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Russian to English: Creation of a Solar Observatory
Source text - Russian This text is an excerpt from "Space Exploration News" ("Novosti kosmonavtiki") and was written by I. Lisov, and is the property of the above-mentioned. I use this excerpt here for the sole purpose of demonstrating my translating abilities, not for any commercial purpose.
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Translation - English Creation of a Solar Observatory - by I. Lisov, "Space Exploration News," No. 224, 2001, pp.45-48. EXCERPT.
Photo Caption: The "Coronas - F" spacecraft in pre-launch preparation stage at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome
The "Coronas - F" spacecraft was designed to carry out complex research on the powerful dynamic processes of the Sun's activity in the range from radiowaves to gamma-radiation, radiation from solar cosmic rays, as well as helio-seismological soundings of the Sun's interior and the radiation of the solar Corona.
The scientific leaders of the "Coronas - F" project (the comprehensive orbital near-Earth observations of the Sun's activity) are (1) the Director of IZMIRAN (Institute of Geomagnetism and the Dispersion of Radio Waves of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor Viktor Nikolayevich Orayevskii, who is also a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; and (2) Igor Ilyich Sobelman, Director of the Department of Optics of the Lebedev Physics Institute (FIAN = Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences). The project's scientific and technical coordinator is Sergei Ivanovich Boldyryev(IZMIRAN). "Coronas - F" is an international space project involving organizations and scientists from Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, France, Britain and the USA.
Scientific Tasks and Research Equipment
The scientific missions of the project are:
*Research on the transfer of energy from the Sun's core to its surface and the accumulation of energy in the upper atmosphere, as well as its emission during nonstationary solar phenomena;
*The study of powerful dynamic processes of the active Sun (sun spots, flares, ejections of plasma) with the goal of creating theories and methods of predicting these phenomena;
*Study of the characteristics of cosmic solar rays (CSR) accelerated in the processes of solar flares and other active phenomena; the conditions of their emission; and their dispersion in the interplanetary magnetic field and influence on the Earth's magnetosphere.
*Seismology of the Sun's core on the basis of observations of global fluctuations (oscillations).
Scientists are especially interested in the following questions: investigation of the dynamics of various types of solar flares; definition of the parameters of solar plasma; localization of the area of energy emission and of the acceleration of particles; clarification of the mechanism of flares, in part, definition of the parameters of the layer of current, evaluation of the role of thermal and non-thermal processes and of accelerated electrons and protons; study of the evolution of the active area in solar pre-flare and post-flare phases and the search for current layers and precursors of flares; definition of the physical parameters of plasma in the active area; clarification of the heat mechanisms; uninterrupted observations of the large-scale structure of the corona at rest and the evolution of "coronal holes"; definition of the parameters of plasma in the area of the transition of the corona into solar wind; investigation of the internal structure and dynamics of the Sun, including the rotation of its internal layers, by observing fluctuations in the Sun's surface; investigation of variations of streams of short-wave and corpuscular radiations of the Sun in the maximum phase of the 11-year cycle of activity with the goal of accumulating the empirical data necessary for developing methods of predicting phenomena of solar activity and their impact on the Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere.
The spacecraft's equipment consists of three main groups of scientific instruments, the majority of which (9 out of 14) were already utilized on the "Coronas - I" satellite:
*X-Ray instruments for constructing monochromatic images of active areas on the Sun with a spatial resolution of 1" in the lines of the highly ionized atoms Fe, Mg, K, Ar, Ca, Si, Ni;
*Instruments for measuring the currents and polarization of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) of active areas and of flares from the gamma up to the radio range;
*Instruments for studying solar corpuscular streams (spectra and streams of electrons, protons, neutrons and gamma quants.)
Five of the instruments are superior to anything else in the world at this time; the rest correspond to current world standards. A list of the scientific equipment on the "Coronas - F" spacecraft is provided in the table (next page), which shows the investigations to be carried out by each instrument, the organizations responsible for designing each instrument, and their scientific leaders.
Although the article above is the sole property of "Space Exploration News" and/or the author, I.Lisov, I assert my right to copyright protection for my English translation of this article as my intellectual property and the fruit of my own labor. The point is that other translators may not appropriate this translation as their own work.
¿English Translation copyrighted by David M. Wallace, 2003
German to English: New Dinosaur Discovery
Source text - German DISCLAIMER: This article is copyrighted by and is the property of Die Welt. I use it here solely as the source text for the translation below, which I did solely for the purposes of demonstrating my translating abilities, not for any commercial purpose.
