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Sample from the "Introduction" (my translation):
On 3 June 1769 (that is, 23 May in the Russian Empire, according to the old calendar) astronomers all over the world were watching the skies to witness that very rare phenomenon called the transit of Venus, that is, the transit of Venus across the Sun, the successful detection and measurement of which makes it (made it) possible to calculate the distance between the Sunand the Earth. It was an event of such magnitude that the Academy of St. Petersburg decided to start preparations for it already on 22 April 1765 and had on several occasions since that date turned its attention to the future expedition. According to a resolution from 23 March 1767 a scientific observer and a team of supportive research assistants were to travel to each observation station. For the latter task they were probably considering the naval officers and the deputy officers of the fleet, and for the position of the scientific observer they had in mind several astronomers, physicists and mathematicians invited from abroad. They sent the list of necessary equipments and instruments to Mr. De la Lande in Paris, the same reputed astronomer who for us Hungarians has a bad reputation for libeling the results of the Hell-Sajnovics expedition. It can be said that the hopeful expectations and preparations related to this expedition, the number of people participating, the apparel, the commissioning of foreign observers, as well as the instructions referring to the discrete handling of the results had been more or less the same throughout Europe. At the invitation and commission of the Danish king (and on his expense), with the support of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences established in 1742, with the permission and motherly support of Maria Theresa, two Hungarian astronomers-mathematicians, namely Maximilian Hell (born 15 May 1720 in Selmecbánya – died 14 April 1792 in Vienna) and János Sajnovics (born 12 May 1733 – died 4 May 1785 in Buda) started their journey from Vienna. After a long and eventful journey – despite all the comfort secured by the king – they fulfilled their task in the northernmost station from the Norwegian (Island of) Vardø (Wardoe). Owing to fortunate circumstances, they did so quite successfully.
Tourism & Travel, History
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Translation Volume: 456 pages Completed: Sep 2009 Languages: English to Romanian
"Leading the Revolution", by Gary Hamel (Translation publ. 2010)
În fruntea revoluţiei
Aşa se intitulează o carte apărută în colecţia Leadership a Editurii Publica, tradusă de Ilona Denes şi prefaţată de Stelian Ţurlea. Titlul complet este „În fruntea revoluţiei. Cum să prosperăm în vremuri tulburi făcånd din inovaţie un mod de viaţă”. Autorul cărţii, Gary Hamel, expert în management, este fondatorul Management Innovation Lab din cadrul London Business School şi se află între primii zece în clasamentul „Thinkers 50”. Hamel pledează pentru inovaţii radicale şi demonstrează că o nouă perspectivă aduce pro fit, ceea ce este important în acest moment, când companiile din întreaga lume încearcă să se adapteze la un context nou. „În această carte este vorba despre înţelegerea diferenţei dintre cum să devenim mai buni şi cum să devenim altcineva - şi apoi despre a învăţa cum să fim altcineva, astfel încât să copleşim competiţia şi să ne bucurăm clienţii”, spune autorul.
(Saptamana Financiara)
Business/Commerce (general)
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Translation Volume: 354 pages Completed: Jun 2007 Languages: Hungarian to Romanian
Rail road track construction and maintenance technical data and specifications
[Listed among bibliographical references]
A vasúti technika kézikönyve I-II. Főszerkesztő: Czére Béla Műszaki Könyvkiadó,
Budapest 1977.
Dr. Kisbakonyi József: Vasúti üzemszervezés IV. Tankönyvkiadó Budapest, 1991.
Dr. Horváth Attila és tsai: Különleges vasutak Műszaki Könyvkiadó Budapest, 1978.
Forgalmi utasítás BKV Fogaskerekű vasút 1995.
Forgalmi utasítás BKV Budavári siklóvasút 1992.
Arató Károly-Szabó Lajos: vasúti üzemtan I. Universitas-Győr Kht. Győr, 2006.
Szabó Lajos-Dr. Szili István: Vasúti üzemtan II. Universitas-Győr Kht. Győr, 2006.
Dr. Fülöp Gábor és tsai: Közlekedési üzemtan II. SZIF-Universitas Kft. 1998.
Magyar Államvasutak Zrt. Járműalbum I. MÁV Zrt. 1007.
Közúti vasúti pályaépítési és fenntartási műszaki adatok és előírások BKV 2000.
A MÁV Zrt. Menetrendi utasítása 2009.
Construction / Civil Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 0 days Languages: Hungarian to Romanian
Translation of essays/short stories by Hamvas Béla Hungarian author
One of the greatest metaphysical thinkers of the 20th century, Béla Hamvas, due to his wide range of interests, studied literature, cultural history, history of science, psychology, philosophy and Eastern Asian languages. He was a non-conformist, whose aesthetic views were attacked by György Lukács, resulting in the banning of his works from publication after 1947. Most of his writings were published posthumously, beginning from the early 1980s.
Pro bono work.
