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Spanish to English: Guggenheim Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Spanish - Visita relevante:
Se trata de una obra de arte imperdible, y de una razón más de por qué visitar Bilbao. El Museo Guggemheim de Bilbao es el edificio más famoso del arquitecto Frank Gehry. Las paredes tienen una textura de escamas de titanio y el movimiento de sus paredes onduladas nos recuerdan al mar, que envuelven a once mil metros cuadrados donde se exhiben algunas de las colecciones de arte más importantes del mundo.
Translation - English - Outstanding trip:
This site is a not-to-be-missed work of art and just one more reason to visit Bilbao. The Guggenheim Museum is Architect Frank Gehry’s most famous building. The walls, which have a texture of titanium scales, and whose undulations remind us of the sea, enclose eleven thousand square metres where one of the most important collections of art in the World is exhibited.
Spanish to English: La ruta de la política y de la economía en el Perú
Source text - Spanish Una pregunta frecuente en el análisis de la trayectoria nacional desde hace varios años es el camino diferente que siguen la política y la economía. ¿Hasta cuándo marcharán por sendas divergentes?
La política suele atravesar períodos turbulentos. Esto se explica por metidas de pata del gobierno de turno -un rubro en el que, increíblemente, el de Alan García está haciendo méritos suficientes para superar al de Alejandro Toledo- o por la protesta social como consecuencia, en parte, de problemas antiguos y no resueltos en diversas regiones del país.
Hoy, por ejemplo, se producirá en el Congreso la interpelación al premier Jorge del Castillo por el nombramiento indebido de Alberto Pandolfi. La posibilidad de que lo censuren es muy baja, pero no deja de ser un hecho relevante la comparecencia del jefe del gabinete ante el Pleno del Parlamento.
La economía, en cambio, sigue manteniendo una senda de crecimiento sostenido desde hace más de cinco años. En los últimos doce meses, el PBI acumuló un crecimiento de 8.4%. Claro, hablamos de la economía de las empresas y de los grandes agregados, pero a nivel familiar también se experimenta un cambio positivo, aunque todavía existen amplios sectores de la población que no logran engancharse en la senda del progreso.
Así, política y economía han caminado, hasta ahora, por senderos diferentes. Es evidente, sin embargo, que una 'mala política' es, a la larga, una restricción para una 'buena economía'.
Al respecto, una alerta que se prende como luz roja en el tablero de control proviene del Índice de Confianza del Consumidor de Apoyo (Indicca) -el cual recoge la percepción presente y futura de los consumidores-, que en abril cayó en cuatro puntos, reflejando un descenso en todos sus componentes y en todos los niveles socioeconómicos, menos en el A.
Es una caída inesperadamente fuerte en este indicador, aunque debe tenerse en cuenta que todavía se mantiene dentro del rango de los últimos doce meses. Pero puede ser un primer indicio de que el espacio político-social empieza a amenazar al económico.
Translation - English The Paths of Politics and the Economy in Peru
For several years, a common question in the analysis of our country’s trajectory has been to do with the different paths that politics and the economy follow. How long will they be following different paths? Politics usually goes through turbulent times. This is explained either by the meddling of the government of the time, something that, incredibly, Alan Garcia’s government is doing well enough to supersede that of Alejandro Toledo, or by social upheaval, partly as a consequence of old and unsolved problems in different regions of the country.
Today, for example, the Premier Jorge del Castillo will be questioned in Congress about the wrongful appointment of Alberto Pandolfi. The probability that they will censure him is very low but this does not mean that the appearance of a chief of cabinet in a full session of parliament is not a relevant fact.
The economy, on the other hand, has been following a path of sustainable growth for more than five years. In the last twelve months, the GDP has achieved a growth of 8.4%. Of course we are talking about the economy of business and large conglomerates, but a positive change has also been experienced on a family level, although large sections of the population exist that have not been able to get a foot in the door of change.
So until now, politics and the economy have been following different paths. It is evident, however, that “bad politics” is, in the end, a restriction on a “good economy”.
A warning that is a red light on the control panel comes from the Index of Consumer Confidence of Support, which collects the perception of the present and the future from consumers. This index fell by four points in April, reflecting a downwards trend in all its components and in all the socioeconomic classes except that of “A”.
It is an unexpectedly strong fall in this indicator, although it should be taken into account that it is still within the range of the last twelve months, but it might be a first indication that the political-social space is starting to threaten the economy’s space.
