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English to Spanish: Technical Translation Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - English ELECTRICAL: Standard 220 Volt 30 Amp dedicated service 10-3 wire with ground and standard 110 Volt, 15 Amp single pole circuit breaker (both with eight feet of length from inside machine room wall penetration) and telephone line shall all be located in machine room. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT POWER ON THE 220V LINE MUST BE A 10-3 WIRE WITH A GROUND AND INSURE THERE IS A DEDICATED NEUTRAL TO THE UNIT. IN ADDITION, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO SUPPLY AND INSTALL 240V-30AMP DISCONNECT WITH INTERLOCK KIT PLUS 2 EACH 250V RK5 FUSE, AND SINGLE POLE 110V-15A DISCONNECT. Explanation: The 220V feed should have a black, red, white and ground wire coming to the machine room. All electrical contractors will have full knowledge of this requirement. Simply insure they are aware of the requirement. Black and red are powered with 110V each totaling 220V. White is neutral to feed low voltage transformer with 110V. Ground to ground standard.
Translation - Spanish Eléctrico: Cable 10-3 estándar 220 Voltios 30 Amperios con servicio dedicado, con conexión a tierra y 110 Voltios estándar, cortacircuitos unipolar de 15 Amperios (ambos con 8 pies de distancia del interior de la penetración de la pared del cuarto de maquinas), y una línea telefónica deberán estar localizados en el cuarto de maquinas. LE ADVERTIMOS QUE EL VOLTAJE EN LA LÍNEA DE 220V DEBE SER UN CABLE 10-3 CON UNA CONEXIÓN A TIERRA Y SE DEBE ASEGURAR QUE HAYA UNA LÍNEA NEUTRAL A LA UNIDAD. ADEMÁS, El CONTRATISTA ELÉCTRICO DEBERÁ PROVEER E INSTALAR UN KIT DE DISYUNTOR CUADRADO 240 VOLTIOS – 30 AMPERIOS CON CONTACTOS ENTRELAZADOS AUXILIARES MAS DOS DE CADA FUSIBLE 250 VOLTIOS RK5, Y DISYUNTOR FUNDIBLE UNIPOLAR 110 VOLTIOS-15 AMPERIOS. Explicación: La línea de 220V debe tener un cable negro, rojo, blanco y una conexión de tierra que entren al cuarto de máquinas. Todos los contratistas eléctricos deben tener conocimiento total sobre este requisito. Simplemente asegúrese de que ellos estén consientes de este requisito. El cable negro y el cable rojo poseen cada uno voltaje de 110V, haciendo un total de 220V. El blanco es neutral para alimentar al transformador de bajo voltaje con 110V. Conexión de tierra a conexión de tierra es estándar.
Spanish to English: List of Medical Supplies Detailed field: Medical: Instruments
Source text - Spanish 1. Microscopio binocular, objetivos cromáticos
2. Microscopio estereoscópico Zoom-2000-Z-30
3. Estufa bacteriológica y de cultivo, 36 litros
4. Estufa bacteriológica y de cultivo, 80 litros
5. Autoclave. eléct. autom. con microprocesador 75L
6. Cabina de flujo vertical
7. Homogeneizador a paletas 80 a 400 ml
8. Contador de colonias
9. Destilador de agua automático
10.Placa calefactora rectangular 400°C
11.Baño para agua y aceite 5/110°C, 12 litros
12.Baño precisión regulación electrónica 100°C, 27 l
13.Balanza electrónica 600g/0.1mg
14.Balanza electrónica
15.Balanza analítica electrónica 210g/0.1mg
16.Equipo de filtración completo
17.Ph metro con accesorios y electrodo
18.Centrifuga 300ml, rpm según cabezal
19.Medidor de halos de inhibición
20.Sembrador de bacterias en espiral
21.Horno de mufla eléctrica, 1150°C. 3.5 litros
22.Pupitre de esterilización por rayos ultravioleta
23.Material de vidrio de laboratorio
24.Material general de laboratorio
25.Frigorífico combinado 319 l
27.Impresora láser, 4ppm
28.Microscopio con sistema de video y TV
29.Sistema de filtrado con filtros desechables
30.Placas de Petri reutilizables (medianos y pequeños)
Translation - English 1. Binocular microscope, achromatic objectives
2. Stereoscopic microscope Zoom-2000-Z-30
3. Bacteriological and culture oven, 36 liters
4. Bacteriological and culture oven, 80 liters
5. Automatic electronic autoclave with microprocessor 75L
6. Vertical flow cabinet
7. Paddle homogenizer 80 to 400ml
8. Colony counter
9. Automatic water distiller
10.Rectangular hot plate 400°C
11.Water/oil bath 5/110°C, 12 liters
12.Precision bath with electronic regulator 100°C,27 l
13.Electronic balance 600g/0.1mg
14.Electronic balance
15.Electronic analytical balance 210g/0.1mg
16.Complete filter kit
17.pH meter with accessories and electrode
18.Centrifuge 300ml, rpm depending on head
19.Inhibition halo meter
20.Spiral plate system for bacteria
21.Electric muffle furnace, 1150°C 3.5 liters
22.Benchtop ultraviolet radiation sterilization unit
23.Lab glassware
24.General lab material
25.Upright refrigerator/freezer combination 319 l
27.Laser printer, 4ppm
28.Microscope with television and video system
29.Filter system with disposable filters
30.Reusable Petri dishes (medium and small)
English to Spanish: Clinic Flyer
Source text - English Volunteer Immigration Program (V.I.P.)