Online translation (fragment):
Hungarian original:
Poetry & Literature
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Payment methods accepted
Visa, Wire transfer
Sample translations submitted: 10
Romanian to English: Technical Specification for Multi-Functional Helicopter General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Aerospace / Aviation / Space
Source text - Romanian 1.1 Norme şi standarde
Legislatia care se aplica in elaborarea specificatiilor tehnice:
• Legea nr. 95/2006 privind reforma in sistemul sanitar cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare.
• Ordinul Ministerului Sanatatii nr. 1519/2009 privind autorizarea furnizorilor de asistenta medicala de urgenta prespitaliceasca si transport sanitar
• Ordinul 1092 / 1500 / 2006 privind stabilirea competentelor si atributiilor echipajelor publice de interventie pe diferite niveluri in faza prespitaliceasca.
• Ordinul Ministrului Sanatatii nr. 1636 / 2004 pentru aprobarea normelor metodologice de aplicare a legii numarul 176 / 2000 privind dispozitivele medicla, cu modificarile ulterioare, referitoare la avizarea unitatilor de tehnica medicala.
• Standardele EN 13718-1 şi 2 ) pentru elicopterele de intervenţie medicală şi salvare.
• Normele aeronautice internaţionale EASA, respectiv JAR OPS3 cu toate amendamentele în vigoare.
• Dispozitivele medicale trebuie sa respecte Directiva Europeana 93 / 42 / CEE transpusa in HGR nr. 911 / 2005 privind stabilirea conditiilor de introducere pe piata punerea pe piata si de punere in functiune a dispozitivelor medicale.
• Dispozitivele medicale vor respecta standardele de securitate SR EN 60601 – X (0-48)
• Dispozitivele medicale vor respecta standardele de securitate privind compatibilitatea electromaganetica CEN 60601-2 (transpus in SR EN 60601-1-2)
• Dispozitivul medical va fi conform cu EN 1865 (specificatii pentru brancarde si alte echipamente pentru transportul pacientilor in ambulanta), atunci când nu sunt date alte indicaţii.
• Fiecare dispozitiv medical va fi insotit de Declaratie de conformitate cu Directiva Europeana 93/42/CE si certificat de marcaj European CE mark.
• Ordinul Ministrului Sanatatii Publice nr. 92 / 2007 privind inregistrarea dispozitivelor medicale publicat in Monistorul Oficial nr. 70 din 30 Ianuarie 2007.
• Toţi furnizorii şi subfurnizorii se vor încadra în standardul de calitate ISO 9001 / 2000 (sistem de management al calitatii).
• Aviz de functionare emis de catre Ministerul Sanatatii Publice pentru activitatea de reparare, verificare si punerea in functiune a dispozitivelor medicale a firmelor care vor asigura intretinerea dispozitivelor respective in timpul garantiei si post-garantie (se prezinta la contractare).
• Produsul va fi livrat sub formă de unitate complet funcţională (aeronavă echipata în configuraţie medicală), cu excepţia echipamentelor. La livrarea primei aeronave vorfi livrate şi echipamentele de întreţinere necesare.
Translation - English 1.1 Regulations and Standards
Regulations for drawing up the technical specification:
• Law no. 95/2006 on healthcare reform, including subsequent amendments and additions.
• Order of the Ministry of Health no. 1519/2009 regarding the authorization of private suppliers of pre-hospital emergency medical care and medical transportation services.
• Order 1092 / 1500 / 2006 regarding the establishment of the competencies and responsibilities of public ambulance personnel on different levels in the pre-hospital phase.
• Order of the Ministry of Health no. 1636 / 2004 for the approval of the methodological rules for enforcing Law no. 176 / 2000 on medical devices, as subsequently amended, referring to the approval of medical technical units.
• Standard EN 13718-1 and 2) for air medical intervention and ambulance helicopters .
• EASA Emergency Airworthiness Directive, respectively JAR OPS3, including all amendments in force.
• Medical devices must be in compliance with the European Council Directive 93 / 42 / EEC transposed in the Romanian Government Decision no. 911 / 2005 determining the conditions for the placing on the market and for the putting into service of medical devices
• Medical devices shall be in compliance with security standards SR EN 60601 – X (0-48)
• Medical devices shall be in compliance with the security standards regarding electromagnetic compatibility CEN 60601-2 (transposed in SR EN 60601-1-2)
• Medical device shall be in compliance with EN 1865 (specifications for stretchers and other patient handling equipment used in road ambulances), when no other indications are provided.
• Each medical device shall be accompanied by a Declaration of Conformity as per the European Council Directive 93/42/EEC, as well as the European CE marking
• Order of the Ministry of Public Health no. 92 / 2007 regarding the registration of medical devices poblished in Monitorul Oficial (Official Gazette) no. 70 from January 30, 2007.
• All suppliers and sub-suppliers shall abide by quality standards ISO 9001 / 2000 (quality control system).
