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Source text - Spanish En los últimos tiempos, en el ámbito de las operaciones societarias y, más concretamente, de las Fusiones y Adquisiciones de empresas (M & A), es habitual oir hablar de operaciones de Leveraged Buy Out (LBO) o Compras Apalancadas de Sociedades. Se trata de diversas formas de la adquisición de un porcentaje mayoritario en el capital social de una sociedad (denominada Empresa objetivo o Target), mediante la búsqueda por el comprador de financiación ajena. El comprador suele ser una sociedad de capital riesgo, una empresa del sector del Target, el propio equipo directivo de esta última (en cuyo caso la operación se conoce como MBO o Management Buy Out), un equipo directivo externo (MBI o Management Buy In) o una combinación de varios de ellos.
Translation - English Recently in the sphere of company operations and more specifically Mergers and Acquisitions of Companies (M & A) it is common to hear of operations known as Leveraged Buy-Outs (LBOs). These consist of various means of acquiring a majority of the share capital of a company (known as the Target Company), with the purchase being financed using external funds. The purchaser tends to be a risk capital company, a company in the same sector as the Target Company, the managers of the latter (in which case the operation is known as an MBO or Management Buy-Out), an external management team (MBI or Management Buy-In) or a combination of various of the above.
Spanish to English: technical Detailed field: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Source text - Spanish El caudal de aire recirculado en circuito cerrado y caliente, después de su paso por intercambiador de gases de cogeneración, entra en contacto con el producto húmedo dentro del Secador y se produce la evaporación del agua. La temperatura de entrada de los gases calientes recirculados al secador es medida con una sonda tipo K, y variará según la alimentación y o humedad del producto. Para conocer y mantener una temperatura de salida de gases del secador constante, se dispone, a la salida del secador, de una sonda que envía la señal al PLC de Control General que ajustará automáticamente la posición de la válvula servocomandada by-pass del intercambiador en función de la demanda. La instalación también dispone de un sistema de detección de partículas incandescentes por medio de tres sensores de rayos infrarrojos que, en caso de emergencia, abrirían dos electroválvulas de acción rápida y se inyectaría, automáticamente, agua pulverizada para eliminar las mismas y evitar el riesgo de incendio.
Translation - English Following its passage through the co-generation gas exchanger, the hot air stream recirculated in closed-circuit enters into contact with the wet product inside the Dehumidifier and the water is evaporated. The temperature of entry of the hot gases re-circulated to the dehumidifier is measured using a K-type probe and varies according to the supply and/or humidity of the product. To establish and maintain a constant temperature for the output of gases from the dehumidifier, the dehumidifier outlet is equipped with a probe which sends a signal to the PLC of the General Control Panel, which in turn automatically adjusts the position of the servo-controlled by-pass valve of the exchanger in accordance with demand. The facility is also equipped with an incandescent particle detection system with three infra-red sensors which in the event of emergency open two quick-action electromagnetic safety valves and automatically spray water to eliminate such particles and avoid the risk of fire.
Spanish to English: art - audioguide tour Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - Spanish El recorrido por la muestra nos enseñará cómo dos trayectorias alejadas al principio, van poco a poco confluyendo, y permitiendo que hagamos comparaciones y descubramos complicidades entre ambos pintores. Al exponer juntos sus cuadros, la obra de uno deberá ayudarnos a entender la del otro.
Ambos alcanzaron una considerable fama internacional cuando aún no habían llegado a la madurez de su edad. Y ambos ganaron en fecha temprana el dinero suficiente como para gozar en su etapa final de una libertad creativa de la que pocos artistas en la historia han podido disfrutar.
Translation - English A tour of the exhibition demonstrates how two initially divergent careers slowly drew together, and enables comparisons which reveal the complicity between the two painters. By exhibiting their paintings together, the work of one leads to an understanding of the other.
Both painters achieved considerable international renown when they had still not fully come of age. And both had at an early stage earned enough money to enjoy a creative liberty in their latter period which few artists in history can claim.
*Commercial and legal documentation and correspondence (deeds, certificates, articles of association, agency contracts, sale and purchase agreements, trade mark applications, distribution contracts, licence agreements, legislation).
* Official documents for NGOs (UN, UNICEF, World Bank, UNDP, MMI-LAC)
* Aerospace/aeronautical translations (technical documentation, press releases, in-house and external publications)
* Translations and voice recordings of audio guides for museums, art galleries, promotional videos and exhibitions
* Proofing and translation of articles for specialist journals(statistics, economics, education, medical)
* Annual accounts and annual reports for companies
* Tourism publications of all kinds (guide books, pamphlets, tourist magazines)
* Technical translations of software applications, waste water treatment plants (project descriptions, electrical installations) hydro-electric complexes (control and monitoring systems - SCADA), fire resistance tests, quality control management, environmental impact reports.
* Translations of web sites (ski resorts, tourism, flamenco, recruitment agencies, educational foundations, food products)
I previously worked for three years with a major New Zealand law firm, giving me first-hand experience of drafting legal documents in my areas of specialisation.