Bar Association of San Francisco
Informational Flyer
If you have received this informational flyer, it means you may be eligible to receive free legal services through the Volunteer Immigration Program (V.I.P.)
of the Bar Association of San Francisco.
Please bring your Intake Form with you to the next Immigration Clinic listed below:
La Raza Centro Legal
474 Valencia Street, Ste. 295 (at 16th St.)
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 575-3500 **Call to register**
2nd and 4th Thursday of every month
Asian Law Caucus
939 Market Street, Suite 201
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 896-1701 **Call to register**
1st and 3rd Thursday of every month
Legal Referral and Advice Clinic
San Francisco Public Library, Main Branch
100 Larkin Street (between Fulton and Grove)
San Francisco, CA 94102
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room, Lower Level
Every Second Saturday of the Month
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
At the clinic, your case will be screened by an attorney to see if you are eligible for V.I.P.
Please bring copies of any relevant documents you may have.
**Please note: Some interpreters may be available at the clinic, but please bring your own interpreter if you need one!**
Translation - Spanish Programa de Inmigración Voluntario (P.I.V.)
De la Barra de Abogados de San Francisco
Volante Informativo
Si usted ha recibido este volante, quiere decir que usted podría calificar para servicios legales gratuitos por medio del Programa de Inmigración Voluntario (P.I.V.) de la Barra de Abogados de San Francisco.
Haga favor the traer so Formulario De Admisión a la siguiente Clínica de Inmigración que aparece a continuación:
La Raza Centro Legal
474 Valencia Street, Ste. 295 (en 16th St.)
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 575-3500 **Llame Para Inscribirse**
2do y 4to jueves de cada mes
Comité de Dirigentes de Ley Asiática
(Asian Law Caucus)
939 Market Street, Suite 201
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 896-1701 ** Llame Para Inscribirse **
1er y 3er jueves de cada mes
Clínica Para Consejeria y Referencias Legales
Biblioteca Pública de San Francisco, Sucursal Principal
100 Larkin Street (entre Fulton y Grove)
San Francisco, CA 94102
Sala de Reuniones Latino/Hispano, Planta Baja
Cada Segundo Sábado del Mes
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
En la clínica, un abogado hará una evaluación de su caso para ver si califica para P.I.V. Por favor, traiga copias de cualquier documento relacionado con su caso.
**Atención: Es posible que tengan intérpretes en la clínica. ¡Pero si usted requiere uno, por favor traiga su propio interprete!**
English to Spanish (Title III Linguist) English to Spanish (US Justice Department) Spanish to English (US Justice Department) Spanish to English (Title III Linguist) English to Spanish (Wire-tap Certified State of California Department )
My career as a translator/interpreter began at the ripe old age of 5 years old. My kindergarten teacher quickly learned that I was very good at speaking both Spanish and English and put me in charge of helping the monolingual Spanish-speakers with their school work. My mother and father used me quite often to interpret and translate for them and I was loaned out to other family members once in a while.
The first time I realized that my interpreting and translations could make a huge difference was when I worked as a 911 Operator for the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. My language skills were so good that detectives from other departments would call me to interpret for their cases and my supervisors would pull me aside to listen to other people’s calls to see if I could decipher key information and help police officers with their calls.
My background as a 911 operator, being US born with native speaking levels in both Spanish and English, and a passion for helping people understand each other has given me a unique skillset and background. I was born and raised in the US. I have passed extensive background checks in order to be able to work for the police department. As a result, becoming a Title III Linguist and getting wiretap certified for the State of California was a breeze. I currently have a security clearance from the US Department of Homeland Security and am qualified to interpret for immigration cases through Lionbridge. I also passed an extensive background check to handle sensitive medical information and translate medical claims for SDL United Kingdom.
I regularly interpret for political asylum interviews at the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Anaheim office. I contribute regularly as translator for the bilingual e-magazine Orgullosa and I am the official translator for the bilingual children’s book series Good Night Captain Mama.
My clients and previous employers are more than willing to provide you with glowing reviews and testimonials about my work.
My impeccable record, my ability to make accurate decisions in high pressure situations, handle sensitive information calmly and firmly, and work with confidential information are what makes me one of a kind. I look forward to collaborating with you to meet your interpreting/translation needs.
Keywords: legal translator, title III linguist, Spanish English Translator, translate legal documents, national security clearance, wire tap certified, california translator, california interpreter, legal interpreter, california linguist. See translator, title III linguist, Spanish English Translator, translate legal documents, national security clearance, wire tap certified, california translator, california interpreter, legal interpreter, california linguist, traductor español inglés, traductora español inglés, traducir del español al inglés, documentos legales, traducir documentos para inmigración . See less.
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