• Operation permit issued by the Ministry of Public Health for the repair, verification, and operation of medical devices, to be held by all companies that will ensure the maintenance of said devices during or after the warranty period (to be handed in at the conclusion of contracts).
• The product shall be delivered as a completely functional unit (the aircraft shall have medical configuration), except for the equipments. Upon the delivery of the aircraft the required maintenance equipments shall also be supplied.
Hungarian to English: Decision (on intervention sugar for export) General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Hungarian Felhívom figyelmét arra, hogy a Bizottság a cukor belső piaca és a kvótarendszer irányítása tekintetében a 318/2006/EK tanácsi rendelet alkalmazásának részletes szabályairól szóló 952/2006/EK rendeletének 50. cikk (1) bekezdése alapján a cukrot az odaítálő határozat kézhezvételének dátumától számított négy héten belül, vagyis 2008. szeptember 29. napjáig ki kell tárólnia, vagy a cukor raktározójával a további tárolásról szerződést kell kötnie.
Tájékoztatom, hogy a megvásárolt cukor raktárból történő kitárolása, illetve a további tárolásra vonatkozó raktározási szerződés megkötésére az MVH engedélye alapján kerülhet sor.
Translation - English We hereby draw your attention to the fact that, in accordance with paragraph (1), in Article 50 of European Commission Regulation no. 952/2006 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No. 318/2006 as regards the management of the Community market in sugar and quota system, the sugar purchased shall be removed from storage not later than four weeks following the date on which the statement of award is received, that is, until September 29, 2008, or the successful tenderer may agree to conclude a storage contract with the warehouser of the sugar concerned.
We hereby inform you that the storage contract for the removal or further storage of the sugar concerned may be concluded with the approval of the MVH.
Hungarian to Romanian: Bylaw of Security Company General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Hungarian A vagyonvédelmi Kft működési szabályzata
III. Egyéb szolgálati utasítások
1. Ruházat, csomag, gépjármű átvizsgálás
2. Alkohol szondás ellenőrzés
3. Arányos mérvű testi erő alkalmazása
4. Támadás elhárító eszközök alkalmazása
5. Talált tárgyakkal kapcsolatos intézkedések
Translation - Romanian Regulamentul de Funcționare al societății cu răspundere limitată din domeniul pazei și protecției bunurilor și valorilor
I. Informații de ordin general
1. Descrierea seviciilor oferite
1.2. Denumirea
1.3. Scopul serviciului
1.4. Părți componente
1.5. Controlul calității muncii
1.6. Statutul legal
1.7. Gestionarea muncii
1.7. Norme și reguli de comportament
1.8. Experiență
1.9. Îmbrăcăminte și echipamente de lucru
II. Responsabilitățile de serviciu și modul de executare
1. Responsabilități
2. Modul de executare
3. Responsabilități în caz de incendiu
III. Alte instrucțiuni legate de serviciu
1. Verificarea îmbrăcămintei, a bagajelor, și a automobilelor
2. Verificarea consumului de alcool prin sondă
3. Folosirea forței fizice de intensitate medie
4. Folosirea instrumentelor de prevenire a atacurilor
5. Proceduri legate de obiecte pierdute, găsite
English to Romanian: Instructions for lorry vehicles General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - English SMOKING IS ONLY PERMITTED IN DESGINATED SMOKING SHELTERS. These are highlighted on the map as the cigarette, shown to the right. No smoking is permitted in the Vehicle Cabs.
NO MATCHES OR LIGHTERS ARE TO BE USED ON SITE. Leave inside the vehicle cab and do not strike a flame inside the cab at any time.
NO RADIOS, MOBILE PHONES OR ANY OTHER PERSONNAL ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT IS TO BE USED OUTSIDE THE VEHICLE CAB, in areas on the map as shown with cross hatching. Designated ‘SAFE’ zones located within these areas have been left unshaded or are shown on the map in green, shown to the right. If these are used inside the cab, the doors and windows must be kept shut.
Translation - Romanian FUMATUL ESTE PERMIS NUMAI ÎN SPAȚIILE ÎNCHISE SPECIAL AMENAJATE PENTRU FUMAT. Acestea sunt marcate pe hartă prin simbolul din dreapta, care reprezintă o țigară. Fumatul nu este permis în cabinele vehicolelor.
A NU SE FOLOSI CHIBRITURI SAU BRICHETE PE ȘANTIER. Lăsați chibriturile sau brichetele în cabină și niciodată nu aprindeți o flacără în interiorul cabinei.
A NU SE FOLOSI RADIOURI, TELEFOANE MOBILE, SAU ORICE ALTE ECHIPAMENTE ELECTRONICE PERSONALE ÎN AFARA CABINEI VEHICOLULUI în zonele de pe hartă marcate cu linii hașurate. Zonele desemnate ca „ZONĂ SIGURĂ” în cadrul acestor locații au fost lăsate nehașurate sau au fost colorate cu verde pe hartă, potrivit simbolului din dreapta. Dacă aceste echipamente sunt folosite în interiorul cabinei, atunci ușile și ferestrele trebuie ținute închise.
