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Source text - English PRESS RELEASE
Indesit Company’s board of directors approves figures for 2007
and calls the shareholders’ meeting. Dividend: €0.509
The consolidated results announced in February are confirmed: sales in 2007 reached € 3,438m (up 5.8% vs €3,249m in 2006), net profits €105m (up 38.0% vs €76m in 2006).
Dividend proposal for 2007: €0.509 per ordinary share, yielding a pay out of 50%; coupon detachment date 19th May and payment 22nd May 2008.
Milan, 20th March 2008 – The board of directors of Indesit Company, chaired by Vittorio Merloni, met in Milan today to approve the consolidated financial statements for 2007 and the draft separate statements to be submitted to the shareholders’ meeting on 29th April (1st call) or 30th April (2nd call) and to -propose the dividend pay-out. The Board also approved the annual Corporate Governance Report. In view of the results achieved in 2007 and of continuing accomplishment of the objectives set by the current three-year plan (2006-2008), the Board decided to propose a pay-out of 50% for 2007. The Board will motion the shareholders to vote a dividend of €0.509 per ordinary shares (€0.385 the previous year) and €0.527 per savings shares (€0.403 the previous year), to be payable from 22nd May 2008.
Founded in 1975, Indesit Company is the second largest European white goods manufacturer in terms of market share and the fifth in the world, producing nearly 15 million appliances a year. Indesit, Hotpoint-Ariston and Scholtès are the Group’s main brands. The Company operates through 17,000 employees, 17 production facilities and 24 commercial offices in Italy and abroad.
Main awards in 2007 Russian consumers voted Indesit Company brands as best overall in the Narodnaya Marka awards. In the United States, the TV commercial for the Aqualtis washing machine (“Undersea World”) won a prestigious Grand Clio Award. The new Hotpoint-Ariston 48 cm oven won the Best Technology Award at the Grand Designs Live in London for its avant-garde technological solutions. The Moon washing machine was awarded the Grand Prix de l’Innovation and the Janus de l’Industrie for the best design and for offering solutions that combine innovation and intuitive simplicity: these prestige awards were given by the Institut Français du Design. The Moon was also judged Kitchen Product of the Year at the 2007 Designer Awards, a major awards organization in the United Kingdom, for real innovation offered to consumers and as an example of a design in which there is perfect balance between technological features and simplicity of use.
2007 also saw awards for social responsibility. The Company won the first Intellectual Capital Value award for human capital development, ie. for its commitment to helping people develop in terms of motivation, skills and attitudes. The Jonathan-Indesit Company project received a special mention at the Sodalitas Social Awards for the outstanding social content and value of its programme. Further, Neriman Ulsever, Indesit Company’s human resources manager, received a Golden Apple at the Bellisario Awards in recognition of her personnel management policy at Indesit Company, based on a cross cultural approach that creates a corporate identity enabling everyone to feel part of “one single company”.
Translation - Serbian SAOPŠTENJE ZA ŠTAMPU
Upravni odbor kompanije Indesit potvrđuje finansijske rezultate za 2007 i saziva sastanak akcionara. Dividenda: € 0.509
Potvrđeni su konsolidovani rezultati objavljeni u februaru: prihod od prodaje u 2007 dostigao je € 3,438 miliona (što je za 5.8% više nego 2006 kada je ovaj iznos bio €3,249m), neto profit iznosi €105 miliona (što je za 38.0% više nego 2006, kada je iznosio €76 miliona).
Predložena dividenda za 2007: €0.509 za svaku običnu akciju, isplata 50% dobitka; datum isplate kupona, 22. May 2008.
Milano, 20. Mart 2008. – Upravni odbor kompanije Indesit, kojim predsedava Vitorio Merloni, sastao se danas u Milanu kako bi potvrdio konsolidovane finansijske rezultate za 2007 godinu, pojedinačne stavke će biti iznete na sastanku akcionara 29. aprila (1. poziv) i 30. aprila (drugi poziv), kao i da predloži isplatu dividendi. Upravni odbor je takođe odobrio godišnji Izveštaj korporativne uprave. Posmatrajući rezultate postignute u 2007, i dalje ostvarivanje ciljeva zacrtanih važećim trogodišnjim planom (2006-2008), Odbor je odlučio da predloži isplatu za 2007 od 50%. Odbor će predložiti akcionarima da glasaju za dividendu od €0.509 za svaku običnu akciju (prošlogodišnji iznos €0.385) i €0.527 za svaku privilegovanu akciju (€0.403 prošlogodišnji iznos). Isplata će početi 22. maja 2008.
Osnovana 1975, kompanija Indesit je, po veličini i svom udelu na tržištu,, drugi evropski proizvođač bele tehnike, a u svetu zauzima peto mesto. Indesit godišnje proizvede gotovo 15 miliona uređaja. Glavni brendovi ove grupe su Indesit, Hotpoint-Ariston i Scholtès. Ova kompanija ima 17,000 zaposlenih, 17 proizvodnih postrojenja i 24 predstavništva u Italiji i svetu.
Nagrade i priznanja u 2007 Ruski potrošači izabrali su brendove kompanije Indesit kao najbolje u konkurenciji za nagradu Narodna marka. U SAD, TV reklama za Aqualtis mašinu za pranje rublja (“Undersea World”) osvojila je prestižnu nagradu Grand Clio Award. Nova rerna od 48 cm, Hotpoint-Ariston, osvojila je nagradu Best Technology Award na izložbi Grand Designs Live u Londonu zbog svojih avangardnih tehnoloških rešenja. Mašina za pranje rublja Moon osvojila je nagrade Grand Prix de l’Innovation i Janus de l’Industrie za najbolji dizajn i zbog toga što nudi rešenja koja kombinuju novine i intuitivnu jednostavnost: ove prestižne nagrade je dodelio Francuski institut za dizajn. 2007 Designer Awards, vodeća organizacija za dodelu nagrada u Velikoj Britaniji, proglasila je model Moon Kuhinjskim proizvodom godine, zbog inovativnosti koja je ponuđena potrošačima, kao i zbog toga što ovaj model predstavlja primer savršenog balansa između tehnoloških karakteristika i jednostavnosti upotrebe.
U 2007. godini, kompanija Indesit je osvojila i nagrade za društvenu odgovornost. Prvu Intellectual Capital Value nagradu, kompanija je osvojila za razvoj humanog kapitala, tj. za svoju posvećenost razvoju zaposlenih, u smislu motivacije, veština i ukupnog stava. Projekat Jonathan-Indesit Company posebno je pomenut na dodeli nagrada Sodalitas Social Awards zbog izuzetnog društvenog sadržaja i vrednosti svoga programa. Pored toga, Neriman Ulsever, direktorka personala kompanije Indesit, osvojila je nagradu Golden Apple, fondacije Bellisario Awards, kao priznanje za njeno upravljanje pesonalom u kompaniji Indesit, zasnovano na interkulturalnom pristupu. Njen pristup stvara korporativni identitet koji svakome omogućuje da se oseti kao deo „jedinstvene kompanije”.
Translation education
Master's degree
Years of experience: 21. Registered at Jan 2007.
English to Serbian (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology) English to Serbian (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) Serbian to English (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology) Serbian to English (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations))
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