Portuguese to English: Airport Manual
Source text - Portuguese - Transferências – Passageiros chegados de avião a determinada escala para seguirem viagem até ao seu destino final num outro voo.
- ET (Electronic Ticket)
Bilhete virtual que, apesar de conter precisamente os mesmos elementos que um bilhete normal, apenas existe na base de dados do transportador, não sendo emitido em papel.
- Check-in no sistema automático (D.C.S.)
A aceitação é feita num sistema computorizado. Caso estejam disponíveis impressoras de cartões de embarque (BPP- Boarding Pass Printer) e de etiquetas (BTP - Boarding Tag Printer), ambos são produzidos pelo sistema automático. Caso contrário, terão de ser emitidos manualmente.
Translation - English - Transfers – Passengers arriving from a plane on a predetermined stop-over in order to continue traveling to their final destination on another flight.
- ET (Electronic Ticket)
Virtual ticket that contains precisely the same elements as a normal ticket but only exists in the transporter’s data base. It is not issued on paper.
- Departure Control System (D.C.S)
The acceptance is dealt with by a computerized system. If Boarding Pass Printers (BPP) and Boarding Tag Printers (BTP) are available, both are produced by the automatic system. If not, they have to be issued manually.
Portuguese to English: Hospital
Source text - Portuguese A intervenção nestes edifícios antigos agora reabilitados utilizou as tecnologias mais avançadas e materiais específicos para garantir toda a funcionalidade dos espaços, quer ao nível do atendimento, consulta externa, diagnóstico, tratamento e ambulatório. A concepção do projecto e a intervenção no Departamento de Radioterapia do Instituto Português de Oncologia (IPO) - Centro Regional de Oncologia de Coimbra - remodelou o edifício, construiu novos acessos a doentes e ambulâncias e instalou novos equipamentos de última geração.
Translation - English During the process of rehabilitation, the most advanced technologies and targeted materials were used to guarantee the functionality of the spaces of these old buildings, be it on the attention, external consultation, diagnostic, treatment or walk-in levels. The concept of the project was based on the needs of the Department of Radiotherapy of the Portuguese Oncology Institute – the Regional Centre of Oncology of Coimbra – who remodeled the building, constructed new ambulance and disabled accesses and installed new latest generation equipment.
Spanish to English: Compensation for Damages
Source text - Spanish COMPENSACION POR DAÑOS
Jenaro Baguero
La obligación legal de reparar un daño puede surgir tanto de Ia acción u omisión culposa o negligente como de la violación de un contrato. Desde que la Ley Aquilia del Derecho Romano, que sirve de antecedentes a los principios del derecho civil moderno, sustituyó con la reparación pecuniaria Ias penas que anteriormente se imponían al que causaba daño, Iesión o agravio a un semejante, el daño normalmente solo puede ser compensado mediante Ia correspondiente indemnización monetaria.1 De hecho, el "Black's Law Dictionary" define daños como "la compensación pecuniaria, o la indemnización, que Ios tribunales pueden conceder a una persona que haya sufrido una pérdida, detrimento o lesión, tanto a su persona como a su propiedad o a sus derechos, como consecuencia de un acto delictivo, o por la omisión o negligencia de otro." Se ha establecido, además, por nuestro Tribunal Supremo, que el derecho a compensación pecuniaria que tiene la víctima de un acto u omisión culposo de otro es un bien patrimonial.2 Por ello, no es extraño que de ordinario en la valoración, o en el cómputo monetario de esa compensación, entren en juego varias aspectos de índole económicas y que por lo tanto Ias economistas tengamos algo que decir sobre el particular.
En el presente trabajo consideraremos algunos de esos aspectos e ilustraremos la manera como, de acuerdo a la jurisprudencia, Ias mismos han sido tratados por los tribunales.
Jenaro Baguero
The legal obligation of compensating damages can come either from culpable or negligent action or omission or equally from the breach of a contract. Since the Lex Aquilia of Roman Law, which serves as an antecedent to the principles of modern civil law, substituted the penalties that were previously imposed on those that caused damages, injury or grievance to a fellow man with monetary reparation, damages can normally only be compensated by the corresponding monetary indemnity. 1 In fact, "Black's Law Dictionary" defines damages as “the monetary compensation or indemnity that the courts can concede to a person that has suffered a loss, detriment or injury to their person, property or their rights as a consequence of a criminal act or through the omission or negligence of another.” It has been established by our Supreme Court, furthermore, that the right of a victim of a culpable act or omission to monetary compensation is a capital asset. 2 Because of this, it is not out of place that ordinarily in the valuation, or in the monetary calculations of the compensation, several aspects of economic character enter into play and that, therefore, we economists have something to say on the matter.