Hungarian to English: Summary of a book about Székely Bertalan, 19th century artist General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - Hungarian De kevéssé kutatott területnek számít a nemzetté válás meghatározó szakaszában, egy gyorsan és radikálisan változó társadalmi (politikai, gazdasági és művészeti) környezetben, a 19. század közepén, a kiegyezést megelőző és követő időszak nyilvánosságában a magánszféráról folytatott közbeszéd is; a nők szerepköréről és a nemek viszonyáról folytatott – megelőlegezhetően – sokhangú társadalmi vita, annak meghatározó diskurzusai, a mindennapokat uraló, mégis folytonosan alakuló és változó, általánosan elfogadott ideálok és normák. A „személyes” és a „művészeti” egymással érintkező síkjai mellett tehát a mindkettővel kapcsolatban álló „társadalmi” is jelentős szerepet kap, néhol önálló történetet formálva. Így válnak majd együtt láthatóvá azok a korabeli – majd a (művészet)történet-írásban továbbélő – társadalmi, nemi, műfaji, technikai hierarchiák, normatív kategóriák, amelyek egymással összekapcsolódva és egymást áthatva végül maguk alá gyűrték és láthatatlanná tették Székely (és más nagy emberek, férfiak) személyiségén, életművén, illetve a 19. századi publikum különböző szegmensein túl legfőképpen nők élményeit és életútjait, az ezekről szóló történetekkel együtt.
A marginalizált gyakorlatokat, műveket és műfajokat, közönségrétegeket a köztudatba beemelve alternatív történetet kínálok. Bevallottan – és felvállaltan – nem egy „klasszikus” művészettörténetet. [...] A képi elbeszélések vizsgálatához azonban legjobban a (strukturalista) narratológia közelítései illeszkednek; az átjárást viszont a személyestől a tipikus, az élményektől a diskurzusok és a vágyaktól a szerepek felé a társadalomtörténet-írás újabb elméletei és módszerei könnyíthetik meg. Mindezeket pedig egy kritikai, társadalmi nemi megközelítés hatja át; férfiak és nők viszonyai és az ezekről szóló történetek másképp talán nem is tárgyalhatók a maguk teljességében. De túl kívánok lépni a „nemzeti” keretein is; pontosabban annak konstruálódását kutatom a magánszféráról szóló diskurzusokban épp úgy, mint azokban a („helyihez” igazított) „nemzetközi” képes és szöveges mintákban és modellekben – motívumokban, művekben és zsánerekben –, amelyek, hasonló társadalmi folyamatokat tükrözve, elérhetők és érthetők voltak egész Európában. Nem egyszerű átvételekről van szó; éppen Székely életműve bizonyítja ezeknek a széles körben elterjedt mintáknak a továbbalakítását, formálását; belesimulását egy gazdag, nemzetközi képi nyelvbe, formavilágba, művészeti gyakorlatba. Mindennek azonban az az ára, hogy először azokat a fogalmakat és kategóriákat kell sorravenni, amelyek az eligazodást, a megértést és az értelemzést segíthetik; azokat a művészet- és társadalomtörténeti, interdiszciplináris elgondolásokat, módszereket és elméleteket, amelyek hozzájárulhatnak ahhoz, hogy a szétágazó problémakörök tárgyalhatók legyenek.
Translation - English The public dialogue regarding private sphere carried on in the defining phase of nation-building, in the rapidly and radically changing social (political, economic and artistic) environment of mid-19th century, in the period before and after the compromise, is also a poorly-researched area – and so are the presumably many-voiced social debates on the role of women and the relationship between genders, the defining discourses on the subject, the accepted, albeit frequently transforming, changing ideals and norms that guided everyday life. Thus, alongside the juxtapositions of the “personal” and “artistic”, a significant role is also given to the “social” aspect, touching on both of the above, and at times having an independent history. In this way we can unveil the connection between those contemporary – later on also propagated by (art) history-writing – social, gender, genre, and technical hierarchies and normative categories that woven together and prepossessing each-other have undermined and hidden the experiences and life-trajectories of (especially) women, together with the stories about them, as they were reflected in the personality and oeuvre of Székely (and other great men), and beyond the various segments of the 19th century public sphere.
