrative concept, including different types of disorders which occur during the course of therapy with psychotropic drugs and, primarily, with neuroleptics. This includes extrapyramidal disorders, which it is common practice to subdivide into akinetic-hypertonic, hyperkinetic-hypertonic , hyperkinetic and dyskinetic variants (or syndromes).
Akinetic-hypertonic syndrome is defined by hypokinesia, a mask-like appearance of the face, constrained movement and muscle rigidity. Hyperkinetic-hypertonic syndrome is characterised by the presence of various hyperkineses (tremor, akathisia, tasikinesia) against a background of muscular hypertonia and akinesia. Hyper-kinetic syndrome manifests in the form of akathisia, tasikinisia, hyperkineses (choreiform, athetoid) etc. Dyskinetic syndrome is characterised by the paroxysmality of manifestations of an oculogyric nature, oral crises, and also dyskinesia of other muscular groups (torticollis, torsion spasms, etc.).
German to English: Pharmacology of a new interneuron-inhibitory substance
Source text - German Mittels cardiometrischer Registrierung der Herztätigkeit konnte festgestellt werden, daß das Schlagvolumen für einige Sekunden, also vorübergehend, vermindert wird, sodann wieder zunimmt, um schließlich nach und nach wieder abzunehmen. Während der vorübergehenden kurzen Abnahme des Schlagvolumens zeigt das Elektrokardiogramm eine sogenannte „low voltage“ welche nach einigen Sekunden verschwindet. Die Amplituden der R-Zacke erlangen nach 2ß3 min, d. h. dann, wenn die Abnahme des Schlagvolumens am größten ist, ihre
ursprüngliche Höhe wieder. Die stark anhaltende Blutdrucksenkung, ist demzufolge auf die Abnahme des peripheren Widerstandes zurückzuführen, wobei einesteils die ganglienblockierende Wirksamkeit der Verbindung, anderseits (wie aus folgendem ersichtlich ist) ihre spasmolytischen Eigenschaften eine Rolle spielen.
Translation - English By means of cardiometric recording of heart activity, it was able to be determined that the stroke volume is decreased for some seconds, ie temporarily, and then increases again, finally decreasing gradually. During the temporary short decrease in the stroke volume, the electro-cardiogram shows so-called "low voltage" which disappears after some seconds. After 2-3 minutes, i.e. when the decrease in stroke volume is the greatest, the amplitudes of the R-point again reach their original level. The very prolonged reduction in blood pressure thus results from the decrease in peripheral resistance, whereby on the one hand the ganglion-blocking properties of the drug, and on the other hand (as is apparent from the following) its spasmolytic qualities play a role.
Translation education
Other - Salford College of Further Education - Postgraduate Diploma for Bilingual Secretaries
Years of experience: 2. Registered at Oct 2003.
MetaTexis, Excel, Outlook, Word 2000, Powerpoint, Wordfast
My main areas of specialisation are: literature; medicine; psychology; social sciences.
I have a postgraduate diploma in French and have studied Spanish and Russian to degree level. I also possess a good knowledge of German, having lived and worked in Germany as a research assistant to a medical statistician.
Keywords: literature, medicine, psychology, psychiatry, social sciences