In this paper we will consider some of those aspects and we will illustrate the way in which, in accordance with jurisprudence, they have been dealt with by the courts.
Portuguese to English: Finance
Source text - Portuguese A Sucursal em Londres do XXX é um importante pólo dinamizador do crescimento internacional do Grupo XXX, com actividade centrada no negócio de banca de wholesale no mercado europeu e, em colaboração com o XXX, detém uma presença significativa na actividade de project finance. A Sucursal é autónoma quanto ao funding e contribui activamente para a captação de recursos (+XXX% em 2007). O know how acumulado nos últimos anos tem permitido a diversificação das linhas de negócio actuando como participante em operações estruturadas, underwriting e arranger em operações de leveraged finance e de strutured trade finance. Esta dinâmica expressa-se no acentuado crescimento dos resultados da Sucursal ao longo dos últimos anos (+XXX% em 2007), reforçando a sua posição no desenvolvimento da estratégia internacional do Grupo XXX.
No mercado americano desde 1996, a Sucursal em Nova Iorque do XXX concentra a sua actividade na banca de wholesale, maioritariamente nos EUA e Brasil. Esta presença tem-se revelado crucial na captação de recursos junto de clientes institucionais e corporate americanos (+XXX% em 2007). Posicionando-se nos segmentos alvo das empresas de média e grande dimensão, tem tido uma acelerada especialização dos seus produtos, nomeadamente no crédito (+XXX% em 2007), focalizado em operações de trade finance incluindo structured trade finance e empréstimos sindicados, visível no incremento dos resultados da Sucursal (+XXX% em 2007). A parceria com o XXX iniciada em 2006, tem permitido desenvolver a linha de negócio de project finance.
Translation - English The XXX branch in London is an important energising pole for the international growth of the XXX group, with activities centred on the business of wholesale banking in the European market and, together with XXX, makes up a significant presence in project finance activity. The Branch is autonomous with respect to its funding and actively contributes to fund raising (+XXX% in 2007). The know how accumulated in recent years has allowed the diversification of lines of business, with the Branch acting as a participant in structured operations, underwriting and arranger in leveraged finance and structured trade finance operations. This dynamic is expressed in the enhanced growth of the Branch’s results during the past two years (+XXX% in 2007), reinforcing its position in the development of the XXX Group’s international strategy.
In the American market since 1996, the New York Branch of XXX concentrates its activities on wholesale banking, mainly in the USA and Brazil. This presence has been revealed as being crucial in joint fund raising with institutional customers and corporate Americans (+XXX% in 2007). By aiming at the target segments of medium and large businesses, it has accelerated the specialisation of its products, namely credit (+XXX% in 2007), focussed on trade finance operations including structured trade finance and syndicated loans, which can be seen in the increase of the Branch’s results (+XXX% in 2007). The partnership with XXX, started in 2006, has allowed it to develop its business line of project finance.
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I am adynamic, and experienced freelance translator based in the south of Spain. I have been working in this field for the past 16 years, translating over 1 million words per year. Since birth, in 1982 in the West Country of the UK, I followed my globe-trotting parents from country to country, and thus I have been immersed in various foreign language environments. My language specialties are Spanish and Portuguese to English, and English proof-reading, as well as Spanish transcription, either as a stand-alone service or in conjunction with translation for subsequent subtitling or dubbing.
I achieved the top grades for my A-Levels in Mathematics, Geology and Political Science. I studied Spanish and Translation Studies at the University of Warwick, UK and the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, graduating with honors in 2004.
I specialize in MTPE and long projects with tight deadlines, and have experience in the specialist areas of aviation, rail, mining, geology, alternative power, technology, IT, insurance, health and safety, the environment, tourism, accounting, and general law. Additionally, I have volunteered as a translator for a Peruvian NGO, for whom I have translated a website and several legal documents. I am also willing to consider other volunteer non-paid jobs for good causes on a case by case basis.
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