I am proposing an alternative story by bringing to the fore marginalized practices, creations and genres, public strata. Admittedly, this is not a “classical” study in art history, and I am committed to this principle. [...] But for the analysis of the visual narratives the best approach is offered by (structuralist) narratology. Furthermore, new theories and methods in social history can ease the analysis of the shift from personal to typical, from experiences to discourse, and from desires to social roles. All these are permeated by a critical gender approach – the relationship between men and women and the stories about them can probably not be discussed without this approach in their entirety. But I also want to transgress the boundaries of the “national”; more specifically, I am researching the very construction of the national within the discourses on the private sphere – the “international” (adjusted to the “local”) visual and textual patterns and models – motifs, styles and genres – reflecting similar social processes, could be found and were known throughout Europe. We are not dealing with simple borrowings here; Székely’s oeuvre itself proves the transformation and remake of these pervading models, their penetration into a rich international visual language, form and artistic practice. However, this requires an inventory of all those concepts and categories that might aid our perspective, understanding and analysis; of those interdisciplinary ideas, methods and theories from the history of art and social history, that might allow us to discuss these wide-ranging and diverse problems.
English to Romanian: Academic article about "The Integration of Northern Dobrogea to Romania" General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: History
Source text - English The symbolic adoption of Dobrogea to Romania concealed in fact a fundamental transformation in the Romanian national ideology, intimately linked with the reassessment of Romania’s political role in the Balkans spawned by the achievement of state sovereignty by the Congress of Berlin (1878).
Independent Romania was portrayed as “a new Christian State,” a “new Belgium of the Orient,” “the border of the West” in the East, and “a solid point of order and political equilibrium in Oriental Europe.” Significantly, while crystallizing the Romanian nationalist discourse about Dobrogea, Kogãlniceanu made the link between the annexation of the province and Romania’s European and civilizing vocation: Dobrogea was “a land given [us] by Europe and [one] which sets us in contact with Western Europe.” In his view, Romania’s control over Dobrogea and the Danube Delta was the country’s main asset in becoming a Western (anti-Russian) military bastion, a guarantor of political stability in Eastern Europe and an essential link in the commercial transit between Occident and the Orient. The “insignificant” province of Dobrogea generated thus a major geo-political reassessment of Romania, a fact that accounts for the paramount paradox of its integration process: One would expect that the annexation of the province will consolidate Romania’s Balkan component; instead, Romanian national ideology proclaimed that the integration of Dobrogea strengthened Romania’s links with the West. Prime-Minister Brãtianu suggestively expressed this idea:[...]
After 1878, Romanian political elites implemented in Dobrogea a modernizing nationalist project, meant to consecrate Romania’s integration into the West, and to confer a legitimizing progressive character to the assimilation process. At the same time--in an “Orientalist” manner--Dobrogea was mastered by a bureaucratic nationalism. The result was a three-stage mechanism of ethnic assimilation, economic modernization and cultural homogenization, which combined attempts at sheltered industrialization with a campaign for national consolidation. Built on a restraining citizenship legislation, this mechanism facilitated the integration of Northern Dobrogea with Romania at the following levels: 1) the colonization of Dobrogea with ethnic Romanians; 2) the nationalization of the landed property in the province; 3) the cultural homogenization of Dobrogeans; 4) the implementation of a highly centralized political regime, which promoted the interests of the Bucharest-based political elites and weakened regional political resistance; and, finally 4) the exclusion of Dobrogea’s non-Romanian economic elites from political rights. The following section explores the assimilation strategies employed by Romanian political elites in Dobrogea at the level of administration, citizenship and property legislation.
Translation - Romanian Adoptarea simbolică a Dobrogei de către România în fapt tăinuiește o transformare profundă a ideologiei naționale românești, adânc legată de re-evaluarea rolului politic al României în Balcani, rol născut din obținerea suveranității statale în cadrul Congresului de la Berlin (1878).
România independentă era descrisă prin epitete ca „un nou stat creștin”, o „nouă Belgie a Orientului”, „frontiera vestului” în răsărit, și „un punct solid pentru ordine și echilibru politic în Europa Răsăriteană”. Este grăitor, din acest punct de vedere, faptul că atunci când Kogãlniceanu explica discursul naționalist românesc despre Dobrogea a făcut legătura dintre anexarea provinciei și vocația europeană, civilizatoare a României: Dobrogea a fost „un ținut dat nouă de către Europa și unul care ne pune în legătură cu Europa Occidentală”. În accepțiunea sa, controlul obținut de către România asupra Dobrogei și Deltei Dunării a reprezentat principalul avantaj care a permis transformarea țării în bastion militar occidental (anti-rusesc), garantor al stabilității politice în Europa de Est și punct de legătură esențial al tranzitului comercial dintre Occident și Orient. Astfel, provincia „neînsemnată” Dobrogea a generat o majoră re-evaluare geopolitică a României, fapt ce explică paradoxul suprem în procesul său de integrare: era de așteptat că anexarea provinciei va consolida componenta balcanică a României; în schimb, ideologia națională românească a susținut că integrarea Dobrogei va întări legăturile României cu vestul. Această idee a fost sugestiv exprimată de prim-ministrul Brãtianu:[...]