Vorfahr der Voegel hatte vier Fluegel
Neuer Dinosaurierfund in China belegt: Fliegen entwickelte sich aus dem Gleitflug
von DagmarљRoehrlich
Die Zeichnung stellt das moegliche Aussehen eines "Miroraptor gui"-Sauriers dar
Foto: ddp љ
Pekingљ-љ Lange schien es nichts weiter zu sein als die sehr seltsame Idee eines Palaeontologen: jenes Wesen mit vier Fluegeln, das William Beebe 1915 in der Zeitschrift "Zoologica" als Urahn aller Voegel angenommen hat. Seine Phantomzeichnung des "Tetrapteryx" mit den befederten Vorder- und Hinterbeinen, diente allenfalls in Vorlesungen zur Erheiterung der Studenten. Jetzt scheint Tetrapteryx aber direkt aus Beebes Zeichenblock in die Steine der chinesischen Fundstaette Liaoning geflattert zu sein.
In der heutigen Ausgabe der britischen Fachzeitschrift "Nature" stellen chinesische Palaeontologen um Xing Xu vom Institut fuer Wirbeltierpalaeontologie und Palaeoanthropologie in Peking jetzt den Microraptor gui vor, einen vierfluegeligen Vertreter der Unterordnung der Theropoda, zu der auch die grossen Raubsaurier wie Tyrannosaurus rex gehoeren. Microraptor gui lebte vor 124 bis 128 Millionen Jahren, also in der fruehen Kreidezeit. Er war mit weniger als einem Meter Laenge ein eher kleiner Theropode. Neben den zu Fluegeln umgestalteten Extremitaeten hatte er auch einen langen, mit Federn besetzten Schwanz. Die sechs bislang gefundenen Exemplare sind in einem sehr guten Zustand UEberliefert worden und koennten deshalb neue Einblicke in die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Voegel geben.
Morphologische Merkmale legen nahe, dass Voegel von Fleisch fressenden und am Boden lebenden Sauriern abstammen, den Theropoden. Seit 1997 weiss man, dass diese Saurier auch Federn entwickelt haben, und zwar noch bevor sie die Luft als Lebensraum eroberten. Die grosse Frage ist: Wer von ihnen hat das Fliegen nun erfunden? Haben die Urahnen aller Voegel auf Baeumen gelebt und liessen sich von Ast zu Ast gleiten? Dafuer spricht, wie das Beispiel Albatross zeigt, dass es einfacher ist, auf gleicher Hoehe zu fliegen als vom Boden abzuheben. Ausserdem ist der Flug wegen des hoeheren Auftriebs energetisch umso effizienter, je schneller er ist.
Oder erfanden am Boden lebende, schnell rennende Dinosaurier das Fliegen? Wenn sie ihren Lauf mit dem Flattern der Arme unterstuetzten, koennten sie irgendwann genug Auftrieb entwickelt haben, um abzuheben. Dafuer spricht der Fluegel des Urvogels Archaeopteryx. Er war so gebaut, dass er sowohl Schub als auch Auftrieb entwickelte. Zudem waren die Beine dieses Flugsauriers stark genug, um genuegend Geschwindigkeit fuer einen Start aus dem Lauf heraus zu erzeugen. Zu diesen Fragen liefert nun Microraptor gui einen weiteren Puzzlestein, und zwar stuetzt er die Baumtheorie.
Das ungewoehnliche Tier mit dem perfekten Federkleid lebte ueberwiegend in Baeumen und beherrschte den Gleitflug. Das zumindest vermuten die Palaeontologen, weil die Federn an den Hinterbeinen zu lang sind, als dass Microraptor gui damit schnell genug fuer einen Start ueber den Boden haette laufen koennen. Die beeindruckenden Federn waeren mit Dreck verklebt und damit aerodynamisch unbrauchbar geworden.
Dass die Federn ueberhaupt zu einem flugfaehigen Tier gehoert haben, laesst sich wiederum aus ihrem Bau ableiten. Sie sind asymmetrisch und verbessern damit die Aerodynamik. Ausserdem nimmt sowohl an den Vorder- als auch an den Hinterfluegeln die Asymmetrie nach aussen zum Extremitaetenende hin zu, genau wie bei einem modernen Vogelfluegel.
Die Frage ist, wie Microraptor gui nun seine vier Fluegel genutzt hat. Auf den ersten Blick scheint es unwahrscheinlich, dass er aktiv mit allen vieren geschlagen hat, um wie ein Adler zu fliegen. Vielmehr koennte er mit ihnen geglitten sein, mehr wie ein Flughoernchen. Allerdings wird erst eine genaue Untersuchung der Muskelansaetze Klarheit darueber verschaffen, ob er nicht vielleicht doch einen aktiven Fluegelschlag beherrschte, um die Gleitstrecke zu verlaengern.
Nach Ansicht von Xing Xu haben alle fruehen Vorfahren der Voegel vier Fluegel besessen. Dass sich die Hinterfluegel wieder zu Beinen zurueckentwickelt haetten, sei erst mit fortschreitender Evolution passiert. Allerdings ist derzeit mangels anderer Fossilfunde offen, ob Microraptor gui nicht doch eine einmalige Spielart des Lebens gewesen ist. Die Palaeontologen wollen jetzt klaeren, ob sich an den Beinen von Archaeopteryx nicht noch Hinweise auf einen ehemaligen Hinterfluegel finden lassen. Der deutsche Palaeontologe Wilhelm Beebe hatte Anfang des vergangenen Jahrhunderts bei seinen Untersuchungen des Archaeopteryx jedoch nichts Derartiges gefunden.
