Working languages:
English to Afrikaans
English to Albanian
English to Amharic


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Account type Translation agency/company employee or owner
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Blue Board affiliation:
Services Translation, Desktop publishing
Specializes in:
Advertising / Public RelationsCertificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Government / PoliticsBusiness/Commerce (general)


Experience Registered at Apr 2004. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships ATC
Software N/A
Translation is a profession. Only a qualified and experienced native speaker can capture and re-create the full impact of your ideas, complete with the "between the lines" understanding, for the intended cultural environment. Translation not only requires the top class linguistic skills of a native speaker and their intellectual application but a translator also needs to have an appropriate background or knowledge of the subject being translated.

That is why at AA Global Language Services, we keep an extensive database of professionals to ensure that each individual project is undertaken by the most suitable linguist whose educational and professional background is the most appropriate to the project in hand.

Our database of professionals have extensive knowledge of all Legal, Commercial, Technical and general related areas.

In-keeping with our tradition of offering a high quality professional service, we ensure that all translation work is conducted by native speakers of the target language. Furthermore, we never ask a linguist who is not familiar with the subject to undertake a translation even if they have perfect command of the languages involved.

Some translations, such as those that will be used in court, may need to be certified and/or notarised. We can certify and/or notarise translations as required.

At AA Global Language Services, we offer you a complete "one stop" service from translation to printing. Unless you have your own printing facilities, this would help keep costs down as well as eliminating the need for going to third parties for multilingual printing work.

We can work with all popular DTP software packages and produce translations in PC or Mac format. All our DTP and typesetting work is conducted by linguists, who are aware of such things as where to break words and the nuances of the language in which they are working.

We can supply the end result on Disk, Bromide, Film, Camera Ready Copy or Laser Copy or supply your material printed as per your specifications.

AA Global receives

Profile last updated
Nov 7, 2018