După 1878 elitele politice românești au implementat în Dobrogea un proiect de modernizare naționalist, menit să consacre integrarea României în occident, și să confere un caracter progresiv legitimant procesului de asimilare. În același timp Dobrogea era condusă—în manieră „orientalistă”—printr- un naționalism birocratic. Rezultatul a fost un mecanism desfășurat în trei etape, și anume, asimilare etnică, modernizare economică și omogenizare culturală, care a îmbinat încercări de industrializare protecționistă cu o campanie pentru consolidarea națională. Acest mecanism, bazat pe o legislație restrictivă privind cetățenia, a facilitat integrarea Dobrogei de Nord în România la următoarele nivele: 1) colonizarea Dobrogei cu etnici români; 2) naționalizarea proprietăților imobiliare în provincie; 3) omogenizarea culturală a dobrogenilor; 4) implementarea unui regim politic puternic centralizat, care a promovat interesele elitelor politice din București, slăbind rezistența politică locală; și, în fine 4) neacordarea de drepturi politice elitelor economice de alte etnii decât cea românească. În următoarea parte a lucrării sunt analizate strategiile de asimilare folosite de elitele politice în Dobrogea la nivelul administrativ, precum și la nivelul legislației privind cetățenia și proprietatea.
Hungarian to English: Tax Return Form (Fragment) General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Law: Taxation & Customs
Source text - Hungarian 53. Adómentes belföldi termékbeszerzés adóalapja 53. 5 %-os kulcs alá tartozó belföldi termékbeszerzés után
54. 20 %-os kulcs alá tartozó belföldi termékbeszerzés, szolgáltatás után
55. Külfölditől igénybe vett szolgáltatás után, illetve terméket saját nevében beszerzőként fizetett adóból levonható összeg
56. Arányosítás alkalmazásával levonható adórész
57. Közösségen belüli beszerzés után levonható adó összege
58. Importált termék után (kivetéssel) megfizetett adó levonható része
59. Importált termék után (önadózással) megfizetett adó levonható része
60. 7%-os mértékű mezőgazdasági kompenzációs felár
61. 12 %-os mértékű mezőgazdasági kompenzációs felár
62. Saját vállalkozáson belül végzett beruházás után
63. Egyéb
64. Összesen (52-63. és 100-101. sorok összege)
65. Tárgyi eszköz beszerzése után levonható adó összege a 64. sor összegéből (apport nélkül)
66. Apport-beszerzés után levonható adó összege a 64. sor összegéből
67. Saját vállakozásban megvalósuló, még nem aktivált beruházás összege
68. EVA alanyoktól történt beszerzések összege a 64. sor összegéből
69. A termékimport után levonható adó az 58-59. sor összegéből a közvetettvámjogi képviselő(k) által megfizetett összeg
Translation - English 53. 5 % tax payable after the acquisition of domestic goods
54. 20 % tax payable after the acquisition of domestic goods and services
55. Amount deductable after tax paid for services provided by a foreign service provider and after tax paid by the buyer
56. Part of tax deductable by scaling
57. Tax deductible from purchases inside the Community
58. Deductible part of tax paid (by assessment) on imported goods
59. Deductible part of tax paid (by self-assessment) on imported goods
60. Compensated agricultural 7% tax rate
61. Compensated agricultural 12% tax rate
62. After acquisitions inside own enterprise
63. Other
64. Total (amounts from lines 52-63 and 100-101)
65. Deductible amount on the acquisition of tangible goods from the amount at line 64 (without apport)
66. Deductible amount after apport from the amount at line 64. Total (amounts from lines 52-63 and 100-101)
67. Amount of non-activated investments made in own enterprise
68. Amount of income from EVA subjects from the amount at line 64
69. Tax deductible after the import of goods from amounts at lines 58-59, the amount paid by intermediary custom representative(s)
Hungarian to Romanian: Description of Cosmetic Products (labels) General field: Other Detailed field: Cosmetics, Beauty
Source text - Hungarian X Testápoló Oliva olajjal
Gyors felszívódású testápoló emulzió. A termék összetételében szereplő oliva olaj közismert hatásait érvényesítő termék. Az olivaolaj késlelteti a ráncok kialakulását, elősegíti a hámsejtek képződését és a bőr megújulását. Kellemes illata diszkrét, mégis hosszan érezhető. Minden bőrtípusra alkalmazható.
X Kamillás Testápoló
Kiváló minőségű testápoló emulzió. Természetes kamilla kivonata a növény népgyógyászati ismereteken alapuló hatásait érvényesíti. A kamilla fontosabb hatásai közül az antimikrobális, gyulladáscsökkentő, sebsarjadzást elősegítő, fekélyellenes és nyugtató hatásai emelhetők ki. Enyhe, gyógynövény jellegű illata diszkrét, feltűnés mentes.
