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Source text - Slovak Motlitba nie je len rozhovor s Bohom. Je to aj načúvanie ako on hovorí. Ako vás miluje? Jeho ciest je príliš mnoho na zrátanie. Ľudská tvorivosť ide cez všetko čo si môžte požiadať alebo predstaviť. Aby ste počuli Boha rozprávať, musíte byť schopný počúvať a byť otvorený všetkým jeho možnostiam.
Translation - English Prayer is not onlz talking to God. It is listening to him speak. How does he love you? His ways also are too numerous to count. God's creativity goes beyond anything you can ask or imagine. To hear God speak, you have to be willing to listen and to be open to all possibilities of God.
English to Slovak: 101 ways to talk to God
Source text - English Prayer is talking to God. It is an expression of a love relationship between God and people of faith. In a relationship, ways of expressing love are as many as the kindred spirits involved. Count the meditiations that follow as 101 ways to approach loving conversations with God. Enjoy each one as an idea to help you begin or deepen a loving relationship with him.
Translation - Slovak Motlitba je rozhovor s Bohom. Je to vyjadrenie láskavého vzťahu medzi Bohom a ľuďmi viery. Vo vzťahoch je veľa rôznych spôsobov vyjadrenia lásky do ktorých sú príbuzné duše angažované. Zrátajte si rozjímania ktoré nasledujú ako aj sto jeden ciest ako sa priblížiť láskavou konverzáciou k Bohu. Tešte sa z každej jednej keďže je to aj myšlienka ako pomôcť začať alebo prehĺbiť s ním láskavý vzťah.
Translation education
Master's degree - Brenau University
Years of experience: 35. Registered at Oct 2007.
English to Slovak (Utah Translators and Interpreters Association)
Adobe Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Frontpage, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Visual Basic, Powerpoint
CV available upon request
I can translate from Slovak to English and vice versa as well as Czech to English and vice versa. I lived in the US for 17 years. I completed MBA degree in Business Administration. I have acquired experience in accounting, computer hardware, computer software, information technology, finance, and business.
Keywords: accounting, computer hardware, computer software, information technology, finance, business