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Freelancer and outsourcer, Verified site user This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber .
Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, Training, Desktop publishing Specializes in: Automotive / Cars & Trucks Computers (general) Engineering (general) Government / Politics Law (general) Marketing Medical (general) Linguistics
Also works in: Science (general) Telecom(munications) Tourism & Travel Advertising / Public Relations Economics IT (Information Technology) Media / Multimedia Printing & Publishing Transport / Transportation / Shipping
PRO-level points: 4 , Questions answered: 1 Euro (eur), U. S. dollars (usd) Master's degree - Universitat Pompeu Fabra Years of experience: 12. Registered at Feb 2004. N/A N/A N/A DejaVu, STAR Transit, Trados Studio, Wordfast CV/Resume (PDF)
Technical: automobile industry, machinery, software localisation, construction, termical technology, engineering, telecommunications, entertainment technology, lighting, medical technology
Scientific: medicine, pharmacology
Marketing: booklets, catalogues, websites for technical products, radio advertisements, flyers
Legal: contracts, certificates
Financial: balance sheets
Other: politics, sociology, quality management, cosmetics
Keywords: Technical, medical, automobile, machinery, law, economy, engineering, pharmacology, IT, software. See more . Technical, medical, automobile, machinery, law, economy, engineering, pharmacology, IT, software, localisation, politics, medicine, surgery, dentistry, dental materials, medical equipment, clinical trials, pharmaceuticals, biochemistry, physiology, pathology, scientific, medical (journal) articles, doctoral theses, natural and physical sciences, patient reports & consent forms, subtitles, instruction manuals, literature, tourism, books, fiction, documentaries, biology, physics, laser technology, termical technology, cardiology, terminology, contracts, acts, certificates, balance sheets, advertisements, multimedia, websites, marketing, booklets, inmunology, hardware, entertainment technology, telecommunications
. See less . Profile last updated Apr 3, 2018