X Testápoló Körömvirág kivonattal
Az irritációra, túlérzékenységre hajlamos bőr ápolására szolgáló készítmény. A körömvirág legfőbb, külsőleg gyakorolt hatásai a következők: rosszul gyógyuló sebek, bőrelváltozások gyógyítása, viszketéscsillapító hatás, fertőtlenítő és gyulladásgátló hatás, valamint sebgyógyulást elősegítő tulajdonságok. Használják bőrrepedések, kisebb sebek, rovarcsípések és napsugárzás okozta bőrgyulladás esetén is. A termék minden bőrtipusra alkalmazható.
Translation - Romanian Emulsie pentru îngrijirea pielii cu ulei de măsline X
Emulsie pentru îngrijirea pielii care se absoarbe rapid. Produsul valorifică efectele benefice cunoscute ale uleiului de măsline din compoziția sa. Uleiul de măsline împiedică apariția ridurilor, hrănește epiderma și regenerează pielea. Parfumul său plăcut este discret, dar durează mult. Poate fi aplicată pe orice tip de piele.
Emulsie pentru îngrijirea pielii cu extract de mușețel X
Emulsie pentru îngrijirea pielii de calitate superioară. Extractul natural de mușețel valorifică efectele plantei bazate pe cunoștințele din medicina populară. Dintre efectele benefice ale mușețelului se remarcă efectul antimicrobian, anti-inflamator, ajută procesul de epitelizare, anti-cangrenic și calmant. Parfumul ușor, de plantă medicinală, nu este deranjant.
Emulsie pentru îngrijirea pielii cu extract de gălbenele X
Este un produs potrivit pentru îngrijirea pielii iritabile și sensibile. Efectele principale externe ale gălbenelelor sunt următoarele: vindecarea rănilor persistente, vindecarea modificărilor pe suprafața pielii, efect anti-mâncărime, efect antiseptic și anti-inflamator, precum și calități de vindecare a rănilor. Folosiți produsul în caz de fisuri ale pielii, la răni mai mici, pișcături de insecte, și în cazul inflamațiilor datorate expunerii la razele ultraviolete. Produsul poate fi aplicat pe orice tip de piele.
Hungarian to English: Independent Auditor's Report General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Hungarian A könyvvizsgáló felelőssége
A mi felelősségünk az éves beszámoló véleményezése, az elvégzett könyvvizsgálat alapján, valamint az üzleti jelentés és az éves beszámoló összhangjának megítélése.
A Társaság (X) 2007. évi éves beszámolóját is én könyvvizsgáltam és xxx-án kelt könyvvizsgálói jelentésemben minősítés nélküli záradékot (véleményt) bocsátottam ki.
A könyvvizsgálatot a magyar Nemzeti könyvvizsgálati Standardok és a könyvvizsgálatra vonatkozó -- Magyarországon érvényes -- törvények és egyéb jogszabályok alapján hajtottuk végre. A fentiek megkövetelik, hogy megfeleljünk bizonyos etikai követelményeknek, valamint hogy a könyvvizsgálatot úgy tervezzük meg és végezzük el, hogy kellő bizonyosságot érezzünk arról, hogy az éves beszámoló nem tartalmaz lényeges hibás állításokat.
A könyvvizsgálat magában foglalja olyan eljárások végrehajtását, amelyek célja könyvvizsgálati bizonyítékokat szerezni az éves beszámolóban szereplő összegekről és közzétélelekről. A kiválasztott eljárások, beleértve az éves beszámoló akár csalásból, akár hibából eredő, lényeges hibás állításai kockázatának felmérését is, a könyvvizsgáló megítélésétől függnek.
Translation - English The auditor’s responsibilities
Our responsibility is to audit the annual report on the basis of the accounting, as well as to express an opininon about the correspondence between the business report and the annual report.
The Corporation’s (X) annual report for 2007 has also been audited by us. In our audit report from xxx, we issued a judgement-free conclusion (opinion).
We conducted our audit in accordance with the Hungarian National Audit Standards and the current accounting laws in Hungary, as well as other relevant regulations. These standards and regulations require that we abide by certain ethical rules, that we perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.
An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. The risks presented by the chosen procedures, including any erroneous facts, be they due to mistakes or fraud, also depend on the judgement of the auditor.
Hungarian to Romanian: Rail road track construction and maintenance technical data and specifications General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - Hungarian 2.3. A talajokkal kapcsolatos tudnivalók
2.3.1. Talajmechanikai alapfogalmak
Talajfelderítés: a talaj rétegződésének, adottságainak vagy hidrológiai viszonyainak helyszíni vizsgálata, kutatása.
Zavart minta: vétele egyszerű eszközökkel történik és csak a talajok aznosítására, víztartalmuk meghatározására szolgál.
Zavartalan minta: vétele kézi kiszúró berendezéssel vagy sajtolással lejuttatott magmintavevővel történik (A kavicsot tarlalmazó, illetve általábna a száraz vagy talajvíz alatti szemcsés talajokból nem tudunk zavartalan mintákat venni.) Ezek a minták szolgáltatják a komplex laboratóriumi vizsgálatok anyagát, és segítségükkel a talajfizikai jellemzők széles köre határozható meg.