Artikel erschienen am 23. Jan 2003
ї 1995 - 2003
Translation - English This translation is my intellectual property. While the article above belongs in its entirety to Die Welt newspaper, the translation below represents my work and translation abilities and should not be used by other translators as an example of their own work.
ї David M. Wallace, 2003
"Ancestors of the Birds Had Four Wings: New Dinosaur Discovery in China Proves That Flying Developed from Gliding," by Dagmar Roehrlich, Die Welt, January 23, 2003, http:/
Beijing - For a long time it seemed to be nothing more than a strange idea of a palaeontologist: that creature with four wings which William Beebe presumed, in 1915 in the magazine "Zoologica", might be the oldest possible ancestor of all birds. His "phantom drawing" of the "Tetrapteryx" with befeathered front and hind legs served, at best, as a way of amusing students in lectures. But now, Tetrapteryx appears to have fluttered directly from Beebe's drawing pad into the rocks of the Chinese discovery site Liaoning.
In today's issue of the British scholarly journal "Nature", Chinese palaeontologists headed by Xing Xu from the Institute for Vertebrate Palaeontology and Palaeoanthropology in Beijing introduce Microraptor Gui, a four-winged representative of the sub-order Theropoda, to which the great predatory dinosaurs (large prehistoric lizards) such as Tyrannosaurus Rex belong. Microraptor Gui lived 124 to 128 million years ago, in the early Cretaceous. At less than a meter in length, he was a rather small Theropod. In addition to extremities which had evolved into wings, he also had a long, feather-covered tail. The six specimens discovered so far are in very good condition and could, therefore, provide new insights into the developmental history of birds.
Morphological features suggest that birds descend from carnivorous dinosaurs which lived on the ground, the Theropods. Since 1997, it has been clear that these dinosaurs also developed feathers and did so before they conquered the air. The great question is this: which of them invented flying? Did the earliest ancestors of all birds live on trees and glide from branch to branch? Evidence for this theory, as the example of the albatross shows, is the fact that it is easier to glide, once aloft, than to lift off from the ground. Moreover, due to greater buoyancy, the faster flight is, the more efficient it is from an energy point of view.
Or--did ground-dwelling, fast-running dinosaurs discover flight? If they supported their running with fluttering of the arms, could they somehow have developed enough lift to take off? Possible support of this theory comes from the wing of the bird ancestor, Archaeopteryx. It was built in such a way that it developed thrust as well as lift. In addition, the legs of this flying dinosaur were strong enough to generate enough velocity for a takeoff during running. Microraptor Gui delivers a further piece of the puzzle posed by these questions, and, indeed, it supports the tree theory.
The unusual animal with the perfect feather dress lived predominantly in trees and mastered gliding. That, at least, is what palaeontologists presume, because the feathers on the hind legs are too long for Microraptor Gui to have been able to run fast enough on the ground to take off. The impressive feathers would have gotten mucked up with mud and would, therefore, have been aerodynamically useless.
That the feathers belonged to an animal capable of flying at all can, on the other hand, be deduced from their structure. They are asymmetrical and thus improve the aerodynamics. In addition, on both the forewings and hind-wings, the asymmetry increases out toward the extremity ends, exactly like in modern bird wings.
The question is, how did Microraptor Gui use his four wings? At first glance, it seems unlikely that he actively beat all four of them at once, in order to fly like an eagle. Rather, he could have glided with them, more like a flying squirrel. Of course, only a precise examination of the muscle bases will clarify whether or not he mastered an active wing-beat in order to prolong the gliding trajectory.
Xing Xu's view is that all early ancestors of birds possessed four wings. The fact that the hind-wings developed back into legs again, happened, according to him, only with further evolution. Certainly, lacking other fossil evidence, it remains open whether or not Microraptor Gui was, indeed, a unique life-form. Palaeontologists now want to clarify whether indications of a previous hind-wing can still be found on the legs of Archaeopteryx. However, the German palaeontologist Wilhelm Beebe found nothing of the kind when examining Achaeopteryx at the beginning of the last century.
This article appeared on Jan. 23, 2003
ї 1995 - 2003
DISCLAIMER: This article is copyrighted by and is the property of Die Welt. I use it here solely as the source text for the translation above, which I did solely for the purposes of demonstrating my translating abilities and not for any commercial purpose. Although I have no intention of selling or otherwise profiting commercially from this particular translation, I assert my copyright protection rights to this translation since it is the fruit of my own labor. In other words, other translators viewing this site may not appropriate this translation to represent as their own work.
ї 1995 - 2003
English translation ї2003 by David Wallace
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