- szemcse névleges átmérője ....................... d (mm)
- egyenlőtlenségi mutató .............................. U (―)
- az ásványi szemcsék sűrüsége ...... s (g/cm³)
- fázisos összetétel ...................................... s-v-l (―)
- víztartalom ............................................. w (%)
- hézagtényező ............................................. e (―)
- telitettségi fok ............................................. Sr (―)
- hézagtérfogat ............................................. n (―)
- száraz térfogatsűrűség ....................... d (g/cm³)
- természetes (nedves) térfogatsűrűség ............................. n (g/cm³)
- telitett térfogatsűrüség ...................... t (g/cm³)
- vízalatti térfogatsűrűség ...................... v (g/cm³)
- térfogatsúly ................................... γ (kN/cm³))
- sodrási határ .............................................. (Wþ) (%)
- folyási határ .............................................. (Wι) (%)
- plasztikus index ....................................... (Lþ) (%)
- relatív konzisztenciaindex ................ lc (―)
- áteresztőképességi együttható ............. k (m/s)
- tömörségi fok .............................................. Tгþ (%)
- optimális víztartalom ............................. Wopt (%)
- belső surlódási szög .......................... Ø (grad)
- kohézió .............................................. C (kN/m²)
- összenyomódási modulus .............. Es (MN/m²)
- teherbírási modulus ................................... E2 (Mpa)
Translation - Romanian 2.3. Date referitoare la terenul de fundare
2.3.1. Conceptele fundamentale ale mecanicii solurilor
Prelevare sol: examinarea, cercetarea succesiunii stratigrafice, a caracteristicilor sale, sau ale raporturilor hidrologice pe teren.
Probe tulburate: sunt luate cu instrumente simple şi utilizate doar pentru compararea tipurilor de soluri, la determinarea cantităţii de apă din sol
Probe netulburate: sunt luate cu ajutorul unui utilaj de perforare manual sau a unui prelevator inserat prin perforare (În general, nu se pot lua probe curate din teren de pietriş, ori solurile uscate sau solul granulos de sub pânza freatică.) Aceste probe sunt obiectul încercărilor complexe de laborator şi cu ajutorul lor se stabilesc caracteristicile generale ale
2.3.2. Denumirile, determinările, unităţile de măsură pentru elementele fizicii solurilor
- diametrul nominal la granulaţie ..................... d (mm)
- coeficient de neuniformitate ....................... U (―)
- granulozitate ...................................... s (g/cm³)
- compoziţia fazică ....................................... s-v-l (―)
- conţinutul de apă ....................................... w (%)
- factor de fisură ....................................... e (―)
- cotă de preaplin ........................................ Sr (―)
- diametrul fisurii ....................................... n (―)
- greutatea volumică în stare uscată ....... d (g/cm³)
- greutatea volumică în stare de umiditate (stare naturală) ........................ n (g/cm³)
- diametrul de preaplin ......................... t (g/cm³)
- densitea solului sub pânza freatică ....... v (g/cm³)
- greutate volumetrică ...................... γ (kN/cm³))
- limita de răsucire ....................................... (Wþ) (%)
- limita de frecare ....................................... (Wι) (%)
- indice de plasticitate ............................... (Lþ) (%)
- indice de consistenţă relativă ...................... lc (―)
- coeficient de permeabilitate ...................... k (m/s)
- densitatea ............................................. Tгþ (%)
- umiditate optimă ............................... Wopt (%)
- unghi de frecare interioară ...................... Ø (grad)
- coeziune .............................................. C (kN/m²)
- compresibilitate .............................. Es (MN/m²)
- modulul de încărcare ............................... E2 (Mpa)
Translation education
Master's degree
Years of experience: 24. Registered at Apr 2007.
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Translator, researcher, editor, language teacher.
I have been working as a translator since 2000, mostly as a freelancer.
I have a BA in History and Philology (English Language & Literature, and History), an MA in Comparative History, and I am a certified teacher in Romania, Sweden and now Norway (core academic subject English, History, SVA).
I focus on academic translations, with a specific interest in social sciences (academic articles, primary sources, books). I immensely enjoy translating historical novels, novels tackling historical or sociological themes, and crime fiction.
For further details regarding my work and experience as a translator or if you wish to cooperate with me please contact me at [email protected]
I look forward to working with you!
Ilona Roberts
Keywords: Romanian-English legal translations, Hungarian-English translations, Contracts, Tenders, Social Sciences, Management, Business, Financial translations, Civil Engineering, Translation of technical specifications. See more.Romanian-English legal translations, Hungarian-English translations, Contracts, Tenders, Social Sciences, Management, Business, Financial translations, Civil Engineering, Translation of technical specifications, Balance Sheets, Product descriptions, SAP program, Bill of Quantities, Human Resources, Information Technology translations, Localization, Feasibility studies, EU Tenders, Literary translations, Public relations. See less.
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